Compared to capitalism, what has socialism and communism ever produced or manufactured?

Compared to capitalism, what has socialism and communism ever produced or manufactured?

JGalt said:
But I will give them credit for the AK-47. That is one magnificent piece of machinery.
Modified German Rifle
When you talk past the opposition you are admitting defeat
Compared to capitalism, what has socialism and communism ever produced or manufactured?

Actually the technology for T-34s was borrowed from the west. Sloping armor and the Christie Chassis were developed elsewhere.
Those ARE socialist things my friend.

If it ain't free's socialist and none of those things are free market
US Postal Service is a government corporation that pays for itself. Amtrak is a turd. Civil Rights Act has nothing to do with the economy. EPA hinders the economy, student loans are simply underwritten by Fed and individual banks must be paid back by signee. Public schools are local and have nothing to do with socialism. OSHA has nothing to do with socialism and neither do labor unions. The socialist were pushed out of industrial unions in 1950’s. Medicare and Social Security. Yes. But SSA is not meant to be you retirement. That’s why you have a 401k and invest in the markets. That’s capitalism.
Please define communism, socialism, and capitalism.... so we can know what you are talking about or thinking each are, before we answer!
Communism is a command economy with total control and central planning. Marx said democracy, free speech, free press and religion cannot be allowed under such a system. Socialism is when the government controls huge segments of the economy. This results in very high taxes and inflationary practices. Capitalism is when people can go as far as their talent and motivation can take them. In a socialist system people strive for mediocrity. Under capitalism people strive for success.
We have a Commerce Clause for our form of socialism. That means, we should be making money not losing money on public policies.
Those ARE socialist things my friend.

If it ain't free's socialist and none of those things are free market
US Postal Service is a government corporation that pays for itself. Amtrak is a turd. Civil Rights Act has nothing to do with the economy. EPA hinders the economy, student loans are simply underwritten by Fed and individual banks must be paid back by signee. Public schools are local and have nothing to do with socialism. OSHA has nothing to do with socialism and neither do labor unions. The socialist were pushed out of industrial unions in 1950’s. Medicare and Social Security. Yes. But SSA is not meant to be you retirement. That’s why you have a 401k and invest in the markets. That’s capitalism.
Dude...the only schools that are NOT socialist are private schools that get NO public funding whatsoever.

You have no idea what you're talking about
student loans are simply underwritten by Fed and individual banks must be paid back by signee

The only student loans that are NOT socialism are those that are NOT underwritten or regulated by government in any way
Those ARE socialist things my friend.

If it ain't free's socialist and none of those things are free market
US Postal Service is a government corporation that pays for itself. Amtrak is a turd. Civil Rights Act has nothing to do with the economy. EPA hinders the economy, student loans are simply underwritten by Fed and individual banks must be paid back by signee. Public schools are local and have nothing to do with socialism. OSHA has nothing to do with socialism and neither do labor unions. The socialist were pushed out of industrial unions in 1950’s. Medicare and Social Security. Yes. But SSA is not meant to be you retirement. That’s why you have a 401k and invest in the markets. That’s capitalism.
Dude...the only schools that are NOT socialist are private schools that get NO public funding whatsoever.

You have no idea what you're talking about
Again...the local communities forming their own school system...electing their own school board is not socialism. Just people locally wanting to educate their kids. Many districts in rural areas refuse federal funds to keep Washington DC out of their lives.
student loans are simply underwritten by Fed and individual banks must be paid back by signee

The only student loans that are NOT socialism are those that are NOT underwritten or regulated by government in any way
US Gov started underwriting loans to get more students on campus because we have a for profit capitalist education system. Keynesian economic system. Not socialism.
Those ARE socialist things my friend.

If it ain't free's socialist and none of those things are free market
US Postal Service is a government corporation that pays for itself. Amtrak is a turd. Civil Rights Act has nothing to do with the economy. EPA hinders the economy, student loans are simply underwritten by Fed and individual banks must be paid back by signee. Public schools are local and have nothing to do with socialism. OSHA has nothing to do with socialism and neither do labor unions. The socialist were pushed out of industrial unions in 1950’s. Medicare and Social Security. Yes. But SSA is not meant to be you retirement. That’s why you have a 401k and invest in the markets. That’s capitalism.
Dude...the only schools that are NOT socialist are private schools that get NO public funding whatsoever.

