Company that was burned in Minneapolis won't rebuild in the city, says they are leaving

If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.
I remember when the left used to be anti-war, and anti-corporate. I remember when the left abhorred censorship as well.
You remember those days? You know when they left actually stood for something...when they had principles?
Back before virtue signalling? Back before you all marched in lockstep to a rudderless leadership who is bought and directed by those same military industrial, pharmaceutical, big tech CORPORATIONS that you USED to protest against. Remember?
The right might be a joke...but you guys are just as big of one...and stand for fuck all.
Poser shitheads.
The left stands for equal justice. For an end to racism. That’s not changing anytime soon.
You stand for literally nothing....You're political nihilists.
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.
I remember when the left used to be anti-war, and anti-corporate. I remember when the left abhorred censorship as well.
You remember those days? You know when they left actually stood for something...when they had principles?
Back before virtue signalling? Back before you all marched in lockstep to a rudderless leadership who is bought and directed by those same military industrial, pharmaceutical, big tech CORPORATIONS that you USED to protest against. Remember?
The right might be a joke...but you guys are just as big of one...and stand for fuck all.
Poser shitheads.
The left stands for equal justice. For an end to racism. That’s not changing anytime soon.
Equal justice? Anyway, the left stands for pandering, not equality.
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.
I remember when the left used to be anti-war, and anti-corporate. I remember when the left abhorred censorship as well.
You remember those days? You know when they left actually stood for something...when they had principles?
Back before virtue signalling? Back before you all marched in lockstep to a rudderless leadership who is bought and directed by those same military industrial, pharmaceutical, big tech CORPORATIONS that you USED to protest against. Remember?
The right might be a joke...but you guys are just as big of one...and stand for fuck all.
Poser shitheads.
The left stands for equal justice. For an end to racism. That’s not changing anytime soon.

The Left does NOT stand for equal justice.
Sure we do. Like when a cop murders someone, we stand for justice for the murder.
You weren’t outspoken when the thugs killed the black police officer. Retired. Nice try. No banana.
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.
I remember when the left used to be anti-war, and anti-corporate. I remember when the left abhorred censorship as well.
You remember those days? You know when they left actually stood for something...when they had principles?
Back before virtue signalling? Back before you all marched in lockstep to a rudderless leadership who is bought and directed by those same military industrial, pharmaceutical, big tech CORPORATIONS that you USED to protest against. Remember?
The right might be a joke...but you guys are just as big of one...and stand for fuck all.
Poser shitheads.
The left stands for equal justice. For an end to racism. That’s not changing anytime soon.

The Left does NOT stand for equal justice.
Sure we do. Like when a cop murders someone, we stand for justice for the murder.

What if the perp had a conviction for Armed Robbery, was a drugged up basic thug and had pistol whipped and pointed a gun at the stomach of a pregnant woman? I mean come on colfax the planet is better off without that type of human scum in it.
Maybe far west Texas would be safer......

In One Of Alpine’s Largest Protests, Hundreds Turn Out To Rally Against The Police Killings Of Black People
Posted on June 8, 2020


"Approximately 350 West Texans marched in Alpine over the weekend to protest against systemic racism and the police killings of black people, including George Floyd in Minneapolis, Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Tony McDade in Tallahassee and Mike Ramos in Austin. Organizers believe Saturday’s demonstration was the first Black Lives Matter rally in Alpine and brought a large — if not the largest — protest crowd to Far West Texas in recent years."""
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.

You Know what’s basically nonexistent? Systemic and institutional racism, except of course for affirmative action.

The cries of "systemic and institutional racism" are coming primarily from voices in Rotting Northern Cities run by Democrats for half a century.

If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.
I remember when the left used to be anti-war, and anti-corporate. I remember when the left abhorred censorship as well.
You remember those days? You know when they left actually stood for something...when they had principles?
Back before virtue signalling? Back before you all marched in lockstep to a rudderless leadership who is bought and directed by those same military industrial, pharmaceutical, big tech CORPORATIONS that you USED to protest against. Remember?
The right might be a joke...but you guys are just as big of one...and stand for fuck all.
Poser shitheads.
The left stands for equal justice. For an end to racism. That’s not changing anytime soon.
Equal justice? Anyway, the left stands for pandering, not equality.

Not just pandering but increasingly pathetic Virtue Signalling.
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.

And then Obama "united" us back into the 50s. Asshole...……..

United who? Racists?

It is convenient when people call black people chimps so we can identify who the racists are.
I didn't call black people chimps, you fucking imbecile.

