Comparative Advantage Economics--No Deity Involved, or Invented Yet


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
People aware of Genesis know about the pitiful, wimpy excuse of the Moses Atrocity: Even in Genesis One. The two hyper-elderly old White People were alleged to have opened their eyes, noticing that really they should not have done that(?)! Many might say that Moses was not too really up on things.

A Livestrong online article from September, 2017--indirectly notes that mostly, humans on the planet have not been bodybuilders. Humans may have used muscle to make tools, muscle then becoming less critical to survival. (Stupid bodybuilders become California Governors, for example--following along some nature of neo-fascist training.)
The earliest evidence of weightlifting dates to China’s Zhou Dynasty, which took place from the 10th century B.C. until 256 B.C. During this time, military recruits were required to pass weightlifting tests before they were accepted into the military. Various sculptures from ancient Greek civilizations also portray the sport, depicting Greeks lifting heavy stones. Eventually, the Greeks substituted large heavy bells for primitive dumbbells. Ancient Egyptian artifacts also depict the sport of weightlifting; according to these artifacts,
Egyptians lifted heavy bags of sand as a form of physical training.

Early Olympics

The sport of weightlifting made its first Olympic appearance at the 1896 games. During these games, Launceston Elliott of Great Britain won the “One-Hand Lift” contest; Viggo Jensen of Denmark
won the “Two-Hand Lift.” The sport did not appear in the 1900 Olympic Games but returned to the scene for the 1904 games. In the 1904 games, a Greek competitor secured the gold medal for “Two-Hand Lift” and Oscar Osthoff secured the gold for the “All-Around Dumbbell” contest. The sport was again eliminated
from the Olympic Games in 1908 and 1912 but returned to the Olympics permanently in 1920. By the 1932 Olympic Games, five weight divisions had been established and competition featured three disciplines: the press, snatch and clean and jerk.

Before that, there was this: From Los Angeles Time, 3/17/2018 except that it is dated 3/15/2018(?). “It was time to evolve—or perish” is how it is titled 3/17/2018, in a print edition. Humans had to become social to survive, maybe 320,000 years ago. So they were trading “raw materials” for making small tools, and maybe using basic language. Probably making the tools needed muscle, but using them lessened the need for more. The warehouseman lifts a lot, and gains muscle. Then the machines and tools are used, and muscle growth is limited.

In the Livestrong article, then lifting only happened 3000 years ago. Trade was evolving, and even interest rates. Humans were learning about trading, but also about dominating one another.

In the pre-history in the link, farming would not happen for 320,000 more years—give or take. Diet and exercise were not scheduled events—if there was any such scheduling at all. In the article, that last is guessed to be a basis, just for knowing one another and aiding other members of the species, distances away. If there was hardship, that could have been the remedy, (solution), to surviving it. Trade with others could have formed a network, likely with primitive information, even.

And so there was original "Comparative Advantage." Moses embellished his own Atrocity with the usual understanding-free, concept of arithmetic, instead. In Deuteronomy 23:19-20, usury arithmetic was not permitted in Israel. Instead, the stupid Moses slime, and all followers, condemned original "Comparative Advantage." Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called "Oh Christ," would actually apply the arithmetic in Matthew 25:14-30. A giant Las Vegas foreclosure crisis had been envisioned by Moses, likely way to stupid to notice it: Possibly at the behest of some boxcars-manufacturing conglomerate(?), thinking himself Jewish.
He had actually been trained and educated to be a butchering, imperialist rapist. He was a child of the Egyptian royal household, even according to mom(?). Acts 7, of the Roman Empire, notes indirectly that the wisdom of the arts of Egypt, were even admired in the Roman ways of butchering, raping, enslaving, and slaughtering.

"Comparative Advantage" was back-burner stuff, in favor of the more Christian message of Rome. Usury would become confined to Jews screwing Christians and Moslems. If China was on the way, they were next. It was all foreign to Israel(ies).

Raping, Butchering, Enslaving, and so-on: Would become the basis Christian and Moslem thing to do. Eventually it would become the Socialist and Communist thing to do. Comparative Advantage was nowhere proposed or envisioned.

Like the Ivy League, and all public and private, colleges and universities worldwide: None of the foregoing is allowed presentation, for the thousand and ten thousand generations. Anyone can do the math(?), (no one does!).

5000 years ago, the Sumer had created the barley rates: About 33% interest rates. 1000 years later, or so, then the silver rates were used: About 20% rates. Then, noted above, war was created--apparently in China. Anyone notices there seems to be a lot of them, even now.

Original "Comparative Advantage" clearly remains an unknown.

World Leaders now lie to one another in the name of "Trade."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(White Eyes bring civilization to whole planet: "To know them, is to kill them!"
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Um, Moses wasn't in the "Garden".....and feel free to show that "Adam and Eve" were "hyper-elderly".
Moses was the Imperialist, enslaving, rapist butcher, of the Royal household: Skilled in all the wisdom of Roman admired Egypt. Anyone would say that Moses was not an observer, in the Garden of Eden(?). Many would say that 320,000 years, even: Is old. Some go back 4.0 mil. years, or more(?).

So "Comparative Advantage," in economics: May actual pre-date human written history. People with more advantages offered resources to lesser advantage--who maybe in-turn created other survival advantages, in trade. There is inference from evidence for that. That is in the LA Times link. That refers to recent publications.

Code of Hammurabi noted that the ancients were not always skilled at math. Unable to pay bills, dad could sell the wife in kids into a socialist, welfare state concept--rarely so-stated. Wife and kids were fed, housed, clothed, put to productive community service. Dad was sent to the ale-house for rehab(?). There is a Guinness explanation for all of human history, and more recently legal cannabis in the United States(?). The Socialist, welfare assistance was apparently so-called slavery, of an indentured form.

Trade is something that clearly the White House knows nothing about. "Current Accounts" arithmetic is not at all on any apparent arithmetic.

Soon there will even be Larry Kudlow. Soon the White House will know even less.

No one is entirely certain why Larry Kudlow was put into an economics advisory position. Certainly his views of economics have no basis in arithmetic, either.

"Crow, James Crow; Shaken, Not Stirred!)
(Lands of Many Nations celebrate, "Seven Come Eleven," now knowing a lot about arithmetic(?)!)

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