Companies can't find Workers who can hold a Conversation or Show Up on Time

Many bosses don't treat people well, as shown by most capitalists in poor areas around the world, india, china, the third world, fast food..

Your boss isn't your mommy.

I don't speak to third world shit holes. India and China became shit holes by adopting Socialism. They are slowly clawing their way out of the cesspool by adopting market driven policies. Less people physically starve to death today, than when Socialism was in full bloom in India, but the nation remains impoverished. India never fell as deeply into the sewer as China did - life is still brutal in the Communist shit hole. China has become a typical gangster state - which is inevitable with Socialism. Government stolen goods are openly sold on the black market, well connected thugs reap the rewards while the enslaved masses toil. Communism always yields the same results, death, misery, and bitter despair.
Look at you! You didn't answer the question.

Uh, JoeB Stalin.

The issue is that you're an assclown; IQ<40 - so despite the answer being fully clear, you lacked the requisite intellect to grasp the answer.

Retards look at you assclowns and say "ewe sew stoopid."
Notice there tends to be an issue in liberal strong areas


According to the latest supplemental survey from the New York Fed's manufacturing and business leaders surveys, employers in the New York area are facing two main problems: finding workers who can show up on time and workers who can hold a conversation.

The survey showed that in April, 65% of manufacturing employers had difficulty finding punctual workers and 60% had trouble finding workers with interpersonal skills.
It was pretty amazing back in 2010, 2011, when the economy was in lousier shape. I had business clients telling me they STILL couldn't find good people. I thought they were kidding at first.

The predictable result of constantly lowered standards, and a higher premium placed on self esteem and feelings than on effort and quality.

Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable

Higher premium placed on self esteem and feelings.......

Over quality of hard work.....


your existence as a lemming built to produce produce produce is noted.

Hard work is a virtue, but its a virtue to sustain a happy life for your FAMILY. You know? Those people you have emotions and feelings for and want to turn out HAPPY and have self esteem?


You must understand. Mac thinks we have made all of our kids....except his...into mamby-pamby pussies who expect something for nothing. He has thought that for a long time.

Meanwhile...the little sissy kids who he mocked 20 years ago are now serving in the US military.......going through med school......driving semis across the country.....and doing heroic things on a daily basis.

He's wrong. Period.
Notice there tends to be an issue in liberal strong areas


According to the latest supplemental survey from the New York Fed's manufacturing and business leaders surveys, employers in the New York area are facing two main problems: finding workers who can show up on time and workers who can hold a conversation.

The survey showed that in April, 65% of manufacturing employers had difficulty finding punctual workers and 60% had trouble finding workers with interpersonal skills.

The burning question is: will raising their wage to $30/hr solve those problems?
Many bosses don't treat people well, as shown by most capitalists in poor areas around the world, india, china, the third world, fast food..

Your boss isn't your mommy.

I don't speak to third world shit holes. India and China became shit holes by adopting Socialism. They are slowly clawing their way out of the cesspool by adopting market driven policies. Less people physically starve to death today, than when Socialism was in full bloom in India, but the nation remains impoverished. India never fell as deeply into the sewer as China did - life is still brutal in the Communist shit hole. China has become a typical gangster state - which is inevitable with Socialism. Government stolen goods are openly sold on the black market, well connected thugs reap the rewards while the enslaved masses toil. Communism always yields the same results, death, misery, and bitter despair.
The amount of uneducated bullshit in this post is hilarious. China has become a gangster state? Imperialist countries haven't? Communism has been put into place? Really? What stateless society are you referring to? Ah, the usual death, misery, and despair bullshit, what's interesting is that almost half of russians when polled supported/support stalin's policies. Mao also has large amounts of support in china. Your boss isn't your mommy? Yes, I know the capitalist doesn't care about the well being of the proletariat. Third world shit holes consistently being destroyed by capitalism. You can look at the "rising" employment and the poverty numbers set by capitalists, but you show me the pay, the quality of life for the laborers in china/india, and countries like Haiti, the congo.. Their labor is consistently exploited. Yeah, you wonder why they're third world shit holes, how do you think first world countries get materialistic goods so cheap? Show me your data on India and china, and I'd like you to observe countries that have had "market" and capitalist influence for long periods of time that are consistent shit holes. Capitalism relies on systemic poverty, exploitation of labor, wasting of surplus goods..
Notice there tends to be an issue in liberal strong areas


According to the latest supplemental survey from the New York Fed's manufacturing and business leaders surveys, employers in the New York area are facing two main problems: finding workers who can show up on time and workers who can hold a conversation.

