Compared to capitalism, what has socialism and communism ever produced or manufactured?

As a total GOP Dupe, you are referring to socialists as Communists and now Nazis also which is ridiculous... I don't think you have a clue what you are talking about.... Communists kill aristocrats, Socialists tax them.... Nazis as right-wing fascists love them.

georgephillip is the perfect example of how Nazism and Socialism, particularly the Stalinism you promote, are one and the same. No one can deny that JOOOOOOOO hating George with his Nazi bullshit is a Communist, a Socialist..
you're absolutely nuts if you think I am a stalinist I am for socialism like in France. Germany Finland Canada Australia New Zealand. That is the modern definition of socialism you crazy rube brainwashed twit.

So, ThinkHatred and the other fuckwad sites have programmed you drones to lie that German and Canada are socialist? :eek:

You always were a fuckwit, but this kicks it down a full notch. Your masters think that if you lie about which countries are socialist, you might be able to fool more people into embracing the slavery you offer to America. But seriously shit fer brains, that will only work with uneducated dolts, those like you who have zero knowledge of history.

All people with functioning brains are going to do is mock you.

Obviously you are the brainwashed one since everyone in the modern world outside Dupe world thinks Bernie is Right -socialism -what do you want a diagram you are brainwashed. "We are all socialists now!""--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.

Oh, Venezuela thinks it's all just swell.

You really want to debate economics with me, simp? :lmao:
The problem with Venezuela is the MASSIVE corruption
Hey you even know what Laissez Faire.means? It means "free market".

No retard, it means "hands off."

You have been programmed by the hate sites to chatter a mantra that only pure Laissez Faire capilism is Capitalist. It's a lie of course, as everything you Stalinist say is.

And if it ain't free's socialism. Enormous parts of our system are NOT free market...we have a MIXED capitalist/socialist system.

Deal with it Giant

Get an education Comrade, you are embarrassing yourself.
I have been programmed? A little self awareness is warranted here my loudmouthed friend

Please explain the difference between Laissez Faire. and "free market.


Leach, you should have stuck it out through 2nd grade, seriously bitch.

You don't mind if I call you "bitch," do you? No doubt it's what all your boyfriends and baby daddies call you..

Free market economy

An economic system where the government does not interfere in business activity in any way. Neither does any pricing authority etc.

  • When there is a free market economy the government has no power over how a business may run from day to day.
  • In a free market economy businesses have more room to use the techniques they want to try and grow quickly.
  • Economists are skeptical about it as if left without regulation, “most business people care more about profits than people”

Laisaez-Faire Economy

is that the less the government is involved in the economy, the better off business will be – and by extension, society as a whole. Laissez-faire economics are a key part of free market capitalism.

So my drooling little retard, it is a matter of degree.

Laissez Faire means "hands off," coined by Jean Baptiste Say - of whom you have never heard nor studied. Says law is something light years beyond your comprehension.
Laissez-faire is unfair to most people. You need regulations to protect the workers and customers. D u h. Socialism. Ideological brainwashed functional moron. Call it Democratic socialism so you don't freak.
Of course unregulated capitalism is "unfair". In fact it's a fucking disaster.

That's why we have work place rules and a social safety net and regulations of all mitigate the excesses of capitalism

The only REAL question is how much of that socialist regulation we REQUIRE
Hey you even know what Laissez Faire.means? It means "free market".

No retard, it means "hands off."

You have been programmed by the hate sites to chatter a mantra that only pure Laissez Faire capilism is Capitalist. It's a lie of course, as everything you Stalinist say is.

And if it ain't free's socialism. Enormous parts of our system are NOT free market...we have a MIXED capitalist/socialist system.

Deal with it Giant

Get an education Comrade, you are embarrassing yourself.
I have been programmed? A little self awareness is warranted here my loudmouthed friend

Please explain the difference between Laissez Faire. and "free market.


Leach, you should have stuck it out through 2nd grade, seriously bitch.

You don't mind if I call you "bitch," do you? No doubt it's what all your boyfriends and baby daddies call you..

Free market economy

An economic system where the government does not interfere in business activity in any way. Neither does any pricing authority etc.

  • When there is a free market economy the government has no power over how a business may run from day to day.
  • In a free market economy businesses have more room to use the techniques they want to try and grow quickly.
  • Economists are skeptical about it as if left without regulation, “most business people care more about profits than people”

Laisaez-Faire Economy

is that the less the government is involved in the economy, the better off business will be – and by extension, society as a whole. Laissez-faire economics are a key part of free market capitalism.

