Communists, Radicals Spotted Throughout Climate March In Nyc Demanding ‘revolution, Nothing Less’

When did workers and customers obtain limited liability?

What are they liable for?
The moral obligation to pay debts, perform contracts and make reparation for wrongs. Limited liability is founded on the opposite principle.
Limited liability - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

hmmmmm, wrong. Corporations are also responsible to pay debts, perform contracts and make reparation for wrongs.
Then why aren't corporations responsible to the same extent as individuals are for their crimes?
"Every year the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issues a press release on its Uniform Crime Reporting Program, which determines the 'Nation’s Crime Index.'

"It reports crimes by persons—but it excludes corporate persons, even when the corporations have been convicted of felonies.

"In its entire history, the FBI has never issued an annual report on crimes by corporate persons, although its reports on crimes by human persons are well researched and well publicized.

"The upshot of this is that when you ask people how most money and property are stolen, or how most people are killed, they think of burglars and muggers and bank robbers and crimes of passion.

"They think of human persons.

"The reality, though, is that more money and property are stolen by or lost to corporate criminals than to human criminals.

"Mokhiber’s Corporate Crime Reporter notes that in 1998, when the FBI estimated robberies and burglaries at almost $4 billion, the cost of corporate crimes was in the hundreds of billions... as it is every year."

Unequal Responsibility for Crime

How does a corporation get convicted of a felony? The people in a corporation may commit crimes, but it's idiotic to claim that Exxon committed a felony. How are you going to punish it, put every employee in prison?
Have you heard about the "corporate death penalty"?
"We know what the death penalty for individuals means: Commit an egregious crime, die at the hands of the state.

"What does it mean to talk about the ''death penalty'' for corporations?

"Simply this: Commit an egregious wrong, and have your charter revoked.

"In other words, lose the state's permission to exist.

"It's an intriguing concept, because most of us never think about corporations needing anyone's permission to exist.

"But they do."
CorpWatch The Death Penalty for Corporations Comes of Age
Are you saddened by that concept?
, the cost of corporate crimes was in the hundreds of billions... as it is every year."
if so why are you so afraid to give us your latest best examples of these corporate crimes? What does you fear tell us?

Only a brain dead liberal Marxist would be critical of corporations when they keep us from the stone age with their jobs and products!
Fear the Rich; they are coming for your gun:ack-1:


1) F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
Type of Crime: Antitrust
Criminal Fine: $500 million
12 Corporate Crime Reporter 21(1), May 24, 1999

"The Swiss pharmaceutical giant, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., pled guilty and agreed to pay a record $500 million criminal fine for leading a worldwide conspiracy to raise and fix prices and allocate market shares for certain vitamins sold in the United States and elsewhere.

"In Dallas, the Department of Justice charged the company with conspiring to fix, raise, and maintain prices, and allocate the sales volumes of vitamins sold by them and other unnamed co-conspirator companies in the U.S. and elsewhere.

"Federal officials also allege that the company allocated contracts for vitamin premixes for customers throughout the U.S. and rigged the bids for those contracts.

"The conspiracy lasted from January 1990..."

Corporate Crime Reporter
EB: Only a brain dead liberal Marxist would be critical of corporations when they keep us from the stone age with their jobs and products!

1) F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
Type of Crime: Antitrust
Criminal Fine: $500 million
12 Corporate Crime Reporter 21(1), May 24, 1999

dear, we live in a $15 trillion dollar economy. Their "very serious crime" against capitalist competition probably cost most Americans $1.00 per year in higher food costs. But then again maybe not because artificially high prices inspire competition which lowers prices. Also, imagine the huge huge irony in a lib commie expecting companies to compete when libcommies want to abolish corporations with socialism? It's stupid beyond words!
But this is exactly what we expect from liberals.
What are they liable for?
The moral obligation to pay debts, perform contracts and make reparation for wrongs. Limited liability is founded on the opposite principle.
Limited liability - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

hmmmmm, wrong. Corporations are also responsible to pay debts, perform contracts and make reparation for wrongs.
Then why aren't corporations responsible to the same extent as individuals are for their crimes?
"Every year the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issues a press release on its Uniform Crime Reporting Program, which determines the 'Nation’s Crime Index.'

