Compromise With Conservatives


Sep 23, 2010
How about Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment: “Though shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

Just this week a highly overrated and highly overpaid political consultant by the name of Karl Rove stood this principle on its head by announcing his super-pac’s plan to run attack ads against conservative Republicans beginning in the 2014 midterm election primary season, in effect subsidizing Democratic Party philosophy and candidates in their general elections.


So maybe it’s time to revise Reagan’s 11th Commandment. Maybe something like this: “Don’t bother working hard for the candidates who represent true Republican and conservative values. Let the elitist Republican establishment do your thinking for you. After all, look how well they performed with their selections and spending in 2012.”

It's time to update some old proverbs
Exclusive: Joseph Farah revises Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment
Published: 10 hours ago

It?s time to update some old proverbs

I’d like to add my candidate for updating: Ronald Reagan also said “Nominate the most conservative Republican that can win.”

As much as I loved RR a huge cancer is growing on his well-intentioned advice. Guys like Karl Rove and media liberals decide who is the most conservative Republican. My update would say “Tea Partiers should nominate a conservative win or lose.” They sure as hell cannot do any worse than establishment Republicans have been doing lately.

Conservatives/conservatism lose even when Rove’s Republicans win. Ultimately, “the most conservative Republican that can win” is nothing more than Rove’s opinion. That opinion means zilch if conservatives do not think a candidate is conservative enough. The long running con job that said any Republican is better than a Democrat is not working anymore.

Bottom line: Conservatives should treat Rove like a race track tout; i.e., adopt the motto of knowledgeable horse players “I prefer making my own mistakes.”

Even before Karl Rove did a Pearl Harbor on conservatives/conservatism there was a lot of whining in the government media about Tea Partiers destroying the Republican party, blah, blah, blah. That never made sense to me. Republicans and Democrats are united in their love of the federal government’s power; destroy either one and you destroy the other.

NOTE: Rove’s Republicans have no trouble compromising with Democrats. Maybe it’s time for them to compromise with Tea Party conservatives.

Finally, how is it that Rove and his media pals can live with every Democrat pervert, crook, and traitor in the US Senate, yet they scream “Armageddon” the minute a true conservative gets a nomination?
To the extent that most of us seem to understand that the RNC and DNC really don't care what their rank and file partisans want or care about, I think your post is spot on, Flanders.
To the extent that most of us seem to understand that the RNC and DNC really don't care what their rank and file partisans want or care about, I think your post is spot on, Flanders.

To editec: Your accord is a pleasant surprise.

Sadly, after the RNC-DNC get their guys elected they only care about what lobbyists think (and pay for).
Seems you want to turn this into another civil war. The reds lined up on one side the blues on the other and you shoot at each other. Govt doesnt work that way and it never has.
The unstoppable force and immovable rock will get us nowhere. The teaparty LOST because they made the left sound more reasonable and open.
The far rights attack on everyone that works for a living that isnt rich screwed them nicely. I hope you dont believe that attacking all public and govt workers and seniors on social security and medicare and blaming them for the deficit worked ?
Seems you want to turn this into another civil war. The reds lined up on one side the blues on the other and you shoot at each other. Govt doesnt work that way and it never has.
The unstoppable force and immovable rock will get us nowhere. The teaparty LOST because they made the left sound more reasonable and open.

No, only a couple of screwball candidates, who were given an inordinate amount of attention by both the lamestrean press and the neocon elite within the GOP, lost.....Numerous other candidates won.
The far rights attack on everyone that works for a living that isnt rich screwed them nicely. I hope you dont believe that attacking all public and govt workers and seniors on social security and medicare and blaming them for the deficit worked ?
WTF are you blabbering about?
Seems you want to turn this into another civil war. The reds lined up on one side the blues on the other and you shoot at each other. Govt doesnt work that way and it never has.
The unstoppable force and immovable rock will get us nowhere. The teaparty LOST because they made the left sound more reasonable and open.