So my drooling little retard, it is a matter of degree.

Laissez Faire means "hands off," coined by Jean Baptiste Say - of whom you have never heard nor studied. Says law is something light years beyond your comprehension.
Laissez-faire is unfair to most people. You need regulations to protect the workers and customers. D u h. Socialism. Ideological brainwashed functional moron. Call it Democratic socialism so you don't freak.

Whether that is so or not, it doesn't dig your little buddy out of his hole.

Markets are based upon the concept of trading value for value. You Communists offer need and demand we give you value in return. Socialism is control of the means of production. Providing welfare is not socialism, anyone claiming so is stupid and a liar. Leach is just a brainless drone spewing idiocy from the hate sites. But you know better, which is why I will at least give you a response.

If simply providing a meal for the poor were socialism, then you could celebrate that your global Marxist dream was realized. But it isn't. Even in those nations foolish enough to socialize segments of the economy, such as medicine, they are not socialist economies. The free market still supports socialized medicine in Denmark - which is pretty shitty - year long waits for basic procedures. It may be publicly funded. but it is a far cry from "care ."
georgephillip is the perfect example of how Nazism and Socialism, particularly the Stalinism you promote, are one and the same. No one can deny that JOOOOOOOO hating George with his Nazi bullshit is a Communist, a Socialist..
you're absolutely nuts if you think I am a stalinist I am for socialism like in France. Germany Finland Canada Australia New Zealand. That is the modern definition of socialism you crazy rube brainwashed twit.

So, ThinkHatred and the other fuckwad sites have programmed you drones to lie that German and Canada are socialist? :eek:

You always were a fuckwit, but this kicks it down a full notch. Your masters think that if you lie about which countries are socialist, you might be able to fool more people into embracing the slavery you offer to America. But seriously shit fer brains, that will only work with uneducated dolts, those like you who have zero knowledge of history.

All people with functioning brains are going to do is mock you.

Obviously you are the brainwashed one since everyone in the modern world outside Dupe world thinks Bernie is Right -socialism -what do you want a diagram you are brainwashed. "We are all socialists now!""--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.

Oh, Venezuela thinks it's all just swell.

You really want to debate economics with me, simp? :lmao:
The problem with Venezuela is the MASSIVE corruption

The problem with Venezuela is socialism.

Socialism is ALWAYS corrupt, it cannot be otherwise. You see retard, when people have needs they are willing to PAY to have those needs met. In an HONEST system such as capitalism, they pay the provider. In a corrupt system such as socialism, they bribe the bureaucrat.
Hey you even know what Laissez Faire.means? It means "free market".

No retard, it means "hands off."

You have been programmed by the hate sites to chatter a mantra that only pure Laissez Faire capilism is Capitalist. It's a lie of course, as everything you Stalinist say is.

And if it ain't free's socialism. Enormous parts of our system are NOT free market...we have a MIXED capitalist/socialist system.

Deal with it Giant

Get an education Comrade, you are embarrassing yourself.
I have been programmed? A little self awareness is warranted here my loudmouthed friend

Please explain the difference between Laissez Faire. and "free market.


Leach, you should have stuck it out through 2nd grade, seriously bitch.

You don't mind if I call you "bitch," do you? No doubt it's what all your boyfriends and baby daddies call you..

Free market economy

An economic system where the government does not interfere in business activity in any way. Neither does any pricing authority etc.

  • When there is a free market economy the government has no power over how a business may run from day to day.
  • In a free market economy businesses have more room to use the techniques they want to try and grow quickly.
  • Economists are skeptical about it as if left without regulation, “most business people care more about profits than people”

Laisaez-Faire Economy

is that the less the government is involved in the economy, the better off business will be – and by extension, society as a whole. Laissez-faire economics are a key part of free market capitalism.

So my drooling little retard, it is a matter of degree.

Laissez Faire means "hands off," coined by Jean Baptiste Say - of whom you have never heard nor studied. Says law is something light years beyond your comprehension.
Laissez-faire is unfair to most people. You need regulations to protect the workers and customers. D u h. Socialism. Ideological brainwashed functional moron. Call it Democratic socialism so you don't freak.

