Companies Moving Back To US; >> Higher Prices ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Some people seem to be raising the fear of higher prices, if companies move back to the US, as a result of President Trump's tariff "campaign." Trump has said the tariffs he placed on steel and aluminum are just the beginning, with many more to come, on many more products.

This could make doing business in China and other overseas countries simply not economical. While some companies have already returned to the US, it's likely many more will. So, the question being asked is, will US consumers face price increases on the products of these back-in-the-US companies ? Any thoughts ? Theories ?
Some people seem to be raising the fear of higher prices, if companies move back to the US, as a result of President Trump's tariff "campaign." Trump has said the tariffs he placed on steel and aluminum are just the beginning, with many more to come, on many more products.

This could make doing business in China and other overseas countries simply not economical. While some companies have already returned to the US, it's likely many more will. So, the question being asked is, will US consumers face price increases on the products of these back-in-the-US companies ? Any thoughts ? Theories ?

In the short term, yes, they probably will see higher prices. In the long term, prices will be pressured down as competition enters the marketplace and consumers have options. Businesses also will not see any decrease in profits, in fact, probably higher profits due to the massive tax cuts.

Furthermore, the fallacy is that everything is so much cheaper because of external manufacturing, but you still see massive gouging and excessive markups on products such as iphones, laptops and such that are made overseas. While also a much greater threat to privacy and National Security.

Is the sustainability of the U.S economy worth some higher prices on some items? I say absolutely. You are paying for it one way or another, whether in high debt levels or increased crime and poverty as people don't have work (and you will subsidize them), or any other number of issues. Also, workers will now have disposable income to spend. The more they have, the more they spend on entertainment and luxuries they couldn't spend on before.
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Some people seem to be raising the fear of higher prices, if companies move back to the US, as a result of President Trump's tariff "campaign." Trump has said the tariffs he placed on steel and aluminum are just the beginning, with many more to come, on many more products.

This could make doing business in China and other overseas countries simply not economical. While some companies have already returned to the US, it's likely many more will. So, the question being asked is, will US consumers face price increases on the products of these back-in-the-US companies ? Any thoughts ? Theories ?

In the short term, yes, they probably will see higher prices. In the long term, prices will be pressured down as competition enters the marketplace and consumers have options. Businesses also will not see any decrease in profits, in fact, probably higher profits due to the massive tax cuts.

Furthermore, the fallacy is that everything is so much cheaper because of external manufacturing, but you still see massive gouging and excessive markups on products such as iphones, laptops and such that are made overseas. While also a much greater threat to privacy and National Security.

Is the sustainability of the U.S economy worth some higher prices on some items? I say absolutely. You are paying for it one way or another, whether in high debt levels or increased crime and poverty as people don't have work (and you will subsidize them), or any other number of issues. Also, workers will now have disposable income to spend. The more they have, the more they spend on entertainment and luxuries they couldn't spend on before.
While I agree with what you said, I think there are quite a few other variables that will show themselves, as companies reopen inside the US. These are going in the direction of keeping prices down.
just because companies move back here does not necessarily mean more manufacturing jobs, because when they open their factories here and build them, they will probably do so with A/I...artificial intelligence....the way of the future...robots.

With robots, they do not have to pay a matching social security and Medicare tax, no paid holidays, or vacation time to pay or the cost of health care insurance to buy and the cost of artificial intelligence will pay for itself in just a couple of years and then the rest of the time it is gravy....

I hate to be a downer, but the way of the future for big business is moving in the above direction.... :(
How many
View attachment 186196

I agree with all these comments. These morons deserve everything Trump does to them.

View attachment 186197

How many jobs do you think it will cost China? Exponentially more. How many jobs lost here will be replaced in higher numbers elsewhere in the U.S economy?

America isn't the problem, China is. If they don't want tariffs, they can get rid of them, and they can stop manipulating their currency and let it float. Just taking an isolated case as Erin did, is a weak approach, look at the entire economy, changes in the trade imbalances, jobs, wage increases etc.

If you don't deal with this sooner rather than later, you go the way of Greece. There is no way around this.
just because companies move back here does not necessarily mean more manufacturing jobs, because when they open their factories here and build them, they will probably do so with A/I...artificial intelligence....the way of the future...robots.

With robots, they do not have to pay a matching social security and Medicare tax, no paid holidays, or vacation time to pay or the cost of health care insurance to buy and the cost of artificial intelligence will pay for itself in just a couple of years and then the rest of the time it is gravy....

I hate to be a downer, but the way of the future for big business is moving in the above direction.... :(
:iagree: And with that agreement, this is just one more reason, among others on the list, that will help keep prices down, further assuring the success of Trump's tariffs, his campaign promise to bring the US companies back to the US, and to MAGA. :beer:
just because companies move back here does not necessarily mean more manufacturing jobs, because when they open their factories here and build them, they will probably do so with A/I...artificial intelligence....the way of the future...robots.

With robots, they do not have to pay a matching social security and Medicare tax, no paid holidays, or vacation time to pay or the cost of health care insurance to buy and the cost of artificial intelligence will pay for itself in just a couple of years and then the rest of the time it is gravy....

I hate to be a downer, but the way of the future for big business is moving in the above direction.... :(

It's not just about manufacturing though, and if this is true, why the need to move these robot intensive operations to China or Mexico? Why they move at all then?

No factory is completing self operating. It requires shipment of raw materials for the robots, installation of materials and movement of the goods, high technical know how for maintenance. You can go on and on.

This is about broad successes in the U.S economy and getting people to work rather than being a burden on the system.
Some people seem to be raising the fear of higher prices, if companies move back to the US, as a result of President Trump's tariff "campaign." Trump has said the tariffs he placed on steel and aluminum are just the beginning, with many more to come, on many more products.

This could make doing business in China and other overseas countries simply not economical. While some companies have already returned to the US, it's likely many more will. So, the question being asked is, will US consumers face price increases on the products of these back-in-the-US companies ? Any thoughts ? Theories ?
Some people seem to be raising the fear of higher prices, if companies move back to the US, as a result of President Trump's tariff "campaign." Trump has said the tariffs he placed on steel and aluminum are just the beginning, with many more to come, on many more products.

This could make doing business in China and other overseas countries simply not economical. While some companies have already returned to the US, it's likely many more will. So, the question being asked is, will US consumers face price increases on the products of these back-in-the-US companies ? Any thoughts ? Theories ?
Same argument you Democrats made when Republicans freed the slaves.
Some people seem to be raising the fear of higher prices, if companies move back to the US, as a result of President Trump's tariff "campaign." Trump has said the tariffs he placed on steel and aluminum are just the beginning, with many more to come, on many more products.

This could make doing business in China and other overseas countries simply not economical. While some companies have already returned to the US, it's likely many more will. So, the question being asked is, will US consumers face price increases on the products of these back-in-the-US companies ? Any thoughts ? Theories ?

I'm always willing to pay more for better quality, especially if it can be said to be American made. This is the first step to boosting the economy, and while some prices may go up, in the end, standards of living will go up as well because it will take more better paying American jobs to support it and we will be able to afford it. America First.

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