"It reports crimes by persons—but it excludes corporate persons, even when the corporations have been convicted of felonies.

"In its entire history, the FBI has never issued an annual report on crimes by corporate persons, although its reports on crimes by human persons are well researched and well publicized.

"The upshot of this is that when you ask people how most money and property are stolen, or how most people are killed, they think of burglars and muggers and bank robbers and crimes of passion.

"They think of human persons.

"The reality, though, is that more money and property are stolen by or lost to corporate criminals than to human criminals.

"Mokhiber’s Corporate Crime Reporter notes that in 1998, when the FBI estimated robberies and burglaries at almost $4 billion, the cost of corporate crimes was in the hundreds of billions... as it is every year."

Unequal Responsibility for Crime

How does a corporation get convicted of a felony? The people in a corporation may commit crimes, but it's idiotic to claim that Exxon committed a felony. How are you going to punish it, put every employee in prison?
Have you heard about the "corporate death penalty"?
"We know what the death penalty for individuals means: Commit an egregious crime, die at the hands of the state.

"What does it mean to talk about the ''death penalty'' for corporations?

"Simply this: Commit an egregious wrong, and have your charter revoked.

"In other words, lose the state's permission to exist.

"It's an intriguing concept, because most of us never think about corporations needing anyone's permission to exist.

"But they do."
CorpWatch The Death Penalty for Corporations Comes of Age
Are you saddened by that concept?

That would violate the property rights of all the share holders. Of course, we already know you don't give a fig about the share holders.

BTW, the Supreme Court agrees with what I posted above, so why are you complaining about it? I thought you believed that the SC was the ultimate authority on the Constitution.

1) F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
Type of Crime: Antitrust
Criminal Fine: $500 million
12 Corporate Crime Reporter 21(1), May 24, 1999

dear, we live in a $15 trillion dollar economy. Their "very serious crime" against capitalist competition probably cost most Americans $1.00 per year in higher food costs. But then again maybe not because artificially high prices inspire competition which lowers prices. Also, imagine the huge huge irony in a lib commie expecting companies to compete when libcommies want to abolish corporations with socialism? It's stupid beyond words!
But this is exactly what we expect from liberals.

It's not a crime, Nimrod. It's just a violation of some irrational regulation.

Anti-trust violations are bogus. For one thing, they aren't criminal violations. For another, the only crime committed is doing too good of a job of competing against other corporations. Filing anti-trust lawsuits against a competitor is a favored tactic for losers in the market place to strike at those who are doing a better job.
keep your head buried in the sand it's certainly a lot easier.
carry on being a follower it suits you
What's your explanation for why so many US cities have signed on to Agenda 21?

Politicians are scumbags.
Only those who serve the richest 1% of humanity at the expense of the majority of voters.

They're all scumbags, especially the one who promise to loot the wealthy for the benefit of parasites.
They are scumbags because they defend corporate killers from being held accountable for their crimes:

"In 1998 one of America’s largest meatpacking companies replaced a refrigeration unit on one of its processing lines. Shortly thereafter the detectors it had in place on the line to look for deadly cold-loving bacteria like Listeria monocytogenes started to react, indicating high levels of bacterial contamination.4

"The company’s response was immediate... 'Then their tests started coming up positive, so they stopped testing.'

"This company’s Fourth Amendment right to privacy blocked surprise inspections by the government.

"The detectors were apparently turned off for a full month before the Centers for Disease Control, frantically trying to find the source of the bacteria that was killing people—mostly children—all over the United States, used DNA fingerprinting to track the bacteria that was causing a national outbreak of Listeria back to the plant, provoking a nationwide recall of a million pounds of product.

"But during that month, hundreds of people consuming this company’s products were sickened by Listeria, and twenty-one humans died from it."