No, only a couple of screwball candidates, who were given an inordinate amount of attention by both the lamestrean press and the neocon elite within the GOP, lost.....Numerous other candidates won.
The far rights attack on everyone that works for a living that isnt rich screwed them nicely. I hope you dont believe that attacking all public and govt workers and seniors on social security and medicare and blaming them for the deficit worked ?
WTF are you blabbering about?

I think your dead wrong and I dont blabber, I make statements based on what I believe is true. I will try and explain it to you.

Paul Ryans first budget ideal cut Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and gave a HUGE tax cut to only the richest americans to the tune of approx 27%. Americans rejected it soundly.
His Second budget was similar still with the huge tax cut for only the top 1%. That was rejected. He came up with a third with no tax cut and that was rejected by then no one trusted him.
Scott Walkers attack on public workers along with Rick Scott, Chris Christie and other teaparty heros did not help republicans to get elected across the country, romney lost all 3 states.
You and other teaparty conservatives can make all the excuses you want and blame the rinos and claim you only lost because everyone else has their hands out and wants freebies and you will keep on losing. Truth is if everyone that pays taxs voted GOP you would own the senate ho use and the wh. We know that didnt happen right ?
You lost because you far right scared the shit out many americans and your opposition to everything didnt work. In case you havent paid attention your teaparty has backed off some of its far right ideals already. Start with Norquists No tax pledge. Seems the teaparty even realizes why they lost and are making adjustments.
Last edited:
You can say I'm dead wrong all you want, but the facts show otherwise....Though Akin and Murdock lost, Ted Cruz and Jeff Flake won, while numerous members of congress supported by the TEA Party -including the reviled Michelle Bachmann- retained their seats.

Scott Walker's "attack on public workers" was nothing of the sort....That it is framed as such just shows what pussies that bureaucrats and the lolberals who weep and wail for them are.

And, yes, you are blabbering.
You can say I'm dead wrong all you want, but the facts show otherwise....Though Akin and Murdock lost, Ted Cruz and Jeff Flake won, while numerous members of congress supported by the TEA Party -including the reviled Michelle Bachmann- retained their seats.

Scott Walker's "attack on public workers" was nothing of the sort....That it is framed as such just shows what pussies that bureaucrats and the lolberals who weep and wail for them are.

And, yes, you are blabbering.

Saying your wrong or Im wrong is subjective and opinion :) I meant no insult.
Im not going to get into individual elections except for just a couple...McDonnel Lost in delaware, Alan West lost, Sharon Angle lost. Lets forget individuals. Just look at the entire picture ok and be honest about it. The republicans Lost Senate Seats, many more house seats and lost the WH. You cant put lipstick on that pig and make excuses for losing. The republican party did NOT lose this last election. I submit my opinion that it was the teaparty and their unbending NO COMPROMISE far right agenda.
Like I said thats my opinion, just like most of the posts on this and any other forum.
the republican party is going to be in the hinterlands for some time to come no matter what they do.

The only thing that could change their fate is a change of policies
the republican party is going to be in the hinterlands for some time to come no matter what they do.

The only thing that could change their fate is a change of policies

I dont think its that dire for them. What I do believe is they need to embrace the more traditonal republican way of doing business, which means compromising with the other side to get things done. The No Compromise pledge, The no tax pledge and the dont vote for a rino its like voting for a democrat rants.
You can say I'm dead wrong all you want, but the facts show otherwise....Though Akin and Murdock lost, Ted Cruz and Jeff Flake won, while numerous members of congress supported by the TEA Party -including the reviled Michelle Bachmann- retained their seats.

Scott Walker's "attack on public workers" was nothing of the sort....That it is framed as such just shows what pussies that bureaucrats and the lolberals who weep and wail for them are.

And, yes, you are blabbering.

Saying your wrong or Im wrong is subjective and opinion :) I meant no insult.
Im not going to get into individual elections except for just a couple...McDonnel Lost in delaware, Alan West lost, Sharon Angle lost. Lets forget individuals. Just look at the entire picture ok and be honest about it. The republicans Lost Senate Seats, many more house seats and lost the WH. You cant put lipstick on that pig and make excuses for losing. The republican party did NOT lose this last election. I submit my opinion that it was the teaparty and their unbending NO COMPROMISE far right agenda.
Like I said thats my opinion, just like most of the posts on this and any other forum.
No, saying I'm wrong when I'm not and can show it makes you a blabbering fool....And you wouldn't know honesty if it kicked you in the head.
And all the while Obammy's popularity and support are in serious decline:

POLL: Obama's approval rating collapses; 46%... That reelection high, is sinking.

