Complete Incompetence! White House blows cover of CIA’s Kabul station chief!!!

The station chief must be on the list of those, like Chris Stevens, that obama wants assassinated. According to the Valerie Plame dust up, obama should be on his way to a prison cell.

You, my friend, have brought up a subject worthy of a full scale, INDEPENDENT PROSECUTOR! THIS is so much more damaging than the bullshit Plame debacle, as to not be in the same room! It is DIRECTLY connected to INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

An inadvertent outing is more damaging than the Bush administration purposely outing an undercover CIA agent out of revenge for her husband's voiced disapproval of the war in Iraq?

Val Plame/Scooter Libby
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It odesnt really matter if this is better or worse than Plame (it's much worse).
WTF was anyone thinking doing something like that?? It is the height of gross incompetence to reveal a station chief's identity. The man's career is now blown. His contacts are probably blown. His network is probably blown. Those things took years to develop and Obama&Co destroyed them with one stupid thoughtless move.
My only question here: Who is getting fired over this?
I see the subversive left has CHANGED the OP to some shit about Plame, instead of the current administrations fuck up.... it must be good to have subversive friends that can turn you away from the topic...."LOOK AT THE SHINY OBJECT OVER THERE!"

What's truly stunning is that they still believe the lie that the Bush administration outed Plame. It's nothing short of jaw dropping insanity.

It's no lie.

I put up the link.

Scooter Libby took the hit. And he had a direct connection to Cheney.

It was a pretty big scandal, but, for some reason, once they had Libby..that was it.

23 Administration Officials Involved In Plame Leak | ThinkProgress
It odesnt really matter if this is better or worse than Plame (it's much worse).
WTF was anyone thinking doing something like that?? It is the height of gross incompetence to reveal a station chief's identity. The man's career is now blown. His contacts are probably blown. His network is probably blown. Those things took years to develop and Obama&Co destroyed them with one stupid thoughtless move.
My only question here: Who is getting fired over this?


You know his name?
It odesnt really matter if this is better or worse than Plame (it's much worse).
WTF was anyone thinking doing something like that?? It is the height of gross incompetence to reveal a station chief's identity. The man's career is now blown. His contacts are probably blown. His network is probably blown. Those things took years to develop and Obama&Co destroyed them with one stupid thoughtless move.
My only question here: Who is getting fired over this?


You know his name?

No. His name was released to the press. Or did you miss the point of this entire thread?
Talk about giving secret information to the Press, Democrat Senator Patrick "Leaky" Leahy told the New York Times that the C.I.A. was tracking Osama Bin Laden by his cellphone calls and the New York Times announced it to the World, including Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden never made another cellphone call and the C.I.A. lost track of him for years. And no........Obama didn't find him, the C.I.A. found him through covert operations. The Pakistani Doctor that outed Bin Laden is still in a Pakistani jail, thank you Obama.

You God Damned Left Wing Democrat Liberal Commies would rather the United States fail than to admit your Messiah is a pathetic excuse of a President.

Well no.

Bush stopped looking for Bin Laden.


There was no "CIA" group assigned to track him. Bush broke that up.

Bush really didn't care about finding him.

On the other hand?

Then this happened..

That was a CIA operative. Shortly after that?

Bin Laden was dead.

Read this then apologize for lying to us:
Bush Did Not Stop Looking For Bin Laden - All Da King's Men - Ohio

"Bush stopped looking for Bin Laden"
THAT is exactly the impression that was intended, so as to make it less stressful to the ones in the field looking for that terrorist commie asshole. :up:
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Well no.

Bush stopped looking for Bin Laden.


There was no "CIA" group assigned to track him. Bush broke that up.

Bush really didn't care about finding him.

On the other hand?

Then this happened..

That was a CIA operative. Shortly after that?

Bin Laden was dead.

Read this then apologize for lying to us:
Bush Did Not Stop Looking For Bin Laden - All Da King's Men - Ohio

"Bush stopped looking for Bin Laden"
THAT is exactly the impression that was intended, so as to make it less stressful to the ones in the field looking for that terrorist commie asshole. :up:

Right .... and Bush let bin Laden live just to lend credibility to that impression.
Isn't this thread about the incompetence of Obama outting one of his truly covert CIA chief?

What happened?
just curious..., how come all the world knows this persons name..., all except us.

i suppose when this guy is back in the U.S.A. we will know who he is, dear ole scumbagbama will make sure we do.., RIGHT ?

Isn't this thread about the incompetence of Obama outting one of his truly covert CIA chief?

What happened?

