Complete Incompetence! White House blows cover of CIA’s Kabul station chief!!! least it wasn't done deliberately to punish a truth teller trying to put the brakes on W's rush to war in Iraq ...when a highly classified undercover NOC agent was "outed" by Cheny henchmen after her husband negated false allegations that Sadam was purchasing fissile materials for nonexistent atom bomb making...

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Ah,,,,Armitage, who outed Plame was Colin Powell's deputy at the State Department … He hated Bush, calling waterboarding torture.... a whimp of a man, who should have been sent to jail!

I don't think a liberal would recognize the truth it it walked up and smacked them upside the head.

They're still trying to lay down this bullshit. :D least it wasn't done deliberately to punish a truth teller trying to put the brakes on W's rush to war in Iraq ...when a highly classified undercover NOC agent was "outed" by Cheny henchmen after her husband negated false allegations that Sadam was purchasing fissile materials for nonexistent atom bomb making...

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Ah,,,,Armitage, who outed Plame was Colin Powell's deputy at the State Department … He hated Bush, calling waterboarding torture.... a whimp of a man, who should have been sent to jail!

I don't think a liberal would recognize the truth it it walked up and smacked them upside the head.

They're still trying to lay down this bullshit. :D

It's part of their COMMON CORE CURRICULUM!

library.jpg least it wasn't done deliberately to punish a truth teller trying to put the brakes on W's rush to war in Iraq ...when a highly classified undercover NOC agent was "outed" by Cheny henchmen after her husband negated false allegations that Sadam was purchasing fissile materials for nonexistent atom bomb making...

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What a pantload!

dr.d lives in a fantasy world where she holds important degrees and can weigh in intelligently on world issues.
As I say, this is a total fantasy.

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