National (US) Poll * February 8, 2013 * Hillary Clinton Is Most Popula

Obama has always had poor ratings and yet he got re elected, what does that tell us?
The republicans should have won this election by a reagan/carter landslide and they lost and the reason imho is because of the teaparty far right scaring more people than obamas left.

Seems you want to turn this into another civil war. The reds lined up on one side the blues on the other and you shoot at each other. Govt doesnt work that way and it never has.

To RightNorLeft: Get real. What the hell do you think monarchies and religious wars were all about?

People fighting for individual liberties —— LESS GOVERNMENT—— were caught in the middle only they didn’t call opposing sides Right and Left.

And if you like colors try White Russians fighting Red Russians. The Russians in the middle lost. And let’s not forget the War of the Roses —— the white rose verses the red rose.


The unstoppable force and immovable rock will get us nowhere. The teaparty LOST

To RightNorLeft: You seem to be forgetting that Hussein made Tea Parties inevitable and necessary. Basically, Tea Party protests began the Tea Party Movement in 2009. In light of the congressional seats Tea Party conservatives now hold you can hardly say a four year old movement lost.


because they made the left sound more reasonable and open.

To RightNorLeft: The Left can never sound more reasonable because there is no such thing as a benign totalitarian government.


The far rights attack on everyone that works for a living that isnt rich screwed them nicely.

To RightNorLeft: It is the far Left, i.e., the parasite class that attacks everyone who works for a living.

NOTE: The parasite class is defined as everybody whose major income is derived from tax dollars and/or special legislation designed to obscure where the income originates. That does not include industries necessary to the defense of the nation, nor does it include necessary civil servants in a limited government.


I hope you dont believe that attacking all public and govt workers and seniors on social security and medicare and blaming them for the deficit worked ?

To RightNorLeft: Combining private sector workers with the parasite class as though they are one entity is the scam that doesn’t work. Proof: Whenever Democrats talk about creating jobs they mean creating government jobs which is doublespeak for creating tax dollar jobs for parasites. The Affordable Care Act will do that very thing to the tune of 4 million FOR STARTERS.

And I have never blamed Social Security for the deficit. Social Security is paid for by labor performed. Entitlements and extraordinary benefits paid the parasite class fuel the deficit. Over the course of a lifetime at the public trough a government parasite will take down over $2,000,000 in pay and benefits without ever contributing a thing to wealth creation.

After a lifetime of labor, the average Social Security recipient will receive approximately $200,000 if they live long enough.
Dear Flanders: I find that by sticking with the Constitution and points of agreement, no one needs to fear compromising, and people can come together from all parties and views.

Only when we confront each other in the environment of competition to overrule or exclude others do these other political games come about.

If only those people who agree to reach a freely and fully informed consensus, would be in charge of making decisions, then everyone can give input without fear of being cut out.

So we need to follow, support and promote leaders who abide by Constitutional equality and inclusion, not party principles agenda and favoritism whether we agree or disagree.

Ask and you shall receive.
Practice the principles in the Constitution and Code of Ethics first
and the more we can encourage and enforce these principles in relations with others.
By setting a higher example ourselves, that will raise the standard for people govt and corporations to follow where we all abide by equal protection, representation and due process to resolve each conflict instead of competing to cut out another person or group.

How about Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment: “Though shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

Just this week a highly overrated and highly overpaid political consultant by the name of Karl Rove stood this principle on its head by announcing his super-pac’s plan to run attack ads against conservative Republicans beginning in the 2014 midterm election primary season, in effect subsidizing Democratic Party philosophy and candidates in their general elections.


So maybe it’s time to revise Reagan’s 11th Commandment. Maybe something like this: “Don’t bother working hard for the candidates who represent true Republican and conservative values. Let the elitist Republican establishment do your thinking for you. After all, look how well they performed with their selections and spending in 2012.”

