Companies can't find Workers who can hold a Conversation or Show Up on Time

I wonder if its got anything to do with the type of people who would manufacture for whatever pay theyre offering.
Liberals tend to be lazy and stupid. MOST that do work daily jobs tend to be convicts in the state and federal system. The others are mainly drug addicts or drunks who don't work because of their self induced addiction.

Then you have the "sperm banks" who lay at home all day increasing there check simply by laying still and maybe grunting once in a while. It's just the way and the culture of your basic democrat.
You have all the classic signs of a drug addict.
I worked end stage rehab for 27 years so no. Zero. Anyway, which one are you of the typical female democrats. The hairy pitted lesbian with the bad breath or more like Hillary maybe?

An aging dinosaur screaming from the tar pits of stupidity looking for someone to join you in your stupidity?
Why yes, you do sound like a counselor, not...
Notice there tends to be an issue in liberal strong areas


According to the latest supplemental survey from the New York Fed's manufacturing and business leaders surveys, employers in the New York area are facing two main problems: finding workers who can show up on time and workers who can hold a conversation.

The survey showed that in April, 65% of manufacturing employers had difficulty finding punctual workers and 60% had trouble finding workers with interpersonal skills.

Well, it does seem like if a person had few interpersonal skills, then manufacturing would be their preference over say, customer service, or office professional type jobs.

As far as what is to blame for these deficiencies; probably entertainment technologies is high on the list.
I don't know what a "prog" is. I assume for you it's anything to the left of atilla the hun.

NAFTA was a rightwingnut thing that Clinton shouldn't have given in on.

"given in on"? :badgrin: No GOPer could have ever gotten that turd past a democrap Congress....your boy Willy lied and bribed his smelly ass off to get that passed.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement. It was envisioned at least 30 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.

What Is Its History?

The impetus for NAFTA actually began with President Ronald Reagan, who campaigned on a North American common market. In 1984, Congress passed the Trade and Tariff Act.

This is important because it gave the President "fast-track" authority to negotiate free trade agreements, while only allowing Congress the ability to approve or disapprove, not change negotiating points. Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney agreed with Reagan to begin negotiations for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which was signed in 1988, went into effect in 1989 and is now suspended since it's no longer neeeded. (Source: NaFina, NAFTA Timeline)

Meanwhile, Mexican President Salinas and President Bush began negotiations for a liberalized trade between the two countries. Prior to NAFTA, Mexican tariffs on U.S. imports were 250% higher than U.S. tariffs on Mexican imports. In 1991, Canada requested a trilateral agreement, which then led to NAFTA. In 1993, concerns about liberalization of labor and environmental regulations led to the adoption of two addendums.

NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992.

It was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The U.S. House of Representatives approved it by 234 to 200 on November 17, 1993. The U.S. Senate approved it by 60 to 38 on November 20, three days later.
History and Purpose of NAFTA
I wonder if its got anything to do with the type of people who would manufacture for whatever pay theyre offering.

With the labor participation rate at what it is, I wouldn't think there would be any terms and conditions

No terms and conditions?

You mean like what? Unlimited pay, choose your own hours, and super great bennies?

What job has no terms and conditions? You sure youre not one of those potential workers surveyed?

I worked construction years ago. Try getting anyone to work past noon on a Friday.
Well what kind of world are we living in where a burger flipper doesn't make as much money as the CEO.

It's the same type of world we live in where the CEO doesn't know how to flip a hamburger and is largely clueless that their company makes hamburgers.
I was looking at your sig and couldn't help but think that I wouldn't want to be Hillary's VP, not with an "I'm with stupid" arrow pointing at me all the time.
I don't know what a "prog" is. I assume for you it's anything to the left of atilla the hun.

NAFTA was a rightwingnut thing that Clinton shouldn't have given in on.

"given in on"? :badgrin: No GOPer could have ever gotten that turd past a democrap Congress....your boy Willy lied and bribed his smelly ass off to get that passed.
NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement. It was envisioned at least 30 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.

What Is Its History?

The impetus for NAFTA actually began with President Ronald Reagan, who campaigned on a North American common market. In 1984, Congress passed the Trade and Tariff Act.

This is important because it gave the President "fast-track" authority to negotiate free trade agreements, while only allowing Congress the ability to approve or disapprove, not change negotiating points. Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney agreed with Reagan to begin negotiations for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which was signed in 1988, went into effect in 1989 and is now suspended since it's no longer neeeded. (Source: NaFina, NAFTA Timeline)

Meanwhile, Mexican President Salinas and President Bush began negotiations for a liberalized trade between the two countries. Prior to NAFTA, Mexican tariffs on U.S. imports were 250% higher than U.S. tariffs on Mexican imports. In 1991, Canada requested a trilateral agreement, which then led to NAFTA. In 1993, concerns about liberalization of labor and environmental regulations led to the adoption of two addendums.

NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas, and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1992.

It was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries in 1993. The U.S. House of Representatives approved it by 234 to 200 on November 17, 1993. The U.S. Senate approved it by 60 to 38 on November 20, three days later.
History and Purpose of NAFTA

isn't it funny how they disavow their own plans like NAFTA and the ACA the second a democrat says ok to them. :cuckoo:
I wonder if its got anything to do with the type of people who would manufacture for whatever pay theyre offering.
Liberals tend to be lazy and stupid. MOST that do work daily jobs tend to be convicts in the state and federal system. The others are mainly drug addicts or drunks who don't work because of their self induced addiction.

Then you have the "sperm banks" who lay at home all day increasing there check simply by laying still and maybe grunting once in a while. It's just the way and the culture of your basic democrat.
Then why is it that the red states are the welfare states? Most of the whining lazy people I have seen are definate conservatives. Too fucking lazy to do research on any subject, too lazy to do a real job.
isn't it funny how they disavow their own plans like NAFTA and the ACA the second a democrat says ok to them. :cuckoo:

It might be funny if it were true, liar.

the only liar is you.

perhaps you should go look at what Ronnie baby proposed (as explained to you above) and what the heritage foundation plan for health care was in opposition to the single payor plan devised during the Clinton administration. I understand you're ignorant and hate-filled and uninformed, but you really should at least try.
No terms and conditions?

You mean like what? Unlimited pay, choose your own hours, and super great bennies?

What job has no terms and conditions? You sure youre not one of those potential workers surveyed?

Maybe I missed your point about pay... and the labor pool...

The point is the market.

Manufacturing wont find the workers its looking for until their offer for pay and benefits meets the demand of that block of quality of worker.

You mean they should offer less?

offer LESS and expect the higher skilled, more proficient people to come and apply?

im not sure if youre trolling.
Nope. Unions over charge for their skill level.
Cut wages and reduce costs until production is up.
On the contrary, cut the wages of upper management. As a skilled craftsman, I will not work or get my tools out for a crappy wage or job where the bennies are sub-standard. Why should I, plenty of places that would be glad to have my skill level and pay decently for it.
Notice there tends to be an issue in liberal strong areas


According to the latest supplemental survey from the New York Fed's manufacturing and business leaders surveys, employers in the New York area are facing two main problems: finding workers who can show up on time and workers who can hold a conversation.

The survey showed that in April, 65% of manufacturing employers had difficulty finding punctual workers and 60% had trouble finding workers with interpersonal skills.
It was pretty amazing back in 2010, 2011, when the economy was in lousier shape. I had business clients telling me they STILL couldn't find good people. I thought they were kidding at first.

The predictable result of constantly lowered standards, and a higher premium placed on self esteem and feelings than on effort and quality.

Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable

I wonder if its got anything to do with the type of people who would manufacture for whatever pay theyre offering.

With the labor participation rate at what it is, I wouldn't think there would be any terms and conditions

No terms and conditions?

You mean like what? Unlimited pay, choose your own hours, and super great bennies?

What job has no terms and conditions? You sure youre not one of those potential workers surveyed?

I worked construction years ago. Try getting anyone to work past noon on a Friday.
I did and Saturday and Sunday if needed, Since some of my clients were Seventh Day Adventist and we couldn't work on Saturdays...
In the winter I worked every day that it was a good day...
Notice there tends to be an issue in liberal strong areas


According to the latest supplemental survey from the New York Fed's manufacturing and business leaders surveys, employers in the New York area are facing two main problems: finding workers who can show up on time and workers who can hold a conversation.

The survey showed that in April, 65% of manufacturing employers had difficulty finding punctual workers and 60% had trouble finding workers with interpersonal skills.
It was pretty amazing back in 2010, 2011, when the economy was in lousier shape. I had business clients telling me they STILL couldn't find good people. I thought they were kidding at first.

The predictable result of constantly lowered standards, and a higher premium placed on self esteem and feelings than on effort and quality.

Confident Idiots American Students Growing More Confident Less Capable


the predictable results of substandard wages and a dearth of skilled labor.

there was no shortage of people looking for jobs.
I wonder if its got anything to do with the type of people who would manufacture for whatever pay theyre offering.

With the labor participation rate at what it is, I wouldn't think there would be any terms and conditions

No terms and conditions?

You mean like what? Unlimited pay, choose your own hours, and super great bennies?

What job has no terms and conditions? You sure youre not one of those potential workers surveyed?

I worked construction years ago. Try getting anyone to work past noon on a Friday.

maybe that was just you.
Nope. Unions over charge for their skill level.
Cut wages and reduce costs until production is up.

Guy, productivity is at its highest level in our history. The economy has gotten worse because of it, not better. Half the country isn't working and the other half is stressed out.

Are you some kind of retard?

is that a rhetorical question?

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