Just one more example of wealthy parasites looting society with impunity.

Unequal Responsibility for Crime

And no one was prosecuted for stopping the testing?

I find that difficult to believe. Why can't you mention the company's name? My guess is that your story is utterly bogus. We can safely assume that's the case until you provide enough details for us to research it ourselves.
"It's an intriguing concept, because most of us never think about corporations needing anyone's permission to exist.

of course that is utterly and completely stupid but perfectly liberal. Capitalism bankrupts about 100,000 corporations each month!! The brainwashed Marxist wants to kill off some corporations without knowing that capitalism does it for him 1 million times more than he wants in his silly marxist fantasy.
"It's an intriguing concept, because most of us never think about corporations needing anyone's permission to exist.

of course that is utterly and completely stupid but perfectly liberal. Capitalism bankrupts about 100,000 corporations each month!! The brainwashed Marxist wants to kill off some corporations without knowing that capitalism does it for him 1 million times more than he wants in his silly marxist fantasy.

hating corporations is like hating your mother because she's imperfect. They got us from the stone age to here, keep us here and moving forward, and only a brainwashed, braindead Marxist could hate them. Do you hate your mother too?
keep your head buried in the sand it's certainly a lot easier.
carry on being a follower it suits you
What's your explanation for why so many US cities have signed on to Agenda 21?

Politicians are scumbags.
Only those who serve the richest 1% of humanity at the expense of the majority of voters.

They're all scumbags, especially the one who promise to loot the wealthy for the benefit of parasites.
They are scumbags because they defend corporate killers from being held accountable for their crimes:

"In 1998 one of America’s largest meatpacking companies replaced a refrigeration unit on one of its processing lines. Shortly thereafter the detectors it had in place on the line to look for deadly cold-loving bacteria like Listeria monocytogenes started to react, indicating high levels of bacterial contamination.4

"The company’s response was immediate... 'Then their tests started coming up positive, so they stopped testing.'

"This company’s Fourth Amendment right to privacy blocked surprise inspections by the government.

"The detectors were apparently turned off for a full month before the Centers for Disease Control, frantically trying to find the source of the bacteria that was killing people—mostly children—all over the United States, used DNA fingerprinting to track the bacteria that was causing a national outbreak of Listeria back to the plant, provoking a nationwide recall of a million pounds of product.

"But during that month, hundreds of people consuming this company’s products were sickened by Listeria, and twenty-one humans died from it."

Just one more example of wealthy parasites looting society with impunity.

Unequal Responsibility for Crime

I found the incident you mentioned, despite the deliberate lack of details in your post:

Poisoned Package

But it was also because the Agriculture Department -- in contradiction of its own policies -- failed to issue a press release informing the public of the danger, even though the CDC already had reported four deaths. Instead, USDA relied on an announcement issued by Bil Mar that did not mention the full scope of the recall or the dire nature of the illness, let alone the deaths.

So it appears the USDA was responsible for the lack of publicity about the incident, not any concern over the 4th Amendment rights of the corporation. The lack of publicity occurred after the CDC had already pinpointed the source of the Listeria outbreak.
What's your explanation for why so many US cities have signed on to Agenda 21?

Politicians are scumbags.
Only those who serve the richest 1% of humanity at the expense of the majority of voters.

They're all scumbags, especially the one who promise to loot the wealthy for the benefit of parasites.
They are scumbags because they defend corporate killers from being held accountable for their crimes:

"In 1998 one of America’s largest meatpacking companies replaced a refrigeration unit on one of its processing lines. Shortly thereafter the detectors it had in place on the line to look for deadly cold-loving bacteria like Listeria monocytogenes started to react, indicating high levels of bacterial contamination.4

"The company’s response was immediate... 'Then their tests started coming up positive, so they stopped testing.'

"This company’s Fourth Amendment right to privacy blocked surprise inspections by the government.