Whether that is so or not, it doesn't dig your little buddy out of his hole.

Markets are based upon the concept of trading value for value. You Communists offer need and demand we give you value in return. Socialism is control of the means of production. Providing welfare is not socialism, anyone claiming so is stupid and a liar. Leach is just a brainless drone spewing idiocy from the hate sites. But you know better, which is why I will at least give you a response.

If simply providing a meal for the poor were socialism, then you could celebrate that your global Marxist dream was realized. But it isn't. Even in those nations foolish enough to socialize segments of the economy, such as medicine, they are not socialist economies. The free market still supports socialized medicine in Denmark - which is pretty shitty - year long waits for basic procedures. It may be publicly funded. but it is a far cry from "care ."
Everything you know is wrong. LOL. Regulation is control of the economy. And socialism always was supposed to have some democracy involved. Then people found out that Marxism and communism were scams....
you're absolutely nuts if you think I am a stalinist I am for socialism like in France. Germany Finland Canada Australia New Zealand. That is the modern definition of socialism you crazy rube brainwashed twit.

So, ThinkHatred and the other fuckwad sites have programmed you drones to lie that German and Canada are socialist? :eek:

You always were a fuckwit, but this kicks it down a full notch. Your masters think that if you lie about which countries are socialist, you might be able to fool more people into embracing the slavery you offer to America. But seriously shit fer brains, that will only work with uneducated dolts, those like you who have zero knowledge of history.

All people with functioning brains are going to do is mock you.

Obviously you are the brainwashed one since everyone in the modern world outside Dupe world thinks Bernie is Right -socialism -what do you want a diagram you are brainwashed. "We are all socialists now!""--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.

Oh, Venezuela thinks it's all just swell.

You really want to debate economics with me, simp? :lmao:
The problem with Venezuela is the MASSIVE corruption

The problem with Venezuela is socialism.

Socialism is ALWAYS corrupt, it cannot be otherwise. You see retard, when people have needs they are willing to PAY to have those needs met. In an HONEST system such as capitalism, they pay the provider. In a corrupt system such as socialism, they bribe the bureaucrat.
of course you have the brainwashed GOP dupe Cold War dinosaur definition of socialism. Should ask Bernie Sanders or AOC. What a waste of time.
Hey you even know what Laissez Faire.means? It means "free market".

No retard, it means "hands off."

You have been programmed by the hate sites to chatter a mantra that only pure Laissez Faire capilism is Capitalist. It's a lie of course, as everything you Stalinist say is.

And if it ain't free's socialism. Enormous parts of our system are NOT free market...we have a MIXED capitalist/socialist system.

Deal with it Giant

Get an education Comrade, you are embarrassing yourself.
I have been programmed? A little self awareness is warranted here my loudmouthed friend

Please explain the difference between Laissez Faire. and "free market.


Leach, you should have stuck it out through 2nd grade, seriously bitch.

You don't mind if I call you "bitch," do you? No doubt it's what all your boyfriends and baby daddies call you..

Free market economy

An economic system where the government does not interfere in business activity in any way. Neither does any pricing authority etc.

  • When there is a free market economy the government has no power over how a business may run from day to day.
  • In a free market economy businesses have more room to use the techniques they want to try and grow quickly.
  • Economists are skeptical about it as if left without regulation, “most business people care more about profits than people”

Laisaez-Faire Economy

is that the less the government is involved in the economy, the better off business will be – and by extension, society as a whole. Laissez-faire economics are a key part of free market capitalism.

So my drooling little retard, it is a matter of degree.

Laissez Faire means "hands off," coined by Jean Baptiste Say - of whom you have never heard nor studied. Says law is something light years beyond your comprehension.
Laissez-faire is unfair to most people. You need regulations to protect the workers and customers. D u h. Socialism. Ideological brainwashed functional moron. Call it Democratic socialism so you don't freak.

Whether that is so or not, it doesn't dig your little buddy out of his hole.

Markets are based upon the concept of trading value for value. You Communists offer need and demand we give you value in return. Socialism is control of the means of production. Providing welfare is not socialism, anyone claiming so is stupid and a liar. Leach is just a brainless drone spewing idiocy from the hate sites. But you know better, which is why I will at least give you a response.

