Community Investment? Oh, Please

If blacks are equal then why should we treat them differently then anyone else??? I don't get sonny argument based on this reality.

If they commit a crime they deserve to be arrested.
No one should be treated any differently than anyone else. FYI - they are arrested whether they commit a crime or not. EXAMPLE: Mr. Gray.
I looked up Freddie Gray's arrest and conviction record. How this guy was not in prison is a miracle.
Over 25 arrests. The guy spent more time in the system the outside of it.
You're deflecting from the issue at hand. This thread isn't about the "big bad police", it's about the black population being given every possible hand up and STILL not getting it done. If you want to cop bash start a thread on that

Another clueless, racist bigot thread. STFU. If anyone knows about receiving public assistance, it's you.
No one pays you anymind, you racist. You showed your true hatred for whites in another thread.

No, I didn't. I showed empathy for another race. Try it sometime, it will help heal the problem and fix yours.
Everyone on here knows you hate white people. They are not as stupid as you think they are.

As far as my problems go.
I own my home, a ford f150 extended cab, a ford mustang, have no credit card debt, a great family, a bunch of pets, and just finished eating pulled pork bbq, and washed it down with a hot fudge cake from the dairy dream just down the road.

Am I blessed? Oh hell yes, did I do my part to earn it, oh hell yes, 15 hour work days 6 days a week minimum, for almost 20 years, now, I don't have to work near as hard, and life is much more enjoyable.

Not bad for a poor white boy, who never graduated high school, and married when he was 17 to a 17 year old girl, who is still at his side, just over 27 years later.

Other than having to take care of those who refuse to take care of themselves, please tell me, what problems are prominent in my life?


The problem isn't in the bed of your redneck truck. It's between your ears.
And its NoPeePee chiming in with the crap that has made her Number One Laughingstock on this site.

Detroit experienced rioting in the 1960s. It drove away the Jewish owned businesses and helped turn the city into the slum it is today. Baltimore will soon be added to the list of failed cities run by black Democrats.
The problems start with the fact that these children don't have any morality or will to improve themselves. I agree that those communities need infrastructure, science, r&d and education!!! Taking that away will just hurt and make this mess spread.

I heard that the Baltimore city schools are 4th in the nation at $18,000 a year per student. I also heard many of the kids drop out or only go to school once in a while. Many of these kids don't have a dad to see that they do what is right. Nobody is talking about taking anything away from them. could see this just by listening to the protesters that were being interviewed as they tried to communicate with the media. Most of them couldn't string a coherent sentence together.
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The problems start with the fact that these children don't have any morality or will to improve themselves. I agree that those communities need infrastructure, science, r&d and education!!! Taking that away will just hurt and make this mess spread.

You can invest until doomsday but until they have the will and desire to achieve you are throwing money away. All you need to do is look at inner cities for proof of that
What about encouragement and opportunities?
Again....Look to Baltimore City Hall......From there should come the leadership that attracts private investment.

Years ago, back in the 70's, downtown Indianapolis was a rat hole, no community, few businesses and it wasn't safe to go there after dark. They did it right, they attracted businesses, cleaned up the downtown area and it began to thrive, today it's very nice and they are slowly expanding it to the neighborhoods. That sort of investment I can live with, it produced results.

Yeah, and that's why you've got an HIV epidemic in Indiana now, right?

Indiana Governor to Approve Needle Exchanges to Fight H.I.V.
Investing in these neighborhoods will bear nothing, they are money pits, all we are doing is throwing money down the drain. They are born into the welfare state and make it a career

Community Investment? Oh, Please

In the face of the Baltimore riots, President Obama is reportedly resigned that nothing much can be done to prevent similar events in the future because of Republican opposition to any greater “investment” by the federal government in mainly black inner-city communities.

“Investment”? What a joke! An investment is something from which you expect a return, and those communities have about as much chance of paying anyone back anything as Confederate War Bonds do of suddenly maturing at ten percent compound.