It's time to update some old proverbs
Exclusive: Joseph Farah revises Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment
Published: 10 hours ago

It?s time to update some old proverbs

I’d like to add my candidate for updating: Ronald Reagan also said “Nominate the most conservative Republican that can win.”

As much as I loved RR a huge cancer is growing on his well-intentioned advice. Guys like Karl Rove and media liberals decide who is the most conservative Republican. My update would say “Tea Partiers should nominate a conservative win or lose.” They sure as hell cannot do any worse than establishment Republicans have been doing lately.

Conservatives/conservatism lose even when Rove’s Republicans win. Ultimately, “the most conservative Republican that can win” is nothing more than Rove’s opinion. That opinion means zilch if conservatives do not think a candidate is conservative enough. The long running con job that said any Republican is better than a Democrat is not working anymore.

Bottom line: Conservatives should treat Rove like a race track tout; i.e., adopt the motto of knowledgeable horse players “I prefer making my own mistakes.”

Even before Karl Rove did a Pearl Harbor on conservatives/conservatism there was a lot of whining in the government media about Tea Partiers destroying the Republican party, blah, blah, blah. That never made sense to me. Republicans and Democrats are united in their love of the federal government’s power; destroy either one and you destroy the other.

NOTE: Rove’s Republicans have no trouble compromising with Democrats. Maybe it’s time for them to compromise with Tea Party conservatives.

Finally, how is it that Rove and his media pals can live with every Democrat pervert, crook, and traitor in the US Senate, yet they scream “Armageddon” the minute a true conservative gets a nomination?

What about 14th Amendment equal protections?
Why not respect all parties and political views similar to religious freedom where we don't compete by majority rule but allow equal inclusion exercise and freedom to fund your own?
Isn't that more Constitutional than the obstruction of representation and due process now?
And all the while Obammy's popularity and support are in serious decline:

POLL: Obama's approval rating collapses; 46%... That reelection high, is sinking.

National (US) Poll * February 8, 2013 * Hillary Clinton Is Most Popula

Obama has always had poor ratings and yet he got re elected, what does that tell us?
The republicans should have won this election by a reagan/carter landslide and they lost and the reason imho is because of the teaparty far right scaring more people than obamas left.

Hmmmm ... many interpret the results as alienating the independent votes who have given up on government, and mainly attracting the dependent votes. Since the solutions to problems will come from the private sector not the govt, the people representing those solutions are independent and will continue working on those with or without govt.

Seems you want to turn this into another civil war. The reds lined up on one side the blues on the other and you shoot at each other. Govt doesnt work that way and it never has.

To RightNorLeft: Get real. What the hell do you think monarchies and religious wars were all about?

People fighting for individual liberties —— LESS GOVERNMENT—— were caught in the middle only they didn’t call opposing sides Right and Left.

And if you like colors try White Russians fighting Red Russians. The Russians in the middle lost. And let’s not forget the War of the Roses —— the white rose verses the red rose.


The unstoppable force and immovable rock will get us nowhere. The teaparty LOST

To RightNorLeft: You seem to be forgetting that Hussein made Tea Parties inevitable and necessary. Basically, Tea Party protests began the Tea Party Movement in 2009. In light of the congressional seats Tea Party conservatives now hold you can hardly say a four year old movement lost.

To RightNorLeft: The Left can never sound more reasonable because there is no such thing as a benign totalitarian government.


The far rights attack on everyone that works for a living that isnt rich screwed them nicely.

To RightNorLeft: It is the far Left, i.e., the parasite class that attacks everyone who works for a living.

NOTE: The parasite class is defined as everybody whose major income is derived from tax dollars and/or special legislation designed to obscure where the income originates. That does not include industries necessary to the defense of the nation, nor does it include necessary civil servants in a limited government.


I hope you dont believe that attacking all public and govt workers and seniors on social security and medicare and blaming them for the deficit worked ?

To RightNorLeft: Combining private sector workers with the parasite class as though they are one entity is the scam that doesn’t work. Proof: Whenever Democrats talk about creating jobs they mean creating government jobs which is doublespeak for creating tax dollar jobs for parasites. The Affordable Care Act will do that very thing to the tune of 4 million FOR STARTERS.

