Compare this to the comments about Black people and their Dialect

Incomprehensible and disgusting slang, for the most part.
I feel like calling it slang is too gracious. It does have slang in it, but it's mostly just people who mispronounce words, who also have a poor grasp of grammar.
White boys get pretty mad about Ebonics. Thats why they attack it relentlessly. They try to convince themselves its slang. :laugh:

So leave it to the racists like this one that wants to go back to the days of segregation. The far left wants this segregation, just look at how they group people into their political slavery camps..
We dont need segregation. We just need white boys to stop pretending like they dictate what people should think.

Right, bring up red necks they say that's their heritage.

Bring up Appalachians they say "that's on them"

Bring up ebonite and you get FURIOUS ANGER!

When you point it out they attack with FURIOUS ANGER
I guess I shouldnt say all white people but the dumb mouth breathers that do attack always betray their outrage at their irrelevance. These people dont know how much of a joke they are.
Black dialect is southern American English which evolved from a confluence of European and African cultural influences and originally spoken by people both black and white who lived and assimilated to that region. It has since been preserved and maintained by blacks regardless of region and in the name of blackness, reflecting a blatant black bigotry. Excusing improper verbal conjugation and mispronunciations rooted in the illiterate mis-hearing of spoken word is also part of that bigoted dialect.
We be doing da maff, y'all.
I personally don't care dialect in general, my only concern would be with work related issues. Not so much that any particular dialect could or could not be used between co-workers, only that /all/ co-workers (and any customers who might overhear) clearly understand what is being said so there is no misunderstanding.

The main issue that arises, which I've personally run into with foreign speaking employees, is that it seems inevitably some other employee will get paranoid, thinking the foreigners are talking about them because they don't understand what is being said. Special snowflake Americans are oft insecure over-emotional morons who genuinely believe that the rest of the world around them gives enough of a shit to engage in some kind of conspiracy to "get them." I agree that its stupid as fuck, but that is the reality that employers are forced to deal with.

So long as such a dialect were generally respectful in tone and delivery, and its meaning wasn't easily misconstrued, I personally wouldn't necessarily hesitate to hire someone with an "off" dialect, though the specific job they were being hired for would likely have influence upon that. There have been a few jobs I've done where a unique style of speaking and terminology usage was actually sought after, and others where absolutely no off dialect(ing?) would be acceptable at all, usually positions dealing with foreigners who have enough of a hard time comprehending proper English and grammar to begin with - even heavy accents were round filed for those positions.
I feel like calling it slang is too gracious. It does have slang in it, but it's mostly just people who mispronounce words, who also have a poor grasp of grammar.
White boys get pretty mad about Ebonics. Thats why they attack it relentlessly. They try to convince themselves its slang. :laugh:

So leave it to the racists like this one that wants to go back to the days of segregation. The far left wants this segregation, just look at how they group people into their political slavery camps..
We dont need segregation. We just need white boys to stop pretending like they dictate what people should think.
You mean like deciding that bad grammar, vocabulary and diction is just another language?
Exactly. No one cares what white people consider bad grammar, vocabulary, and diction. If we did I wouldnt be laughing at you.
"No one cares", you say? Well the people who hire employees often do care. Maybe if you guys spoke better, you wouldnt have the highest unemployment rate in the nation. But hey, you gys dont care what white people think, so why would we care? :laugh:
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I personally don't care dialect in general, my only concern would be with work related issues. Not so much that any particular dialect could or could not be used between co-workers, only that /all/ co-workers (and any customers who might overhear) clearly understand what is being said so there is no misunderstanding.

The main issue that arises, which I've personally run into with foreign speaking employees, is that it seems inevitably some other employee will get paranoid, thinking the foreigners are talking about them because they don't understand what is being said. Special snowflake Americans are oft insecure over-emotional morons who genuinely believe that the rest of the world around them gives enough of a shit to engage in some kind of conspiracy to "get them." I agree that its stupid as fuck, but that is the reality that employers are forced to deal with.

So long as such a dialect were generally respectful in tone and delivery, and its meaning wasn't easily misconstrued, I personally wouldn't necessarily hesitate to hire someone with an "off" dialect, though the specific job they were being hired for would likely have influence upon that. There have been a few jobs I've done where a unique style of speaking and terminology usage was actually sought after, and others where absolutely no off dialect(ing?) would be acceptable at all, usually positions dealing with foreigners who have enough of a hard time comprehending proper English and grammar to begin with - even heavy accents were round filed for those positions.
My mom and I were just talking about that subject. She was in charge of some employees that were predominantly Filipino and they would use Tagalog while on break. Some of the white employees were paranoid they were being talked about. They even went as far as to claim they were talking about my mother. She told them she didnt care what they were talking about as long as they did their job.
White boys get pretty mad about Ebonics. Thats why they attack it relentlessly. They try to convince themselves its slang. :laugh:

