Companies can't find Workers who can hold a Conversation or Show Up on Time

I wonder if its got anything to do with the type of people who would manufacture for whatever pay theyre offering.

there is that. there is also the problem of these same people having their intro jobs taken by older people unable to find work because of outsourcing and bush's crash of the economy. so they don't have experience in the work world when they go in.

also, perhaps we should reinstate school programs like shop and maybe a return to vocational high schools for the people who maybe aren't cut out for 4 year colleges.

i'm skeptical about the article. and there are many reasons such a situation can exist... like applications being done online and older workers who cost more being rejected out of hand for the inexperienced.
there are still vocational high schools

And there are all kinds post secondary technical schools
Nope. Unions over charge for their skill level.
Cut wages and reduce costs until production is up.

Guy, productivity is at its highest level in our history. The economy has gotten worse because of it, not better. Half the country isn't working and the other half is stressed out.

Are you some kind of retard?
Yeah all that new technology is bad for the economy
It has nothing to do with that .

When you are at the job you agreed to work if you don't do that job to the best of your ability then you have no self respect.

It has nothing to do with how much time you work but what you do with the time you are at work.

I would have thought that concept needed no explanation but I see it does with you.

Guy, respect is a two way street. Usually, there aren't bad employees, there are just bad managers. People who never should have been made managers to start with but they are.

You pay people minimum wage and treat them like shit, and the government does more for them than you do, they are going to hve more loyalty to the government than you. That's how Obama got elected, dude. "I look like the guy you work with, Romney looks like the guy who lays you off."
How long did it take for you to learn to get to work on time?

It doesn't have to be taught. You know how to tell time, you know how long it takes you to get up shower and get dressed, you know how long it takes to get to work.

It seems like common sense to me
It's amazing that it is even an issue.

But dang, they sure do "feel" good about themselves!

Yeah all that new technology is bad for the economy

It's been horrible for the economy, but the real problem is free trade. A bigger problem is that you have airlines making record profits while airline pilots are making $20,000 a year. That's fucking insane.
Average STARTING salary for an airline pilot in the US is 36.2k
Quite literally the only reason I live is to be happy and try and make those around me happy.

Hard work definitely is a means to get there.

But is the work ever MORE important than being happy?

Then you lost it, and your brain is a ward of the machine.

Hard work is a means of becoming happIER, in most cases. It is the incentive.

To place little to no value on BEING happy, no matter how many jokes you make or how far out of context you want to take it.........means you are a slave.
...Manufacturing wont find the workers its looking for until their offer for pay and benefits meets the demand of that block of quality of worker.
And they can't do that because the US Labor Pool (for Manufacturing) is competing with abused wage-slaves in China and India.

Make it impossible for businesses who operate in the US to send jobs offshore and you begin to level the playing field.

Add sufficient tarriffs to foreign-produced products so that they compete on a cost-basis with domestic products, and you begin to level the playing field.

Damn the consequences and to the devil with the hindmost and to hell with the counterarguments... it's time to give it a try.
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Yeah all that new technology is bad for the economy

It's been horrible for the economy, but the real problem is free trade. A bigger problem is that you have airlines making record profits while airline pilots are making $20,000 a year. That's fucking insane.
Average STARTING salary for an airline pilot in the US is 36.2k

Not for some of the commuter airlines.
anecdotal evidence doesnt mean means we have to fix tiny pockets of unfairness

if 36.2k is the national AVERAGE, for STARTING pay then there's really not a problem nationally in the realm of "20k salaries!!!" that you were implying.
Nope. Unions over charge for their skill level.
Cut wages and reduce costs until production is up.

Guy, productivity is at its highest level in our history. The economy has gotten worse because of it, not better. Half the country isn't working and the other half is stressed out.

Are you some kind of retard?

What's retarded is thinking that productivity makes the economy worse. That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.

ALL economic growth, and thus higher wages and living standards, comes from increases in productivity.
ALL economic growth, and thus higher wages and living standards, comes from increases in productivity.
Yes, but...

Increases in productivity (and technology) can and do also create slack in workforce as fewer people are needed for those jobs.

And, since we are now a society of victims who cannot be expected to adapt and improve their skillset, that will leave many out.

We'll just let folks from other countries, those who aren't into being victims, take up the slack.

Many bosses don't treat people well, as shown by most capitalists in poor areas around the world, india, china, the third world, fast food..

Your boss isn't your mommy.

I don't speak to third world shit holes. India and China became shit holes by adopting Socialism. They are slowly clawing their way out of the cesspool by adopting market driven policies. Less people physically starve to death today, than when Socialism was in full bloom in India, but the nation remains impoverished. India never fell as deeply into the sewer as China did - life is still brutal in the Communist shit hole. China has become a typical gangster state - which is inevitable with Socialism. Government stolen goods are openly sold on the black market, well connected thugs reap the rewards while the enslaved masses toil. Communism always yields the same results, death, misery, and bitter despair.
The amount of uneducated bullshit in this post is hilarious. China has become a gangster state? Imperialist countries haven't? Communism has been put into place? Really? What stateless society are you referring to? Ah, the usual death, misery, and despair bullshit, what's interesting is that almost half of russians when polled supported/support stalin's policies. Mao also has large amounts of support in china. Your boss isn't your mommy? Yes, I know the capitalist doesn't care about the well being of the proletariat. Third world shit holes consistently being destroyed by capitalism. You can look at the "rising" employment and the poverty numbers set by capitalists, but you show me the pay, the quality of life for the laborers in china/india, and countries like Haiti, the congo.. Their labor is consistently exploited. Yeah, you wonder why they're third world shit holes, how do you think first world countries get materialistic goods so cheap? Show me your data on India and china, and I'd like you to observe countries that have had "market" and capitalist influence for long periods of time that are consistent shit holes. Capitalism relies on systemic poverty, exploitation of labor, wasting of surplus goods..

