Company With Ties To Trump Receives Millions From Small Business Loan Program

Company With Ties To Trump Receives Millions From Small Business Loan Program

This is more Trump bashing by dipshit lib media which means conservatives just end up ignoring. Trump gets away with murder at times because of this. I was about to post the same, but for people to support their favorite local mom and pop stores during these troubling times..

Instead of Trump bashing, the message should be to support your local favorite mom and pop stores during these troubling times. I will since they got beaten out of loans meant for them by the micro cap companies.

"Hundreds of millions of dollars of Paycheck Protection Program emergency funding has been claimed by large, publicly traded companies, new research published by Morgan Stanley shows.

In fact, the U.S. government has allocated at least $243.4 million of the total $349 billion to publicly traded companies, the firm said.

The PPP was designed to help the nation's smallest, mom-and-pop shops keep employees on payroll and prevent mass layoffs across the country amid the coronavirus pandemic.

But the research shows that several of the companies that have received aid have market values well in excess of $100 million, including DMC Global ($405 million), Wave Life Sciences ($286 million) and Fiesta Restaurant Group ($189 million). Fiesta, which employs more than 10,000 people, according to its last reported annual number, received a PPP loan of $10 million, Morgan Stanley's data showed.

At least 75 companies that have received the aid were publicly traded and received a combined $300 million in low-interest, taxpayer-backed loans, according to a separate report published by The Associated Press.

"I think you've seen some pretty shameful acts by some large companies to take advantage of the system," said Howard Schultz, former Starbucks chairman and CEO. Instead, the government should act "as a backstop for the banks to give every small business and every independent restaurant a bridge to the vaccine. And that is the money and the resources to make it through."

Statistics released by the Small Business Administration last week showed that 4,400 of the approved loans exceeded $5 million. The size of the typical loan nationally was $206,000, according to the SBA report released April 16.

The SBA awarded the plurality of PPP dollars (13.12%) to the construction industry. Professional, scientific and technical services received 12.65%, manufacturing received 11.96%, health care received 11.65% and accommodation and food services received 8.9%.

Congress approved the first-come-first-served PPP in March as part of the massive $2.2 trillion CARES Act, which at the time promised to ease some of the financial burden for many of the nation's smallest business owners. But the program ran out of money on Thursday, when the SBA announced that it was "unable to accept new applications for the Paycheck Protection Program based on available appropriations funding."

The nation's top lawmakers have in recent weeks worked to expand the small-business funding.

Staffers for Sen. Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have been in talks with the Treasury Department on drafting another bill, which appeared nearly finished by Monday evening.

Schumer, the top Democrat in the Senate, said Tuesday that he believes the chamber will pass an additional relief bill for small business later in the day.

He told CNN he spoke "well past midnight" with Pelosi, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and "came to an agreement on just about every issue."

By Sunday, deliberations between Republicans and Democrats included setting aside $310 billion more into the PPP. Some $60 billion of that sum would be earmarked for rural and minority groups while $60 billion would go to the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, a separate relief offered by the SBA for small businesses.

Mnuchin said the deal may include $75 billion in funding for health-care providers and hospitals and $25 billion for Covid-19 testing.

- CNBC's Lauren Hirsch contributed reporting.

Shake Shack returned all of it's $10M PPP loan. Make all the other "small businesses" gaming the system do the same."'

Trump has ties to huge numbers of people in business. ANd you found one that got money from a program designed to hand out money?


This isn't just some random company that happened to have ties to Trump. It is his Campaign Finance Chair for Illinois, and the man he named as ambassador to Belgium, and the company did more than 100 million dollars of business last year who got 5.5 million by claiming to be a small business. Everything and everybody associated with that obese orange fool turns out to be a scam taking money from people who really deserve it.

Ok, now show that A other big businesses are not doing the same, and the B. Trump or someone close to him had any involvement.

Otherwise, it's a nothing burger.

The fact that big companies were quickly given all the money, leaving none for real small businesses doesn't justify anything. WTF is wrong with you to think that it would?

Oh, so, your dropping the whole, this accusation of Trump and personal corruption and changing the subject to the way that big businesses are so good at playing any system to their own benefit?

Love to talk about that. First, clearly state that you are dropping the whole anti-Trump nonsense.

I don't want you circling back to it, like you Wallys always do.

View attachment 326230

We already know Trump is personally corrupt.

I asked you if you were dropping the claim from tHE op, and that was why you were launching new accusations.

