Companies can't find Workers who can hold a Conversation or Show Up on Time

Being on time? Speaking properly?

Those are old racist ideals from the 1900s. Get with the times man!
Next they'll be expecting people to follow instructions 'n stuff.



Or for the purpose of helping the company turn a profit.
Fuck that. Business owners are evil millionaires who didn't build that.

They should be forced to lose money every year.

Your post has zero to do with the words that i wrote.

Au Contraire, it has everything to do with what you bitched and moaned about. Mac rightly posted that unearned esteem creates a society of people who have pride in accomplishments they lack. Confident losers who may not actually produce, but doggone it - they're just as good as anyone else because they matter...

I didnt say anything about dollar value per trade based on demand.

So you kobe comment was a straw man.

No, I used it to illustrate a concept you seemed not to be able to grasp.

Oh, you clearly don't know what a straw man fallacy is.

I said its sick(and it is) to place a higher premium on work than on happiness.

Its quite legitimately retarded.

What an utterly stupid thing to say.

Work is a means to accomplishment. Happiness takes work - it may be employment to earn the leisure and funds to be happy. It may be the study to become a great musician. It may be the patience to learn yoga, it may be in a million different forms, but happiness requires work.

Work is a means to an end.

And that means dick all about the distribution of dollar bills per skill, or promoting mediocrity.

Thats just dimb bulb knee jerk bullshit devoid of deep thought.

Heres a novel concept: you can work hard and have self esteem and happiness.



Did your head explode?

The egregious comment is when you compare the two and find work more important than happiness. That means youre quite literally a slave.

Its not an accident youre one of the more curmudgeon posters either. Youll never be happy because you suck dick at it and dont know how.

You're an angry little guy. We all trade our time and our talents for that which we need and which we desire. That you feel you don't get the value you give is sad, but it is no one's fault but your own. Improve your talents and you can sell them for more.
There was a time when a high school graduate had to be able to read, write, and attend classes.
Oh well, just another old man reminiscing on the good old days.
Show me this gangster state and your evidence for it being more of a "gangster" state then America.
The united states isn't imperialist? Oh, not like we've backed coups, capitalists from our countries have done unspeakable things, not like we've invaded countries with little to no justification, supported capitalist dictators, fuck, we've even underminded democratic elections.
You may be an idiot, where are you getting your information on petrograd being a stateless, classless society? I'm pretty sure a state existed over it, along with authoritative power. "Real communism" Utter dog shit.
Oh, I understand "freedom" and history, you assume you're more superior then others who disagree with you, which is easy to observe.
Poverty is always lower? What, are you comparing America to cuba? Capitalism cannot function without systemic poverty, that's a fact, unless we all want to pay massive prices.

You are a babbling little child. You are probably a troll trying to stir shit by playing a Communist on the interwebz.

One thing is for certain, you haven't a fucking clue about what you purport to promote. I doubt you have any clue what a dialectic is, much less what dialectical materialism is.

You have the poor fortune of stumbling across a person who is well educated and took an interest in Marxism long ago. Lenin was a gangster, but like Al Capone, a very interesting man. He was even a true believer for a time. Stalin never was., he was a thug from the start, as was Mao. But Lenin actually believed the bullshit, until he tried to put it into practice.
Notice there tends to be an issue in liberal strong areas


According to the latest supplemental survey from the New York Fed's manufacturing and business leaders surveys, employers in the New York area are facing two main problems: finding workers who can show up on time and workers who can hold a conversation.

The survey showed that in April, 65% of manufacturing employers had difficulty finding punctual workers and 60% had trouble finding workers with interpersonal skills.

Sure...they sound like they are worth 15 dollars an hour.......
Show me this gangster state and your evidence for it being more of a "gangster" state then America.
The united states isn't imperialist? Oh, not like we've backed coups, capitalists from our countries have done unspeakable things, not like we've invaded countries with little to no justification, supported capitalist dictators, fuck, we've even underminded democratic elections.
You may be an idiot, where are you getting your information on petrograd being a stateless, classless society? I'm pretty sure a state existed over it, along with authoritative power. "Real communism" Utter dog shit.
Oh, I understand "freedom" and history, you assume you're more superior then others who disagree with you, which is easy to observe.
Poverty is always lower? What, are you comparing America to cuba? Capitalism cannot function without systemic poverty, that's a fact, unless we all want to pay massive prices.

You are a babbling little child. You are probably a troll trying to stir shit by playing a Communist on the interwebz.

One thing is for certain, you haven't a fucking clue about what you purport to promote. I doubt you have any clue what a dialectic is, much less what dialectical materialism is.

