Complete Incompetence! White House blows cover of CIA’s Kabul station chief!!!

Armitage was telling everyone and their mother that Joe Wilson was telling everyone and their mother that Joe was pissed off at being classified as low level. So Wilson was running around shooting his mouth off about Valerie's position in the agency to enhance his credibility.

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life. The fact that she was a CIA officer was not well-known, for her protection or for the benefit of all us. It's important that a CIA officer's identity be protected, that it be protected not just for the officer, but for the nation's security. Valerie Wilson's cover was blown in July 2003. The first sign of that cover being blown was when Mr. Novak published a column on July 14th, 2003." ~ Patrick Fitzgerald, 10.28.2005
An inadvertent outing is more damaging than the Bush administration purposely outing an undercover CIA agent out of revenge for her husband's voiced disapproval of the war in Iraq?

So Plame was undercover, huh?
Sitting behind a desk is now underscover.......only in the liberal left world.

Yes, Plame was undercover ...

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life. The fact that she was a CIA officer was not well-known, for her protection or for the benefit of all us. It's important that a CIA officer's identity be protected, that it be protected not just for the officer, but for the nation's security. Valerie Wilson's cover was blown in July 2003. The first sign of that cover being blown was when Mr. Novak published a column on July 14th, 2003." ~ Patrick Fitzgerald, 10.28.2005

Yeah....right, funny how history is rewritten by the lefties.

A former CIA covert agent who supervised Mrs. Plame early in her career yesterday took issue with her identification as an “undercover agent,” saying that she worked for more than five years at the agency’s headquarters in Langley and that most of her neighbors and friends knew that she was a CIA employee.
“She made no bones about the fact that she was an agency employee and her husband was a diplomat,” Fred Rustmann, a covert agent from 1966 to 1990, told The Washington Times.
“Her neighbors knew this, her friends knew this, his friends knew this. A lot of blame could be put on to central cover staff and the agency because they weren’t minding the store here. … The agency never changed her cover status.”
Mr. Rustmann, who spent 20 of his 24 years in the agency under “nonofficial cover” — also known as a NOC, the same status as the wife of Mr. Wilson — also said that she worked under extremely light cover.
In addition, Mrs. Plame hadn’t been out as an NOC since 1997, when she returned from her last assignment, married Mr. Wilson and had twins, USA Today reported yesterday.

Read more: Rove fight escalates - Washington Times
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I desire little of that which you impute. Ascribe a position to your opponent, then attack that position is an old debate tactic. Rarely works.

Since you desire little of what I "impute" it seems to me that my assessment of you was spot on, and I didn't have to attack your position without the mentioned ASCRIBING! I did enjoy the debating societies, learned much from the subversive left, and even their thought process. Once you know how they think, the rest is easy.

The amorphous "they" can create a muddle you will never work through. I have read some slop by so called progressive media that isn't worth lining a bird cage with. I found Buckley reliable despite disagreement, now George Will, Coulter is useless, as is Buttpimple.

Stop OCDing on the small stuff "they", it is unbecoming to someone who should know better. I have had my agreements and disagreement with all mentioned except, who is Buttpimple?
Now....enough of the rabbit trails.....this is about Obama and his never ending gaffs.....this one being a biggie.
You pig fucking Lefty's should be calling for a Special Prosecutor.

What did Obama do wrong????:confused:
It's Bush's fault....remember. :eusa_whistle:

Obama isn't held accountable for anything with the left fringe
You pig fucking Lefty's should be calling for a Special Prosecutor.

What did Obama do wrong????:confused:
It's Bush's fault....remember. :eusa_whistle:

Obama isn't held accountable for anything with the left fringe

Bush outed the Kabul Station Chief last week?

Look at this's about Bush's administration, not Obama' least from the left's point of view.
Hell, you can't even get them to stay on topic because they've circled the wagons for their messiah.
Hard to call it incompetence when He sets out to screw over a CIA Station Chief and then (in a rare exception to the norm) actually accomplishes it.

One wonders which tax evader buddy He has in mind for the replacement.
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Now back to the OP. I sure hope this agent and his family are going to be alright.

After it went out to thousands of recipients, Washington Post reporter Scott Wilson noticed the peculiar CIA title — one that is not generally used in public releases. He inquired with White House press officials to see if including the name was a mistake and discovered that it was.

White House Makes Big Mistake Involving Secret Identity of CIA Chief in Afghanistan |

I wonder when the left plans on demanding a Special Prosecutor.
Now back to the OP. I sure hope this agent and his family are going to be alright.

After it went out to thousands of recipients, Washington Post reporter Scott Wilson noticed the peculiar CIA title — one that is not generally used in public releases. He inquired with White House press officials to see if including the name was a mistake and discovered that it was.