These communities are not an “investment”; they’re an expense! The biggest money hole in the history of the human race. Since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty program was enacted, we have spent over fifteen trillion – with a t – on welfare (AFDC and other programs), Food Stamps, WIC stamps, free pre-school, free primary and secondary education, free medical care, free cell phones, Section 8 housing assistance, food pantries, free transportation to the Social Services Office and your medical appointments, free legal services, and I don’t know what else because I haven’t the stomach to look any further.

Articles Community Investment Oh Please

According to Repubs, poor countries are "emergin markets".

Poor areas of the US are to be ignored and crapped on.

How about we invest in our own country, our own people and our own future?
Trillions of dollars have been poured into shitholes like Detroit in "investments." All it has done is lined politicians pockets in those places.
It's funny how the RWnuts think that the military can't survive without more and more money,

but that everything else in society would be better off with less money.
Military spending is non discretionary. And the US Constitution requires the government 'maintain a standing army'....
Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?
The problems start with the fact that these children don't have any morality or will to improve themselves. I agree that those communities need infrastructure, science, r&d and education!!! Taking that away will just hurt and make this mess spread.

You can invest until doomsday but until they have the will and desire to achieve you are throwing money away. All you need to do is look at inner cities for proof of that
What about encouragement and opportunities?
Again....Look to Baltimore City Hall......From there should come the leadership that attracts private investment.

Years ago, back in the 70's, downtown Indianapolis was a rat hole, no community, few businesses and it wasn't safe to go there after dark. They did it right, they attracted businesses, cleaned up the downtown area and it began to thrive, today it's very nice and they are slowly expanding it to the neighborhoods. That sort of investment I can live with, it produced results.

Yeah, and that's why you've got an HIV epidemic in Indiana now, right?

Indiana Governor to Approve Needle Exchanges to Fight H.I.V.
WTF does that have to do with Indianapolis? NoPeePee strkes again!
The problems start with the fact that these children don't have any morality or will to improve themselves. I agree that those communities need infrastructure, science, r&d and education!!! Taking that away will just hurt and make this mess spread.

I heard that the Baltimore city schools are 4th in the nation at $18,000 a year per student. I also heard many of the kids drop out or only go to school once in a while. Many of these kids don't have a dad to see that they do what is right. Nobody is talking about taking anything away from them. could to this just by listening to the protesters that were being interviewed as they tried to communicate with the media. Most of them couldn't string a coherent sentence together.

If you were watching Fox, Geraldo was very choice with whom he talked to.

If you had to argue with this guy who took the Fox asshole down, he'd leave your silly ass sputtering, too.

Well, someone needs to inform Mr. Obama that the problem is NOT "community", the problem is "out-of-control" members of law enforcement, and the pathetic system called "justice". Fix the "cop" problem, and fix the injustices in our judicial system, and all will be well.

Are you claiming that a city run by blacks and Dems for the last 5 decades is racist? And three of the cops in Baltimore who have been charged are black, yet racist against other black?

You think that racist cops are at fault for inner city violence, drug use, school drop out rates and the growing welfare state?

I think an entitlement mentality on top of being brainwashed to believe that they can't function in society due to racism is the problem. Who have these rioters been influenced by their whole lives? They sure aren't listening to the right.
The problems start with the fact that these children don't have any morality or will to improve themselves. I agree that those communities need infrastructure, science, r&d and education!!! Taking that away will just hurt and make this mess spread.

You can invest until doomsday but until they have the will and desire to achieve you are throwing money away. All you need to do is look at inner cities for proof of that
What about encouragement and opportunities?
Again....Look to Baltimore City Hall......From there should come the leadership that attracts private investment.

Years ago, back in the 70's, downtown Indianapolis was a rat hole, no community, few businesses and it wasn't safe to go there after dark. They did it right, they attracted businesses, cleaned up the downtown area and it began to thrive, today it's very nice and they are slowly expanding it to the neighborhoods. That sort of investment I can live with, it produced results.

Yeah, and that's why you've got an HIV epidemic in Indiana now, right?