And I posted a comic demonstrating the dishonest tactic of circular debating.

your response was to dodge.

Very telling. Wally. Do you mind if I call you wally?

View attachment 326288

I didn't drop the claim from the OP. It said what it said and I agree with it. But - in MY OP - you know, the part you did not read before your TDS kicked in - I stated:

This is why we need independent oversight for these vast sums of money going out...100 million in sales and still a "small business"....?

Which is the larger issue you choose to ignore in your automatic defense of all things Trump.

And as I said, if you wanted to focus on the way big business abuses all systems, you should have focused on that, instead of letting your obsession with Trump rule you.

Your obsession with defending Trump at all costs is noted in your inability to have read the OP before launching into this.

1. I started skimming the brainless raving of libs, long before Trump.

2. My political support of Trump is actually fairly tepid. I am disappointed in him on a number of fronts, but the attacks you leftards launch are so insane, that you can't know that.
This is why we need independent oversight for these vast sums of money going out...100 million in sales and still a "small business"....?

While many small businesses have found it difficult or impossible to get one of the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program loans, a company owned by a prominent Chicago family with close ties to the Trump administration was able to get a $5.5 million loan under the program, according to documents the company filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday.

U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Ronald Gidwitz, who was appointed in 2018, was then-candidate Donald Trump's campaign finance chair for Illinois in the 2016 presidential campaign. According to filings with the SEC, Gidwitz's family owns the majority of Continental Materials Corp., which secured the 1% interest loan.

Continental Materials makes heating and cooling equipment and construction products. While it had more than $100 million in sales last year, it qualified for the loan because it meets the Small Business Administration's industry-specific "small business" size standards, according to company chief financial officer Paul Ainsworth.

Still, the company's loan is much larger than the typical PPP loan, according to a summary releasedby the Small Business Administration last week. The average loan was just over $200,000, and fewer than 1% of the loans under the program were greater than $5 million.

While the company may qualify as a small business under the PPP program, there are many much smaller businesses that have been unsuccessful in obtaining or even applying for the loans from their banks.
/----/ "With close ties"
What a load of crapola. You libtards are hysterical. So any companies with close ties to Nancy Piglosi or Upchuck Schumer getting a loan?
View attachment 326314

If there are I am sure you guys will find it and post it as you usually do :)
And you need to open your eyes and ears and consider how corrupt trump has been, in business, in office and in being honest.

Stop lying or back up your claims of corruption with proof you hack. Biden is corrupt, his son raking in millions from foreign countries. Now you know what corruption is.
This is why we need independent oversight for these vast sums of money going out...100 million in sales and still a "small business"....?

While many small businesses have found it difficult or impossible to get one of the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program loans, a company owned by a prominent Chicago family with close ties to the Trump administration was able to get a $5.5 million loan under the program, according to documents the company filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday.

U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Ronald Gidwitz, who was appointed in 2018, was then-candidate Donald Trump's campaign finance chair for Illinois in the 2016 presidential campaign. According to filings with the SEC, Gidwitz's family owns the majority of Continental Materials Corp., which secured the 1% interest loan.

Continental Materials makes heating and cooling equipment and construction products. While it had more than $100 million in sales last year, it qualified for the loan because it meets the Small Business Administration's industry-specific "small business" size standards, according to company chief financial officer Paul Ainsworth.

Still, the company's loan is much larger than the typical PPP loan, according to a summary releasedby the Small Business Administration last week. The average loan was just over $200,000, and fewer than 1% of the loans under the program were greater than $5 million.

While the company may qualify as a small business under the PPP program, there are many much smaller businesses that have been unsuccessful in obtaining or even applying for the loans from their banks.
Lone Star...I am your mother's sister's nephew's former roommate

Well then Dark Helmet... what does that make us?

Absolutely nothing Lone Star...which is the exact factual content of this OP that links this loan to Trump .

:lol: you mean the op sounds a lot like most of what you guys post about Biden?

It is factual that family owning this business has strong ties to Trump. That's usually enough "fact" for the right.
I expect better from you. You're supposed to be one of the sane ones.

If you're telling me you're no better than the lowest political denominator I'll take you at your word...but that was not my prior position.

That is a fair point. Sometimes the low bar here gets to me and a slap is what I need.