You have no idea what you're talking about
Independent school districts.
Those ARE socialist things my friend.

If it ain't free's socialist and none of those things are free market
US Postal Service is a government corporation that pays for itself. Amtrak is a turd. Civil Rights Act has nothing to do with the economy. EPA hinders the economy, student loans are simply underwritten by Fed and individual banks must be paid back by signee. Public schools are local and have nothing to do with socialism. OSHA has nothing to do with socialism and neither do labor unions. The socialist were pushed out of industrial unions in 1950’s. Medicare and Social Security. Yes. But SSA is not meant to be you retirement. That’s why you have a 401k and invest in the markets. That’s capitalism.
Dude...the only schools that are NOT socialist are private schools that get NO public funding whatsoever.

You have no idea what you're talking about
You have been college campus brainwashed.
socialism's greatest victory of the 20th Century was convincing stupid Americans (aka; dimocrap scum) that Hitler wasn't a socialist.


dimocrap scum will, at first, claim this is a photo-shop or that it's fake. Then after we shove the reality up their collective asses, they'll simply start in with another lie.

dimocraps are scum. They really do want to force socialism, preferably a third-way type of socialism like Hitler's, down our throats.

It's the only way they can guarantee that they'll retain the power they so cravenly desire.
socialism's greatest victory of the 20th Century was convincing stupid Americans (aka; dimocrap scum) that Hitler wasn't a socialist.


dimocrap scum will, at first, claim this is a photo-shop or that it's fake. Then after we shove the reality up their collective asses, they'll simply start in with another lie.

dimocraps are scum. They really do want to force socialism, preferably a third-way type of socialism like Hitler's, down our throats.

It's the only way they can guarantee that they'll retain the power they so cravenly desire.
Nazi’s are leftist.
Socialism and communism created mass war and death. Capitalism put a fairly quick stop to it and made some money and an industrial-medical revolution.
The NAZI's were facists.

No, they weren't you blithering fucking idiot.

Mussolini was a Fascist. Franco was a Fascist (Partito Nazionale Fascista).

While there certainly were Fascists in Germany, they weren't in the National Socialist German Workers Party. At least, not for long.

At no time, in no place did any National Socialist ever refer to himself or his movement as 'Fascist'. Because they weren't

If you'd watch the greatest propaganda film ever made. "Triumph of The Will" (Triumph des Willens) you will not hear the word 'Fascism' uttered one time.

It is the cartoon-caricature left, the party with idiots that can not think without the Disgusting Filth In The Lame Stream Media telling them how, that is totally ignorant of history.

This includes you.

While National Socialism and Fascism had certain things in common, they had even more differences.

But you wouldn't know that because you're ignorant. uneducated and stupid.

Do some reading. If you want something to start with, try Draper's "The Two Souls Of Socialism". It is well done.

Hal Draper Internet Archive

But you won't. And that's why you're stupid. You enjoy being stupid because, the truth is -- It's easy. It's why the vast majority of dimocrap scum are stupid and uneducated..... It's just so much easier than thinking for yourself

And, OBTW, Draper was a hard-core socialist
Socialism and communism created mass war and death. Capitalism put a fairly quick stop to it and made some money and an industrial-medical revolution.

Only Capitalism can support democracy, with the preferred form being a Republic.

And there has never been a War between two democracies.

All socialist SCUM know how to do is butcher.

In fact, the vast majority of people, not just dimocrap FILTH, but normal humans as well, don't know that Nazi Germany and socialist Russia were allies for the first two years of WWII.


In fact, the leftist scum in the USA were cheering them on while they were fighting the Imperialist French and British.

It was't until Hitler decided to invade the Russian cesspool that Americans turned against him. They weren't the least bit upset with his vision and his policies.

At all.

dimocraps are scum.

ALL of them, including the voters. No..... ESPECIALLY the voters

Truth hurts you huh?

If you don't like people attacking your character........... have better character. Stop lying.
Truth hurts you huh?