The survey showed that in April, 65% of manufacturing employers had difficulty finding punctual workers and 60% had trouble finding workers with interpersonal skills.
It was pretty amazing back in 2010, 2011, when the economy was in lousier shape. I had business clients telling me they STILL couldn't find good people. I thought they were kidding at first.

The predictable result of constantly lowered standards, and a higher premium placed on self esteem and feelings than on effort and quality.

Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable

Higher premium placed on self esteem and feelings.......

Over quality of hard work.....


your existence as a lemming built to produce produce produce is noted.

Hard work is a virtue, but its a virtue to sustain a happy life for your FAMILY. You know? Those people you have emotions and feelings for and want to turn out HAPPY and have self esteem?


You must understand. Mac thinks we have made all of our kids....except his...into mamby-pamby pussies who expect something for nothing. He has thought that for a long time.

Meanwhile...the little sissy kids who he mocked 20 years ago are now serving in the US military.......going through med school......driving semis across the country.....and doing heroic things on a daily basis.

He's wrong. Period.
Thats what all old people of all generations who were the ones who became curmudgeons ever thought.

Macs brain is a ward of the dollar bill
Higher premium placed on self esteem and feelings.......

Over quality of hard work.....


Self-Esteem is earned. Pride in a job well done is great. Pride in showing up and "participating" is stupid.

You diminish the concepts of achievement and excellence when you try to make those at the bottom the same as those on the top.

your existence as a lemming built to produce produce produce is noted.

Hard work is a virtue, but its a virtue to sustain a happy life for your FAMILY. You know? Those people you have emotions and feelings for and want to turn out HAPPY and have self esteem?


Why don't you demand that Kobe Bryant be paid no more than a burger flipper? Why should talent be rewarded?

What a better world this would be if your dream to promote mediocrity were realized...
Higher premium placed on self esteem and feelings.......

Over quality of hard work.....


Self-Esteem is earned. Pride in a job well done is great. Pride in showing up and "participating" is stupid.

You diminish the concepts of achievement and excellence when you try to make those at the bottom the same as those on the top.

your existence as a lemming built to produce produce produce is noted.

Hard work is a virtue, but its a virtue to sustain a happy life for your FAMILY. You know? Those people you have emotions and feelings for and want to turn out HAPPY and have self esteem?


Why don't you demand that Kobe Bryant be paid no more than a burger flipper? Why should talent be rewarded?

What a better world this would be if your dream to promote mediocrity were realized...
Your post has zero to do with the words that i wrote.

I didnt say anything about dollar value per trade based on demand.

So you kobe comment was a straw man.

I said its sick(and it is) to place a higher premium on work than on happiness.

Its quite legitimately retarded.

And that means dick all about the distribution of dollar bills per skill, or promoting mediocrity.

Thats just dimb bulb knee jerk bullshit devoid of deep thought.

Heres a novel concept: you can work hard and have self esteem and happiness.



Did your head explode?

The egregious comment is when you compare the two and find work more important than happiness. That means youre quite literally a slave.

Its not an accident youre one of the more curmudgeon posters either. Youll never be happy because you suck dick at it and dont know how.

Earning self esteem is just TOO HARD!


Why would you even mention earning self esteem?

I dont recall saying it shouldnt be earned.

Dishonesty is your forte

The onus is in you to tell me why, after placing such a low value ON self esteem.....youd even WORK at all, if self esteem isnt inportant and work is to earn you that?

Conservative dogma cant even support itself without contradicting itself and is full of empty slogans.

Aka, par!
The amount of uneducated bullshit in this post is hilarious.

Well, we can't all match the 3rd grade repertoire you offer, now can we?

China has become a gangster state?

Yes, an irrefutable fact.

Imperialist countries haven't?

Ah, that third grade education bites you. You don't grasp the meaning of the words you use. Malapropism may be all the rage in Communist circles, but among educated people it merely identifies you as a boor.

Communism has been put into place? Really? What stateless society are you referring to? Ah, the usual death, misery, and despair bullshit, what's interesting is that almost half of russians when polled supported/support stalin's policies. Mao also has large amounts of support in china.

