Completely False Unemployment Narrative


Aug 13, 2019
Our President and the Republicans who are spewing the narrative that by supplementing unemployment benefits, low income individuals will refuse to return to work, need a reality check. In order to be eligible for unemployment, you MUST be willing and able to return to work each and every week you certify for benefits. For example: Before the pandemic, I worked as a hair stylist for a Supercuts franchisee. All hair salons in my State are closed due to the pandemic. I filed for and am receiving unemployment. My weekly benefit amount, without the additional pandemic supplement, is 35% of my regular pay. With the pandemic enhancement, I'm making 10% more than I would if I was still working full-time. The salon owner calls and says I'm reopening so come back to work tomorrow. If I refuse to go back, I am NO LONGER ELIGIBLE to receive unemployment benefits.
Our President and the Republicans who are spewing the narrative that by supplementing unemployment benefits, low income individuals will refuse to return to work, need a reality check. In order to be eligible for unemployment, you MUST be willing and able to return to work each and every week you certify for benefits. For example: Before the pandemic, I worked as a hair stylist for a Supercuts franchisee. All hair salons in my State are closed due to the pandemic. I filed for and am receiving unemployment. My weekly benefit amount, without the additional pandemic supplement, is 35% of my regular pay. With the pandemic enhancement, I'm making 10% more than I would if I was still working full-time. The salon owner calls and says I'm reopening so come back to work tomorrow. If I refuse to go back, I am NO LONGER ELIGIBLE to receive unemployment benefits.
Good. Get your ass back to work.

And how is this breaking news?
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Not as clear cut as you make it. I have personally met three people who were given the choice (many employees, they called back a percentage), and they declined. Still collecting.
There are people who won’t get a return call because most business aren’t setup to run a partial capacity. That’s the narrative. Regardless, there are essential workers who’ve been working through the entire pandemic, myself being one, and watching people take vacations and trips on government money is infuriating bc we had to downsize and take wage cuts. No one should have a higher income on unemployment than if they’re working. It’s sickening. Not even in a crisis should it be permissible. Especially if they’re getting the same stimulus as everyone else on top of it.
All I can say for sure is that if I could go back to being a hair styist today, I would without a moment's hesitation. Yesterday I was offered a cashiering position with a Nationwide company which I took. Big time pay cut, but at least I will be able to pay my bills. Donald drained the swamp and replaced it with one that is even more inept, corrupt, and completely incapable of providing leadership. He appoints people like the Postmaster General based on how much money he contributed to Donald's election campaign in spite of the fact he is completely unqualified to hold the position. If that's not corruption, then what is?
Our President and the Republicans who are spewing the narrative that by supplementing unemployment benefits, low income individuals will refuse to return to work, need a reality check. In order to be eligible for unemployment, you MUST be willing and able to return to work each and every week you certify for benefits. For example: Before the pandemic, I worked as a hair stylist for a Supercuts franchisee. All hair salons in my State are closed due to the pandemic. I filed for and am receiving unemployment. My weekly benefit amount, without the additional pandemic supplement, is 35% of my regular pay. With the pandemic enhancement, I'm making 10% more than I would if I was still working full-time. The salon owner calls and says I'm reopening so come back to work tomorrow. If I refuse to go back, I am NO LONGER ELIGIBLE to receive unemployment benefits.
I've talked to dozens of small business owners that have to cut operating hours because they can't get anyone to work....they say the people would rather stay on unemployment....
Trumps EO calls for an additional $400 per week instead of $600....that should be enough to stimulate the economy and keep a persons bills paid.....but make them want to return to work when the time comes.....
Our President and the Republicans who are spewing the narrative that by supplementing unemployment benefits, low income individuals will refuse to return to work, need a reality check. In order to be eligible for unemployment, you MUST be willing and able to return to work each and every week you certify for benefits. For example: Before the pandemic, I worked as a hair stylist for a Supercuts franchisee. All hair salons in my State are closed due to the pandemic. I filed for and am receiving unemployment. My weekly benefit amount, without the additional pandemic supplement, is 35% of my regular pay. With the pandemic enhancement, I'm making 10% more than I would if I was still working full-time. The salon owner calls and says I'm reopening so come back to work tomorrow. If I refuse to go back, I am NO LONGER ELIGIBLE to receive unemployment benefits.

The reality is you are wrong. I know for a fact that people have refused to return to work because they would rather collect the unemployment. I've heard it from small business owners who can't get employees to return. We also have a massive shortage of ridshare drivers here in Las Vegas now. People are waiting 15 to 20 minutes to catch an Uber at the Strip casinos when before they waited about five or less. Gig economy workers lobbied to qualify for unemployment benefits after the initial package was passed and they were successful. Now, they are staying home as well. Additionally, I was out of town a couple of weeks ago and was talking to someone about how a lot of restaurants in resort towns can't get seasonal workers to return because of the unemployment benefits.
Our President and the Republicans who are spewing the narrative that by supplementing unemployment benefits, low income individuals will refuse to return to work, need a reality check. In order to be eligible for unemployment, you MUST be willing and able to return to work each and every week you certify for benefits. For example: Before the pandemic, I worked as a hair stylist for a Supercuts franchisee. All hair salons in my State are closed due to the pandemic. I filed for and am receiving unemployment. My weekly benefit amount, without the additional pandemic supplement, is 35% of my regular pay. With the pandemic enhancement, I'm making 10% more than I would if I was still working full-time. The salon owner calls and says I'm reopening so come back to work tomorrow. If I refuse to go back, I am NO LONGER ELIGIBLE to receive unemployment benefits.
Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their capital share of taxes!

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