White House Makes Big Mistake Involving Secret Identity of CIA Chief in Afghanistan |

I wonder when the left plans on demanding a Special Prosecutor.

So the Obumanation can FIRE him, when he gets to the truth like he did to AG Walpin?:badgrin::eusa_clap:
The left must be thoroughly exhausted from defending the administration, but to their credit they are very good soldiers. Surely many of them have had the blinders lifted since they supported all of that glorious hope and change, but it's not easy to admit it...especially after all they've been through since the turn of the century. These are people who believe that they had an election stolen from them. They resent the embarrassment and humiliation of being convinced that their liberal leaders were tricked into supporting two wars. Damnit, this was their time...they were going to be the ones who made it all right. That sort of disillusionment leads to bitterness and/or denial...and they have it in spades. At least when many on the right fell out of love with Bush btwn 2004 and 2006, they were able to admit it and move on with no fear of being labeled in a negative light. Let's have some sympathy and compassion for their plight...or not.:D
Now back to the OP. I sure hope this agent and his family are going to be alright.

After it went out to thousands of recipients, Washington Post reporter Scott Wilson noticed the peculiar CIA title — one that is not generally used in public releases. He inquired with White House press officials to see if including the name was a mistake and discovered that it was.

White House Makes Big Mistake Involving Secret Identity of CIA Chief in Afghanistan |

I wonder when the left plans on demanding a Special Prosecutor.

Here's how it works in DC. Holder will "appoint" a federal judge to decide within a given time if it should go forward. The key words are Holder and appoint.
I hope this will answer your question.

Remember that old saying, "There are two chances, slim and none....and slim just left the building."
So Plame was undercover, huh?
Sitting behind a desk is now underscover.......only in the liberal left world.

Yes, Plame was undercover ...

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life. The fact that she was a CIA officer was not well-known, for her protection or for the benefit of all us. It's important that a CIA officer's identity be protected, that it be protected not just for the officer, but for the nation's security. Valerie Wilson's cover was blown in July 2003. The first sign of that cover being blown was when Mr. Novak published a column on July 14th, 2003." ~ Patrick Fitzgerald, 10.28.2005

Yeah....right, funny how history is rewritten by the lefties.

A former CIA covert agent who supervised Mrs. Plame early in her career yesterday took issue with her identification as an “undercover agent,” saying that she worked for more than five years at the agency’s headquarters in Langley and that most of her neighbors and friends knew that she was a CIA employee.
“She made no bones about the fact that she was an agency employee and her husband was a diplomat,” Fred Rustmann, a covert agent from 1966 to 1990, told The Washington Times.
“Her neighbors knew this, her friends knew this, his friends knew this. A lot of blame could be put on to central cover staff and the agency because they weren’t minding the store here. … The agency never changed her cover status.”
Mr. Rustmann, who spent 20 of his 24 years in the agency under “nonofficial cover” — also known as a NOC, the same status as the wife of Mr. Wilson — also said that she worked under extremely light cover.
In addition, Mrs. Plame hadn’t been out as an NOC since 1997, when she returned from her last assignment, married Mr. Wilson and had twins, USA Today reported yesterday.

Read more: Rove fight escalates - Washington Times
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You're crazy if you think Patrick Fitzgerald is a "lefty" who was rewriting history.

Also, from Rustmann ...

HANNITY: Quote: "Her friends knew this. Her friends knew this. They told them." In other words, this was not a secret of anybody that they knew.

RUSTMANN: Well, I don't know that everybody knew. I do know that her cover began to erode the moment she started dating Joe Wilson. The thing that I said was that, you know, when you walk like a duck, and quack like a duck, and look like a duck, you're probably a duck.

So he doesn't actually say that many people knew. And of course, from the man who investigated the case ...

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life. The fact that she was a CIA officer was not well-known, for her protection or for the benefit of all us. It's important that a CIA officer's identity be protected, that it be protected not just for the officer, but for the nation's security. Valerie Wilson's cover was blown in July 2003. The first sign of that cover being blown was when Mr. Novak published a column on July 14th, 2003." ~ Patrick Fitzgerald, 10.28.2005

Rustmann insinuates it could have been known based on her and her husband's actions ("when you walk like a duck, and quack like a duck, and look like a duck, you're probably a duck.")

Fitzgerald clarifies it wasn't known by her neighbors or friends.
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What did Obama do wrong????:confused:
It's Bush's fault....remember. :eusa_whistle:

Obama isn't held accountable for anything with the left fringe

Bush outed the Kabul Station Chief last week?