You are the one who took my description of "chimpout" to mean it was necessarily and only blacks, which makes you the racist.
So who did you refer to as chimps?
I described a behavior, racist shithead.
Are you aware that black people are referred to as chimps by racist people?

Let's face it Leftists are literally having a meltdown and protesting too much and calling ALL Rightists racists etc because Leftists know they have to cover up for and deflect from the fact that Democrats have run those Black areas for 50-55 years and ALLOWED the Blacks to live in Shit Holes for ALL that time, to keep them POOR, to allow them to STAY addicted to drugs, to allow them to STAY in BAD schools and they need to blame Rightists and Donald Trump to DEFLECT attention AWAY from the fact that it;s Democrats who HATE Blacks and are the RACISTS, not forgetting that the Ku Klux Klan was the Democrats Terrorist Wing pre-Antifa.
I don’t think all people on the right are racist and I would only use that term if I felt someone had done something that indicated such.

The term chimpout is racist.

This issue in the near future is not even going to be about Left or Right, the way it's going already should tell you what the actual Agenda is:

White skin = Racist.

This is going to be REGARDLESS of what your politics are, all these stupid self-hating White Leftists sucking the Black Supremacists buttocks need to realise that these Blacks ARE going to turn on THEM also BECAUSE they too ARE White and that means they too ARE obviously racist. These stupid Leftists have created a Frankenstein's Monster that WILL turn on THEM, it is inevitable, it's not IF but WHEN.
Liberoidals are in such a narcissistic stupor of pandering and virtue signaling to know that Stalin and Mao rounded up most of the "intellectuals" and others responsible for putting them into power, and had them taken out and shot.
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.
I remember when the left used to be anti-war, and anti-corporate. I remember when the left abhorred censorship as well.
You remember those days? You know when they left actually stood for something...when they had principles?
Back before virtue signalling? Back before you all marched in lockstep to a rudderless leadership who is bought and directed by those same military industrial, pharmaceutical, big tech CORPORATIONS that you USED to protest against. Remember?
The right might be a joke...but you guys are just as big of one...and stand for fuck all.
Poser shitheads.
The left stands for equal justice. For an end to racism. That’s not changing anytime soon.

The Left does NOT stand for equal justice.
Sure we do. Like when a cop murders someone, we stand for justice for the murder.
You do? I thought that was the criminal justice system who charged those cops?
I know what you are in support of...breaking shit...stealing shit...beating people...murdering cops.
You fuckheads don't know your ass from a post hole.
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.
I remember when the left used to be anti-war, and anti-corporate. I remember when the left abhorred censorship as well.
You remember those days? You know when they left actually stood for something...when they had principles?
Back before virtue signalling? Back before you all marched in lockstep to a rudderless leadership who is bought and directed by those same military industrial, pharmaceutical, big tech CORPORATIONS that you USED to protest against. Remember?
The right might be a joke...but you guys are just as big of one...and stand for fuck all.
Poser shitheads.
The left stands for equal justice. For an end to racism. That’s not changing anytime soon.

The Left does NOT stand for equal justice.
Sure we do. Like when a cop murders someone, we stand for justice for the murder.

What if the perp had a conviction for Armed Robbery, was a drugged up basic thug and had pistol whipped and pointed a gun at the stomach of a pregnant woman? I mean come on colfax the planet is better off without that type of human scum in it.
Irrelevant. That does not justify his death in any way.
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.
If you do not know, people to not take kindly to being robbed or others coming into their homes uninvited. The home can be a bastion of serenity from the outside world if not from each other inside it.
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.

And then Obama "united" us back into the 50s. Asshole...……..

United who? Racists?

It is convenient when people call black people chimps so we can identify who the racists are.
I didn't call black people chimps, you fucking imbecile.

You are the one who took my description of "chimpout" to mean it was necessarily and only blacks, which makes you the racist.
So who did you refer to as chimps?
I described a behavior, racist shithead.
Are you aware that black people are referred to as chimps by racist people?

Let's face it Leftists are literally having a meltdown and protesting too much and calling ALL Rightists racists etc because Leftists know they have to cover up for and deflect from the fact that Democrats have run those Black areas for 50-55 years and ALLOWED the Blacks to live in Shit Holes for ALL that time, to keep them POOR, to allow them to STAY addicted to drugs, to allow them to STAY in BAD schools and they need to blame Rightists and Donald Trump to DEFLECT attention AWAY from the fact that it;s Democrats who HATE Blacks and are the RACISTS, not forgetting that the Ku Klux Klan was the Democrats Terrorist Wing pre-Antifa.
I don’t think all people on the right are racist and I would only use that term if I felt someone had done something that indicated such.

The term chimpout is racist.