My point here, really, is that this bill was poorly constructed. Everyone - Trump, Dem, and Republican - are influenced by lobbyists and I'm sure that allowed for the loose language in what is defined as a small business. In this area - trying to tighten it and impose greater oversight, the Dems were absolutely right. It's to bad they were unable to get more of what they wanted in that regard. As a result - the real small business' are getting crumbs, if anything at all. The second article I posted (from the same source) is even more damning and doesn't mention Trump.
Happens to me too...I get frustrated by the talking point wars.

Your one of the good ones...when I read your posts I take them under consideration...and you've changed my opinion in the past. You and Care4all Pogo Dr Grump g5000 bodecea sealybobo Seawytch jillian Toro... And a bunch of others... You guys give me an honest insight from the other side. :thup:

Trust me...we all need that.
This is why we need independent oversight for these vast sums of money going out...100 million in sales and still a "small business"....?

While many small businesses have found it difficult or impossible to get one of the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program loans, a company owned by a prominent Chicago family with close ties to the Trump administration was able to get a $5.5 million loan under the program, according to documents the company filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday.

U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Ronald Gidwitz, who was appointed in 2018, was then-candidate Donald Trump's campaign finance chair for Illinois in the 2016 presidential campaign. According to filings with the SEC, Gidwitz's family owns the majority of Continental Materials Corp., which secured the 1% interest loan.

Continental Materials makes heating and cooling equipment and construction products. While it had more than $100 million in sales last year, it qualified for the loan because it meets the Small Business Administration's industry-specific "small business" size standards, according to company chief financial officer Paul Ainsworth.

Still, the company's loan is much larger than the typical PPP loan, according to a summary releasedby the Small Business Administration last week. The average loan was just over $200,000, and fewer than 1% of the loans under the program were greater than $5 million.

While the company may qualify as a small business under the PPP program, there are many much smaller businesses that have been unsuccessful in obtaining or even applying for the loans from their banks.
i'd agree we need this type of oversight when handing out money. the issue is - how much and when it is too much and no longer a grant or loan but paying you to do something? i think most agree we need to be helping others. where it falls apart is by how much we should help. unfortunately since this is the government jacking with everyone, they get to pay. only THEY is US.

shake shack was lauded for giving back a $10mil loan. people went nuts. i read the story and saw they only did it *after* securing other funding. but here i'm torn. employment is employment. shake shack employs thousands, self employed, 1. where do you put your focus? this isn't to pick on anyone or say they don't deserve some help - not at all. just saying we have finite resources and not everyone who needs help, unfortunately, is going to get it.

this had to be done quick. i'd only really care *if* it was done TO GIVE his businesses the help and prioritized them over others. or did trumps businesses also benefit from this (as thousands of other businesses did as well) and the left wants to bitch about it? they bitch about everything it seems. now, given we've never been through this before, what process do you use to be "fair"? i'm betting pogos testicles there simply isn't a way TO be fair. so did he?

now to continue "to be fair" - i'm confident of that bet. its just a general rule to never gamble with your own genitalia.

where i agree with schiff is we need a post mortem. but ONLY IF that is done to learn. in a true "post mortem" there is no blame there is no assignment of responsibility. only where things broke down as a whole and as a whole how to improve and keep it from happening again. here is where i bet slades privates that schiff isn't about to do a true "post mortem" and is all out to attack.


someone should kick him in the nuts.

again. and again. and again. he can put some of pelosis designer ice cream on them when done. are already assigning a blame to Pelosi and Schiff? You are pinpointing them aren't you? Do you think the Republicans are capable of an honest post mortem these days?

A rushed bill isn't really a good excuse because some of this was addressed in what Pelosi wanted added to the bill.
Actually I was gambling with other people's testicle as to what these 2 will do. They are free to prove me wrong.

I am not assigning blame to none. I am saying I believe schiff movies are NOT to fix processes but to blame Trump.

You disagree? Great tell me why. If I'm not being clear, ask for clarification.

As for kicking schiff in the nuts, that's general satisfaction to me. No need to blame him for anything. I'll be glad to refrain from saying things like this as soon as you call out the Trump rhetoric and violent statements towards him.

I'm getting confused about who's testicle is where. You want me to call out Trump's rhetoric and violent statements towards Schiff? That's too easy:

“Shifty Adam Schiff is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN, and probably a very sick man. He has not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country!” President Donald Trump tweeted on Sunday. Where is the oversight?

In the meantime, let me ask this - specifically - why did Trump undercut the oversight provisions in the stimulus bill?

Democrats agreed to nearly $500 billion in assistance for large corporations, largely on the condition that the bill would include several watchdogs to oversee the fund. Those include a special inspector general nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate, a panel of inspectors general from government agencies, and a committee whose members will be picked by congressional leaders.

