Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe

Care to try to counter what I actually said? Or you know you have nothing?

That I have to explain to you why it would be a bad idea to give todays kids firearms tells me you're a complete moron.

it is really nothing then trying to make a stupid point

next will be back hearing the NRA is trying to arm the mentally ill why not --LOL
The mentally ill also have a 2nd Amendment right to own and carry guns.

after due process they legally dont
..."shall not be infringed"...

go back and read the 5th and 14th amendments to verify that you are incorrect
That I have to explain to you why it would be a bad idea to give todays kids firearms tells me you're a complete moron.

it is really nothing then trying to make a stupid point

next will be back hearing the NRA is trying to arm the mentally ill why not --LOL
The mentally ill also have a 2nd Amendment right to own and carry guns.

after due process they legally dont
..."shall not be infringed"...

go back and read the 5th and 14th amendments to verify that you are incorrect
No, I am correct.
So your point is let's just forget about it, just ignore it because it happens elsewhere and more people die? Who cares if our kids are shot and killed in their schools? Right? No biggie. Don't do anything to stop it? You people are sick. Very, very mentally ill as you keep defending the gun culture that leads to the massacre of our school children and other innocents. Sick. It is disgusting.
it is really nothing then trying to make a stupid point

next will be back hearing the NRA is trying to arm the mentally ill why not --LOL
The mentally ill also have a 2nd Amendment right to own and carry guns.

after due process they legally dont
..."shall not be infringed"...

go back and read the 5th and 14th amendments to verify that you are incorrect
No, I am correct.

indeed you are not
The mentally ill also have a 2nd Amendment right to own and carry guns.

after due process they legally dont
..."shall not be infringed"...

go back and read the 5th and 14th amendments to verify that you are incorrect
No, I am correct.

indeed you are not
Indeed I am or you would have posted the relevant parts.
You people are sick. Very, very mentally ill as you keep defending the gun culture that leads to the massacre of our school children and other innocents.
Gun culture? Doesn't the NRA represent gun culture to you?

If so, what NRA members are committing these mass shootings? What NRA members are killing in Chicago?

No, the fault lies with you and liberal culture that came in the '60s.
A narrative busting thread using science, not emotions.
You statistics may be true but it’s worth noting that mass shootings make up a tiny portion of America’s firearm deaths, which totaled more than 33,000 in 2014. On average, there is more than one mass shooting for each day in America.

Another way to look at it:
And >64% of those...were suicide.
64% of gun deaths in U.S. are suicides - Futurity

The data says homicides, not gun deaths.

Suicides are not considered homicides in the data.
You people are sick. Very, very mentally ill as you keep defending the gun culture that leads to the massacre of our school children and other innocents.
Gun culture? Doesn't the NRA represent gun culture to you?

If so, what NRA members are committing these mass shootings? What NRA members are killing in Chicago?

No, the fault lies with you and liberal culture that came in the '60s.
LMAO This is just hilarious. Hilarious! Such an idiotic RW talking point. Who fed that one to you? Do you wear earphones to bed so Limbaugh and Jones can brainwash you over night? How much money did the NRA give to Trump's election campaign,BTW? They have nothing to do with today's gun culture, do they? How much money is made by the sale of firearms across the country? That has nothing to do with today's gun culture, does it? Why would the NRA give millions of dollars to Repubican politicians? Just to be nice? LOL You're amazing, amazingly stupid.
[t's not racist. It's cultural. The overwhelming amount of violence we suffer comes from illegal immigrants from violent third world countries.


Where do you get your data that concludes most violent crime comes from illegal immigrants?

According to the FBI in the latest data compiled, all Hispanics accounted for less than a quarter of violent crime in this country, which includes illegals.

Table 43
LMAO This is just hilarious. Hilarious! Such an idiotic RW talking point. Who fed that one to you? Do you wear earphones to bed so Limbaugh and Jones can brainwash you over night? How much money did the NRA give to Trump's election campaign,BTW? They have nothing to do with today's gun culture, do they? How much money is made by the sale of firearms across the country? That has nothing to do with today's gun culture, does it? Why would the NRA give millions of dollars to Repubican politicians? Just to be nice? LOL You're amazing, amazingly stupid.
So, you got nothing useful. Just leftist/female hysteria
A narrative busting thread using science, not emotions.
You statistics may be true but it’s worth noting that mass shootings make up a tiny portion of America’s firearm deaths, which totaled more than 33,000 in 2014. On average, there is more than one mass shooting for each day in America.

Another way to look at it:
And >64% of those...were suicide.
64% of gun deaths in U.S. are suicides - Futurity

The data says homicides, not gun deaths.

Suicides are not considered homicides in the data.
33,000 sounds like the number that includes suicide. Excluding suicides the number has typically been 8 to 12k (for murders). So the 64% number is probably in the ballpark.
after due process they legally dont
..."shall not be infringed"...

go back and read the 5th and 14th amendments to verify that you are incorrect
No, I am correct.

indeed you are not
Indeed I am or you would have posted the relevant parts.

i already did the 5th and 14th amendment makes it clear you are wrong

so i am not going to go around and and with you on something the SC has settled years ago

you can have the last word of all i care
33,000 sounds like the number that includes suicide. Excluding suicides the number has typically been 8 to 12k (for murders). So the 64% number is probably in the ballpark.

The data posted in the graph is homicides per 1,000,000 people. It doesn't include suicides.
..."shall not be infringed"...

go back and read the 5th and 14th amendments to verify that you are incorrect
No, I am correct.

indeed you are not
Indeed I am or you would have posted the relevant parts.

i already did the 5th and 14th amendment makes it clear you are wrong

so i am not going to go around and and with you on something the SC has settled years ago

you can have the last word of all i care
You need to quote the relevant parts and add a link if you want me to check something out. And after nearly 30,000 (!!!) posts you should have figured that out by now. Oh well, at least NOW you know. You're welcome.

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