Compulsory service bill H.R. 5741 is now in debate

Compulsory service bill H.R. 5741 is now in debate

When are the people going to say "enough"?

To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes

it's a forerunner to a draft.

do you have a problem with the draft, too?

at least here they're given a choice between uniform and civilian services.

and for the record, just to stop the spin machine

For context, Congressman Rangel has introduced this bill many times in the past. Each time, it has received very little support, and Rangel knows it has no chance of being passed. For more, see his press release.

so retract my earlier statement....

and stop jerking us around. ;)
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Oh...They're given a "choice" as to what flavor of indentured servitude to Big Brother they'd like to participate in!

Compulsory service bill H.R. 5741 is now in debate

When are the people going to say "enough"?

To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes

it's a forerunner to a draft.

do you have a problem with the draft, too?

at least here they're given a choice between uniform and civilian services.

and for the record, just to stop the spin machine

For context, Congressman Rangel has introduced this bill many times in the past. Each time, it has received very little support, and Rangel knows it has no chance of being passed. For more, see his press release.

so retract my earlier statement....

and stop jerking us around. ;)

H.R. 5741: Universal National Service Act (

What I highlighted.....

Please tell me you were kidding around.
They said that about the health care also.see what happened there.

Rangel has been doing this for years now, it started in 2003, he did it again in 2004, 2006, and 2007. It has never come close to passing, and Rangel knows it never will. It stems from the Afghan/Iraq wars, he introduces the bill to make a point.

Congressman Rangel Reintroduces Bill To Reinstate Military Draft | Congressman Charles B. Rangel: Serving New York's 15th District

"What troubles me most about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is the total indifference to the suffering and loss of life among our brave young soldiers on the battlefield," Congressman Rangel said. "The reason is that so few families have a stake in the war which is being fought by other people's children.

"The test for Congress, particularly for those members who support the war, is to require all who enjoy the benefits of our democracy to contribute to the defense of the country. All of America's children should share the risk of being placed in harm's way.

"In other words, if you support the war, you should support a compulsory military draft," Congressman Rangel said.

That's typical Obama, things that couldn't get done before will now.

What's typical is the dishonesty behind your beck like dishonest attempt to hold obama accountable for a bill that was proposed by one congressman and co-sponsored by no others that you can't even link to obama.
Rangel has been doing this for years now, it started in 2003, he did it again in 2004, 2006, and 2007. It has never come close to passing, and Rangel knows it never will. It stems from the Afghan/Iraq wars, he introduces the bill to make a point.

Congressman Rangel Reintroduces Bill To Reinstate Military Draft | Congressman Charles B. Rangel: Serving New York's 15th District

That's typical Obama, things that couldn't get done before will now.

What's typical is the dishonesty behind your beck like dishonest attempt to hold obama accountable for a bill that was proposed by one congressman and co-sponsored by no others that you can't even link to obama.

And if a Republican had introduced this you'd be screaming how the GOP is the party of war mongers and slave traders.

As it is, while I see the advantages of universal service I don't think anyone wants to go back to the draft. Least of all the military.
Compulsory service bill H.R. 5741 is now in debate

When are the people going to say "enough"?

it's a forerunner to a draft.

do you have a problem with the draft, too?

at least here they're given a choice between uniform and civilian services.

and for the record, just to stop the spin machine

For context, Congressman Rangel has introduced this bill many times in the past. Each time, it has received very little support, and Rangel knows it has no chance of being passed. For more, see his press release.

so retract my earlier statement....

and stop jerking us around. ;)

H.R. 5741: Universal National Service Act (

What I highlighted.....

Please tell me you were kidding around.

i wasn't kidding. but i was being rhetorical.
That's typical Obama, things that couldn't get done before will now.

What's typical is the dishonesty behind your beck like dishonest attempt to hold obama accountable for a bill that was proposed by one congressman and co-sponsored by no others that you can't even link to obama.

And if a Republican had introduced this you'd be screaming how the GOP is the party of war mongers and slave traders.

As it is, while I see the advantages of universal service I don't think anyone wants to go back to the draft. Least of all the military.

And yet you are WRONG again. Why do you always feel the need to try and put words into my mouth so you can dishonestly attack me for something I never said?? Oh well it's just more of the typical dishonesty that I was referring to.

BTW how do any of your trolling attacks address what i said about froggy being dishonest in trying to link this to obama??

Oh and just so you know when I was stationed at HAAF in Savannah, GA a few years back I went to an event that jack kingston spoke at and he proposed reinstating the draft in his speech and I didn't call him a warmonger or a slave trader. BTW i actually voted for him too.
So where does that leave you and your baseless, dishonest partisan attacks??
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