Community Service, a really scary concept, REALLY SCARY ! ! ! !

One might think "mandated community service" to be a "socialist" position, but it isn't. As a democratic socialist, I think it's a really bad idea and it not only infringes on civil liberties but also the right of parents to raise their children as they deem best.

Respectfully, those on the left who think this is a good idea may not recognize that it oversteps the line between ideology and freedom .. the very same mistake republicans made with Bush.

Obama also wants to add 100,000 more into the military .. and that ain't socialism either.

This is interesting. One of the very FEW members of this board who ADMITS they are a socialist actually thinks this is a bad idea.

You may not remember, but perhaps someone you heped or did something for remembers you, that you were kind, or nice, and how much they appreciated that.

You cannot manage to give the equivalent of two hours a week?

No, but you do owe your life and all you have to the combined efforts of the COMMUNITY, that which has maintained you, back through all your ancestors. They laid the foundation upon which you base it all. That business about how you have done it all fior yourself with no help from anyone is a real crock!

Myth: Early Americans built this land on rugged individualism

Down by the Lemonade Springs: Essays on Wallace Stegner - Google Books Result start on page 18

The Myth of American Rugged Individualism ~~ Beard

Living Ethics: An American Myth

Just cannot manage two hours a week, huh, hmmmmm!!!

Some habits are best taught young, that they become second nature. Caring for a community and the people in it is a good habit.... It carries over into general attitude. AND reciprocity....

Isolation is not a thing that works for most humans....

No, I cannot manage to do 100 hours of community service per year. I go to school full time and have a job on top of that, and most of my spare time is spent doing assignments for school. Whatever is left over, and it's not much, I spend with my friends. If that makes me selfish then so be it.

I did not say that I've "done it all for myself." I said that I'm not dependent on loans, grants, or scholarships for my college education.

As I said before, I'm an adult and I'm capable of making my own decisions concerning what I do with my life. The government has no more right to tell me I have to do community service than it has to tell me what books I can read or what music I can listen to.

I have no problem with children volunteering in their communities, if their church, parents, some other voluntary organization they're a part of pushes them to be involved. In the end, however, it's the parents who get to decide what is best for their children, not the government.
And because YOU don't agree with something that means it is ABSOLUTELY WRONG?????

Typical neoCON artistry but at least we don't have to worry over the children being mentored (indoctrinated) by YOUR sort, LOL...

And opposed to those like you, there are some who actually understand "community."

OOPS, one of those horrid "COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS!"

Have you ever seen forced community service in action for teens who have committed a crime ? It's a fucking joke. They gotta be supervised every second or they are off stealing shit or sitting on their asses. I can best describe them as "in the fucking way". It's ANOTHER just bureaucracy in the making with an unrealistic expectation. You can force people to learn shit.
Dude I GOT comfortable boots and use them to work for a damn living. If Obama wants to give me all my socially security in a lump some now I may consider doing free therapy for ex-pole dancers. :lol:

EX pole dancers? You mean the ones gravity has taken sway with? It's ALL yours, buddy. :lol:
EX pole dancers? You mean the ones gravity has taken sway with? It's ALL yours, buddy. :lol:

No, ex pole dancers are the ones who finally saved up enough money for college and have retired from the dancing career.
This is interesting. One of the very FEW members of this board who ADMITS they are a socialist actually thinks this is a bad idea.


What's socialist about mandatory community service? It's authoritarian. Liberals like CS have no problem with that so long as it suits their do-gooder ideas.

Now imagine the government telling her that her children WILL serve 2 years minimum in the military upon completion of high school. :eusa_whistle:
This is interesting. One of the very FEW members of this board who ADMITS they are a socialist actually thinks this is a bad idea.


That's because most people don't have a clue what socialsm is. It's an indoctrinated buzzword that the right throws at anything they don't like .. just as the left throws around "Hitler" and "nazis." Neither have a clue what they're talking about .. but it sounds good to untrained minds.
What's socialist about mandatory community service? It's authoritarian. Liberals like CS have no problem with that so long as it suits their do-gooder ideas.

Now imagine the government telling her that her children WILL serve 2 years minimum in the military upon completion of high school. :eusa_whistle:

You and I both know it isn't socialist. But blinded liberals think so. I was just interested in the fact that an admitted socialist is smart enough to realize otherwise.

I admire BlackasCoal. At least he knows what he's talking about in regards to his philosophy, and admits his position.
Have you ever seen forced community service in action for teens who have committed a crime ? It's a fucking joke. They gotta be supervised every second or they are off stealing shit or sitting on their asses. I can best describe them as "in the fucking way". It's ANOTHER just bureaucracy in the making with an unrealistic expectation. You can force people to learn shit.

