Compare Obama's criticisms to Trump's criticisms


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Obama caught hell from right wingers about his "inability" to state "radical Islam" compare that criticism for Trump's inability to say one thing against his unrequited love of Putin and his oligarchs....

The entire bullshit that Trump is a peacemaker with Russia is as lame as the color of Trump's hair.
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besides coming up with the idea that HE (trump) could talk "business"
with Poootin-----it is not clear to me that he decided to make FRIENDS
with Russia
besides coming up with the idea that HE (trump) could talk "business"
with Poootin-----it is not clear to me that he decided to make FRIENDS
with Russia

Trump tweeted out an article headlined “Putin loves Donald Trump”

Trump said he always knew Putin was “very smart”

Trump said the CIA’s conclusion that Russia intervened in the election was “ridiculous” and he didn’t “believe it at all”

15 things Trump said about Russia that seem even weirder now

Obama caught hell from right wingers about his "inability" to state "radical Islam" compare that criticism for Trump's inability to say one thing against his unrequited love of Putin and his oligarchs....

The entire bullshit that Trump is a peacemaker with Russia is as lame as the color of Trump's hair.
What comes around goes around…
Obama caught hell from right wingers about his "inability" to state "radical Islam" compare that criticism for Trump's inability to say one thing against his unrequited love of Putin and his oligarchs....

The entire bullshit that Trump is a peacemaker with Russia is as lame as the color of Trump's hair.
Trump"" I stop sanctions you delete golden showers Deal?""
No one cares about what the corrupt sycophantic press has to say, or what inside the beltway corrupt establishment politicians think. But especially no one cares about Lefty Butthurt bitching and moaning about a menstrual cycle that never seems to end.

But we can't help you, because you voted for permanent PMS in the form of a diseased and corrupt infected festering vagina. We can only direct you to the butt hurt isle to find some salve to rub on your ass. It's right next to the feminine hygiene isle, so it will be a convenient shopping trip for you.

Don't forget to bring back my beef jerky and a case of beer if you don't want another black eye.:booze:
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Obama caught hell from right wingers about his "inability" to state "radical Islam" compare that criticism for Trump's inability to say one thing against his unrequited love of Putin and his oligarchs....

The entire bullshit that Trump is a peacemaker with Russia is as lame as the color of Trump's hair.

As Russians are not killing us, the comparison is idiotic.
Obama caught hell from right wingers about his "inability" to state "radical Islam" compare that criticism for Trump's inability to say one thing against his unrequited love of Putin and his oligarchs....

The entire bullshit that Trump is a peacemaker with Russia is as lame as the color of Trump's hair.
Always remember that Trump OPENLY stated that Russia AND the U.S. have the same exact moral and ethical compass.........If you back Trump's statements, you can safely call yourself a scum bag.
Always remember that Trump OPENLY stated that Russia AND the U.S. have the same exact moral and ethical compass.........If you back Trump's statements, you can safely call yourself a scum bag.
Is that in all 57 states and under sniperfire?
besides coming up with the idea that HE (trump) could talk "business"
with Poootin-----it is not clear to me that he decided to make FRIENDS
with Russia

Trump tweeted out an article headlined “Putin loves Donald Trump”

Trump said he always knew Putin was “very smart”

Trump said the CIA’s conclusion that Russia intervened in the election was “ridiculous” and he didn’t “believe it at all”

15 things Trump said about Russia that seem even weirder now

Is that the problem - Snowflakes are pissed that Trump called Putin 'very smart'?

Putin broke into the Democrats piss-poor cyber security-'protected' servers, stole their shit, and leaked to the world that Democrats are racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites who rigged their own Primary, engaged in voter fraud, and fed Hillary debate questions in advance to ensure she became THE DNC Presidential candidate....PROVING he was pretty damn smart - smart enough to pull all of that off...smarter than the Democrats!

And you're pissed that Trump pointed that out?!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Always remember that Trump OPENLY stated that Russia AND the U.S. have the same exact moral and ethical compass.........If you back Trump's statements, you can safely call yourself a scum bag.

I call bullshit. Back that up with a link to the full quote or retract it.
Always remember that Trump OPENLY stated that Russia AND the U.S. have the same exact moral and ethical compass.........If you back Trump's statements, you can safely call yourself a scum bag.

First off, Trump never said what you claim he said, but since you want to argue that line.......

If one were to be unbiased and analytically look at Trump's statements, and the political realities in The US, and Russia, a thinking man would agree with Trump.

Russia has moved more and more to The Right and towards Democracy since the Gorbachov years, and The US has moved more and more to The Left, and big government, socialism, and totalitarian control over our people.

The NSA does more spying on our own citizens than anyone else. The KGB does little spying at all on it's own people these days and instead focuses more on external threats coming from Islamic Radicals in their Southern Regions. These external threats become internal threats if they don't keep a lid on it. But for the average Russian Citizen, they more often than not enjoy much more freedom than a US citizen.

The US and Russia do have common enemies, Radical Islam, and Radical Liberal Socialists who want to drag both the US & Russia back in to the dark ages, and move both nations towards Globalism, and a Dark Gray Socialist Dystopia.

I'd say Trump is spot on. And one of the reasons he is spot on is that he really doesn't give a phuck about dressing a pig up in lipstick and heels and making it look good to the press and The American People. It's why people voted for him, because he is direct, blunt and straight talking.

And this really stings lefty's limp wristed awesome is that?
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As Russians are not killing us, the comparison is idiotic.

Remember Trump's comparison.........

We kill people, Russia kills people, and that's just “the way it is ...

That quote in no way relates to my reply to your op.

You compared Obama's resistance to saying bad things about people who were and still are killing us to Trump's resistance to saying bad things about people are ARE NOT KILLING US.

Your comparison in your op is idiotic.
Trump has had more scandals in one week than Obama did in two entire terms.


And remember, except for a couple of months, Republicans held both houses.
Trump has had more scandals in one week than Obama did in two entire terms.


And remember, except for a couple of months, Republicans held both houses.
In all 57 states and under sniperfire....

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