But since signing the bill late last month, Trump has pushed back against oversight of his administration’s management of the bailout amid a broader fight against the independent government watchdogs.

He announced in a signing statement that he considered the parts of the bill requiring the special inspector general to issue certain reports to Congress to be unconstitutional and would not allow them without “presidential supervision.” This week, he demoted Pentagon Inspector General Glenn Fine, effectively disqualifying him from chairing the panel of watchdogs overseeing the fund. And he’s nominated one of his own lawyers, associate White House counsel Brian Miller, to serve as the special inspector general.

I'm saying just because there is a tie to Trump doesn't mean it's bad or nefarious. You seem to be saying there's a tie so Trump is evil.

I'm simply not willing to make that leap with you. Not against Trump. Pelosi, schiff, or anyone.

It's a fucked up in the head thing to do and simply an emotional shortcut to your desired outcome.

I don't tend to use language like "evil" in describing people, so let's not go there.

Let me put it this way: the solution Congress wanted (and it was a bipartisan one) would have led to reasonable oversight (lessons learned from the first stimulus).

I posted an article from a reputable source, showing that Trump is not going to go along with it and in several key specific ways (appointing his own lawyer for God's sakes?). No senate confirmation? Seriously? His party owns the Senate and he won't even do that?

So. Let's hear of a logical good reason for these actions - one that serves the interests of the people (taxpayers) who's money is being spent.
So someone being personally corrupt is "not" evil? Do you know him on a personal level?

The problem with trying to have a policy or political conversation with many is that the discussion EVERY SINGLE TIME turns into XYZ SUCKS and derails.

That's why I like to know going in the goals of the people I'm talking to. Talk policy and what we can do, or bitch at our politicians and blame them expressing our hate and disdain time and time again as if people need to be reminded.

Totally different types of convos and I'm long since tired of every discussion ending in hate for each other.

We all need to grow the fuck up.

People are fallible. They are human. They can be bad, immoral, weak, whatever. But when you start assigning adjectives like evil, you are engaging in red flag language that says full stop - what is the speakers agenda here? Evil is reserved for a very few who have well earned it (Hitler comes to mind).

When people start assigning "evil" to folks like Trump...or Clinton...or Obama...well, what does that make someone like Hitler? Or, the many lesser known people who engage in the same?
so again i ask you - is being "personally corrupt" an "evil" trait? or are there "good personally corrupt" people out there?

simple question.
This is why we need independent oversight for these vast sums of money going out...100 million in sales and still a "small business"....?

While many small businesses have found it difficult or impossible to get one of the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program loans, a company owned by a prominent Chicago family with close ties to the Trump administration was able to get a $5.5 million loan under the program, according to documents the company filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday.

U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Ronald Gidwitz, who was appointed in 2018, was then-candidate Donald Trump's campaign finance chair for Illinois in the 2016 presidential campaign. According to filings with the SEC, Gidwitz's family owns the majority of Continental Materials Corp., which secured the 1% interest loan.

Continental Materials makes heating and cooling equipment and construction products. While it had more than $100 million in sales last year, it qualified for the loan because it meets the Small Business Administration's industry-specific "small business" size standards, according to company chief financial officer Paul Ainsworth.

Still, the company's loan is much larger than the typical PPP loan, according to a summary releasedby the Small Business Administration last week. The average loan was just over $200,000, and fewer than 1% of the loans under the program were greater than $5 million.

While the company may qualify as a small business under the PPP program, there are many much smaller businesses that have been unsuccessful in obtaining or even applying for the loans from their banks.
Lone Star...I am your mother's sister's nephew's former roommate

Well then Dark Helmet... what does that make us?

Absolutely nothing Lone Star...which is the exact factual content of this OP that links this loan to Trump .

:lol: you mean the op sounds a lot like most of what you guys post about Biden?

It is factual that family owning this business has strong ties to Trump. That's usually enough "fact" for the right.
I expect better from you. You're supposed to be one of the sane ones.

If you're telling me you're no better than the lowest political denominator I'll take you at your word...but that was not my prior position.

That is a fair point. Sometimes the low bar here gets to me and a slap is what I need.

