Completely Out of Touch

Caring about "Climate change" instantly goes away if a leftist is directly asked to pay for it. When it's other peoples money involved , well then, hell yeah spend away... a good slap on your back, and a wine and cheese party are in order so that you can bask in your self righteousness. But for millions of Americans feeling the pinch....Climate change giveaways simply look like grift.
Always good to get the big oil big money propaganda outlook, super dupe. The big oil GOP is the only political party in the entire world that denies global warming. Brainwashed functional morons and greedy idiot megarich swine, that's the GOP now.
This is why the Democrats face disaster in November.
Don't be so sure, a report just out shows many Dems are running Rep campaign ads against the Dem party, bashing Dems and Biden. Dems pulled this shit in 2008 LYING their ass off then voted lockstep with Dems after the elections.
I have installed Direct TV dishes on roofs in the winter in the snow and ice and my wife said nothing.
I used to build a lot of chimneys in the cold, snow, and ice, and my wife never said a thing.
You do know that all solar panels are not on roofs, and neither are all Direct TV dishes?
Well, I just hope yours aren't, that's all I can say!
So you think its a good idea to have elderly climbing on their fucking roofs to clean snow off of their stupid solar panels so they can light 2 lightbulbs in their house during the day?
Hey dumbfuck… putting up solar panels doesn’t disconnect you from the grid.

Snow melts off solar panels in a day or two.

During most days those panels are putting energy into the grid , which you get credit for and that goes a long way toward covering the energy needed when those panels aren’t producing
Do you ever wonder why you're banned so often?

People are hurting and your leadership wants them to finance solar. That's the topic, get there or fck off already
TOS still states not to bring up bannings on open board. Has that changed?
Hey dumbfuck… putting up solar panels doesn’t disconnect you from the grid.

Snow melts off solar panels in a day or two.

During most days those panels are putting energy into the grid , which you get credit for and that goes a long way toward covering the energy needed when those panels aren’t producing

It depends on where you live. If you don't have a thaw, the snow stays. Here it's cloudy 3/4 of the year. Solar panels wouldn't do shit for me in Ohio by the great lakes.
It depends on where you live. If you don't have a thaw, the snow stays. Here it's cloudy 3/4 of the year. Solar panels wouldn't do shit for me in Ohio by the great lakes.
It's funny how that is less and less of a problem every year, isn't it? Wonder what's happening... Lol. And when it does happen, there's plenty of wind lol. Also, they say Buffalo has more sun in the summer than anywhere east of the Mississippi, so I doubt your veracity as always, super duper.
Yes, solar panels do create China. Why do you think subsidies are offered? Because without subsidies nobody would buy them because they are not cost effective.
LOL So, you couldn't prove that no jobs were created in the US (your first assertion)? :auiqs.jpg:

As for subsidies? Of course, any new technologies are expensive. Subsidies do help in developing the market and creating jobs. Not to mention, lowering the price of transportation for ordinary citizens. Why would you have a problem with that?

Plus, are you this mad about subsidies for coal and oil?

Globally, governments spend more than $500 billion on subsidies for fossil fuels that contribute to inefficiency, inequity, and negative externalities. Despite this obvious problem, efforts at reforming fossil fuel subsidies across the world have been piecemeal. If countries are to achieve the decarbonization goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change, they need to urgently address these subsidies as part of the transition away from fossil fuels.

The report found that 47 percent of natural gas and 99 percent of coal is priced at less than half its true cost, and that just five countries — China, the United States, Russia, India, and Japan — account for two-thirds of subsidies globally. All five countries belong to the G20, which in 2009 agreed to phase out “inefficient” fossil fuel subsidies “over the medium term.”

I would rather have the subsidies directed at industries that do not cause pollution.
It depends on where you live. If you don't have a thaw, the snow stays. Here it's cloudy 3/4 of the year. Solar panels wouldn't do shit for me in Ohio by the great lakes.
So, that's your complaint? Solar panels don't work where you live and so no one in the country should have them? LOL
So, that's your complaint? Solar panels don't work where you live and so no one in the country should have them? LOL

Not at all, I could care less if you do your entire house with them, and the dog house too. My problem is a country 30 trillion in the hole and growing shouldn't be paying people to buy something they don't have to have. It's using our tax dollars for a political agenda.
Not at all, I could care less if you do your entire house with them, and the dog house too. My problem is a country 30 trillion in the hole and growing shouldn't be paying people to buy something they don't have to have. It's using our tax dollars for a political agenda.
I am guessing you didn't read my response to your idiotic claims? Read it and then come back.
LOL So, you couldn't prove that no jobs were created in the US (your first assertion)? :auiqs.jpg:

As for subsidies? Of course, any new technologies are expensive. Subsidies do help in developing the market and creating jobs. Not to mention, lowering the price of transportation for ordinary citizens. Why would you have a problem with that?

Plus, are you this mad about subsidies for coal and oil?

Globally, governments spend more than $500 billion on subsidies for fossil fuels that contribute to inefficiency, inequity, and negative externalities. Despite this obvious problem, efforts at reforming fossil fuel subsidies across the world have been piecemeal. If countries are to achieve the decarbonization goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change, they need to urgently address these subsidies as part of the transition away from fossil fuels.

The report found that 47 percent of natural gas and 99 percent of coal is priced at less than half its true cost, and that just five countries — China, the United States, Russia, India, and Japan — account for two-thirds of subsidies globally. All five countries belong to the G20, which in 2009 agreed to phase out “inefficient” fossil fuel subsidies “over the medium term.”

I would rather have the subsidies directed at industries that do not cause pollution.

Except they are not really subsides, they are tax breaks.

So you think its a good idea to have elderly climbing on their fucking roofs to clean snow off of their stupid solar panels so they can light 2 lightbulbs in their house during the day?
The elderly? Since when did the MAGA-right care for our elderly? Certainly not with a heat wave. Certainly not in Texas two winters ago. Certainly not during Covid Delta.

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