Liberals happened. They can't stand to hear about any incident of failure or incompetence by their guy. So it must be covered, refuted, obfuscated, etc.
Yes, it was downright criminally negiligent to release the guy's name. Why anyone would defend that in any way is beyond me.
Yes, and the Regime would Never have the IRS investigate conservative groups, and prevent them from tax exempt status so they couldn't operate during the 2012 election, or have the NSA tape EVERYONE's phone, or have the AG SELL guns to Mexican drug dealers killing hundreds of Mexicans, and one of our own border agents... Impossible, the Manchurian muslim would never allow that to happen.... Flakey, you got a day off yesterday because you are a Vet as am I, your grace period is over!

:lol: You are a blowhard, my friend, nothing more.

Your seque from Obama wanting somebody murdered into all of this other stuff merely demonstrates that your head doesn't work well. Yes, and thank you for your service as well.
Yes, and the Regime would Never have the IRS investigate conservative groups, and prevent them from tax exempt status so they couldn't operate during the 2012 election, or have the NSA tape EVERYONE's phone, or have the AG SELL guns to Mexican drug dealers killing hundreds of Mexicans, and one of our own border agents... Impossible, the Manchurian muslim would never allow that to happen.... Flakey, you got a day off yesterday because you are a Vet as am I, your grace period is over!

:lol: You are a blowhard, my friend, nothing more.

Your seque from Obama wanting somebody murdered into all of this other stuff merely demonstrates that your head doesn't work well. Yes, and thank you for your service as well.

I call you Flakey, for an obvious reason

Can you tell me that what I have said didn't happen?

Can you point out where I said the Manchurian muslim wanted the station chief killed?

I'll wait!:badgrin:
Yes, and the Regime would Never have the IRS investigate conservative groups, and prevent them from tax exempt status so they couldn't operate during the 2012 election, or have the NSA tape EVERYONE's phone, or have the AG SELL guns to Mexican drug dealers killing hundreds of Mexicans, and one of our own border agents... Impossible, the Manchurian muslim would never allow that to happen.... Flakey, you got a day off yesterday because you are a Vet as am I, your grace period is over!

:lol: You are a blowhard, my friend, nothing more.

Your seque from Obama wanting somebody murdered into all of this other stuff merely demonstrates that your head doesn't work well. Yes, and thank you for your service as well.

I call you Flakey, for an obvious reason

Can you tell me that what I have said didn't happen?

Can you point out where I said the Manchurian muslim wanted the station chief killed?

I'll wait!:badgrin:

Jakey is desperate for relevance, he actually thinks we will elect another Bush and be the better for it.
:lol: You are a blowhard, my friend, nothing more.

Your seque from Obama wanting somebody murdered into all of this other stuff merely demonstrates that your head doesn't work well. Yes, and thank you for your service as well.

I call you Flakey, for an obvious reason

Can you tell me that what I have said didn't happen?

Can you point out where I said the Manchurian muslim wanted the station chief killed?

I'll wait!:badgrin:

Jakey is desperate for relevance, he actually thinks we will elect another Bush and be the better for it.

Yes, Flakey has a track record of making bad decisions....

The wastrel! All that cost of flying to Afghanistan to accomplish a mission of the sort Hillary was able to do without even leaving Slick's bed.

Right, Vince?
Exposure of CIA Station Chief Spotlights Administration’s Immaturity

*PJ Media ^

Anybody can make a mistake, and that certainly appears to be what led to the Obama White House’s exposure of the top CIA official in Afghanistan this weekend. Unfortunately, as Roger Kimball details , this is not an isolated incident. In year six of the Obama administration, it speaks volumes about not just incompetence but immaturity and the skewed priorities that come with it. Exactly because anyone can make a mistake, large organizations — presidential administrations included — build layers of vetting into the disclosure of information to the public. In this instance, because the commander-in-chief made a surprise visit... least it wasn't done deliberately to punish a truth teller trying to put the brakes on W's rush to war in Iraq ...when a highly classified undercover NOC agent was "outed" by Cheny henchmen after her husband negated false allegations that Sadam was purchasing fissile materials for nonexistent atom bomb making...

Sent from my iPhone using least it wasn't done deliberately to punish a truth teller trying to put the brakes on W's rush to war in Iraq ...when a highly classified undercover NOC agent was "outed" by Cheny henchmen after her husband negated false allegations that Sadam was purchasing fissile materials for nonexistent atom bomb making...

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Ah,,,,Armitage, who outed Plame was Colin Powell's deputy at the State Department … He hated Bush, calling waterboarding torture.... a whimp of a man, who should have been sent to jail! least it wasn't done deliberately to punish a truth teller trying to put the brakes on W's rush to war in Iraq ...when a highly classified undercover NOC agent was "outed" by Cheny henchmen after her husband negated false allegations that Sadam was purchasing fissile materials for nonexistent atom bomb making...

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What a pantload!

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