So leave it to the racists like this one that wants to go back to the days of segregation. The far left wants this segregation, just look at how they group people into their political slavery camps..
We dont need segregation. We just need white boys to stop pretending like they dictate what people should think.
You mean like deciding that bad grammar, vocabulary and diction is just another language?
Exactly. No one cares what white people consider bad grammar, vocabulary, and diction. If we did I wouldnt be laughing at you.
"No one cares", you say? Well the people who hire employees often do care. Maybe if you guys spoke better, you wouldnt have the highest unemployment rate in the nation. But hey, you gys dont care what white people think, so why would we care? :laugh:
Thats what I keep wondering. Why do you care? We dont care what whites think or talk like. Poor whites such as yourself with no power are even a bigger joke.
I personally don't care dialect in general, my only concern would be with work related issues. Not so much that any particular dialect could or could not be used between co-workers, only that /all/ co-workers (and any customers who might overhear) clearly understand what is being said so there is no misunderstanding.

The main issue that arises, which I've personally run into with foreign speaking employees, is that it seems inevitably some other employee will get paranoid, thinking the foreigners are talking about them because they don't understand what is being said. Special snowflake Americans are oft insecure over-emotional morons who genuinely believe that the rest of the world around them gives enough of a shit to engage in some kind of conspiracy to "get them." I agree that its stupid as fuck, but that is the reality that employers are forced to deal with.

So long as such a dialect were generally respectful in tone and delivery, and its meaning wasn't easily misconstrued, I personally wouldn't necessarily hesitate to hire someone with an "off" dialect, though the specific job they were being hired for would likely have influence upon that. There have been a few jobs I've done where a unique style of speaking and terminology usage was actually sought after, and others where absolutely no off dialect(ing?) would be acceptable at all, usually positions dealing with foreigners who have enough of a hard time comprehending proper English and grammar to begin with - even heavy accents were round filed for those positions.
My mom and I were just talking about that subject. She was in charge of some employees that were predominantly Filipino and they would use Tagalog while on break. Some of the white employees were paranoid they were being talked about. They even went as far as to claim they were talking about my mother. She told them she didnt care what they were talking about as long as they did their job.

One of my idiot employees was so /sure/ that they were being conspired against, they set out on a campaign against the foreign speakers, even going so far as to send one of their computers to a porn site while the employee was on break. The computer happened to relayed a screen with the estimated completion times to the customer waiting area... Bitch was apparently too stupid to consider that there just might have been a security camera trained on the register that PC happened to run. Karma.
Are you inferring Appalachians are ignorant?

I am pointing out that you don't know what the word "infer" means.

Also that those who cannot grasp the basic structure and rules of the English language are ignorant.
I am ''inferring' and you are 'implying'.

So, given American English has no grammar rules, could you explain why you think teaching these non-existent rules is a good thing?

Because otherwise they are unable to present their ideas in a manner that will be respected in the wider world.
So you would impose a cultural standard that has nothing to do with the realities of the language. You would make socio-economic judgments about a person's speech. How would that work in the case of a prodigy from rural West Virginia? Or from Compton, California? And how does that cultural template encourage a young person to write and read more?

THe cultural standard is real. Rail against it all you want. Do not set the children up to fail.

All people make social economic judgements about people based on their presentation, and speech is part of that. Rail against it all you want. Do not set the children up to fail.

How will it work for a rural West Virginia prodigy? If he is taught proper grammar at the free public school, then he will be fine. His ability to present himself well will serve him when/if he moves out into the wider world. Ditto Compton.

It may not. Being raised in a small regional dialect is a handicap. That is just a fact.
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Uh no, they are saying that there is no correct english (when they're white)
Yeah, and theyre as stupid as you are. So what?

He believes that since the people in question are white, that we cons will support this.

He thinks that because he assumes that the only reason we were against the teaching of ebonics is because of black.

You dont have to support this. There are books, teachers etc that do. And its ok, because they are white. Did you see fox news segment on Appalachian talk?

[quoet]He is completely unaware of how off base he is with his understanding of us and our motives for our various positions.

And the fact that our response is completely different from what he expected will NOT be seen as evidence that he was mistaken in his assumptions.

Wait, your response is different than the made up response you said I wanted. You dont get to play the role of ME and yours.

I say what I believe and you dont make assumptions. How about that?[/QUOTE]

It is not ok because they are white. It is moronic bullshit regardless of race.

Did you expect us cons to be supportive of these asses because they were white?
Oh the irony impairment of the far left drones.

Just know you shoot yourself in the foot every time you vote far left..

Asslips is just a troll.