"The detectors were apparently turned off for a full month before the Centers for Disease Control, frantically trying to find the source of the bacteria that was killing people—mostly children—all over the United States, used DNA fingerprinting to track the bacteria that was causing a national outbreak of Listeria back to the plant, provoking a nationwide recall of a million pounds of product.

"But during that month, hundreds of people consuming this company’s products were sickened by Listeria, and twenty-one humans died from it."

Just one more example of wealthy parasites looting society with impunity.

Unequal Responsibility for Crime

I found the incident you mentioned, despite the deliberate lack of details in your post:

Poisoned Package

But it was also because the Agriculture Department -- in contradiction of its own policies -- failed to issue a press release informing the public of the danger, even though the CDC already had reported four deaths. Instead, USDA relied on an announcement issued by Bil Mar that did not mention the full scope of the recall or the dire nature of the illness, let alone the deaths.

So it appears the USDA was responsible for the lack of publicity about the incident, not any concern over the 4th Amendment rights of the corporation. The lack of publicity occurred after the CDC had already pinpointed the source of the Listeria outbreak.
Are you disappointed in your boy Bush for his response to the corporate death penalty?
"The U.S. Attorney’s office, according to Mokhiber and Weissman, 'said there was insufficient evidence to bring a felony charge' against the company.

"Instead the company paid a $200,000 fine and issued an unprecedented joint press release with the Bush administration’s USDA that managed to say that the company had paid the fine without ever mentioning the brand name of the product that had been contaminated and caused the deaths.

"Mokhiber and Weissman raised the case at the White House with Press Secretary Ari Fleischer. Here’s the transcript of the interaction:

"Question: Ari, has the president expressed a view on the death penalty for corporate criminals—that is, revoking the charter of a corporation that has been convicted of a crime that resulted in death?

"Fleischer: The president does not weigh in on those matters of justice. They should not be dictated by decisions made at the White House.

"Question: No, Ari, wait a second. Ari, Ari, wait a second. He’s in favor of the death penalty for individuals generally. Is he in favor of the death penalty for corporations convicted of crimes that result in death?"
Are you?

Unequal Responsibility for Crime
"It's an intriguing concept, because most of us never think about corporations needing anyone's permission to exist.

of course that is utterly and completely stupid but perfectly liberal. Capitalism bankrupts about 100,000 corporations each month!! The brainwashed Marxist wants to kill off some corporations without knowing that capitalism does it for him 1 million times more than he wants in his silly marxist fantasy.

hating corporations is like hating your mother because she's imperfect. They got us from the stone age to here, keep us here and moving forward, and only a brainwashed, braindead Marxist could hate them. Do you hate your mother too?
Did you know your mother?
"It's an intriguing concept, because most of us never think about corporations needing anyone's permission to exist.

of course that is utterly and completely stupid but perfectly liberal. Capitalism bankrupts about 100,000 corporations each month!! The brainwashed Marxist wants to kill off some corporations without knowing that capitalism does it for him 1 million times more than he wants in his silly marxist fantasy.
"If Corporations Are Persons, Why Aren’t Their Crimes in the (FBI) Statistics?

"Every year the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issues a press release on its Uniform Crime Reporting Program, which determines the 'Nation’s Crime Index.'

"It reports crimes by persons—but it excludes corporate persons, even when the corporations have been convicted of felonies.

"In its entire history, the FBI has never issued an annual report on crimes by corporate persons, although its reports on crimes by human persons are well researched and well publicized.

"The upshot of this is that when you ask people how most money and property are stolen, or how most people are killed, they think of burglars and muggers and bank robbers and crimes of passion.

"They think of human persons.

"The reality, though, is that more money and property are stolen by or lost to corporate criminals than to human criminals. Mokhiber’s Corporate Crime Reporter notes that in 1998, when the FBI estimated robberies and burglaries at almost $4 billion, the cost of corporate crimes was in the hundreds of billions... as it is every year."

Why do you believe corporations are above the law, Sweetie?

