Company that was burned in Minneapolis won't rebuild in the city, says they are leaving

Good move on the part of that company.

It should move to one of the few remaining orderly places still left in this country.

Besides companies, more and more good people will be leaving certain cities, too.

A lot of people started leaving certain cities in the 1960s.

So maybe this is the beginning of a new migration and realignment.
All this rioting and looting is going to fuck the Negroes big time.

You will see tremendous White flight from the big city shitholes and with it jobs and tax base. The Negroes will be wondering what the hell happened. We will see more cities turn into Detroits.
What makes the person think that relocating in whatever way will be the move to make when what they are trying to get away from is happening in other areas of the country?

God bless you and them always!!!

Because some states, some areas etc allow citizens to defend themselves and their businesses. Here in Georgia we have stand your ground and we use it. In Minnesota you have to FLEE before trying to defend yourself.
Sadly that only takes care of the problem when places are open. How many places have been torn into during the hours when they aren't even open to the public yet?

God bless you always!!!

Did you hear what the city council leader said? Lisa Bender? She said asking who someone would call if their house was being broken into (after they remove the police) and she said asking that question comes from a place of privilege!

It is now white privilege to not want to be robbed, raped, or murdered in your own home.

The far left is absolutely INSANE

Her Point was that when White People call 911 - The police come make things better.
But when Black people call 911 the police come make things worse.

What she said would make sense if it was true.
It is not true.
The problem is that she is totally misinformed.
Intentionally, or not.
Ya get what you vote for :(
Global pandemic.
The highest unemployment since the great depression.
Global rioting.
A president who threatens to use the military on American citizens.
A recession.
Did you hear what the city council leader said? Lisa Bender? She said asking who someone would call if their house was being broken into (after they remove the police) and she said asking that question comes from a place of privilege!

It is now white privilege to not want to be robbed, raped, or murdered in your own home.

The far left is absolutely INSANE

Her Point was that when White People call 911 - The police come make things better.
But when Black people call 911 the police come make things worse.

What she said would make sense if it was true.
It is not true.
The problem is that she is totally misinformed.
Intentionally, or not.
She is not misinformed, she is brainwashed.
There is a difference.
She is a great example of a ever growing culture of people who are easily manipulated by media driven narratives. No matter how unfounded they are.
Did you hear what the city council leader said? Lisa Bender? She said asking who someone would call if their house was being broken into (after they remove the police) and she said asking that question comes from a place of privilege!

It is now white privilege to not want to be robbed, raped, or murdered in your own home.

The far left is absolutely INSANE

Her Point was that when White People call 911 - The police come make things better.
But when Black people call 911 the police come make things worse.

What she said would make sense if it was true.
It is not true.
The problem is that she is totally misinformed.
Intentionally, or not.
She is not misinformed, she is brainwashed.
There is a difference.
She is a great example of a ever growing culture of people who are easily manipulated by media driven narratives. No matter how unfounded they are.

Whatever -

The point is her comment makes sense if it was true.

Rather than attack the comment as nonsensical -
The bad data behind her brainwashing should be the focus.
Ya get what you vote for :(
Global pandemic.
The highest unemployment since the great depression.
Global rioting.
A president who threatens to use the military on American citizens.
A recession.

Amusing, think the liberal left is the answer to ANY of those problems? Have fun living in one of the "wasteland" cities that Democrats are creating!
Ya get what you vote for :(
Global pandemic.
The highest unemployment since the great depression.
Global rioting.
A president who threatens to use the military on American citizens.
A recession.

47 years of democrat rule in Minneapolis and you STILL believe they care about black people?
Ya get what you vote for :(
Global pandemic.
The highest unemployment since the great depression.
Global rioting.
A president who threatens to use the military on American citizens.
A recession.
In the words of Progs......there are consequences. To all citizens who can and want to...Leave the cities! Leave Prog suburbs! To all businesses who can...Leave the cities! Build in safer areas. Even if you have to have a few or several smaller buildings over one huge one. Diversify. Think of the new realities. The newer areas will help you and the employees will be happy. The employees from the old places will move there also. And they will end up happier........and safer. Quality of life is not a downtown expensive place to eat and an off Broadway show if its like the dark side of Gotham City in all the deep blue areas.
Great job, Dimwingers. Sat back and allowed your city to burn to the ground. Now the jobs are leaving.

Manufacturing company in Minneapolis since 1987 leaving city after violent protests

A Minneapolis manufacturing company, whose plant burned amid civil unrest following George Floyd's death, is leaving the city after nearly four decades and taking dozens of jobs with it.

The president and owner of 7-Sigma Inc. Kris Wyrobek felt inclined to do so after he says he lost trust in public officials during the riots that plagued the city, according to Star Tribune.

"They don't care about my business," said Wyrobek told the Star Tribune. "They didn't protect our people. We were all on our own."

Star Tribune

Replying to @StarTribune

A manufacturing company that has been in Minneapolis since 1987 has decided to leave the city.

The company’s owner said he can’t trust public officials who allowed his plant to burn during the recent riots: “They don’t care about my business.”

Manufacturer that burned as Minneapolis protests turned violent plans to relocate from city
'They didn't protect our people,' 7-Sigma owner says of city officials.


7:31 AM - Jun 9, 2020
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The company, which designs and manufactures polymer solutions and precision metal components, has been operating in south Minneapolis since 1987. The city will effectively lose 50 jobs when Wyrobek takes his business elsewhere, according to the outlet.

Wyrobek isn't alone in his frustration. The city of Minneapolis says the looting and property damage have already caused at least $55 million in destruction so far.

Ya get what you vote for :(
Global pandemic.
The highest unemployment since the great depression.
Global rioting.
A president who threatens to use the military on American citizens.
A recession.

47 years of democrat rule in Minneapolis and you STILL believe they care about black people?

There literally has not been a Republican anywhere near where any decisions have been made there in half a century.
Like Candidate Trump said - give it try, what have you got to lose?
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.

And then Obama "united" us back into the 50s. Asshole...……..

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