Completely Out of Touch

Retard. One more time. The federal govt is not paying for the rebates. Did you even read your own link?

Man, even with all the retards on this site, you take the prize. No one can be this stupid.

Talk about retard, I even went back to my link, copied and pasted that the government is paying people to buy solar panels. 26% of the cost to be accurate.
Talk about retard, I even went back to my link, copied and pasted that the government is paying people to buy solar panels. 26% of the cost to be accurate.
LOL. Yes, but which government? Not the Feds. But the state.

Seriously, are you scamming me by pretending to be stupid? Because no one can be this dumb.

If you are not, and you really are this much of a retard, my sympathy. :itsok:
LOL. Yes, but which government? Not the Feds. But the state.

Seriously, are you scamming me by pretending to be stupid? Because no one can be this dumb.

If you are not, and you really are this much of a retard, my sympathy. :itsok:

You public educated people are so difficult. Since USMB doesn't have crayons to make pictures for you, I'll enhance the words in the article so perhaps it may sink in. One more time, from my link:

The federal investment tax credit (ITC) is far and away the best solar incentive. The ITC gives back 26 percent of what you paid for solar on your taxes. Instead of a deduction, which reduces your taxable income (as would happen with any charitable donations you make in a year), a tax credit directly offsets what you would otherwise owe in taxes. In other words, instead of just being taxed on a lower income, the federal ITC offsets what you actually owe in taxes, and can even come back to you as a refund.
This is why the Democrats face disaster in November. Sure, people are hurting but go ahead and finance Chinese solar panels

The lefts solution to people being poor is they just need to spend more money. Kind of like the government does.

If you can’t afford $100 a week in gas just go spend 75 grand on an electric vehicle, problem solved!

If you are struggling to pay your mortgage just drop 30 grand on solar panels to save 100 bucks a month on electricity. Problem solved!
You public educated people are so difficult. Since USMB doesn't have crayons to make pictures for you, I'll enhance the words in the article so perhaps it may sink in. One more time, from my link:

The federalinvestment tax credit (ITC) is far and away the best solar incentive. The ITC gives back 26 percent of what you paid for solar on your taxes. Instead of a deduction, which reduces your taxable income (as would happen with any charitable donations you make in a year), a tax credit directly offsets what you would otherwise owe in taxes. In other words, instead of just being taxed on a lower income, the federal ITC offsets what you actually owe in taxes, and can even come back to you as a refund.
I now realize you are an absolute retard and so I am going to go easy on you.

Do you see the dark red bolded that I did? Now, bear with me, it will be difficult for a retard to get, but I have faith in you... what does it say?

Is it cash giveback, Yes or No?

Take your time. Read it a few times. I know for a retard, you have used too much of your brain cells but give it a try. Good boy. :itsok:
I now realize you are an absolute retard and so I am going to go easy on you.

Do you see the dark red bolded that I did? Now, bear with me, it will be difficult for a retard to get, but I have faith in you... what does it say?

Is it cash giveback, Yes or No?

Take your time. Read it a few times. I know for a retard, you have used too much of your brain cells but give it a try. Good boy. :itsok:

Yes it's a cash return because that's what a tax credit is. If at the end of the year you owe the government 2K, then that's gone if you paid more than 8K for your solar panel system. If you normally don't owe the federal government anything at the end of the year, or perhaps even get a income tax return, they also give you 2K back for the system you purchased.
The lefts solution to people being poor is they just need to spend more money. Kind of like the government does.

If you can’t afford $100 a week in gas just go spend 75 grand on an electric vehicle, problem solved!

If you are struggling to pay your mortgage just drop 30 grand on solar panels to save 100 bucks a month on electricity. Problem solved!

It's probably part of their game plan. Industry doesn't make items people don't buy, so if manufacturers quit making gasoline cars, then electric is the only choice. Since lower and even middle-class incomes can't afford EV's. the next step is for government to buy them, or pay most of the cost for the people. Vote buying.
It's probably part of their game plan. Industry doesn't make items people don't buy, so if manufacturers quit making gasoline cars, then electric is the only choice. Since lower and even middle-class incomes can't afford EV's. the next step is for government to buy them, or pay most of the cost for the people. Vote buying.
It’s the government deciding what can be manufactured. This actually started during Bush. He decided you can only buy certain light bulbs. The government approved ones. Obie took that to healthcare, only government approved health plans can be sold. Or you get fined, definitely not a tax, no fucking way this is a tax, until Roberts perverted the law to make it a tax and then a tax was fine. Now they just force you to buy an electric vehicle by forcing the producers to not make anything else. The government gives them tax breaks and incentives and penalizes gas vehicles.