Unequal Responsibility for Crime
The moral obligation to pay debts, perform contracts and make reparation for wrongs. Limited liability is founded on the opposite principle.
Limited liability - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

hmmmmm, wrong. Corporations are also responsible to pay debts, perform contracts and make reparation for wrongs.
Then why aren't corporations responsible to the same extent as individuals are for their crimes?
"Every year the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issues a press release on its Uniform Crime Reporting Program, which determines the 'Nation’s Crime Index.'

"It reports crimes by persons—but it excludes corporate persons, even when the corporations have been convicted of felonies.

"In its entire history, the FBI has never issued an annual report on crimes by corporate persons, although its reports on crimes by human persons are well researched and well publicized.

"The upshot of this is that when you ask people how most money and property are stolen, or how most people are killed, they think of burglars and muggers and bank robbers and crimes of passion.

"They think of human persons.

"The reality, though, is that more money and property are stolen by or lost to corporate criminals than to human criminals.

"Mokhiber’s Corporate Crime Reporter notes that in 1998, when the FBI estimated robberies and burglaries at almost $4 billion, the cost of corporate crimes was in the hundreds of billions... as it is every year."

Unequal Responsibility for Crime

How does a corporation get convicted of a felony? The people in a corporation may commit crimes, but it's idiotic to claim that Exxon committed a felony. How are you going to punish it, put every employee in prison?
Have you heard about the "corporate death penalty"?
"We know what the death penalty for individuals means: Commit an egregious crime, die at the hands of the state.

"What does it mean to talk about the ''death penalty'' for corporations?

"Simply this: Commit an egregious wrong, and have your charter revoked.

"In other words, lose the state's permission to exist.

"It's an intriguing concept, because most of us never think about corporations needing anyone's permission to exist.

"But they do."
CorpWatch The Death Penalty for Corporations Comes of Age
Are you saddened by that concept?

That would violate the property rights of all the share holders. Of course, we already know you don't give a fig about the share holders.

BTW, the Supreme Court agrees with what I posted above, so why are you complaining about it? I thought you believed that the SC was the ultimate authority on the Constitution.
I don't believe shareholders are above the law or SCOTUS represents any interests other than those of the richest one percent of parasites. Why do you?
hmmmmm, wrong. Corporations are also responsible to pay debts, perform contracts and make reparation for wrongs.
Then why aren't corporations responsible to the same extent as individuals are for their crimes?
"Every year the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issues a press release on its Uniform Crime Reporting Program, which determines the 'Nation’s Crime Index.'

"It reports crimes by persons—but it excludes corporate persons, even when the corporations have been convicted of felonies.

"In its entire history, the FBI has never issued an annual report on crimes by corporate persons, although its reports on crimes by human persons are well researched and well publicized.

"The upshot of this is that when you ask people how most money and property are stolen, or how most people are killed, they think of burglars and muggers and bank robbers and crimes of passion.

"They think of human persons.

"The reality, though, is that more money and property are stolen by or lost to corporate criminals than to human criminals.

"Mokhiber’s Corporate Crime Reporter notes that in 1998, when the FBI estimated robberies and burglaries at almost $4 billion, the cost of corporate crimes was in the hundreds of billions... as it is every year."

Unequal Responsibility for Crime

How does a corporation get convicted of a felony? The people in a corporation may commit crimes, but it's idiotic to claim that Exxon committed a felony. How are you going to punish it, put every employee in prison?
Have you heard about the "corporate death penalty"?
"We know what the death penalty for individuals means: Commit an egregious crime, die at the hands of the state.

"What does it mean to talk about the ''death penalty'' for corporations?

"Simply this: Commit an egregious wrong, and have your charter revoked.

"In other words, lose the state's permission to exist.

"It's an intriguing concept, because most of us never think about corporations needing anyone's permission to exist.

"But they do."
CorpWatch The Death Penalty for Corporations Comes of Age
Are you saddened by that concept?

That would violate the property rights of all the share holders. Of course, we already know you don't give a fig about the share holders.