Actually you ignorant fool, in the 1922-23 season, Petrograd was indeed changed into a "stateless" society. Lenin outlawed currency and had the local Soviets allocate all goods, including food and housing, as well as assign all work details. All under the guidance of Uparvdoms from Moscow and backed by the guns of the NKVD.Bitter and stupid little peasants decided that doctors should clean sewers and had no need for food or to sleep inside. Oddly, there were suddenly no professionals to provide services for the sick...

Funny that Lenin didn't try his grand experiment in Moscow, turns out that some animals are vastly more equal than others.

After the utter disaster of his attempt at real Communism, Lenin brought forth the NEP.

Your boss isn't your mommy? Yes, I know the capitalist doesn't care about the well being of the proletariat. Third world shit holes consistently being destroyed by capitalism. You can look at the "rising" employment and the poverty numbers set by capitalists, but you show me the pay, the quality of life for the laborers in china/india, and countries like Haiti, the congo.. Their labor is consistently exploited. Yeah, you wonder why they're third world shit holes, how do you think first world countries get materialistic goods so cheap? Show me your data on India and china, and I'd like you to observe countries that have had "market" and capitalist influence for long periods of time that are consistent shit holes. Capitalism relies on systemic poverty, exploitation of labor, wasting of surplus goods..

Freedom, like history, is a subject you have no grasp of.

Explain why it is that poverty is ALWAYS vastly lower in capitalist nations than in communist ones?
The amount of uneducated bullshit in this post is hilarious.

Well, we can't all match the 3rd grade repertoire you offer, now can we?

China has become a gangster state?

Yes, an irrefutable fact.

Imperialist countries haven't?

Ah, that third grade education bites you. You don't grasp the meaning of the words you use. Malapropism may be all the rage in Communist circles, but among educated people it merely identifies you as a boor.

Communism has been put into place? Really? What stateless society are you referring to? Ah, the usual death, misery, and despair bullshit, what's interesting is that almost half of russians when polled supported/support stalin's policies. Mao also has large amounts of support in china.

Actually you ignorant fool, in the 1922-23 season, Petrograd was indeed changed into a "stateless" society. Lenin outlawed currency and had the local Soviets allocate all goods, including food and housing, as well as assign all work details. All under the guidance of Uparvdoms from Moscow and backed by the guns of the NKVD.Bitter and stupid little peasants decided that doctors should clean sewers and had no need for food or to sleep inside. Oddly, there were suddenly no professionals to provide services for the sick...

Funny that Lenin didn't try his grand experiment in Moscow, turns out that some animals are vastly more equal than others.

After the utter disaster of his attempt at real Communism, Lenin brought forth the NEP.

Your boss isn't your mommy? Yes, I know the capitalist doesn't care about the well being of the proletariat. Third world shit holes consistently being destroyed by capitalism. You can look at the "rising" employment and the poverty numbers set by capitalists, but you show me the pay, the quality of life for the laborers in china/india, and countries like Haiti, the congo.. Their labor is consistently exploited. Yeah, you wonder why they're third world shit holes, how do you think first world countries get materialistic goods so cheap? Show me your data on India and china, and I'd like you to observe countries that have had "market" and capitalist influence for long periods of time that are consistent shit holes. Capitalism relies on systemic poverty, exploitation of labor, wasting of surplus goods..

Freedom, like history, is a subject you have no grasp of.

Explain why it is that poverty is ALWAYS vastly lower in capitalist nations than in communist ones?
Show me this gangster state and your evidence for it being more of a "gangster" state then America.
The united states isn't imperialist? Oh, not like we've backed coups, capitalists from our countries have done unspeakable things, not like we've invaded countries with little to no justification, supported capitalist dictators, fuck, we've even underminded democratic elections.
You may be an idiot, where are you getting your information on petrograd being a stateless, classless society? I'm pretty sure a state existed over it, along with authoritative power. "Real communism" Utter dog shit.
Oh, I understand "freedom" and history, you assume you're more superior then others who disagree with you, which is easy to observe.
Poverty is always lower? What, are you comparing America to cuba? Capitalism cannot function without systemic poverty, that's a fact, unless we all want to pay massive prices.
Being on time? Speaking properly?

Those are old racist ideals from the 1900s. Get with the times man!
It's a Cruz avi, dumbshit. I love Ted Cruz!!

It's an assclown avie - a flag to alert all that you have an IQ<40.

That some fuckwad at the hate sites defaced a picture of Cruz to make the assclown doesn't alter what it, or you, are.

Hey, you're doing a public service - warning all that "yeah, you really ARE that fucking stupid."

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