Completely Out of Touch

Any discussion about why this is a dumb ass thing to do, is quickly squashed by the words : "To save the planet". Of course we will never know when we have "saved the planet", therefor we shall be perpetually trying to save it. Nothing you can see, nothing you can weigh, nothing you can measure and nothing you can accurately predict..... that is what "climate change" consists of. How could we ever "win" that "war"? The money will be waisted with no possibility of a clear victory,,,,sounds familiar right???

You have to look at the bigger picture to totally understand what's going on here.

Politicians, particularly on the left, have been trying to gain more and more control of the people as time went on. To some degree, they've been very successful. The only two entities that are stopping them from total control over us are energy and healthcare. If they can have total control over those two things, they control everybody.

With our Constitution and system of government, they can't march in with the military and takeover. What they need to do is get us to beg then to take over these things. Decrease the supply, increase the price so it's nearly unaffodable for most people, scare them to death, and you have them eating out of your hand.
You never specified exactly what your premise was....I don't read minds, sorry. The article talks about more than one thingy. When solar panels are covered in snow you brush the snow off just like you dood with a satellite dish, your car window...

GM and Ford have already raised the price of their EVs because of this bill, what do you think will happen to the price of solar panels. Also only fairly wealthy people will be able to take advantage of the tax rebait, I know I don't make enough to do so.

GM and Ford have already raised the price of their EVs because of this bill, what do you think will happen to the price of solar panels. Also only fairly wealthy people will be able to take advantage of the tax rebait, I know I don't make enough to do so.

Notice how internal combustion automobiles cost more now than they did ten years ago? It's called inflation.
You never specified exactly what your premise was....I don't read minds, sorry. The article talks about more than one thingy. When solar panels are covered in snow you brush the snow off just like you dood with a satellite dish, your car window...
SImplistic fakery of the day...more to come.
Wooosh over the point on your head, again.

People are struggling and wtf are solar panels going to do covered in snow? Fcking dumbass

Moonie has no brain so pay it no mind. You have to love the idiots who support this shit though.

Give american tax dollars to a country working like hell to destroy us.
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Hey dumbfuck… putting up solar panels doesn’t disconnect you from the grid.

Snow melts off solar panels in a day or two.

During most days those panels are putting energy into the grid , which you get credit for and that goes a long way toward covering the energy needed when those panels aren’t producing

Obviously you show you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I've seen it snow in Indiana and Ohio and when I went back a month later the snow was still there. They go MONTHS without going above freezing. The snow won't melt you fucking moron. Sometimes for weeks on end. What good does the fucking shit do if half the year its snowed over and won't work?
Obviously you show you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I've seen it snow in Indiana and Ohio and when I went back a month later the snow was still there. They go MONTHS without going above freezing. The snow won't melt you fucking moron. Sometimes for weeks on end. What good does the fucking shit do if half the year its snowed over and won't work?
On roofs? With black, light absorbing ,slanted panels?

Oddly it works just fine in Germany. Similar climate
On roofs? With black, light absorbing ,slanted panels?

Oddly it works just fine in Germany. Similar climate

Yea, it doesn't matter what color the fucking panels are if they're covered in 6 inches of white snow. And the temp goes DOWN the higher up you go. So it's COLDER on a roof than on the surface. Dumb fuck. This would be why house roofs, even black ones, are covered in frost long before the ground is.

Fucking idiot. This kinda shit is why you're going to get your asses kicked in November. People are tired of the liberal stupidity.
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Notice how internal combustion automobiles cost more now than they did ten years ago? It's called inflation.

Yeah, keep telling yourself the bill had nothing to do with it. Every time the govt spends money on something the costs always go up.

Yea, it doesn't matter what color the fucking panels are if they're covered in 6 inches of white snow. And the temp goes DOWN the higher up you go. So it's COLDER on a roof than on the surface. Dumb fuck. This would be why house roofs, even black ones, are covered in frost long before the ground is.

Fucking idiot. This kinda shit is why you're going to get your asses kicked in November. People are tired of the liberal stupidity.
How does it work so well in Germany then moron?

And color does matter… as does the angle and slick surface
LOL So, you don't even know if you have to pay anything and yet you are mad? And you wonder why I call you a retard. :auiqs.jpg:

If I don't pay somebody else would have to. You leftists think that when government says free money, they just print it out of thin air. Then when somebody brings up our national debt, you goofs say it's because of tax breaks for the rich. You and your government goodies have nothing to do with the debt.
If I don't pay somebody else would have to. You leftists think that when government says free money, they just print it out of thin air. Then when somebody brings up our national debt, you goofs say it's because of tax breaks for the rich. You and your government goodies have nothing to do with the debt.
Retard. What do you want Biden to do about states that want to pay rebates for solar?

Whatever happened to state rights? If you don't like what your state does, move. Stop whining and blaming Biden for your state's idiot policies.

Get it now? No? Read it a few times and you will eventually get it. Good luck. :itsok:
Retard. What do you want Biden to do about states that want to pay rebates for solar?

Whatever happened to state rights? If you don't like what your state does, move. Stop whining and blaming Biden for your state's idiot policies.

Get it now? No? Read it a few times and you will eventually get it. Good luck. :itsok:

What did I ever say about states? I'm talking about the federal government. States can do whatever they like. It's the way our founders designed this country.
What did I ever say about states? I'm talking about the federal government. States can do whatever they like. It's the way our founders designed this country.
Retard. One more time. The federal govt is not paying for the rebates. Did you even read your own link?

Man, even with all the retards on this site, you take the prize. No one can be this stupid.

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