And I have never blamed Social Security for the deficit. Social Security is paid for by labor performed. Entitlements and extraordinary benefits paid the parasite class fuel the deficit. Over the course of a lifetime at the public trough a government parasite will take down over $2,000,000 in pay and benefits without ever contributing a thing to wealth creation.

After a lifetime of labor, the average Social Security recipient will receive approximately $200,000 if they live long enough.

Cops, fireman, teachers, professors, highway maintenance and many other public jobs are not govt created jobs for parasites.
Your making all your arguments personal I am not. This isnt what you think as an individual its what the teaparty presented and they blamed social security and medicare for the deficit along with medicare and govt workers.
Im well aware when the teaparty came to be, I went to a few teaparty early rallies before they morphed into this far right of the rich for the rich movement to elect people that will take care of the 1%.
We can talk about this all day in the end its the results. The teaparty made inroads because america hated Pelosi and the way the house and senate democrats shoved obamacare through, fast forward 4 yrs and you lost most of those gains back. Last time I checked house republicans favorability are still far below Obamas even after his recent drop, results tell the tale not wishs and hopes.
Obama has always had poor ratings and yet he got re elected, what does that tell us?

To RightNorLeft: He stole the election is one possibility:

The Voter Fraud That ‘Never Happens’ Keeps Coming Back
By John Fund
February 8, 2013 9:51 A.M.

The Voter Fraud That ?Never Happens? Keeps Coming Back - By John Fund - The Corner - National Review Online

Whenever Democrats lacked evidence to instigate an investigation, or simply smear a conservative, they trotted out “It’s not the nature of the evidence, it’s the seriousness of the charge.” So how come that does not apply to election fraud in 2012? Not only is the charge serious there is plenty of evidence to support the charge.

Dear Flanders: I find that by sticking with the Constitution and points of agreement, no one needs to fear compromising, and people can come together from all parties and views.

Only when we confront each other in the environment of competition to overrule or exclude others do these other political games come about.

If only those people who agree to reach a freely and fully informed consensus, would be in charge of making decisions, then everyone can give input without fear of being cut out.

So we need to follow, support and promote leaders who abide by Constitutional equality and inclusion, not party principles agenda and favoritism whether we agree or disagree.

Ask and you shall receive.
Practice the principles in the Constitution and Code of Ethics first
and the more we can encourage and enforce these principles in relations with others.
By setting a higher example ourselves, that will raise the standard for people govt and corporations to follow where we all abide by equal protection, representation and due process to resolve each conflict instead of competing to cut out another person or group.

What about 14th Amendment equal protections?
Why not respect all parties and political views similar to religious freedom where we don't compete by majority rule but allow equal inclusion exercise and freedom to fund your own?
Isn't that more Constitutional than the obstruction of representation and due process now?

To emilynghiem: Reduce it to basics by asking yourself what each side wants. Any reasonable analysis should tell you that Democrats want to abolish the Constitution, while conservatives want the federal government to protect, support, and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Democrats have the option of amending the Constitution. They dare not try that. So their compromises always mean circumventing or ignoring those parts they don’t like.

Conservatives are defending the Constitution.

Now, if you disagree with me you tell me what conservatives get in your compromise?

Cops, fireman, teachers, professors, highway maintenance and many other public jobs are not govt created jobs for parasites.
Your making all your arguments personal I am not. This isnt what you think as an individual its what the teaparty presented and they blamed social security and medicare for the deficit along with medicare and govt workers.
Im well aware when the teaparty came to be, I went to a few teaparty early rallies before they morphed into this far right of the rich for the rich movement to elect people that will take care of the 1%.
We can talk about this all day in the end its the results. The teaparty made inroads because america hated Pelosi and the way the house and senate democrats shoved obamacare through, fast forward 4 yrs and you lost most of those gains back. Last time I checked house republicans favorability are still far below Obamas even after his recent drop, results tell the tale not wishs and hopes.

To RightNorLeft: Aside from the fact that the federal government has NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to be in the education business professors do not belong grouped with necessary government employees.