BTW, the Supreme Court agrees with what I posted above, so why are you complaining about it? I thought you believed that the SC was the ultimate authority on the Constitution.
I don't believe shareholders are above the law or SCOTUS represents any interests other than those of the richest one percent of parasites. Why do you?

I have no idea what the second part of your post means.

Who said shareholders are above the law? If they rob someone, they go to jail. However, no one goes to jail for buying a share of stock.
, the cost of corporate crimes was in the hundreds of billions... as it is every year."

too stupid. I asked for your best example of corporate crime and you picked a drug company 20 years ago that committed a very very petty crime while also in a business that employs 1000's of Ph.Ds working around the clock saving millions of lives each year!!

You are a braindead, brainwashed Marxist fool and that is being generous given the level of ignorance.
, the cost of corporate crimes was in the hundreds of billions... as it is every year."

too stupid. I asked for your best example of corporate crime and you picked a drug company 20 years ago that committed a very very petty crime while also in a business that employs 1000's of Ph.Ds working around the clock saving millions of lives each year!!

You are a braindead, brainwashed Marxist fool and that is being generous given the level of ignorance.
You still can't even keep track of your own questions/deflections, can you, Sweetie?

Try again:

"More people die as a result of corporate activity than because of the actions of deranged killers or overwrought spouses. According to Corporate Crime Reporter, the FBI reported that 1998 saw about nineteen thousand Americans murdered at the hands of other people.

"But that same year fifty-six thousand people died from work-related diseases like black lung and asbestosis—that were unreported by the FBI—and many times that number died from 'the silent violence of pollution, contaminated food, hazardous consumer products, and hospital malpractice.'”

Surely, you simplistic fat-cats don't endorse hospital malpractice..or do you?

Unequal Responsibility for Crime
"More people die as a result of corporate activity than because of the actions of deranged killers or overwrought spouses.

dear that s because there are 25 million corporations in America!! with most of America involved in their activities!!! Do you get it now?

too stupid!! I asked for best example of corporate crime and you found tiny tiny price fixing case from 20 years ago, but now you have switched to corporate murder. Ok dummy give us your best example on your new subject!!
"More people die as a result of corporate activity than because of the actions of deranged killers or overwrought spouses.

dear that s because there are 25 million corporations in America!! with most of America involved in their activities!!! Do you get it now?

too stupid!! I asked for best example of corporate crime and you found tiny tiny price fixing case from 20 years ago, but now you have switched to corporate murder. Ok dummy give us your best example on your new subject!!

More people died in the Soviet Union for work related activity, but there were no corporations in the Soviet Union.
, the cost of corporate crimes was in the hundreds of billions... as it is every year."

too stupid. I asked for your best example of corporate crime and you picked a drug company 20 years ago that committed a very very petty crime while also in a business that employs 1000's of Ph.Ds working around the clock saving millions of lives each year!!

You are a braindead, brainwashed Marxist fool and that is being generous given the level of ignorance.
You still can't even keep track of your own questions/deflections, can you, Sweetie?

Try again:

"More people die as a result of corporate activity than because of the actions of deranged killers or overwrought spouses. According to Corporate Crime Reporter, the FBI reported that 1998 saw about nineteen thousand Americans murdered at the hands of other people.

"But that same year fifty-six thousand people died from work-related diseases like black lung and asbestosis—that were unreported by the FBI—and many times that number died from 'the silent violence of pollution, contaminated food, hazardous consumer products, and hospital malpractice.'”

Surely, you simplistic fat-cats don't endorse hospital malpractice..or do you?

Unequal Responsibility for Crime

More people died in the Soviet Union for work related activity, but there were no corporations in the Soviet Union. So where do you get off placing the blame on corporations?

Most cases of asbestosis are the result of exposure from many years ago. Use of asbestos is now outlawed for all practical purposes. In the past asbestos was used because no one knew it was dangerous. Asbestosis was caused by general human ignorance, not because corporations are evil and willing to kill people to make a profit.

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