Communists and how wrong they are about everything...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A great look at the dumb belief yayem known as socialism/communism...

Are they wrong, stupid or evil?

This column answers this question in detail...

The fact is that people in the Western world work far less for far better living conditions and food than any group of people who have ever lived on Earth, with the exception of natives on tropical islands whose food literally falls off of trees. We live longer, better, more comfortable lives filled with entertainment, and most of us don’t even have physically demanding or dangerous jobs.

We are able to travel millions of miles over our lives should we so choose. I drive rarely, but still put about 8-10,000 miles on my car a year. I take trips that would have taken months not too long ago in the space of hours. People can fly to Hawaii on a whim–a trip that would have been frequently deadly not too long ago.

In other words, even poor people in capitalist societies have pretty great lives by historical standards unless they are drug addicts or mentally ill. And drug addicts and mentally ill people didn’t have it any easier in earlier times.
They object to money without realizing money is simply an efficient way for human beings to trade their skills or labor without barter, and money is just another way to trade–and trade is the only way any of us can get others to labor for us.

The pure Marxist believes that once the necessary totalitarian government has destroyed all the history, culture, traditions, religion, property ownership, guiding principles of humankind, the government can then dissolve and the people will live harmoniously with everybody providing according their means to others according to their needs.

But what they will accomplish was prophesied by the alien in the movie Starman:

In the movie "Starman" the visiting alien at one point explains to the representative of S.E.T.I.: "We are interested in your species. . . You are a strange species. Not like any other. And you'd be surprised how many there are. Intelligent, but savage."

We would become like 'all the others, intelligent, but savage.'

That is because the one factor that figures into the equation that Marxism ignores is human nature. Those who work without receiving will almost always work less. And those who receive without working will work much less or not at all. And before long there are extremely limited 'means' to accommodate the greatly increased 'needs' and the worst side of humanity will evolve with the strong preying on the weak for limited resources and eventually enslaving the weak to serve the strong.

The most succinct explanation for why Marxism is a terrible system was quipped by Ben Franklin in "Poor Richard's Almanac" in 1776:

". . .In my youth, I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer. . .'

Of course all that is academic because in NO case where Marxism was tried, once those achieved power in an authoritarian totalitarian government, they were unwilling to relinquish that power. And you have countries like Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam in which the government dictates to the people what rights and resources they will be allowed to have.
Another thread about "communists" which none of you really know what are.


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