More people have been pulled out of abject poverty by capitalism than your failed ideology.

That's why communism has been abandoned for market reforms by almost every country in the world. And one of the last ones, Cuba, is about to do so soon.
ALL economic growth, and thus higher wages and living standards, comes from increases in productivity.
Yes, but...

Increases in productivity (and technology) can and do also create slack in workforce as fewer people are needed for those jobs.

And, since we are now a society of victims who cannot be expected to adapt and improve their skillset, that will leave many out.

We'll just let folks from other countries, those who aren't into being victims, take up the slack.


A quarter of all jobs today exist in government industry classifications that didn't exist 50 years ago.
ALL economic growth, and thus higher wages and living standards, comes from increases in productivity.
Yes, but...

Increases in productivity (and technology) can and do also create slack in workforce as fewer people are needed for those jobs.

And, since we are now a society of victims who cannot be expected to adapt and improve their skillset, that will leave many out.

We'll just let folks from other countries, those who aren't into being victims, take up the slack.


A quarter of all jobs today exist in government industry classifications that didn't exist 50 years ago.
Sure, the opportunity is there, but we have to make the effort to match our skillsets to the opportunity.

In this culture? Nope, not so far. Easier to point the finger and complain.

ALL economic growth, and thus higher wages and living standards, comes from increases in productivity.
Yes, but...

Increases in productivity (and technology) can and do also create slack in workforce as fewer people are needed for those jobs.

And, since we are now a society of victims who cannot be expected to adapt and improve their skillset, that will leave many out.

We'll just let folks from other countries, those who aren't into being victims, take up the slack.


A quarter of all jobs today exist in government industry classifications that didn't exist 50 years ago.
Sure, the opportunity is there, but we have to make the effort to match our skillsets to the opportunity.

In this culture? Nope, not so far. Easier to point the finger and complain.


There are always winners and losers when the economy changes.

In 1900, nearly half of all labor was on farms. Today, its less than 3%. Yet, productivity is something like 50x higher (though I may be a little off on that.) Yet, food as a portion of disposable income is at an all time low. In fact, we eat too much food, given how fat Americans have become.

But no one laments the change in the agrarian economy.
ALL economic growth, and thus higher wages and living standards, comes from increases in productivity.
Yes, but...

Increases in productivity (and technology) can and do also create slack in workforce as fewer people are needed for those jobs.

And, since we are now a society of victims who cannot be expected to adapt and improve their skillset, that will leave many out.

We'll just let folks from other countries, those who aren't into being victims, take up the slack.


A quarter of all jobs today exist in government industry classifications that didn't exist 50 years ago.
Sure, the opportunity is there, but we have to make the effort to match our skillsets to the opportunity.

In this culture? Nope, not so far. Easier to point the finger and complain.

Where are you getting your statistics regarding skill-sets, and hard work?

You live in a media bubble old man myth - everyone has lost their way and noone works hard anymore and rah rah rah

Know who also felt that way about the youth?


Just stfu.

Labor Force Participation Rate in the United States decreased to 62.70 percent in March of 2015 from 62.80 percent in February of 2015. Labor Force Participation Rate in the United States averaged 63.01 percent from 1950 until 2015, reaching an all time high of 67.30 percent in January of 2000 and a record low of 58.10 percent in December of 1954. Labor Force Participation Rate in the United States is reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
ALL economic growth, and thus higher wages and living standards, comes from increases in productivity.
Yes, but...

Increases in productivity (and technology) can and do also create slack in workforce as fewer people are needed for those jobs.

And, since we are now a society of victims who cannot be expected to adapt and improve their skillset, that will leave many out.

We'll just let folks from other countries, those who aren't into being victims, take up the slack.


A quarter of all jobs today exist in government industry classifications that didn't exist 50 years ago.
Sure, the opportunity is there, but we have to make the effort to match our skillsets to the opportunity.

In this culture? Nope, not so far. Easier to point the finger and complain.


There are always winners and losers when the economy changes.

In 1900, nearly half of all labor was on farms. Today, its less than 3%. Yet, productivity is something like 50x higher (though I may be a little off on that.) Yet, food as a portion of disposable income is at an all time low. In fact, we eat too much food, given how fat Americans have become.

But no one laments the change in the agrarian economy.

You have to have severe blinders on to not know that productivity is WAY up.

Maybe Mac's generation should have worked harder to get on our level.
1950 was our record low year for productivity.

Bunch of young people who didn't know the meaning of hard work back in those 50's. God damned kids.

Productivity in the United States decreased to 106.40 Index Points in the fourth quarter of 2014 from 107.07 Index Points in the third quarter of 2014. Productivity in the United States averaged 60.96 Index Points from 1950 until 2014, reaching an all time high of 107.07 Index Points in the third quarter of 2014 and a record low of 27.55 Index Points in the first quarter of 1950. Productivity in the United States is reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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