Companies can't find Workers who can hold a Conversation or Show Up on Time

No terms and conditions?

You mean like what? Unlimited pay, choose your own hours, and super great bennies?

What job has no terms and conditions? You sure youre not one of those potential workers surveyed?

Maybe I missed your point about pay... and the labor pool...

The point is the market.

Manufacturing wont find the workers its looking for until their offer for pay and benefits meets the demand of that block of quality of worker.

You mean they should offer less?

offer LESS and expect the higher skilled, more proficient people to come and apply?

im not sure if youre trolling.
Nope. Unions over charge for their skill level.
Cut wages and reduce costs until production is up.
cut wages during a skilled labor SHORTAGE to attract skilled labor?

keep smoking meth.
Maybe I missed your point about pay... and the labor pool...

The point is the market.

Manufacturing wont find the workers its looking for until their offer for pay and benefits meets the demand of that block of quality of worker.

You mean they should offer less?

offer LESS and expect the higher skilled, more proficient people to come and apply?

im not sure if youre trolling.
Nope. Unions over charge for their skill level.
Cut wages and reduce costs until production is up.
cut wages during a skilled labor SHORTAGE to attract skilled labor?

keep smoking meth.

That doesn't even look good on paper. LOL!
There is some truth in the OP. It's not as dire as people not able to hold a conversation or show up on time. What I've noticed is that we have employees not willing to do whatever they are asked to do by their superiors.

My "rule of thumb" was that if they are paying me I will do whatever they ask as long as it's not immoral, illegal, or dangerous. Over a certain amount of time; job satisfaction does come into play.

For example, we lost some transporters because they were on drugs. We had to let them go. So instead of calling for a transport to take a DC out to the curb to go home, we had to ask nurses to perform that task at one of our campuses. Some of them reacted as if we were asking them to wash the windows outside of the building.
Without knowing the type of manufacturing jobs and the wage offered there is not enough information in the article to even have a discussion.
If you accept a job then you do your best .Period.

If you don't then you have no self respect.
I have to sympathize with the kids on the tardiness issue, they were taught by public school teachers.

Many of the teachers I taught with were late at least one day a week, many were late almost every day.

The solution our brilliant school board came up with was to required us to come earlier.

Same people were still late, the punctual just had to come earlier.

We even went to time cards, and it did not help; teachers would get one teacher to punch in the cards for four or five.

But, cliquishness in public schools is another story.
I wonder if its got anything to do with the type of people who would manufacture for whatever pay theyre offering.

there is that. there is also the problem of these same people having their intro jobs taken by older people unable to find work because of outsourcing and bush's crash of the economy. so they don't have experience in the work world when they go in.

also, perhaps we should reinstate school programs like shop and maybe a return to vocational high schools for the people who maybe aren't cut out for 4 year colleges.

i'm skeptical about the article. and there are many reasons such a situation can exist... like applications being done online and older workers who cost more being rejected out of hand for the inexperienced.
Notice there tends to be an issue in liberal strong areas


According to the latest supplemental survey from the New York Fed's manufacturing and business leaders surveys, employers in the New York area are facing two main problems: finding workers who can show up on time and workers who can hold a conversation.

The survey showed that in April, 65% of manufacturing employers had difficulty finding punctual workers and 60% had trouble finding workers with interpersonal skills.

Time is an illusion, on-time doubly so. :)
I wonder if its got anything to do with the type of people who would manufacture for whatever pay theyre offering.

With the labor participation rate at what it is, I wouldn't think there would be any terms and conditions

There are, companies are dumping older workers for those that had those abilities are put out to pasture..I have no empathy for companies that do that...
As a manager since the 90's I can tell you there has been a HUGE shift in worker quality over the past decades.

Employer's who are dumping older workers for newbies are very likely to be very unhappy with that particular choice heh
there is that. there is also the problem of these same people having their intro jobs taken by older people unable to find work because of outsourcing and bush's crash of the economy..

Why do you progs keep lying about who crashed our economy? Clinturd's CRA loans were bundled and sold by the banks who were forced to take them on. Once the inevitable defaults started the economy crashed...why? Because of NAFTA and joining the WTO...(both Clinturd's fiascoes) our economy became based solely on housing. The manufacturing jobs were chased offshore by the unions. In essence, you progs have accomplished what the USSR never could....destroying the American way of life without ever firing a shot.
That's right. I forgot. Nobody cares about personal accountability and work ethic anymore

Employers certainly don't. I've seen so much shitty behavior by employers in the 23 years since I left the military that frankly, I have little or no sympathy for them.

You know how you tell when a manager is lying? His lips are moving.

You have apparently worked for the wrong employers. I've had bad employers, but I've also had good ones. I've been with my current company of several years now and every year they send out an anonymous employee survey rating the company as whole, among those ratings, the opinions the employees have of the executive management. Every year the executives and our CEO get over an 80% approval rating by the employees.

I've also found that people who constantly gripe about employers being unfair, evil, conniving, etc. also tend to be people who aren't very good at their job.
there is that. there is also the problem of these same people having their intro jobs taken by older people unable to find work because of outsourcing and bush's crash of the economy..

Why do you progs keep lying about who crashed our economy? Clinturd's CRA loans were bundled and sold by the banks who were forced to take them on. Once the inevitable defaults started the economy crashed...why? Because of NAFTA and joining the WTO...(both Clinturd's fiascoes) our economy became based solely on housing. The manufacturing jobs were chased offshore by the unions. In essence, you progs have accomplished what the USSR never could....destroying the American way of life without ever firing a shot.

I don't know what a "prog" is. I assume for you it's anything to the left of atilla the hun.

NAFTA was a rightwingnut thing that Clinton shouldn't have given in on.
I wonder if its got anything to do with the type of people who would manufacture for whatever pay theyre offering.

With the labor participation rate at what it is, I wouldn't think there would be any terms and conditions


Well, you'd be wrong. Frankly, if these manufacturers are offering less than what you'd get on assistance, there's no point to showing up, is there?

That's right. I forgot. Nobody cares about personal accountability and work ethic anymore


so red states should stop taking blue state tax money.
I don't know what a "prog" is. I assume for you it's anything to the left of atilla the hun.

NAFTA was a rightwingnut thing that Clinton shouldn't have given in on.

"given in on"? :badgrin: No GOPer could have ever gotten that turd past a democrap Congress....your boy Willy lied and bribed his smelly ass off to get that passed.

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