Compromise vs Principles and the American voter.

if this is true then why won't the Democrats even meet with Republicans to discuss compromise....?
Probably because the Democrats have compromised and the gop has not.
When the initial Dem budget was presented to the republicans it called for the sequester funds to be restored. The gop rejected that budget. The current budget does not call for the sequester funds to be restored and is very close to the Ryan budget which the gop approves of. Yet, the gop refuses to accept it. The bottom line is this, the Democrats have compromised and the republicans have resorted to extortion (Give us everything we want or we destroy the economy!)

how can the Democrats think we can fund Obamacare and actually keep a budget.....?

Obamacare will bankrupt us....

If obamacare is unsutstainable (and that's not proven by any means) don't you trust the American people to elect pols who will alter the law or funding? At the core, you identify the TP's position. Americans cannot be trusted. Reagan would be appalled.

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