Indiana Governor to Approve Needle Exchanges to Fight H.I.V.
Moron....The HIV thing is not in Indianapolis.
And the sharing of dirty needles among heroin uses has precisely DICK to do with the OP's statement.
Such a stupid statement you made.
You can invest until doomsday but until they have the will and desire to achieve you are throwing money away. All you need to do is look at inner cities for proof of that
What about encouragement and opportunities?
Again....Look to Baltimore City Hall......From there should come the leadership that attracts private investment.

Years ago, back in the 70's, downtown Indianapolis was a rat hole, no community, few businesses and it wasn't safe to go there after dark. They did it right, they attracted businesses, cleaned up the downtown area and it began to thrive, today it's very nice and they are slowly expanding it to the neighborhoods. That sort of investment I can live with, it produced results.

Yeah, and that's why you've got an HIV epidemic in Indiana now, right?

Indiana Governor to Approve Needle Exchanges to Fight H.I.V.
WTF does that have to do with Indianapolis? NoPeePee strkes again!

LOL My understanding is the HIV outbreak is in southern Indiana and due to those that failed to apply themelves and turned to drugs...most likely welfare democrats
You can invest until doomsday but until they have the will and desire to achieve you are throwing money away. All you need to do is look at inner cities for proof of that
What about encouragement and opportunities?
Again....Look to Baltimore City Hall......From there should come the leadership that attracts private investment.

Years ago, back in the 70's, downtown Indianapolis was a rat hole, no community, few businesses and it wasn't safe to go there after dark. They did it right, they attracted businesses, cleaned up the downtown area and it began to thrive, today it's very nice and they are slowly expanding it to the neighborhoods. That sort of investment I can live with, it produced results.

Yeah, and that's why you've got an HIV epidemic in Indiana now, right?

Indiana Governor to Approve Needle Exchanges to Fight H.I.V.
WTF does that have to do with Indianapolis? NoPeePee strkes again!

Indianapolis is in Indiana, last time I checked.
Well, someone needs to inform Mr. Obama that the problem is NOT "community", the problem is "out-of-control" members of law enforcement, and the pathetic system called "justice". Fix the "cop" problem, and fix the injustices in our judicial system, and all will be well.

Are you claiming that a city run by blacks and Dems for the last 5 decades is racist? And three of the cops in Baltimore who have been charged are black, yet racist against other black?

You think that racist cops are at fault for inner city violence, drug use, school drop out rates and the growing welfare state?

I think an entitlement mentality on top of being brainwashed to believe that they can't function in society due to racism is the problem. Who have these rioters been influenced by their whole lives? They sure aren't listening to the right.
Nope, I never said anything about racism being the problem.
What about encouragement and opportunities?
Again....Look to Baltimore City Hall......From there should come the leadership that attracts private investment.

Years ago, back in the 70's, downtown Indianapolis was a rat hole, no community, few businesses and it wasn't safe to go there after dark. They did it right, they attracted businesses, cleaned up the downtown area and it began to thrive, today it's very nice and they are slowly expanding it to the neighborhoods. That sort of investment I can live with, it produced results.

Yeah, and that's why you've got an HIV epidemic in Indiana now, right?

Indiana Governor to Approve Needle Exchanges to Fight H.I.V.
WTF does that have to do with Indianapolis? NoPeePee strkes again!

Indianapolis is in Indiana, last time I checked.
Duh. Looks like SassyIrishLass has eaten your lunch, NoPeePee.
You can invest until doomsday but until they have the will and desire to achieve you are throwing money away. All you need to do is look at inner cities for proof of that
What about encouragement and opportunities?
Again....Look to Baltimore City Hall......From there should come the leadership that attracts private investment.

Years ago, back in the 70's, downtown Indianapolis was a rat hole, no community, few businesses and it wasn't safe to go there after dark. They did it right, they attracted businesses, cleaned up the downtown area and it began to thrive, today it's very nice and they are slowly expanding it to the neighborhoods. That sort of investment I can live with, it produced results.

Yeah, and that's why you've got an HIV epidemic in Indiana now, right?

