Completely Out of Touch

Except they are not really subsides, they are tax breaks.

LOL. According to your link, he gives 4 reasons why it is not a subsidy but a tax break.
  1. a direct pecuniary aid furnished by a government to a private industrial undertaking, a charity organization, or the like.
  2. a sum paid, often in accordance with a treaty, by one government to another to secure some service in return.
  3. a grant or contribution of money.
  4. money formerly granted by the English Parliament to the crown for special needs.

Well, those 4 reasons equally can apply to Solar panels. It is a tax break and not a subsidy. :auiqs.jpg:

You got anything else?
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Except they are not really subsides, they are tax breaks.

there is a huge solar panel factory in Buffalo and I believe you should S Thu until you know what you're talking about.... not parroting garbage propaganda from big money big oil big pharma etcetera super duper.
LOL. According to your link, he gives 4 reasons why it is not a subsidy but a tax break.
  1. a direct pecuniary aid furnished by a government to a private industrial undertaking, a charity organization, or the like.
  2. a sum paid, often in accordance with a treaty, by one government to another to secure some service in return.
  3. a grant or contribution of money.
  4. money formerly granted by the English Parliament to the crown for special needs.

Well, those 4 reasons equally can apply to Solar panels. It is a tax break and not a subsidy. :auiqs.jpg:

You got anything else?

When you install solar panels the government gives you a 30% tax credit. On top of that they send out rebate checks, and who do you think pays for that? Depending on what state you live in, governments are paying anywhere from 25% to 50% of your cost; money directly to your bank account.

The elderly? Since when did the MAGA-right care for our elderly? Certainly not with a heat wave. Certainly not in Texas two winters ago. Certainly not during Covid Delta.

While we were protecting our elderly from covid in red states making them priority with vaccines and medications, your people were sending covid patents into nursing homes to kill them all off.
When you install solar panels the government gives you a 30% tax credit. On top of that they send out rebate checks, and who do you think pays for that? Depending on what state you live in, governments are paying anywhere from 25% to 50% of your cost; money directly to your bank account.

You idiot. Did you even read your own link? Those rebates are not from the Feds. From your link:

Some states, municipalities, and utility companies offer up-front rebates for installing a solar panel system. Solar rebates are generally only available for a limited time and disappear once a certain amount of solar has been installed in your region. These solar rebates typically further reduce your system costs by 10 to 20 percent.

If States or utility companies want to provide rebates, that's up to them. Don't you idiots claim that states or local govt should have the right to do what they want? And utility companies may give rebates to increase business. What's wrong with that?

Plus, read what the bolded say. These are limited-time rebates. In other words, once the business in the area has improved, they are gone.

Next time, try reading your own link before posting. Will help you to look less of a fool. :itsok:
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You idiot. Did you even read your own link? Those rebates are not from the Feds. From your link:

Some states, municipalities, and utility companies offer up-front rebates for installing a solar panel system. Solar rebates are generally only available for a limited time and disappear once a certain amount of solar has been installed in your region. These solar rebates typically further reduce your system costs by 10 to 20 percent.

If States or utility companies want to provide rebates, that's up to them. Don't you idiots claim that states or local govt should have the right to do what they want? And utility companies may give rebates to increase business. What's wrong with that?

Plus, read what the bolded say. These are limited-time rebates. In other words, once the business in the area has improved, they are gone.

Next time, try reading your own link before posting. Will help you to look less of a fool. :itsok:

So what is it about my comment that it depends on the state you live in that you don't get? From my article:

The federal investment tax credit (ITC) is far and away the best solar incentive. The ITC gives back 26 percent of what you paid for solar on your taxes. Instead of a deduction, which reduces your taxable income (as would happen with any charitable donations you make in a year),
So what is it about my comment that it depends on the state you live in that you don't get? From my article:

The federal investment tax credit (ITC) is far and away the best solar incentive. The ITC gives back 26 percent of what you paid for solar on your taxes. Instead of a deduction, which reduces your taxable income (as would happen with any charitable donations you make in a year),
Then what the heck are you complaining about? If your state does not give out rebates for solar, then you are not affected.