Are you presuming that ALL children will behave like obnoxious delinquents if they have to do something for their community?

Why would you compare the decent children of a community with the delinquents anyway?

Apples and oranges, or is your opinion of the youth of the country that none of them know how to behave?
You and I both know it isn't socialist. But blinded liberals think so. I was just interested in the fact that an admitted socialist is smart enough to realize otherwise.

I admire BlackasCoal. At least he knows what he's talking about in regards to his philosophy, and admits his position.

I admire no one. I can respect someone like BlackasCoal for at least believing in something, understanding what he believes in, and not denying what it is he believes in.

Blinded liberals don't think. They have zero idea what it is they believe in. One of the great paradoxes of political debate ... people labelling each other "con" and "lib" without so much as a basic understanding of the words. Then there are those that believe "socialism" and "communism" are synonymous.

One of my as-of-late favorites is this:

Clinton balanced a portion of the budget. Bush has put us trillions in debt. Which is actually conservative and which is actually liberal?

But the blind libs love to call Clinton the great liberal and tout his fiscal policy which was actually conservative; while, conservatives love to bash Clinton for his fiscal policies and every bit of it is nothing but mindlessly bashing labels regardless the actual concept, belief, or practice.
You want to try again, wingnut? Reading is fundamental might do you some good.

I have no problem with community service. I have a problem with the government forcing people to do it. Yeah, that IS wrong. Unless you think the draft is okay. Do you?

You have no idea what I have and have not taught my daughter, and frankly, your ass can go to Hell on that one. I sure as Hell didn't teach her it's okay for some liberal moron to dictate which of her freedoms under the Constitution it was okay to trample all over because it suits their convoluted agenda.

She's got 3 years in the Army as a medic, and is currently working in a community hospital while she goes to school to get her nursing degree, so when you want to start comparing service to the community that actually serves a purpose you feel free to get back to me.

Try loading your weapon next time. You won't look so damned stupid.

Raising a child of your own is different than mentoring. You are, incidentally obligated by your community, BY LAW, to raise the child, if only by mailing the CS check on time. That is NOT mentoring.

As for your daughter, how interesting..... Dad's life was about shooting them up and wounding and hers is about healing the damage caused when someone is wounded.

As for reading, I suggest you try, because as you say, "Reading is fundamental might do you some good." Your dictionary skills are limited, LOL....

And since when did MILITARY SERVICE cease to be a form of COMMUNITY SERVICE... paid at less, sometimes much less, than prevailing civilian wage, under government direction? Even back when it was under a draft, it was still "community service." BTW If it is a NO exceptions draft, military/community service issue, I have no problem with it at all.

In consideration of this post, next to you, it isn't me who is looking stupid... get over yourself.
Raising a child of your own is different than mentoring. You are, incidentally obligated by your community, BY LAW, to raise the child, if only by mailing the CS check on time. That is NOT mentoring.

As for your daughter, how interesting..... Dad's life was about shooting them up and wounding and hers is about healing the damage caused when someone is wounded.

As for reading, I suggest you try, because as you say, "Reading is fundamental might do you some good." Your dictionary skills are limited, LOL....

And since when did MILITARY SERVICE cease to be a form of COMMUNITY SERVICE... paid at less, sometimes much less, than prevailing civilian wage, under government direction? Even back when it was under a draft, it was still "community service." BTW If it is a NO exceptions draft, military/community service issue, I have no problem with it at all.

In consideration of this post, next to you, it isn't me who is looking stupid... get over yourself.

I am NOT obligated, by the community, BY LAW, to raise my child as YOU see fit.

Get it straight. I never once aimed a weapon at another human being without intending to fire, and I never fired a weapon at another human being with the intention of wounding.

Obviously, I didn't do too bad considering I raised her on my own mostly. Just maybe there's more to people you disagree with than what your monochromatic vision allows you to see.

And yeah, your assumptions and insinuations DO make you look rather stupid. Try some objectivity. Listening to what is being said instead of rushing to judgement and posting some irrelevant bullshit helps a little too.
I am NOT obligated, by the community, BY LAW, to raise my child as YOU see fit.

Actually, that depends.

It has been used in many contexts, but even in child raising there are "prevailing community standards," and may or may not be codified. Peer pressure is not just a childhood thing.

Depending on the particular community, and the time in history, it may change.


When the larger community determines the parameters of the "greater good" the choice is to comply, suffer the consequences, or try to enlist enough like minds to change it... If it changes, then new standards. If it doesn't, comply or suffer the consequences.

That is and always has been true. Sometimes it works out to the good, sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't in a local community, or even country, it may go as far as a world-wide pressure to comply with a different standard.

Do you really need examples of how that works?

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