Indiana Governor to Approve Needle Exchanges to Fight H.I.V.
Moron....The HIV thing is not in Indianapolis.
And the sharing of dirty needles among heroin uses has precisely DICK to do with the OP's statement.
Such a stupid statement you made.

Indianapolis is in....Missouri?
Again....Look to Baltimore City Hall......From there should come the leadership that attracts private investment.

Years ago, back in the 70's, downtown Indianapolis was a rat hole, no community, few businesses and it wasn't safe to go there after dark. They did it right, they attracted businesses, cleaned up the downtown area and it began to thrive, today it's very nice and they are slowly expanding it to the neighborhoods. That sort of investment I can live with, it produced results.

Yeah, and that's why you've got an HIV epidemic in Indiana now, right?

Indiana Governor to Approve Needle Exchanges to Fight H.I.V.
WTF does that have to do with Indianapolis? NoPeePee strkes again!

Indianapolis is in Indiana, last time I checked.
Duh. Looks like SassyIrishLass has eaten your lunch, NoPeePee.

Whatever floats your rubber raft, Rabbi. She has me on ignore. I ate her lunch several months ago.
Baltimore went 88% for Obama

Ferguson was run by Republicans and it was proven by the Justice Department that they were engaged in systematic racism,

and the Ferguson GOP'ers resigned en masse when the TRUTH came out.
Blah blah blah....
Hey genius. Ferguson has ZERO to do with the subject matter of the thread.
Since you opened the door..
The people of Ferguson don't bother to show up and vote.
The black people who make up a majority of the population, don't run for office. They don't apply for the civil service jobs.
So what do you do?....."I got it..Let's blame Republicans"...
That doesn't rise to the level of stupid
Investing in these neighborhoods will bear nothing, they are money pits, all we are doing is throwing money down the drain. They are born into the welfare state and make it a career

Community Investment? Oh, Please

In the face of the Baltimore riots, President Obama is reportedly resigned that nothing much can be done to prevent similar events in the future because of Republican opposition to any greater “investment” by the federal government in mainly black inner-city communities.

“Investment”? What a joke! An investment is something from which you expect a return, and those communities have about as much chance of paying anyone back anything as Confederate War Bonds do of suddenly maturing at ten percent compound.

These communities are not an “investment”; they’re an expense! The biggest money hole in the history of the human race. Since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty program was enacted, we have spent over fifteen trillion – with a t – on welfare (AFDC and other programs), Food Stamps, WIC stamps, free pre-school, free primary and secondary education, free medical care, free cell phones, Section 8 housing assistance, food pantries, free transportation to the Social Services Office and your medical appointments, free legal services, and I don’t know what else because I haven’t the stomach to look any further.

Articles Community Investment Oh Please

According to Repubs, poor countries are "emergin markets".

Poor areas of the US are to be ignored and crapped on.

How about we invest in our own country, our own people and our own future?
Trillions of dollars have been poured into shitholes like Detroit in "investments." All it has done is lined politicians pockets in those places.

You haven't visited Detroit in a while. Seriously, much of it has experienced robust growth and success.

Be that as it may, my question stands -

How about we invest in our own country, our own people and our own future?
Years ago, back in the 70's, downtown Indianapolis was a rat hole, no community, few businesses and it wasn't safe to go there after dark. They did it right, they attracted businesses, cleaned up the downtown area and it began to thrive, today it's very nice and they are slowly expanding it to the neighborhoods. That sort of investment I can live with, it produced results.

Yeah, and that's why you've got an HIV epidemic in Indiana now, right?

Indiana Governor to Approve Needle Exchanges to Fight H.I.V.
WTF does that have to do with Indianapolis? NoPeePee strkes again!

Indianapolis is in Indiana, last time I checked.
Duh. Looks like SassyIrishLass has eaten your lunch, NoPeePee.

Whatever floats your rubber raft, Rabbi. She has me on ignore. I ate her lunch several months ago.
LOL. You wish. Her little finger is smarter than your whole body. When you can make a cogent argument come back. It'll be a while.

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