Look at this's about Bush's administration, not Obama' least from the left's point of view.
Hell, you can't even get them to stay on topic because they've circled the wagons for their messiah.
Imbecile ... a rightard was first to inject Bush into the thread. :eusa_whistle:
Yes, Plame was undercover ...

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life. The fact that she was a CIA officer was not well-known, for her protection or for the benefit of all us. It's important that a CIA officer's identity be protected, that it be protected not just for the officer, but for the nation's security. Valerie Wilson's cover was blown in July 2003. The first sign of that cover being blown was when Mr. Novak published a column on July 14th, 2003." ~ Patrick Fitzgerald, 10.28.2005

Yeah....right, funny how history is rewritten by the lefties.

A former CIA covert agent who supervised Mrs. Plame early in her career yesterday took issue with her identification as an “undercover agent,” saying that she worked for more than five years at the agency’s headquarters in Langley and that most of her neighbors and friends knew that she was a CIA employee.
“She made no bones about the fact that she was an agency employee and her husband was a diplomat,” Fred Rustmann, a covert agent from 1966 to 1990, told The Washington Times.
“Her neighbors knew this, her friends knew this, his friends knew this. A lot of blame could be put on to central cover staff and the agency because they weren’t minding the store here. … The agency never changed her cover status.”
Mr. Rustmann, who spent 20 of his 24 years in the agency under “nonofficial cover” — also known as a NOC, the same status as the wife of Mr. Wilson — also said that she worked under extremely light cover.
In addition, Mrs. Plame hadn’t been out as an NOC since 1997, when she returned from her last assignment, married Mr. Wilson and had twins, USA Today reported yesterday.

Read more: Rove fight escalates - Washington Times
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You're crazy if you think Patrick Fitzgerald is a "lefty" who was rewriting history.

Also, from Rustmann ...

HANNITY: Quote: "Her friends knew this. Her friends knew this. They told them." In other words, this was not a secret of anybody that they knew.

RUSTMANN: Well, I don't know that everybody knew. I do know that her cover began to erode the moment she started dating Joe Wilson. The thing that I said was that, you know, when you walk like a duck, and quack like a duck, and look like a duck, you're probably a duck.

So he doesn't actually say that many people knew. And of course, from the man who investigated the case ...

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life. The fact that she was a CIA officer was not well-known, for her protection or for the benefit of all us. It's important that a CIA officer's identity be protected, that it be protected not just for the officer, but for the nation's security. Valerie Wilson's cover was blown in July 2003. The first sign of that cover being blown was when Mr. Novak published a column on July 14th, 2003." ~ Patrick Fitzgerald, 10.28.2005

Rustmann insinuates it could have been known based on her and her husband's actions ("when you walk like a duck, and quack like a duck, and look like a duck, you're probably a duck.")

Fitzgerald clarifies it wasn't known by her neighbors or friends.

You've shown your source and I've shown mine. Yeah, crazy huh?
Yeah....right, funny how history is rewritten by the lefties.

A former CIA covert agent who supervised Mrs. Plame early in her career yesterday took issue with her identification as an “undercover agent,” saying that she worked for more than five years at the agency’s headquarters in Langley and that most of her neighbors and friends knew that she was a CIA employee.
“She made no bones about the fact that she was an agency employee and her husband was a diplomat,” Fred Rustmann, a covert agent from 1966 to 1990, told The Washington Times.
“Her neighbors knew this, her friends knew this, his friends knew this. A lot of blame could be put on to central cover staff and the agency because they weren’t minding the store here. … The agency never changed her cover status.”
Mr. Rustmann, who spent 20 of his 24 years in the agency under “nonofficial cover” — also known as a NOC, the same status as the wife of Mr. Wilson — also said that she worked under extremely light cover.
In addition, Mrs. Plame hadn’t been out as an NOC since 1997, when she returned from her last assignment, married Mr. Wilson and had twins, USA Today reported yesterday.

Read more: Rove fight escalates - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

You're crazy if you think Patrick Fitzgerald is a "lefty" who was rewriting history.

Also, from Rustmann ...

HANNITY: Quote: "Her friends knew this. Her friends knew this. They told them." In other words, this was not a secret of anybody that they knew.

RUSTMANN: Well, I don't know that everybody knew. I do know that her cover began to erode the moment she started dating Joe Wilson. The thing that I said was that, you know, when you walk like a duck, and quack like a duck, and look like a duck, you're probably a duck.

So he doesn't actually say that many people knew. And of course, from the man who investigated the case ...