My point here, really, is that this bill was poorly constructed. Everyone - Trump, Dem, and Republican - are influenced by lobbyists and I'm sure that allowed for the loose language in what is defined as a small business. In this area - trying to tighten it and impose greater oversight, the Dems were absolutely right. It's to bad they were unable to get more of what they wanted in that regard. As a result - the real small business' are getting crumbs, if anything at all. The second article I posted (from the same source) is even more damning and doesn't mention Trump.
Happens to me too...I get frustrated by the talking point wars.

Your one of the good ones...when I read your posts I take them under consideration...and you've changed my opinion in the past. You and Care4all Pogo Dr Grump g5000 bodecea sealybobo Seawytch jillian Toro... And a bunch of others... You guys give me an honest insight from the other side. :thup:

Trust me...we all need that.
honest insight form that group? other than coyote you just named off a lot of my ignore list. they don't talk issues, they tell you you're wrong. not saying others don't do that but i've likely got those people "ignored" also.

we certainly need honest insight but you won't find honesty from someone who's never been wrong.
This is why we need independent oversight for these vast sums of money going out...100 million in sales and still a "small business"....?

While many small businesses have found it difficult or impossible to get one of the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program loans, a company owned by a prominent Chicago family with close ties to the Trump administration was able to get a $5.5 million loan under the program, according to documents the company filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday.

U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Ronald Gidwitz, who was appointed in 2018, was then-candidate Donald Trump's campaign finance chair for Illinois in the 2016 presidential campaign. According to filings with the SEC, Gidwitz's family owns the majority of Continental Materials Corp., which secured the 1% interest loan.

Continental Materials makes heating and cooling equipment and construction products. While it had more than $100 million in sales last year, it qualified for the loan because it meets the Small Business Administration's industry-specific "small business" size standards, according to company chief financial officer Paul Ainsworth.

Still, the company's loan is much larger than the typical PPP loan, according to a summary releasedby the Small Business Administration last week. The average loan was just over $200,000, and fewer than 1% of the loans under the program were greater than $5 million.

While the company may qualify as a small business under the PPP program, there are many much smaller businesses that have been unsuccessful in obtaining or even applying for the loans from their banks.
Thousands of companies have "ties" to Trump, dumbass.
Trump has ties to huge numbers of people in business. ANd you found one that got money from a program designed to hand out money?

Trump has ties to huge numbers of people in business. ANd you found one that got money from a program designed to hand out money?


This isn't just some random company that happened to have ties to Trump. It is his Campaign Finance Chair for Illinois, and the man he named as ambassador to Belgium, and the company did more than 100 million dollars of business last year who got 5.5 million by claiming to be a small business. Everything and everybody associated with that obese orange fool turns out to be a scam taking money from people who really deserve it.

Ok, now show that A other big businesses are not doing the same, and the B. Trump or someone close to him had any involvement.

Otherwise, it's a nothing burger.

The fact that big companies were quickly given all the money, leaving none for real small businesses doesn't justify anything. WTF is wrong with you to think that it would?

Oh, so, your dropping the whole, this accusation of Trump and personal corruption and changing the subject to the way that big businesses are so good at playing any system to their own benefit?

Love to talk about that. First, clearly state that you are dropping the whole anti-Trump nonsense.

I don't want you circling back to it, like you Wallys always do.

View attachment 326230

We already know Trump is personally corrupt.

I asked you if you were dropping the claim from tHE op, and that was why you were launching new accusations.

And I posted a comic demonstrating the dishonest tactic of circular debating.

your response was to dodge.

Very telling. Wally. Do you mind if I call you wally?

View attachment 326288

I didn't drop the claim from the OP. It said what it said and I agree with it. But - in MY OP - you know, the part you did not read before your TDS kicked in - I stated:

This is why we need independent oversight for these vast sums of money going out...100 million in sales and still a "small business"....?

Which is the larger issue you choose to ignore in your automatic defense of all things Trump.

And as I said, if you wanted to focus on the way big business abuses all systems, you should have focused on that, instead of letting your obsession with Trump rule you.

Your obsession with defending Trump at all costs is noted in your inability to have read the OP before launching into this.

1. I started skimming the brainless raving of libs, long before Trump.

2. My political support of Trump is actually fairly tepid. I am disappointed in him on a number of fronts, but the attacks you leftards launch are so insane, that you can't know that.
thank you. you simply can't NOT be critical of trump 24x7 and claim objectivity along the way. trump has issues. lots of 'em. but he's getting the job done as best he can w/o help from "the other side". you say that they say BUT OBAMA.

yet you call on obama and they say KEEP FOCUS ON TRUMP THIS ISN'T ABOUT OBAMA!!!

it's a never ending circle of stupid.
Trump has ties to huge numbers of people in business. ANd you found one that got money from a program designed to hand out money?