If it does, vote them out. Do you want the Feds to tell the states what to do? What the fuck are you bitching about?
Then what the heck are you complaining about? If your state does not give out rebates for solar, then you are not affected.

If it does, vote them out. Do you want the Feds to tell the states what to do? What the fuck are you bitching about?

I'm bitching about our federal government passing out money for their political agenda. You want solar, a windmill, thermoheat, fine by me. Pay whatever it costs out of your own pocket.
When you install solar panels the government gives you a 30% tax credit. On top of that they send out rebate checks, and who do you think pays for that? Depending on what state you live in, governments are paying anywhere from 25% to 50% of your cost; money directly to your bank account.

it's all free for low income and moderate income people. Sounds like savings and good policy to me.
I'm bitching about our federal government passing out money for their political agenda. You want solar, a windmill, thermoheat, fine by me. Pay whatever it costs out of your own pocket.
about our federal government passing out money for their political agenda. You want solar, a windmill, thermoheat, fine by me. Pay whatever it costs out of your own pocket.

the money is coming from the bloated rich and Big Oil etc super duper. zzzzzzzzzzzz. And you idiots have blocked this intelligent policy for way too long already....
I'm bitching about our federal government passing out money for their political agenda. You want solar, a windmill, thermoheat, fine by me. Pay whatever it costs out of your own pocket.
There you go again, being a retard. Did we not just prove that no fed money is being passed out for solar etc?

Are you usually this stupid or did I catch you at a bad time?
I think it is becoming clear to most Americans that Green Energy (solar, wind, EV etc..) is not nearly as "green" as we've been lead to believe. In fact many examples can be shown that clearly illustrate devastating damage to our environment, (strip mining, lithium leech pools, piles of used up windmills that can't be recycled, millions of tons of 20 year old solar panels that don't work anymore and are impossible to dispose of safely etc etc etc.... Also the amount of fossil fuels used just to mine the materials and manufacture the products are huge. And then there are the children being used as slaves to mine the minerals, and work in the factories that make the "green" products. The fairy tail that these things will make energy cheaper and the planet Earth "cleaner" is exactly that... a fairy tale. Maybe in the future but not now.
Someone might say " I have an electric car, therefor I am helping to save our planet from the point of no return, that AOC told me should be in about 8 years." Ok, depending on where he lives (in the U.S.A.) it is likely that fossil fuel is generating that energy..... In order to make the batteries in his "Car That Saves The Planet".. it takes enormous machines (diesel fueled) to strip mine many tons of "dirt"... They use child slave labor in other parts of the world for other components... One day this person might say "Hmm looks like a traffic jam up ahead,, It's snowing pretty hard now... Uh oh, My battery is getting low,,,, why are all these EV's conking out in the middle of the freeway? I might just freeze to death with my two year old daughter tonight"....Helping to save the planet.
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The problems involving EV's are quite an interesting study. Do we have the power grid to do this? No. Would the amount of environmental damage to upgrade our grid outweigh the benefit? Yes.... Will all the charging stations, batteries, and vehicles be obsolete in five years? Yes. Are you far less safe driving your family around in an EV?.... IMHO, These are the type of questions Americans should ask....about any of the green energy schemes.
There you go again, being a retard. Did we not just prove that no fed money is being passed out for solar etc?

Are you usually this stupid or did I catch you at a bad time?

If government is giving people refunds for buying solar, you bet they are passing out money.
about our federal government passing out money for their political agenda. You want solar, a windmill, thermoheat, fine by me. Pay whatever it costs out of your own pocket.

the money is coming from the bloated rich and Big Oil etc super duper. zzzzzzzzzzzz. And you idiots have blocked this intelligent policy for way too long already....

Tell me what's intelligent about pushing people off plentiful, powerful, affordable fuel to weaker, more expensive and less reliable fuel.
Any discussion about why this is a dumb ass thing to do, is quickly squashed by the words : "To save the planet". Of course we will never know when we have "saved the planet", therefor we shall be perpetually trying to save it. Nothing you can see, nothing you can weigh, nothing you can measure and nothing you can accurately predict..... that is what "climate change" consists of. How could we ever "win" that "war"? The money will be waisted with no possibility of a clear victory,,,,sounds familiar right???
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