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life. The fact that she was a CIA officer was not well-known, for her protection or for the benefit of all us. It's important that a CIA officer's identity be protected, that it be protected not just for the officer, but for the nation's security. Valerie Wilson's cover was blown in July 2003. The first sign of that cover being blown was when Mr. Novak published a column on July 14th, 2003." ~ Patrick Fitzgerald, 10.28.2005

Rustmann insinuates it could have been known based on her and her husband's actions ("when you walk like a duck, and quack like a duck, and look like a duck, you're probably a duck.")

Fitzgerald clarifies it wasn't known by her neighbors or friends.

You've shown your source and I've shown mine. Yeah, crazy huh?

Yes, crazy. From Rustmann's own lips ...

"Well, I don't know that everybody knew. I do know that her cover began to erode the moment she started dating Joe Wilson. The thing that I said was that, you know, when you walk like a duck, and quack like a duck, and look like a duck, you're probably a duck."

You claimed he said, "her neighbors knew this, her friends knew this, his friends knew this." He said, "the thing that I said was that, you know, when you walk like a duck, and quack like a duck, and look like a duck, you're probably a duck." So who do I believe? Him or you? On top of which, we have Fitzgerald, who thoroughly investigated the case saying, "it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life. The fact that she was a CIA officer was not well-known, for her protection or for the benefit of all us."

And you think Fitzgerald is a "lefty" who was "rewriting history." Shit, that's not just crazy -- that's Bachmann batshit crazy. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Armitage's interview with Bob Woodward. Woodward testified in Libby's defense.

The following exchange is heard on the tape:

WOODWARD: But it was Joe Wilson who was sent by the agency. I mean that's just —

ARMITAGE: His wife works in the agency.
WOODWARD: Why doesn't that come out? Why does —
ARMITAGE: Everyone knows it.
WOODWARD: — that have to be a big secret? Everyone knows.
ARMITAGE: Yeah. And I know Joe Wilson's been calling everybody. He's pissed off because he was designated as a low-level guy, went out to look at it. So, he's all pissed off.

WOODWARD: But why would they send him?
ARMITAGE: Because his wife's a [expletive] analyst at the agency.
WOODWARD: It's still weird.
ARMITAGE: It — It's perfect. This is what she does she is a WMD analyst out there.
WOODWARD: Oh she is.
WOODWARD: Oh, I see.
ARMITAGE: Yeah. See?
WOODWARD: Oh, she's the chief WMD?
ARMITAGE: No she isn't the chief, no.
WOODWARD: But high enough up that she can say, "Oh yeah, hubby will go."
ARMITAGE: Yeah, he knows Africa.
WOODWARD: Was she out there with him?
WOODWARD: When he was ambassador?
ARMITAGE: Not to my knowledge. I don't know. I don't know if she was out there or not. But his wife is in the agency and is a WMD analyst. How about that [expletive]
Armitage's interview with Bob Woodward. Woodward testified in Libby's defense.

The following exchange is heard on the tape:

WOODWARD: But it was Joe Wilson who was sent by the agency. I mean that's just —

ARMITAGE: His wife works in the agency.
WOODWARD: Why doesn't that come out? Why does —
ARMITAGE: Everyone knows it.
WOODWARD: — that have to be a big secret? Everyone knows.
ARMITAGE: Yeah. And I know Joe Wilson's been calling everybody. He's pissed off because he was designated as a low-level guy, went out to look at it. So, he's all pissed off.

WOODWARD: But why would they send him?
ARMITAGE: Because his wife's a [expletive] analyst at the agency.
WOODWARD: It's still weird.
ARMITAGE: It — It's perfect. This is what she does she is a WMD analyst out there.
WOODWARD: Oh she is.
WOODWARD: Oh, I see.
ARMITAGE: Yeah. See?
WOODWARD: Oh, she's the chief WMD?
ARMITAGE: No she isn't the chief, no.
WOODWARD: But high enough up that she can say, "Oh yeah, hubby will go."
ARMITAGE: Yeah, he knows Africa.
WOODWARD: Was she out there with him?
WOODWARD: When he was ambassador?
ARMITAGE: Not to my knowledge. I don't know. I don't know if she was out there or not. But his wife is in the agency and is a WMD analyst. How about that [expletive]

Plame affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And the word of the actual leaker himself, who's trying to mitigate the damage he's caused, means ... ??

Again, the case was thoroughly investigated. That investigation determined ...

"Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but*it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life.*The fact that she was a CIA officer was not well-known, for her protection or for the benefit of all us. It's important that a CIA officer's identity be protected, that it be protected not just for the officer, but for the nation's security.*Valerie Wilson's cover was blown in July 2003. The first sign of that cover being blown was when Mr. Novak published a column on July 14th, 2003." ~ Patrick Fitzgerald, 10.28.2005

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