This isn't just some random company that happened to have ties to Trump. It is his Campaign Finance Chair for Illinois, and the man he named as ambassador to Belgium, and the company did more than 100 million dollars of business last year who got 5.5 million by claiming to be a small business. Everything and everybody associated with that obese orange fool turns out to be a scam taking money from people who really deserve it.
A "small business" is defined to be one with under 500 employees. 100 million in revenues wouldn't be unusual for such a company.
This is why we need independent oversight for these vast sums of money going out...100 million in sales and still a "small business"....?

While many small businesses have found it difficult or impossible to get one of the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program loans, a company owned by a prominent Chicago family with close ties to the Trump administration was able to get a $5.5 million loan under the program, according to documents the company filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday.

U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Ronald Gidwitz, who was appointed in 2018, was then-candidate Donald Trump's campaign finance chair for Illinois in the 2016 presidential campaign. According to filings with the SEC, Gidwitz's family owns the majority of Continental Materials Corp., which secured the 1% interest loan.

Continental Materials makes heating and cooling equipment and construction products. While it had more than $100 million in sales last year, it qualified for the loan because it meets the Small Business Administration's industry-specific "small business" size standards, according to company chief financial officer Paul Ainsworth.

Still, the company's loan is much larger than the typical PPP loan, according to a summary releasedby the Small Business Administration last week. The average loan was just over $200,000, and fewer than 1% of the loans under the program were greater than $5 million.

While the company may qualify as a small business under the PPP program, there are many much smaller businesses that have been unsuccessful in obtaining or even applying for the loans from their banks.
Thousands of companies have "ties" to Trump, dumbass.
and this is my point. what is the tie? it may very well be bad but simply having a tie is pointless. the only way it becomes an issue with only that level of knowledge is if you simply don't give a shit what the current slam is, you're just going to play it up.

it's like getting walking orders from occupy democrats - "GO BEAT UP TRUMP FOR HAVING TIES TO THIS COMPANY" and they all lock step into action. so very few look at the ties, are they legit? were trumps actions to benefit him or was it just another company applying for benefits they are entitled to as much as anyone?

if you can't look into the details, your opinion is tits on a nun worthless on that matter.
Trump has ties to huge numbers of people in business. ANd you found one that got money from a program designed to hand out money?


This isn't just some random company that happened to have ties to Trump. It is his Campaign Finance Chair for Illinois, and the man he named as ambassador to Belgium, and the company did more than 100 million dollars of business last year who got 5.5 million by claiming to be a small business. Everything and everybody associated with that obese orange fool turns out to be a scam taking money from people who really deserve it.

Ok, now show that A other big businesses are not doing the same, and the B. Trump or someone close to him had any involvement.

Otherwise, it's a nothing burger.

The fact that big companies were quickly given all the money, leaving none for real small businesses doesn't justify anything. WTF is wrong with you to think that it would?

Oh, so, your dropping the whole, this accusation of Trump and personal corruption and changing the subject to the way that big businesses are so good at playing any system to their own benefit?

Love to talk about that. First, clearly state that you are dropping the whole anti-Trump nonsense.

I don't want you circling back to it, like you Wallys always do.

View attachment 326230

We already know Trump is personally corrupt.

I asked you if you were dropping the claim from tHE op, and that was why you were launching new accusations.

And I posted a comic demonstrating the dishonest tactic of circular debating.

your response was to dodge.

Very telling. Wally. Do you mind if I call you wally?

View attachment 326288

I didn't drop the claim from the OP. It said what it said and I agree with it. But - in MY OP - you know, the part you did not read before your TDS kicked in - I stated:

This is why we need independent oversight for these vast sums of money going out...100 million in sales and still a "small business"....?

Which is the larger issue you choose to ignore in your automatic defense of all things Trump.

And as I said, if you wanted to focus on the way big business abuses all systems, you should have focused on that, instead of letting your obsession with Trump rule you.

Your obsession with defending Trump at all costs is noted in your inability to have read the OP before launching into this.

1. I started skimming the brainless raving of libs, long before Trump.

2. My political support of Trump is actually fairly tepid. I am disappointed in him on a number of fronts, but the attacks you leftards launch are so insane, that you can't know that.
thank you. you simply can't NOT be critical of trump 24x7 and claim objectivity along the way. trump has issues. lots of 'em. but he's getting the job done as best he can w/o help from "the other side". you say that they say BUT OBAMA.

yet you call on obama and they say KEEP FOCUS ON TRUMP THIS ISN'T ABOUT OBAMA!!!

it's a never ending circle of stupid.