This issue in the near future is not even going to be about Left or Right, the way it's going already should tell you what the actual Agenda is:

White skin = Racist.

This is going to be REGARDLESS of what your politics are, all these stupid self-hating White Leftists sucking the Black Supremacists buttocks need to realise that these Blacks ARE going to turn on THEM also BECAUSE they too ARE White and that means they too ARE obviously racist. These stupid Leftists have created a Frankenstein's Monster that WILL turn on THEM, it is inevitable, it's not IF but WHEN.
You are absolutely off your rocker. You spend way too much time on the internet and not enough with normal people.

No actually this has been my first full day off for a while and so I've been posting more than normal today. Tomorrow I am back doing my job which involves me using my State Issued Diplomatic Passport.
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.
I remember when the left used to be anti-war, and anti-corporate. I remember when the left abhorred censorship as well.
You remember those days? You know when they left actually stood for something...when they had principles?
Back before virtue signalling? Back before you all marched in lockstep to a rudderless leadership who is bought and directed by those same military industrial, pharmaceutical, big tech CORPORATIONS that you USED to protest against. Remember?
The right might be a joke...but you guys are just as big of one...and stand for fuck all.
Poser shitheads.
The left stands for equal justice. For an end to racism. That’s not changing anytime soon.

The Left does NOT stand for equal justice.
Sure we do. Like when a cop murders someone, we stand for justice for the murder.
You weren’t outspoken when the thugs killed the black police officer. Retired. Nice try. No banana.
I had no doubt that the people who murdered him would face justice if they were able to be apprehended.
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.

And then Obama "united" us back into the 50s. Asshole...……..

United who? Racists?

It is convenient when people call black people chimps so we can identify who the racists are.
I didn't call black people chimps, you fucking imbecile.

You are the one who took my description of "chimpout" to mean it was necessarily and only blacks, which makes you the racist.
So who did you refer to as chimps?
I described a behavior, racist shithead.
Are you aware that black people are referred to as chimps by racist people?

Let's face it Leftists are literally having a meltdown and protesting too much and calling ALL Rightists racists etc because Leftists know they have to cover up for and deflect from the fact that Democrats have run those Black areas for 50-55 years and ALLOWED the Blacks to live in Shit Holes for ALL that time, to keep them POOR, to allow them to STAY addicted to drugs, to allow them to STAY in BAD schools and they need to blame Rightists and Donald Trump to DEFLECT attention AWAY from the fact that it;s Democrats who HATE Blacks and are the RACISTS, not forgetting that the Ku Klux Klan was the Democrats Terrorist Wing pre-Antifa.
I don’t think all people on the right are racist and I would only use that term if I felt someone had done something that indicated such.

The term chimpout is racist.

This issue in the near future is not even going to be about Left or Right, the way it's going already should tell you what the actual Agenda is:

White skin = Racist.

This is going to be REGARDLESS of what your politics are, all these stupid self-hating White Leftists sucking the Black Supremacists buttocks need to realise that these Blacks ARE going to turn on THEM also BECAUSE they too ARE White and that means they too ARE obviously racist. These stupid Leftists have created a Frankenstein's Monster that WILL turn on THEM, it is inevitable, it's not IF but WHEN.
You are absolutely off your rocker. You spend way too much time on the internet and not enough with normal people.

No actually this has been my first full day off for a while and so I've been posting more than normal today. Tomorrow I am back doing my job which involves me using my State Issued Diplomatic Passport.
The internet can be a very toxic place. My point stands.
Great job, Dimwingers. Sat back and allowed your city to burn to the ground. Now the jobs are leaving.

Manufacturing company in Minneapolis since 1987 leaving city after violent protests

A Minneapolis manufacturing company, whose plant burned amid civil unrest following George Floyd's death, is leaving the city after nearly four decades and taking dozens of jobs with it.

The president and owner of 7-Sigma Inc. Kris Wyrobek felt inclined to do so after he says he lost trust in public officials during the riots that plagued the city, according to Star Tribune.

"They don't care about my business," said Wyrobek told the Star Tribune. "They didn't protect our people. We were all on our own."

Star Tribune

Replying to @StarTribune

A manufacturing company that has been in Minneapolis since 1987 has decided to leave the city.

The company’s owner said he can’t trust public officials who allowed his plant to burn during the recent riots: “They don’t care about my business.”

Manufacturer that burned as Minneapolis protests turned violent plans to relocate from city
'They didn't protect our people,' 7-Sigma owner says of city officials.


7:31 AM - Jun 9, 2020
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99 people are talking about this

The company, which designs and manufactures polymer solutions and precision metal components, has been operating in south Minneapolis since 1987. The city will effectively lose 50 jobs when Wyrobek takes his business elsewhere, according to the outlet.

