Comprehensive list of FEMA prison camps

DisneyWorld is a secret FEMA death camp

You wouldn't catch me near the place

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Might damn expensive for my tastes and just boring as hell...
Be as prissy as you'd like,

what ever HAS happened at them?

I do believe that they are way stations for anyone affected by chemical/biological warfare,
but what?

The Big Event just hasn't happened, yet?
p.s. bet you won't get very close, and be prepared to kiss your camera/camera-phone goodbye
Camp Krome, lmao! I'm going to be in charge of that one and don't worry, I will be a good prison warden. For instance, you won't have to dance naked for me unless you want to.


Cool, just in time for summer

Will they offer swimming and recreation, arts and crafts and horseback riding?
Camp Krome, lmao! I'm going to be in charge of that one and don't worry, I will be a good prison warden. For instance, you won't have to dance naked for me unless you want to.



My nightmares had almost ended ...

Judging from the EXECUTIVE ORDER, The Federal Emergency Management Lambs = Nazi SS. If so, Obama = Hitler and John Sidney McCain = Goebbels. Heh-heh

Though I LURVEST me some conspiracy theories?

The whole Obama = Hitler thang ain't getting it.

It isn't "him;"
it's the folks that shaped him, and still control him;
it's the money and the power, behind the throne,
whichever party sits it,
that all of us/US have to beware of.
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There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty.

hmm, I'd be willing to bet, most, if not all, are near areas where natural disasters occur on a regular basis.

but then I'm not paranoid
I'm a history buff. I'll take one of the old WWII POW or Japanese interment camps. :thup:
(Now if it was Germany we'd have ovens to bake in........)

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