If you don't like people attacking your character........... have better character. Stop lying.
Back to the subject.
Do you see any lies in the following?

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

"Thyssen owned the largest steel and coal company in Germany and grew rich from Hitler's efforts to re-arm between the two world wars.

"One of the pillars in Thyssen's international corporate web, UBC, worked exclusively for, and was owned by, a Thyssen-controlled bank in the Netherlands.

"More tantalising are Bush's links to the Consolidated Silesian Steel Company (CSSC), based in mineral rich Silesia on the German-Polish border.

"During the war, the company made use of Nazi slave labour from the concentration camps, including Auschwitz.

"The ownership of CSSC changed hands several times in the 1930s, but documents from the US National Archive declassified last year link Bush to CSSC, although it is not clear if he and UBC were still involved in the company when Thyssen's American assets were seized in 1942."

Is it a lie to say Fritz Thyssen and the Bush family practiced capitalism?

Is it lying to claim Hitler's National Socialists would have found it much more difficult to gain power in Germany without the backing of prominent western capitalists?


And the question is.......... so what? Yes I see a bunch of lies here..... the lies are the implication that because someone ages ago did something, means that we should destroy people in 2019 over actions in 1930.

There were many people in the 1920/30s that supported Hitler. Many. And most were left-wingers to be honest, because Hitler was for free education and infrastructure spending, and all sort of left-wing ideals still be pushed by the moronic left today. Lefties have only complained about people who supported Hitler, after it was fashionable to do so.

Just like many supported Hugo Chavez, and now that the left-wing dictatorship is causing mass starvation while exporting money into foreign accounts.... NOW... they are against it.

The only difference between the two, is that the left-wing support of Hugo Chavez was in the last 20 years. The support by some great grand father of Bush, for Hitler or whatever, was just under a 100 years ago, and all the people in question are dead. I know people that had Hugo Chavez as their avatar, as being a model to follow, who used to post on this forum.

So spare me "we have to go back to WW2 to prove we're better than you" BS crap. You are not. The very fact you have to go that far back to come up with some pathetic reason that you are better than someone else.... that alone proves you are not better than anyone. Totally pathetic.
And the question is.......... so what? Yes I see a bunch of lies here..... the lies are the implication that because someone ages ago did something, means that we should destroy people in 2019 over actions in 1930.
What specific lie do you see here?
Is it lying to say Fritz Thyssen and the Bush family practiced capitalism and not socialism?
Did Bush and Thyssen help Hitler rise to power?

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

"By the time Fritz Thyssen inherited the business empire in 1926, Germany's economic recovery was faltering.

"After hearing Adolf Hitler speak, Thyssen became mesmerised by the young firebrand.

"He joined the Nazi party in December 1931 and admits backing Hitler in his autobiography, I Paid Hitler, when the National Socialists were still a radical fringe party.

"He stepped in several times to bail out the struggling party: in 1928 Thyssen had bought the Barlow Palace on Briennerstrasse, in Munich, which Hitler converted into the Brown House, the headquarters of the Nazi party.

"The money came from another Thyssen overseas institution, the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvarrt in Rotterdam.

"By the late 1930s, Brown Brothers Harriman, which claimed to be the world's largest private investment bank, and UBC had bought and shipped millions of dollars of gold, fuel, steel, coal and US treasury bonds to Germany, both feeding and financing Hitler's build-up to war."

Can you name any left-wingers who supported Hitler in the 1920s/30s?

Huh? Henry Ford himself was a left-winger. You yourself mentioned left-wingers that supported Hitler.

German Consulate List 1945

If you want, you can see this list. This was captured in an FBI raid, where they found documents of hundreds of names, of pro-nazi sympathizers in Hollywood. The list contains super wealthy elites, Hollywood actors, and professors at UCLA and more.

Now unless you want to claim that all the UCLA professors, and hollywood actors, and the rich elites of Hollywood California were all right-wing..... I would suggest this alone is proof.

But be my guest trying to prove they were all right-wingers. We all know how right-wing religious conservative UCLA and Hollywood actors have been for decades.
Wow...welcome to backwards world.

Neither Ford nor Hitler were left wingers

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