Wyrobek isn't alone in his frustration. The city of Minneapolis says the looting and property damage have already caused at least $55 million in destruction so far.

If the city is going to turn it over to the savages and terrorist like Boko Haram, who the fuck would stay.
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.
I remember when the left used to be anti-war, and anti-corporate. I remember when the left abhorred censorship as well.
You remember those days? You know when they left actually stood for something...when they had principles?
Back before virtue signalling? Back before you all marched in lockstep to a rudderless leadership who is bought and directed by those same military industrial, pharmaceutical, big tech CORPORATIONS that you USED to protest against. Remember?
The right might be a joke...but you guys are just as big of one...and stand for fuck all.
Poser shitheads.
The left stands for equal justice. For an end to racism. That’s not changing anytime soon.

The Left does NOT stand for equal justice.
Sure we do. Like when a cop murders someone, we stand for justice for the murder.

What if the perp had a conviction for Armed Robbery, was a drugged up basic thug and had pistol whipped and pointed a gun at the stomach of a pregnant woman? I mean come on colfax the planet is better off without that type of human scum in it.
Irrelevant. That does not justify his death in any way.

Yes it does justify it. WTF?! What would happen if there was a serial killer would you prefer someone killed them OR would you prefer to let them go so they could continue causing mayhem in the community?

Did you cry when they executed for example John Wayne Gacy?
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.
It is non-existent to the point of where you can take it. Can't stop blacks from being racist, they are the most racist group of all. Can't stop whites, Hispanics or Asians from being racist, it's part of human nature.
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.

You Know what’s basically nonexistent? Systemic and institutional racism, except of course for affirmative action.

The cries of "systemic and institutional racism" are coming primarily from voices in Rotting Northern Cities run by Democrats for half a century.




430 towns and cities had protest marches..
If I lived there I would be on my way out by now.....
I grew up there and now have zero desire to even visit again since the goons burned down Lake Street...Much of had been transformed by immigrant entrepreneurs into a place with all sorts of international flavor and ambiance, and the chimpout freaks wrecked it all.
I remember when the right used to say that racism was basically nonexistent.

And then Obama "united" us back into the 50s. Asshole...……..

United who? Racists?

It is convenient when people call black people chimps so we can identify who the racists are.
I didn't call black people chimps, you fucking imbecile.

You are the one who took my description of "chimpout" to mean it was necessarily and only blacks, which makes you the racist.
So who did you refer to as chimps?
I described a behavior, racist shithead.
Are you aware that black people are referred to as chimps by racist people?

Let's face it Leftists are literally having a meltdown and protesting too much and calling ALL Rightists racists etc because Leftists know they have to cover up for and deflect from the fact that Democrats have run those Black areas for 50-55 years and ALLOWED the Blacks to live in Shit Holes for ALL that time, to keep them POOR, to allow them to STAY addicted to drugs, to allow them to STAY in BAD schools and they need to blame Rightists and Donald Trump to DEFLECT attention AWAY from the fact that it;s Democrats who HATE Blacks and are the RACISTS, not forgetting that the Ku Klux Klan was the Democrats Terrorist Wing pre-Antifa.
I don’t think all people on the right are racist and I would only use that term if I felt someone had done something that indicated such.

The term chimpout is racist.

This issue in the near future is not even going to be about Left or Right, the way it's going already should tell you what the actual Agenda is:

White skin = Racist.

This is going to be REGARDLESS of what your politics are, all these stupid self-hating White Leftists sucking the Black Supremacists buttocks need to realise that these Blacks ARE going to turn on THEM also BECAUSE they too ARE White and that means they too ARE obviously racist. These stupid Leftists have created a Frankenstein's Monster that WILL turn on THEM, it is inevitable, it's not IF but WHEN.
You are absolutely off your rocker. You spend way too much time on the internet and not enough with normal people.

No actually this has been my first full day off for a while and so I've been posting more than normal today. Tomorrow I am back doing my job which involves me using my State Issued Diplomatic Passport.
The internet can be a very toxic place. My point stands.

Yes I agree, which is why we are monitoring Twitter now, you see Twitter types think they are clever Flagging to get Wrong Think Doxxed but they are now also getting monitored because Twitter is ALLOWING TERRORISTS to openly plan their next moves and that is illegal under International Law IF you are ALLOWING Terrorists a PLATFORM then you yourself will be considered a Terrorist Supporter.

What is even WORSE of course is The Dark Web a place that UNFORTUNATELY my team have often had to monitor and you just don't actually want to know about that situation.

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