If simply providing a meal for the poor were socialism, then you could celebrate that your global Marxist dream was realized. But it isn't. Even in those nations foolish enough to socialize segments of the economy, such as medicine, they are not socialist economies. The free market still supports socialized medicine in Denmark - which is pretty shitty - year long waits for basic procedures. It may be publicly funded. but it is a far cry from "care ."

No, socialism is where the people prevent any one person from gaining total control over the means of any important production, and ensure the means of production are always available to everyone.
Yes providing welfare can be socialism because it can be a form of group risk pooling.
The idea of welfare is temporary, until the factor limiting their productive capabilities are over come, such as education, health, training, actual employment, etc. And socialize medicine has proven to cost less than half as much in total, including all taxes. Nor are the waiting periods any longer than they are in the US. No one waits a year. More like a month, just like in the US. In fact, many US patients use medical tourism and go off to socialized countries for faster medical care than the US.
socialism is slavery

Socialism means you work for yourself and the other members of society together, instead of working for an elite, wealthy few.
So clearly socialism is the end of slavery, and it is capitalism that is always slavery to some degree.
Socialism mean collective, and collaborative ownership of where you work.
Which then means collective and collaborative decision making and profit sharing.
That is the opposite of slavery, in every way.
Well, the GOP strategy of having the dupes believe socialism is communism or even Nazism now LOL continues to work great at putting off any reform that would help the non-rich.... Try asking anyone in a Socialist Party in the modern world, and stop asking bought off scumbag GOP pundits for crying out loud LOL....
socialism is slavery

Socialism means you work for yourself and the other members of society together, instead of working for an elite, wealthy few.
So clearly socialism is the end of slavery, and it is capitalism that is always slavery to some degree.
Socialism mean collective, and collaborative ownership of where you work.
Which then means collective and collaborative decision making and profit sharing.
That is the opposite of slavery, in every way.
The definition always says community ownership or regulation of business and industry. Or control or Administration... At any rate the definition implies some democratic control or regulation or control. So the definition of socialism as communism as practiced in the USSR went out the window when it became obvious the USSR was a totalitarian scam in the in the modern developed World socialism means fair capitalism with a good safety net, everywhere but cold war dinosaur GOP dupe America.... That is Scandinavia original EU Canada New Zealand Australia Japan. And America if we ever get universal healthcare, we will barely qualify. Then we can ask the question, why is the richest country in the world the only one without Health Care daycare living wage paid parental leave cheap college and training, a national ID card to end illegal immigration like every other country has with this problem, and taxing the rich their fair share instead of this GOP give away to the rich, screw the rest Mess we have now, with the worst inequality and benefits and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes...
Last edited:
The Nazis. The Nazis controlled everything. There is a famous, or infamous story of Hitler saying "I don't care if you own the cow, as long as I own you".

The Nazis were very much for the appearance of private ownership, but they made it clear they controlled the owners. Yes, you can own that factory, but you build what we want you to build, and the way we want you to build it.

It was very much a socialist system. As the name "National Socialists" implied.
The Nazis were very much for the appearance of private ownership, but they made it clear they controlled the owners. Yes, you can own that factory, but you build what we want you to build, and the way we want you to build it
Was Fritz Thyssen a socialist or capitalist?

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

"By the time Fritz Thyssen inherited the business empire in 1926, Germany's economic recovery was faltering.

"After hearing Adolf Hitler speak, Thyssen became mesmerised by the young firebrand. He joined the Nazi party in December 1931 and admits backing Hitler in his autobiography, I Paid Hitler, when the National Socialists were still a radical fringe party.

"He stepped in several times to bail out the struggling party: in 1928 Thyssen had bought the Barlow Palace on Briennerstrasse, in Munich, which Hitler converted into the Brown House, the headquarters of the Nazi party.

"The money came from another Thyssen overseas institution, the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvarrt in Rotterdam."

German and American capitalists created Hitler as a buffer against Stalin.

"The Bush family links to Nazi Germany’s war economy were first brought to light at the Nuremberg trials in the testimony of Nazi Germany’s steel magnate Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen was a partner of George W. Bush’s grandfather Prescott Bush..."

"George Bush’s grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

"The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

"His business dealings, which continued until his company’s assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy."

Bush Family Links to Nazi Germany: “A Famous American Family” Made its Fortune from the Nazis

Wow but you are fucking liar, what a shameless pile of shit you are, fuckwad.

You going to trot out the Protocols of the Elders of Zion again? You know you are, you festering and putrid boil.