This government needs destroyed. Top to bottom. They won’t stop.
Yes it's a cash return because that's what a tax credit is. If at the end of the year you owe the government 2K, then that's gone if you paid more than 8K for your solar panel system. If you normally don't owe the federal government anything at the end of the year, or perhaps even get a income tax return, they also give you 2K back for the system you purchased.

That's ok, retard. Remember how you claimed a tax credit for the coal and oil were not cash rebates?

Same principle here. If you are ok with tax credits for coal and oil, why does it bother you that solar panels receive the same?

Plus, it's not coming out of your pocket, is it?

I know for a retard, this is hard thinking. So, read it a few times to get it. Ok, pal? That's a good lad. Proud of you for making the effort. :itsok:
Moonie has no brain so pay it no mind. You have to love the idiots who support this shit though.

Give american tax dollars to a country working like hell to destroy us.
Funny how they are building a solar farm near us and not a Chinese to be seen. Imagine that. :heehee:
It’s the government deciding what can be manufactured. This actually started during Bush. He decided you can only buy certain light bulbs. The government approved ones. Obie took that to healthcare, only government approved health plans can be sold. Or you get fined, definitely not a tax, no fucking way this is a tax, until Roberts perverted the law to make it a tax and then a tax was fine. Now they just force you to buy an electric vehicle by forcing the producers to not make anything else. The government gives them tax breaks and incentives and penalizes gas vehicles.

This government needs destroyed. Top to bottom. They won’t stop.
So what are you going to do to destroy it?
That's ok, retard. Remember how you claimed a tax credit for the coal and oil were not cash rebates?

Same principle here. If you are ok with tax credits for coal and oil, why does it bother you that solar panels receive the same?

Plus, it's not coming out of your pocket, is it?

I know for a retard, this is hard thinking. So, read it a few times to get it. Ok, pal? That's a good lad. Proud of you for making the effort. :itsok:

That's the problem with having discussions with you leftists. I could stand there, point at the grass and say "See, grass is green!" As a leftist you'd insist it's orange even though I showed you empirical evidence the color of grass is green.
That's the problem with having discussions with you leftists. I could stand there, point at the grass and say "See, grass is green!" As a leftist you'd insist it's orange even though I showed you empirical evidence the color of grass is green.
LOL You didn't answer my question, nitwit.

One more time... You claimed and even linked to an article that stated that tax rebates for coal and oil were not really rebates and they were a-ok.

So, prove how the very same type of rebates for solar is not ok. Go.
This is why the Democrats face disaster in November.

Democrats gain momentum: 5 takeaways from the last big primary night of 2022

New York’s ‘canary in a coal mine’

It would have been easy to write Nebraska off as a fluke, after Democrats ran better than expected in a House race there last month. But then came Minnesota, where Democrats again beat expectations. And then, in New York on Tuesday, the dam broke.

“Well, shit,” one Republican strategist texted late Tuesday, as results from a Hudson Valley special election filtered in.

It would have been a victory for Democrats if they’d even kept it close. Instead, Democrat Pat Ryan beat Republican Marc Molinaro in a district that Joe Biden narrowly won in 2020, but that would have appeared to favor Republicans in a normal midterm climate.

Overall, on the last major primary night of the year, the winds appeared to be shifting in Democrats’ favor.

It can be tempting to read too much into special elections. They’re not always predictive of results in the fall, and Republicans this year have overperformed in some places, too. In June, the GOP won a South Texas House seat that had been held by a Democrat.

Where do you think the modules come from, dimwit....
Who's employed to build and run it? Local people who now have jobs.

BTW: where do you think your beloved's red hats and flags come from, MAGA-loser?
Who's employed to build and run it? Local people who now have jobs.

BTW: where do you think your beloved's red hats and flags come from, MAGA-loser?

The modules are made in china. The INSTALLATION jobs are low wage, non skilled labor.

The only high paying job associated with solar are the electricians who hook them up.

A one day job on the average house.

And that is if they are slow.

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