Completely Out of Touch

Lol.... just lol. You're never to be taken seriously
I see. You're too embarrassed to explain why you're triggered by solar farms.

At least that's progress. On some level, you understand how stupid you sound.

No normal person would be triggered by a solar farm. They don't pollute. They don't make noise. It's just someone doing what they want with their own property ...

... ah, got it. Hardcore commies think they should be able to control their neighbors property, and sassy is a harcore commie.
As the commies get rid of plentiful, reliable, reasonably priced energy, and replace it with unreliable, weak and expensive energy, one has to ask where are we going to put all these illegals Dementia is allowing into the country? Housing is getting more expensive every month and land is one of the reasons.
See? More hardcore commie talk. These GOP wants to tell people how they can use their your own land. Socialism seems to be the defining tenet of the GOP now.
The information coming out on solar panel efficiency is really discrediting the whole premise of their use.
Meanwhile, back in reality, people still make lots of money on solar.

That's the free market. Commies hate it, so they made this thread.

Is there even one denier on this thread who _doesn't_ have a commie flag hanging up in their garage? I'd wager not.
Meanwhile, back in reality, people still make lots of money on solar.

That's the free market. Commies hate it, so they made this thread.

Is there even one denier on this thread who _doesn't_ have a commie flag hanging up in their garage? I'd wager not.

You are completely politically ignorant, aren't cha? The commies are on the left in the Democrat party, not the right. We on the right are generally constitutionalists.
You are completely politically ignorant, aren't cha? The commies are on the left in the Democrat party, not the right.
Then why are your actions indistinguishable from those of commies? It's not the Democrats here demanding to control how someone else uses their land.

You all went so far off to the authoritarian right, you came back around on the authoritarian left.
See? More hardcore commie talk. These GOP wants to tell people how they can use their your own land. Socialism seems to be the defining tenet of the GOP now.

Where did I say I want to tell people how to use their own land? Do you take medication?
Then why are your actions indistinguishable from those of commies? It's not the Democrats here demanding to control how someone else uses their land.

You all went so far off to the authoritarian right, you came back around on the authoritarian left.

Nope, it's the left that's Communist. Here, straight from the horses mouth, a link to the US Communist party website. Read that and tell me it's not nearly identical to the Democrat party. While you're there, see what they had to say about Republican presidential contenders and how they praised Sanders, Hillary and DumBama.

You never specified exactly what your premise was....I don't read minds, sorry. The article talks about more than one thingy. When solar panels are covered in snow you brush the snow off just like you dood with a satellite dish, your car window...
Unless they are lazy MAGA-dopes who would rather whine.
There is nothing clever about putting our country hundreds of billions of dollars further in the hole to placate enviro-kooks. When our country finally goes into default in the future people then will be looking back at us and asking, WTF was wrong with people back then? Why were they allowed to do this to us?
Helping people save money and creating new jobs is putting our country in the hole? And you idiots wonder why no one takes you seriously.
Nope, it's the left that's Communist. Here, straight from the horses mouth, a link to the US Communist party website. Read that and tell me it's not nearly identical to the Democrat party.
I read it. It takes random stuff from both the right and left. It reads nothing like the Democratic platform.

The defining tenets of communism are authoritarianism -- what you do -- and communal ownership of property -- what you're pals have all been calling for here as they scream about banning solar farms because TheParty wants it so.

Democrats proposes neither, so the Democrats are nothing like communists.
Do you hate the idea of weatherizing homes?
Spending trillions on the green scam when you can spend tens of billions on the same package is the real issue. And of course, people like yourself are always free with others money. There will come a day when those who have done nothing in life will live better than those who have sweated and toiled.
The information coming out on solar panel efficiency is really discrediting the whole premise of their use. Below freezing they collect snow and ice making them useless. During winter the cloudy conditions drop their efficiency below 43%. During summer, above 95 deg F, they lose 2% of their output for every 2 degrees F in rise.

The average home installation on the roof is 145 Deg F during full sunlight.

Lets do a little math... Panels are at 80% of their rated capacity in real life. There is always particulate matter in the air. If we have a 300w panel that means, we have 240w available in good sunlight with clean panels.

In winter we have but 42-43% on average due to ice crystals that are in the atmosphere. The average panel outputs about 100w during winter. (Low angel of incidence and ice crystals in the increased atmosphere). These panels are going to give about 32% of their rated output in winter, if they are cleaned and properly aligned.

In summer we get about 240w during perpendicular angle to the panels if they are clean. That gets reduced when we hit 95 Deg. During the heat of the day, when roof installations reach 140 deg F, those panels degrade, and the output is lowered. if we use the 1% for each 1 Degree F of temp rise, were losing about 45% of the panel output. Again, were back down in the 100w to 120w range.

The heat also destroys the integrity of the cells over time and by 10 years of service that 80% average is near 55%. Solar is not what they claim it is cracked up to be. There are three tiers of panels, and they all degrade at different rates.

Did you read your own link? Here, let me quote (from the very first para!!):

Solar panels offer homeowners a great way to reduce their carbon footprint. Luckily, the lifespan of solar panels will allow you to produce energy for many years, providing a great return on investment.

You can count on most photovoltaic solar panels to last 25 years before they begin to noticeably degrade. Most solar panel companies will provide a standard 25-year warranty for the expected life expectancy of the solar panels.
After 25 years, your solar panels won’t necessarily need to be replaced; however, their ability to absorb sunlight will be reduced.

This is what you link to, to prove your case? :auiqs.jpg:
Spending trillions on the green scam when you can spend tens of billions on the same package is the real issue. And of course, people like yourself are always free with others money. There will come a day when those who have done nothing in life will live better than those who have sweated and toiled.
I would like to see your accounting methods that prove I spend other people's money..

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