Commutations by preseident puts things in perspective

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

Yeah, this pretty much says it all. And naturally there were no complaints from the left about abuse of power before Trump.
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Yeah, this pretty much says it all. And naturally there were no complaints from the left about abuse of power before Trump.
The only thing it puts in perspective is that he’s a criminal who rewarded a fellow criminal for not telling the truth.

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Yeah, this pretty much says it all. And naturally there were no complaints from the left about abuse of power before Trump.
Yes, let's equate the commuting for a Presidential friend who lied to protect that president with commuting the sentences of people who had received extremerly long sentences duriung the drug wars of the past.
By late 2016, the FBI had “evidence that the Russians had signaled to a Trump campaign adviser that they could assist the campaign through the anonymous release of information damaging” to Trump’s rival, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Mueller wrote.
By late 2016, the FBI had “evidence that the Russians had signaled to a Trump campaign adviser that they could assist the campaign through the anonymous release of information damaging” to Trump’s rival, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Mueller wrote.
Was that in the report that Mueller obviously DIDN'T write (since he clearly demonstrated before Congress that he didn't even know what was in it)???
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Yeah, this pretty much says it all. And naturally there were no complaints from the left about abuse of power before Trump.
The only thing it puts in perspective is that he’s a criminal who rewarded a fellow criminal foe not telling the truth.


He lied due to the fact he was shielding Tramp.
Lying about Benghazi where people died wasn't a crime? The attacks were because of a video? Uh-huh.

But lying about a wikileaks release of Hillary emails was a crime? Stone tried to contact wikileaks, but said he didn't...and that's a prison sentence and an early morning FBI raid on his home. Trump was elected in 2017, so there was no danger to Trump saying he wanted to contact wikileaks. He wasn't trying to contact the GRU or Putin, so WTF?

....Stone's defense team countered that Stone didn't have a motive to protect Trump when he testified to the House in 2017, because Trump already had won the election and become President.
Witnesses in the trial included a cast of Trump-world characters like former White House strategist Steve Bannon and former Trump campaign deputy chairman Rick Gates, a key cooperator in Mueller's investigation. Both emphasized the campaign's interest in hacks and leaks dating back to April 2016.
During the trial, prosecutors revealed several phone calls between Trump and Stone, including a July 2016 conversation in which, Gates testified, Trump and Stone spoke about the planned release of hacked Democratic emails.
In his written answers to Mueller, Trump said he didn't recall his conversations with Stone, nor discussions about WikiLeaks and the Democratic hack.
Prosecutors argued that Stone's alleged failure to tell Congress about the attempts to reach WikiLeaks left the House Intelligence Committee with a blind spot in its investigation -- causing the committee's final report on Russian interference in the election to be inaccurate.
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Yeah, this pretty much says it all. And naturally there were no complaints from the left about abuse of power before Trump.
Yes, let's equate the commuting for a Presidential friend who lied to protect that president with commuting the sentences of people who had received extremerly long sentences duriung the drug wars of the past.
Good thing he passed justice reform to fix that huh! Oh wait, that was Trump.
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Yeah, this pretty much says it all. And naturally there were no complaints from the left about abuse of power before Trump.

Most individuals granted executive clemency by Obama had been convicted on drug charges,[4] and had received lengthy and sometimes mandatory sentences at the height of the war on drugs.[5]
Thanks to a crime bill that Biden wrote, and Clinton signed into law....
The only thing it puts in perspective is that he’s a criminal who rewarded a fellow criminal foe not telling the truth. nutcase

Enough with your faux rage. CLINTON pardoned his own brother for felony distribution of cocaine. And a key witness in the Whitewater scandal for which he and Hillary Clinton were under investigation. And three others convicted in independent counsel Ken Starr’s probe. And Marc Rich, in what was a straight-up political payoff. And his CIA director. And his HUD secretary. And eight people convicted in an investigation of his Agriculture Department.
The only thing it puts in perspective is that he’s a criminal who rewarded a fellow criminal foe not telling the truth. nutcase

Enough with your faux rage. CLINTON pardoned his own brother for felony distribution of cocaine. And a key witness in the Whitewater scandal for which he and Hillary Clinton were under investigation. And three others convicted in independent counsel Ken Starr’s probe. And Marc Rich, in what was a straight-up political payoff. And his CIA director. And his HUD secretary. And eight people convicted in an investigation of his Agriculture Department.
And pardoned Marc Rich in exchange for cash...

Some of the DEMOCRATS even had problems with that one...

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Yeah, this pretty much says it all. And naturally there were no complaints from the left about abuse of power before Trump.
Ok, now show a link between any of those 1,715 and suspected criminality by Obama.

You do know that you’re not a smart guy, don’t you? I mean, you ARE aware of your shortcomings in the critical thinking and logic departments, correct?


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