Well said.
This is why we need independent oversight for these vast sums of money going out...100 million in sales and still a "small business"....?

While many small businesses have found it difficult or impossible to get one of the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program loans, a company owned by a prominent Chicago family with close ties to the Trump administration was able to get a $5.5 million loan under the program, according to documents the company filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday.

U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Ronald Gidwitz, who was appointed in 2018, was then-candidate Donald Trump's campaign finance chair for Illinois in the 2016 presidential campaign. According to filings with the SEC, Gidwitz's family owns the majority of Continental Materials Corp., which secured the 1% interest loan.

Continental Materials makes heating and cooling equipment and construction products. While it had more than $100 million in sales last year, it qualified for the loan because it meets the Small Business Administration's industry-specific "small business" size standards, according to company chief financial officer Paul Ainsworth.

Still, the company's loan is much larger than the typical PPP loan, according to a summary releasedby the Small Business Administration last week. The average loan was just over $200,000, and fewer than 1% of the loans under the program were greater than $5 million.

While the company may qualify as a small business under the PPP program, there are many much smaller businesses that have been unsuccessful in obtaining or even applying for the loans from their banks.
Lone Star...I am your mother's sister's nephew's former roommate

Well then Dark Helmet... what does that make us?

Absolutely nothing Lone Star...which is the exact factual content of this OP that links this loan to Trump .

:lol: you mean the op sounds a lot like most of what you guys post about Biden?

It is factual that family owning this business has strong ties to Trump. That's usually enough "fact" for the right.
I expect better from you. You're supposed to be one of the sane ones.

If you're telling me you're no better than the lowest political denominator I'll take you at your word...but that was not my prior position.

That is a fair point. Sometimes the low bar here gets to me and a slap is what I need.

My point here, really, is that this bill was poorly constructed. Everyone - Trump, Dem, and Republican - are influenced by lobbyists and I'm sure that allowed for the loose language in what is defined as a small business. In this area - trying to tighten it and impose greater oversight, the Dems were absolutely right. It's to bad they were unable to get more of what they wanted in that regard. As a result - the real small business' are getting crumbs, if anything at all. The second article I posted (from the same source) is even more damning and doesn't mention Trump.
Happens to me too...I get frustrated by the talking point wars.

Your one of the good ones...when I read your posts I take them under consideration...and you've changed my opinion in the past. You and Care4all Pogo Dr Grump g5000 bodecea sealybobo Seawytch jillian Toro... And a bunch of others... You guys give me an honest insight from the other side. :thup:

Trust me...we all need that.
honest insight form that group? other than coyote you just named off a lot of my ignore list. they don't talk issues, they tell you you're wrong. not saying others don't do that but i've likely got those people "ignored" also.

we certainly need honest insight but you won't find honesty from someone who's never been wrong.
Just because they think they're right doesn't mean they aren't being honest. I think I only have Mr Shaman on ignore...he had a posting style that just got on my last nerve.

If you honestly believe what you're saying...and not just regurgitating talking points to score political points..those are the folks I want to hear from...cuz I'm not always right...and we can both be right....from our own perspective.
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I see it as business as usual and won't be losing any sleep over it. Elections do have consequences, otherwise they wouldn't be so well financed. Perhaps the Small Business Association felt Trump has been associated with enough bankruptcies?
This is why we need independent oversight for these vast sums of money going out...100 million in sales and still a "small business"....?

While many small businesses have found it difficult or impossible to get one of the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program loans, a company owned by a prominent Chicago family with close ties to the Trump administration was able to get a $5.5 million loan under the program, according to documents the company filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday.

U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Ronald Gidwitz, who was appointed in 2018, was then-candidate Donald Trump's campaign finance chair for Illinois in the 2016 presidential campaign. According to filings with the SEC, Gidwitz's family owns the majority of Continental Materials Corp., which secured the 1% interest loan.

Continental Materials makes heating and cooling equipment and construction products. While it had more than $100 million in sales last year, it qualified for the loan because it meets the Small Business Administration's industry-specific "small business" size standards, according to company chief financial officer Paul Ainsworth.

Still, the company's loan is much larger than the typical PPP loan, according to a summary releasedby the Small Business Administration last week. The average loan was just over $200,000, and fewer than 1% of the loans under the program were greater than $5 million.