Truth hurts you huh?

If you don't like people attacking your character........... have better character. Stop lying.
Truth hurts you huh?

If you don't like people attacking your character........... have better character. Stop lying.
Back to the subject.
Do you see any lies in the following?

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

"Thyssen owned the largest steel and coal company in Germany and grew rich from Hitler's efforts to re-arm between the two world wars.

"One of the pillars in Thyssen's international corporate web, UBC, worked exclusively for, and was owned by, a Thyssen-controlled bank in the Netherlands.

"More tantalising are Bush's links to the Consolidated Silesian Steel Company (CSSC), based in mineral rich Silesia on the German-Polish border.

"During the war, the company made use of Nazi slave labour from the concentration camps, including Auschwitz.

"The ownership of CSSC changed hands several times in the 1930s, but documents from the US National Archive declassified last year link Bush to CSSC, although it is not clear if he and UBC were still involved in the company when Thyssen's American assets were seized in 1942."

Is it a lie to say Fritz Thyssen and the Bush family practiced capitalism?

Is it lying to claim Hitler's National Socialists would have found it much more difficult to gain power in Germany without the backing of prominent western capitalists?


And the question is.......... so what? Yes I see a bunch of lies here..... the lies are the implication that because someone ages ago did something, means that we should destroy people in 2019 over actions in 1930.

There were many people in the 1920/30s that supported Hitler. Many. And most were left-wingers to be honest, because Hitler was for free education and infrastructure spending, and all sort of left-wing ideals still be pushed by the moronic left today. Lefties have only complained about people who supported Hitler, after it was fashionable to do so.

Just like many supported Hugo Chavez, and now that the left-wing dictatorship is causing mass starvation while exporting money into foreign accounts.... NOW... they are against it.

The only difference between the two, is that the left-wing support of Hugo Chavez was in the last 20 years. The support by some great grand father of Bush, for Hitler or whatever, was just under a 100 years ago, and all the people in question are dead. I know people that had Hugo Chavez as their avatar, as being a model to follow, who used to post on this forum.

So spare me "we have to go back to WW2 to prove we're better than you" BS crap. You are not. The very fact you have to go that far back to come up with some pathetic reason that you are better than someone else.... that alone proves you are not better than anyone. Totally pathetic.
Was Fritz Thyssen a socialist or capitalist?

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

"By the time Fritz Thyssen inherited the business empire in 1926, Germany's economic recovery was faltering.

"After hearing Adolf Hitler speak, Thyssen became mesmerised by the young firebrand. He joined the Nazi party in December 1931 and admits backing Hitler in his autobiography, I Paid Hitler, when the National Socialists were still a radical fringe party.

"He stepped in several times to bail out the struggling party: in 1928 Thyssen had bought the Barlow Palace on Briennerstrasse, in Munich, which Hitler converted into the Brown House, the headquarters of the Nazi party.

"The money came from another Thyssen overseas institution, the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvarrt in Rotterdam."

German and American capitalists created Hitler as a buffer against Stalin.

"The Bush family links to Nazi Germany’s war economy were first brought to light at the Nuremberg trials in the testimony of Nazi Germany’s steel magnate Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen was a partner of George W. Bush’s grandfather Prescott Bush..."

"George Bush’s grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

"The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

"His business dealings, which continued until his company’s assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy."

Bush Family Links to Nazi Germany: “A Famous American Family” Made its Fortune from the Nazis

Wow but you are fucking liar, what a shameless pile of shit you are, fuckwad.

You going to trot out the Protocols of the Elders of Zion again? You know you are, you festering and putrid boil.

Truth hurts you huh?

If you don't like people attacking your character........... have better character. Stop lying.
Truth hurts you huh?

If you don't like people attacking your character........... have better character. Stop lying.
Back to the subject.
Do you see any lies in the following?

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

"Thyssen owned the largest steel and coal company in Germany and grew rich from Hitler's efforts to re-arm between the two world wars.

"One of the pillars in Thyssen's international corporate web, UBC, worked exclusively for, and was owned by, a Thyssen-controlled bank in the Netherlands.

"More tantalising are Bush's links to the Consolidated Silesian Steel Company (CSSC), based in mineral rich Silesia on the German-Polish border.

"During the war, the company made use of Nazi slave labour from the concentration camps, including Auschwitz.