He is a fat, white punk in his 40's, living in his mother's basement, leeching off of her social security, who gets his jollies posting shit in hopes of getting a reaction.
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Right, bring up red necks they say that's their heritage.


"Redneck" is usually preceded by "ignorant."

No one tries to cover for the improper use of language by rednecks.

Bring up Appalachians they say "that's on them"

Bring up ebonics and you get FURIOUS ANGER!

When you point it out they attack with FURIOUS ANGER

You're full of shit, as always. You want special privilege, as always. Learn to speak, read, and write the language. IF you cannot, you are stupid - if you will not, you are ignorant.

Asslips claims that black people are too stupid to learn proper English, that they are genetically inferior and simply lack the cognitive functions necessary to learn rules of the language and the motor skills to make the sounds of the language.

Now Asslips is a troll, a racist white fuck who seeks to defame black people through his portrayal of a dumb black racist - are you playing into his Klansman schtick, that black people simply cannot grasp the rules of grammar?
Oh the irony impairment of the far left drones.

Just know you shoot yourself in the foot every time you vote far left..

Asslips is just a troll.

He is a fat, white punk in his 40's, living in his mother's basement, leeching off of her social security, who gets his jollies posting shit in hopes of getting a reaction.
White boy mad! :laugh:
Oh the irony impairment of the far left drones.

Just know you shoot yourself in the foot every time you vote far left..

Asslips is just a troll.

He is a fat, white punk in his 40's, living in his mother's basement, leeching off of her social security, who gets his jollies posting shit in hopes of getting a reaction.

That would explain a lot.

HIs presentation of a black unthinking brute does seem a bit over the top.

I just don't know what to believe with him.
A push to restore pride in the way Appalachians speak - The Washington Post

West Virginia University linguist Kirk Hazen is among a wave of scholars seeking to put to rest “Beverly Hillbillies”-style myths and stigmas about Appalachia.

Three books in the past year and a fourth to be published soon challenge these century-old stereotypes by noting, among other points, that Appalachian residents speak a variety of Englishes — and not a single monolithic dialect — and that scorn for the region’s speech is often based on outdated notions of how they talk.


In southwest Virginia, English professor Amy D. Clark has held summer workshops for 15 years to help rural teachers teach students to write effectively without shaming them about their speech. The same message runs through teaching units on dialect for schoolchildren in North Carolina and West Virginia.

“You’re trying to get across the idea that all language varieties are legitimate. There’s not one that’s somehow damaged and then others that are just fine,” Hazen said.


Despite Hazen’s research, many outsiders still have negative impressions about mountain accents, sometimes based on outdated speech features. It can take decades for perceptions to change.

The interview questions turn to how outsiders react to Smyth and Culicerto’s accents.

“I think they look at me and they’re like: ‘Oh my gosh, she lives way back in the holler ... and is so redneck!’” said Smyth, who’s 17.

Increasingly, educators are seeking improve students’ confidence and test scores with novel ways of teaching grammar.

Now when, you bring up blacks and "ebonics" there was this huge cry about people not learning properly and lowering the bar. but but but NOW, ......This must be liberals fault!

Interesting premise....considering the C-FAG liberals have spent 3 weeks making fun of Southerners.
A push to restore pride in the way Appalachians speak - The Washington Post

West Virginia University linguist Kirk Hazen is among a wave of scholars seeking to put to rest “Beverly Hillbillies”-style myths and stigmas about Appalachia.

Three books in the past year and a fourth to be published soon challenge these century-old stereotypes by noting, among other points, that Appalachian residents speak a variety of Englishes — and not a single monolithic dialect — and that scorn for the region’s speech is often based on outdated notions of how they talk.


In southwest Virginia, English professor Amy D. Clark has held summer workshops for 15 years to help rural teachers teach students to write effectively without shaming them about their speech. The same message runs through teaching units on dialect for schoolchildren in North Carolina and West Virginia.

“You’re trying to get across the idea that all language varieties are legitimate. There’s not one that’s somehow damaged and then others that are just fine,” Hazen said.


Despite Hazen’s research, many outsiders still have negative impressions about mountain accents, sometimes based on outdated speech features. It can take decades for perceptions to change.

The interview questions turn to how outsiders react to Smyth and Culicerto’s accents.

“I think they look at me and they’re like: ‘Oh my gosh, she lives way back in the holler ... and is so redneck!’” said Smyth, who’s 17.

Increasingly, educators are seeking improve students’ confidence and test scores with novel ways of teaching grammar.

Now when, you bring up blacks and "ebonics" there was this huge cry about people not learning properly and lowering the bar. but but but NOW, ......This must be liberals fault!

Interesting premise....considering the C-FAG liberals have spent 3 weeks making fun of Southerners.

Maybe you believe racism and dialect are the same thing

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