You have the poor fortune of stumbling across a person who is well educated and took an interest in Marxism long ago. Lenin was a gangster, but like Al Capone, a very interesting man. He was even a true believer for a time. Stalin never was., he was a thug from the start, as was Mao. But Lenin actually believed the bullshit, until he tried to put it into practice.
Keep assuming I don't know anything about marxism, may make yourself feel better. Really? Poor fortune? Ah, great job saying they didn't believe the bullshit, nothing to back that hilarious claim up. Lenin/stalin/mao, what they practiced was not communism, more so marxism-leninism, and with mao, Maoism, which is essentially an extension of leninism. Great job ignoring most of my post.
I don't know what a "prog" is. I assume for you it's anything to the left of atilla the hun.

NAFTA was a rightwingnut thing that Clinton shouldn't have given in on.

"given in on"? :badgrin: No GOPer could have ever gotten that turd past a democrap Congress....your boy Willy lied and bribed his smelly ass off to get that passed.
YOU are being an absolute ignorant idiot.

NAFTA was negotiated by President Bush 1, with Mexico and Canada...

Clinton, said he would HONOR the treaty negotiations that Bush1 had already agreed to and negotiated with the other two Presidents/leaders and who had already signed off on it.

Refusing to hire you isn't "shitty behavior," Comrade Stalin - it's just good business. And the companies that did hire you for a day or a week regretted it.

Well, funny thing. Coming up on 7 years where I currently work. Did six years at the place before that.

And in that time, I've seen people fired because they were gay, fired because they dated the girl who was now dating the manager, fired becuase they were pregnant, fired because they had medical expenses....

A whole list of shitty behavior you wouldn't have if you had strong worker protections.
Your boss isn't your mommy.

I don't speak to third world shit holes. India and China became shit holes by adopting Socialism. They are slowly clawing their way out of the cesspool by adopting market driven policies. Less people physically starve to death today, than when Socialism was in full bloom in India, but the nation remains impoverished. India never fell as deeply into the sewer as China did - life is still brutal in the Communist shit hole. China has become a typical gangster state - which is inevitable with Socialism. Government stolen goods are openly sold on the black market, well connected thugs reap the rewards while the enslaved masses toil. Communism always yields the same results, death, misery, and bitter despair.

I think you are pretty ignorant about the histories of China and India.

India is impoverished because England looted the country for hundreds of years until they finally threw the bastards out. Today, it is one of the world's rising economic powers.
So you admit that Welfare pays more than working?

Is that why you don't have a job?

doesn't pay more than what I make. I probably make more than you.

But if you want to ask someone to do a menial job and not pay them, they might as well collect welfare.

and the rich will get people like you to subsidize it.


And you aren't paying for it, you got a special box on your 1040 form?
And you aren't paying for it, you got a special box on your 1040 form?

I'm paying for it, too. But unlike you, I'm a puppet who can see the strings.

Glad you are a puppet, maybe that is why you lie so much, it's because someone is doing it for you.


Uh, no, guy, I just realize that it's all a big game, and politics is largely faker than wrestling.

That you are too dumb to see the strings is kind of sad. You'll vote for a third Bush after the first two were complete fuckups. Because you are afraid of the vajayjay.
And you aren't paying for it, you got a special box on your 1040 form?

I'm paying for it, too. But unlike you, I'm a puppet who can see the strings.

Glad you are a puppet, maybe that is why you lie so much, it's because someone is doing it for you.


Uh, no, guy, I just realize that it's all a big game, and politics is largely faker than wrestling.

That you are too dumb to see the strings is kind of sad. You'll vote for a third Bush after the first two were complete fuckups. Because you are afraid of the vajayjay.

So what is your reason for lying as much as you do and the. When proven you are a liar, you just move on?
If you accept a job then you do your best .Period.

If you don't then you have no self respect.

Maybe some people's lives don't revolve around their work.

"If only I had spent more time at the office!" Said on a deathbed, never.
It has nothing to do with that .

When you are at the job you agreed to work if you don't do that job to the best of your ability then you have no self respect.

It has nothing to do with how much time you work but what you do with the time you are at work.

I would have thought that concept needed no explanation but I see it does with you.
If you accept a job then you do your best .Period.

If you don't then you have no self respect.
I have to sympathize with the kids on the tardiness issue, they were taught by public school teachers.

Many of the teachers I taught with were late at least one day a week, many were late almost every day.

The solution our brilliant school board came up with was to required us to come earlier.

Same people were still late, the punctual just had to come earlier.

We even went to time cards, and it did not help; teachers would get one teacher to punch in the cards for four or five.

But, cliquishness in public schools is another story.

How long did it take for you to learn to get to work on time?

It doesn't have to be taught. You know how to tell time, you know how long it takes you to get up shower and get dressed, you know how long it takes to get to work.

It seems like common sense to me

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