"The ownership of CSSC changed hands several times in the 1930s, but documents from the US National Archive declassified last year link Bush to CSSC, although it is not clear if he and UBC were still involved in the company when Thyssen's American assets were seized in 1942."

Is it a lie to say Fritz Thyssen and the Bush family practiced capitalism?

Is it lying to claim Hitler's National Socialists would have found it much more difficult to gain power in Germany without the backing of prominent western capitalists?


And the question is.......... so what? Yes I see a bunch of lies here..... the lies are the implication that because someone ages ago did something, means that we should destroy people in 2019 over actions in 1930.

There were many people in the 1920/30s that supported Hitler. Many. And most were left-wingers to be honest, because Hitler was for free education and infrastructure spending, and all sort of left-wing ideals still be pushed by the moronic left today. Lefties have only complained about people who supported Hitler, after it was fashionable to do so.

Just like many supported Hugo Chavez, and now that the left-wing dictatorship is causing mass starvation while exporting money into foreign accounts.... NOW... they are against it.

The only difference between the two, is that the left-wing support of Hugo Chavez was in the last 20 years. The support by some great grand father of Bush, for Hitler or whatever, was just under a 100 years ago, and all the people in question are dead. I know people that had Hugo Chavez as their avatar, as being a model to follow, who used to post on this forum.

So spare me "we have to go back to WW2 to prove we're better than you" BS crap. You are not. The very fact you have to go that far back to come up with some pathetic reason that you are better than someone else.... that alone proves you are not better than anyone. Totally pathetic.
And the question is.......... so what? Yes I see a bunch of lies here..... the lies are the implication that because someone ages ago did something, means that we should destroy people in 2019 over actions in 1930.
What specific lie do you see here?
Is it lying to say Fritz Thyssen and the Bush family practiced capitalism and not socialism?
Did Bush and Thyssen help Hitler rise to power?

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

"By the time Fritz Thyssen inherited the business empire in 1926, Germany's economic recovery was faltering.

"After hearing Adolf Hitler speak, Thyssen became mesmerised by the young firebrand.

"He joined the Nazi party in December 1931 and admits backing Hitler in his autobiography, I Paid Hitler, when the National Socialists were still a radical fringe party.

"He stepped in several times to bail out the struggling party: in 1928 Thyssen had bought the Barlow Palace on Briennerstrasse, in Munich, which Hitler converted into the Brown House, the headquarters of the Nazi party.

"The money came from another Thyssen overseas institution, the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvarrt in Rotterdam.

"By the late 1930s, Brown Brothers Harriman, which claimed to be the world's largest private investment bank, and UBC had bought and shipped millions of dollars of gold, fuel, steel, coal and US treasury bonds to Germany, both feeding and financing Hitler's build-up to war."

Can you name any left-wingers who supported Hitler in the 1920s/30s?
Just like many supported Hugo Chavez, and now that the left-wing dictatorship is causing mass starvation while exporting money into foreign accounts.... NOW... they are against it.
Would you care to explain how a country (Venezuela) which never nationalized its banks can practice socialism?

The center of the US global economic empire is the US dollar. "more than 85% of all global trade (export and import) is done in dollars.

"Certain commodities, like global oil and oil futures are traded virtually only in dollars." 95% of Venezuela's government revenues come from selling oil.

When the US imposes economic sanctions on would-be buyers, this cuts off access to dollars and encourages dollar flight out of Venezuela.

Denying Venezuela access to dollar denominated bank loans and bond issuance leads directly to business collapse and even more unemployment.

The US is using the dollar to make Venezuela's economy scream the same way it did to Chile in 1973.

Financial Imperialism-The Case of Venezuela
Everything you know is wrong. LOL.

Da Comrade, GLORIOUS Communist democrat redefine reality.

Regulation is control of the economy. And socialism always was supposed to have some democracy involved. Then people found out that Marxism and communism were scams....


Join your fuckwad retard buddy in being ignored.

Come back if you want to grow up.
Look at what it got them.... Starvation, and Cuban mercenaries.

Socialism brings misery and despair. When the state determines who will get what, who will work where, who may eat what, who may drink what, who may think what, then misery is the only possible outcome.

Apparently George Soros has decreed that the drones be programmed to bleat an utterly astounding lie, that any regulation of financial transactions means that a system is socialist.

