Completely Out of Touch

I read it. It takes random stuff from both the right and left. It reads nothing like the Democratic platform.

The defining tenets of communism are authoritarianism -- what you do -- and communal ownership of property -- what you're pals have all been calling for here as they scream about banning solar farms because TheParty wants it so.

Democrats proposes neither, so the Democrats are nothing like communists.

They're not? Then how do you explain the near exact agendas between the Communists and the Democrat party?
Helping people save money and creating new jobs is putting our country in the hole? And you idiots wonder why no one takes you seriously.

You're not saving people anything and new jobs have to be paid for by somebody, that somebody being the consumers. Let alternative energy compete without government handouts and see how people feel about this fallacy savings.
You never specified exactly what your premise was....I don't read minds, sorry. The article talks about more than one thingy. When solar panels are covered in snow you brush the snow off just like you dood with a satellite dish, your car window...
What, on the ROOF?? Not really.
I have done it are you saying it can't be done?
Of course. Crazy idea, I suppose you had to climb on a ladder? In the snow? I bet your wife didn't like it.

You need a better system.

I like the idea of using solar energy, but let's not get crazy and start falling off roofs.
Of course. Crazy idea, I suppose you had to climb on a ladder? In the snow? I bet your wife didn't like it.

You need a better system.

I like the idea of using solar energy, but let's not get crazy and start falling off roofs.
I have installed Direct TV dishes on roofs in the winter in the snow and ice and my wife said nothing.
I used to build a lot of chimneys in the cold, snow, and ice, and my wife never said a thing.
You do know that all solar panels are not on roofs, and neither are all Direct TV dishes?
You're not saving people anything and new jobs have to be paid for by somebody, that somebody being the consumers. Let alternative energy compete without government handouts and see how people feel about this fallacy savings.
Do the same with petroleum and let us see how it works out.
You're not saving people anything and new jobs have to be paid for by somebody, that somebody being the consumers. Let alternative energy compete without government handouts and see how people feel about this fallacy savings.
Prove it. Prove that solar panels do not help people save money or that new jobs are not being created. Go.

I have found out that the best way to shut down these retards is to challenge them to produce proof of their rantings. They usually disappear when I do. ;)
Prove it. Prove that solar panels do not help people save money or that new jobs are not being created. Go.

I have found out that the best way to shut down these retards is to challenge them to produce proof of their rantings. They usually disappear when I do. ;)

Yes, solar panels do create China. Why do you think subsidies are offered? Because without subsidies nobody would buy them because they are not cost effective.
I have done it are you saying it can't be done?

Who wants to go through all that for a satellite dish? I had a dish for about a year. I couldn't wait until the contract expired. Every time it got windy when a storm came in my television screen was nothing but bit maps. I went back to cable and never been happier.

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