I am objecting to the system as it exists if that’s what you mean by personal. Your disagreement with my views come in the form of philosophical nonsense, class warfare, touchy-feely morality, and one or two actual conditions you cite to support the rest of it; so why is it personal for me but not you?
The DNC's function is to separate the wheat from the chaff.....

....and make sure the chaff gets elected.
Obama has always had poor ratings and yet he got re elected, what does that tell us?

To RightNorLeft: He stole the election is one possibility:

The Voter Fraud That ‘Never Happens’ Keeps Coming Back
By John Fund
February 8, 2013 9:51 A.M.

The Voter Fraud That ?Never Happens? Keeps Coming Back - By John Fund - The Corner - National Review Online

Whenever Democrats lacked evidence to instigate an investigation, or simply smear a conservative, they trotted out “It’s not the nature of the evidence, it’s the seriousness of the charge.” So how come that does not apply to election fraud in 2012? Not only is the charge serious there is plenty of evidence to support the charge.

Dear Flanders: I find that by sticking with the Constitution and points of agreement, no one needs to fear compromising, and people can come together from all parties and views.

Only when we confront each other in the environment of competition to overrule or exclude others do these other political games come about.

If only those people who agree to reach a freely and fully informed consensus, would be in charge of making decisions, then everyone can give input without fear of being cut out.

So we need to follow, support and promote leaders who abide by Constitutional equality and inclusion, not party principles agenda and favoritism whether we agree or disagree.

Ask and you shall receive.
Practice the principles in the Constitution and Code of Ethics first
and the more we can encourage and enforce these principles in relations with others.
By setting a higher example ourselves, that will raise the standard for people govt and corporations to follow where we all abide by equal protection, representation and due process to resolve each conflict instead of competing to cut out another person or group.

What about 14th Amendment equal protections?
Why not respect all parties and political views similar to religious freedom where we don't compete by majority rule but allow equal inclusion exercise and freedom to fund your own?
Isn't that more Constitutional than the obstruction of representation and due process now?

To emilynghiem: Reduce it to basics by asking yourself what each side wants. Any reasonable analysis should tell you that Democrats want to abolish the Constitution, while conservatives want the federal government to protect, support, and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Democrats have the option of amending the Constitution. They dare not try that. So their compromises always mean circumventing or ignoring those parts they don’t like.

Conservatives are defending the Constitution.

Now, if you disagree with me you tell me what conservatives get in your compromise?

Cops, fireman, teachers, professors, highway maintenance and many other public jobs are not govt created jobs for parasites.
Your making all your arguments personal I am not. This isnt what you think as an individual its what the teaparty presented and they blamed social security and medicare for the deficit along with medicare and govt workers.
Im well aware when the teaparty came to be, I went to a few teaparty early rallies before they morphed into this far right of the rich for the rich movement to elect people that will take care of the 1%.
We can talk about this all day in the end its the results. The teaparty made inroads because america hated Pelosi and the way the house and senate democrats shoved obamacare through, fast forward 4 yrs and you lost most of those gains back. Last time I checked house republicans favorability are still far below Obamas even after his recent drop, results tell the tale not wishs and hopes.

To RightNorLeft: Aside from the fact that the federal government has NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to be in the education business professors do not belong grouped with necessary government employees.

I am objecting to the system as it exists if that’s what you mean by personal. Your disagreement with my views come in the form of philosophical nonsense, class warfare, touchy-feely morality, and one or two actual conditions you cite to support the rest of it; so why is it personal for me but not you?

Flanders, of course theres voter fraud in every state and always has been to a differing degrees and its both a Democrat and a Republican thing.

Im not going to debate whether or not the govt needs to be in education, what I will say that professors are public employees along with other educators cops and fireman and road maintenance workers. People who "work" for a living and provide a service that all americans right or left utilize.

Your last paragraph with my utilizing class warfare and touch feely morality is just a load of shit thats based merely on your not liking my position.
Im a registered independent I dont and I wont carry water for either party when I believe what they are doing or saying is wrong. I dont do partisan talking points, I give my own opinion, just like you do.

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