Yes, the drooling fucktards of the left are scampering and slithering about the forum hissing "America is socialist because there is an SEC" The lowest intellect of them, the Lesh level fucktards, have forgone
hunting for almond roca in the catbox to bleat the words of their masters, and sincerely believe every word of it. They will believe the opposite just as passionately next week, when the hive reprograms them to tell other stupid beyond belief lies, These leftists are not sentient, they are not capable of thought.

What is "Capitalism?" It is a term coined by Karl Marx to describe a market based economy in which the means of production is in the hands of the people. If the government regulates the trading of securities, does this mean that prices are set by the government? That production levels are set by the government? That consumers are forced to buy products that the government dictates they buy?

Of course not, such ideas are simply stupid, born of ignorance and dependent on the big lie theory that they are so OUTRAGEOUSLY stupid that some might be shocked into accepting such utter retardation.

Apparently these mental midgets have been induced by the pheromones secreted by the hive to vomit out this idiocy in the belief that if America is convinced that markets are really socialist, they will happily surrender their liberty to the leftist elite.
No retard, it means "hands off."

You have been programmed by the hate sites to chatter a mantra that only pure Laissez Faire capilism is Capitalist. It's a lie of course, as everything you Stalinist say is.

Get an education Comrade, you are embarrassing yourself.
I have been programmed? A little self awareness is warranted here my loudmouthed friend

Please explain the difference between Laissez Faire. and "free market.


Leach, you should have stuck it out through 2nd grade, seriously bitch.

You don't mind if I call you "bitch," do you? No doubt it's what all your boyfriends and baby daddies call you..

Free market economy

An economic system where the government does not interfere in business activity in any way. Neither does any pricing authority etc.

  • When there is a free market economy the government has no power over how a business may run from day to day.
  • In a free market economy businesses have more room to use the techniques they want to try and grow quickly.
  • Economists are skeptical about it as if left without regulation, “most business people care more about profits than people”

Laisaez-Faire Economy

is that the less the government is involved in the economy, the better off business will be – and by extension, society as a whole. Laissez-faire economics are a key part of free market capitalism.

So my drooling little retard, it is a matter of degree.

Laissez Faire means "hands off," coined by Jean Baptiste Say - of whom you have never heard nor studied. Says law is something light years beyond your comprehension.
Laissez-faire is unfair to most people. You need regulations to protect the workers and customers. D u h. Socialism. Ideological brainwashed functional moron. Call it Democratic socialism so you don't freak.

Whether that is so or not, it doesn't dig your little buddy out of his hole.

Markets are based upon the concept of trading value for value. You Communists offer need and demand we give you value in return. Socialism is control of the means of production. Providing welfare is not socialism, anyone claiming so is stupid and a liar. Leach is just a brainless drone spewing idiocy from the hate sites. But you know better, which is why I will at least give you a response.

If simply providing a meal for the poor were socialism, then you could celebrate that your global Marxist dream was realized. But it isn't. Even in those nations foolish enough to socialize segments of the economy, such as medicine, they are not socialist economies. The free market still supports socialized medicine in Denmark - which is pretty shitty - year long waits for basic procedures. It may be publicly funded. but it is a far cry from "care ."

No, socialism is where the people prevent any one person from gaining total control over the means of any important production, and ensure the means of production are always available to everyone.
Yes providing welfare can be socialism because it can be a form of group risk pooling.
The idea of welfare is temporary, until the factor limiting their productive capabilities are over come, such as education, health, training, actual employment, etc. And socialize medicine has proven to cost less than half as much in total, including all taxes. Nor are the waiting periods any longer than they are in the US. No one waits a year. More like a month, just like in the US. In fact, many US patients use medical tourism and go off to socialized countries for faster medical care than the US.

Utter bullshit.

Socialism most often establishes and maintains monopolies that are directly controlled by the state or are beholden to the state,

Whether due to ignorance or chicanery, your claim is a full 180° from the facts.
socialism is slavery

Socialism means you work for yourself and the other members of society together, instead of working for an elite, wealthy few.
So clearly socialism is the end of slavery, and it is capitalism that is always slavery to some degree.
Socialism mean collective, and collaborative ownership of where you work.
Which then means collective and collaborative decision making and profit sharing.
That is the opposite of slavery, in every way.

Socialism means you work for the king and his ministers and are as much the property of the rulers as the roads and the factories are.

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