While the company may qualify as a small business under the PPP program, there are many much smaller businesses that have been unsuccessful in obtaining or even applying for the loans from their banks.
Lone Star...I am your mother's sister's nephew's former roommate

Well then Dark Helmet... what does that make us?

Absolutely nothing Lone Star...which is the exact factual content of this OP that links this loan to Trump .

:lol: you mean the op sounds a lot like most of what you guys post about Biden?

It is factual that family owning this business has strong ties to Trump. That's usually enough "fact" for the right.
I expect better from you. You're supposed to be one of the sane ones.

If you're telling me you're no better than the lowest political denominator I'll take you at your word...but that was not my prior position.

That is a fair point. Sometimes the low bar here gets to me and a slap is what I need.

My point here, really, is that this bill was poorly constructed. Everyone - Trump, Dem, and Republican - are influenced by lobbyists and I'm sure that allowed for the loose language in what is defined as a small business. In this area - trying to tighten it and impose greater oversight, the Dems were absolutely right. It's to bad they were unable to get more of what they wanted in that regard. As a result - the real small business' are getting crumbs, if anything at all. The second article I posted (from the same source) is even more damning and doesn't mention Trump.
Happens to me too...I get frustrated by the talking point wars.

Your one of the good ones...when I read your posts I take them under consideration...and you've changed my opinion in the past. You and Care4all Pogo Dr Grump g5000 bodecea sealybobo Seawytch jillian Toro... And a bunch of others... You guys give me an honest insight from the other side. :thup:

Trust me...we all need that.
honest insight form that group? other than coyote you just named off a lot of my ignore list. they don't talk issues, they tell you you're wrong. not saying others don't do that but i've likely got those people "ignored" also.

we certainly need honest insight but you won't find honesty from someone who's never been wrong.
Just because they think they're right doesn't mean they aren't being honest. I think I only have Mr Shaman on ignore...he had a posting style that just got on my last nerve.
to a point, i agree. but in a few of these cases, it's all "OH YOU RIGHTIES ARE ALWAYS WRONG" and that is so far from honest insight is makes me shit things i know i didn't eat.

some people there i've found to have moments where they can put hate down and just talk issues. but when every issue comes back to TRUMP SUCKS and never a single iota of consideration is given they could be wrong about trump, they're full of shit.

don't really care if they believe it or not anymore which is why they are on ignore. let 'em blither on in whatever world they are happy in and i'll go blither on in my own with people who's singular viewpoints (to me) don't frustrated the ever loving 1968 snot out of me.

coyote and i can disagree a lot. hell, we do. but i *hope* we've found some form of mutual respect and common ground we can fall back on when we get too far apart. not a destination in how you talk with someone but it sure is a start.
Trump has ties to huge numbers of people in business. ANd you found one that got money from a program designed to hand out money?


This isn't just some random company that happened to have ties to Trump. It is his Campaign Finance Chair for Illinois, and the man he named as ambassador to Belgium, and the company did more than 100 million dollars of business last year who got 5.5 million by claiming to be a small business. Everything and everybody associated with that obese orange fool turns out to be a scam taking money from people who really deserve it.
A "small business" is defined to be one with under 500 employees. 100 million in revenues wouldn't be unusual for such a company.

Should be.
This is why we need independent oversight for these vast sums of money going out...100 million in sales and still a "small business"....?

While many small businesses have found it difficult or impossible to get one of the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program loans, a company owned by a prominent Chicago family with close ties to the Trump administration was able to get a $5.5 million loan under the program, according to documents the company filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday.

U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Ronald Gidwitz, who was appointed in 2018, was then-candidate Donald Trump's campaign finance chair for Illinois in the 2016 presidential campaign. According to filings with the SEC, Gidwitz's family owns the majority of Continental Materials Corp., which secured the 1% interest loan.

Continental Materials makes heating and cooling equipment and construction products. While it had more than $100 million in sales last year, it qualified for the loan because it meets the Small Business Administration's industry-specific "small business" size standards, according to company chief financial officer Paul Ainsworth.

Still, the company's loan is much larger than the typical PPP loan, according to a summary releasedby the Small Business Administration last week. The average loan was just over $200,000, and fewer than 1% of the loans under the program were greater than $5 million.

While the company may qualify as a small business under the PPP program, there are many much smaller businesses that have been unsuccessful in obtaining or even applying for the loans from their banks.

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