Computer repairman who claimed to have Hunter's laptop Closes Shop

So? The American electorate agreed with me and overrode the Senate's choice to not remove Impeached Trump from office.
Not so fast

we dont yet know of ballot box stuffing is a winning campaign tactic for biden
So? The American electorate agreed with me and overrode the Senate's choice to not remove Impeached Trump from office.
Not so fast

we dont yet know of ballot box stuffing is a winning campaign tactic for biden

You [collectively] have failed miserably to prove any "ballot box stuffing" occurred. So yeah, we do know. "We" being normal people.
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today: Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

So now you want to try to put the shop owner who had Hunter Biden's laptop on trial instead of condemning Joe's dumbass, deadbeat dad, drug-addicted, STUPID son who was dumb enough to leave his personal PC with all that criminal evidence on it past the date he was allowed to without forfeiting ownership of the laptop, according to the legal document / contract he signed at the computer repairman's shop?!



"The computer repair shop owner who handed over a laptop hard drive that may have belonged to former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter has reportedly received death threats and closed his shop.

A sign posted on John Mac Isaac’s Trolley Square store ten days after the election said it was closed, a neighbor claiming that the owner had left town. Mac Isaac’s lawyer, Brian Della Rocca, confirmed to the
Delaware News Journal that Mac Isaac had closed the shop, but did not say whether his client had left town. He did claim that his client had received death threats."

The shop owner turned the computer over to the FBI...the same FBI official released FBI documents show hid evidence on Hunter's laptop AND DHS and Treasury Department of Hunter's criminal financial dealings during the Democrats BS Impeachment attempt that would have stopped the Impeachment cold, proving the President had every right to exercise an existing mutual treaty with Ukraine to investigate criminal activity.

Hunter Biden's own lawyer sent a letter and an e-mail asking for HUNTER'S laptop back...
- Bwuhahahaha....way to announce / confirm to the entire world YES this is/was Hunter's laptop

The FBI hid the laptop and the evidence - they did not want it released / exposed.

The Bidens did not want any of it exposed.

The Democratic Party did not want any of it exposed.

Biden supporters did not want it exposed.

So the man received death threats...and not wanting to end up like SETH RICH (whose computer, we just found out, the FBI has ALSO had all this time since HIS murder), the business owner closes shop and 'gets low'....

I would say you 'FORGOT' to mention all of that when you created this BS thread...but we all know you didn't forget're intentionally pushing lies and propaganda.

So now you want to try to put the shop owner who had Hunter Biden's laptop on trial instead of condemning Joe's dumbass, deadbeat dad, drug-addicted, STUPID son who was dumb enough to leave his personal PC with all that criminal evidence on it past the date he was allowed to without forfeiting ownership of the laptop, according to the legal document / contract he signed at the computer repairman's shop?!



"The computer repair shop owner who handed over a laptop hard drive that may have belonged to former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter has reportedly received death threats and closed his shop.

A sign posted on John Mac Isaac’s Trolley Square store ten days after the election said it was closed, a neighbor claiming that the owner had left town. Mac Isaac’s lawyer, Brian Della Rocca, confirmed to the
Delaware News Journal that Mac Isaac had closed the shop, but did not say whether his client had left town. He did claim that his client had received death threats."

The shop owner turned the computer over to the FBI...the same FBI official released FBI documents show hid evidence on Hunter's laptop AND DHS and Treasury Department of Hunter's criminal financial dealings during the Democrats BS Impeachment attempt that would have stopped the Impeachment cold, proving the President had every right to exercise an existing mutual treaty with Ukraine to investigate criminal activity.

Hunter Biden's own lawyer sent a letter and an e-mail asking for HUNTER'S laptop back...
- Bwuhahahaha....way to announce / confirm to the entire world YES this is/was Hunter's laptop

The FBI hid the laptop and the evidence - they did not want it released / exposed.

The Bidens did not want any of it exposed.

The Democratic Party did not want any of it exposed.

Biden supporters did not want it exposed.

So the man received death threats...and not wanting to end up like SETH RICH (whose computer, we just found out, the FBI has ALSO had all this time since HIS murder), the business owner closes shop and 'gets low'....

I would say you 'FORGOT' to mention all of that when you created this BS thread...but we all know you didn't forget're intentionally pushing lies and propaganda.

All those letters and words, yet. Not. One. Ounce. Of truth.

Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.

View attachment 423957
View attachment 423956
I'd fire the IRS then.
Next on Trump's hit list is William Barr The Unloyal.
Hit list ? Rotflmbo.. If Trump was as bad as you and other's here try to paint him as, then you wouldn't be around to freely do your bad mouthing of him and his family like you all have done here. Be glad you are an American, and be thankful that Trump wasn't Hitler like you all wanted him so bad to be. Wouldn't have been as easy for you all if he was Hitler, so be thankful.
By "hit list," I mean people he fires.

So in your world, if you fire the business who does your oil changes on your cars, and go to a different shop to have it done.... you are engaged in having a hit list?

If you fire the company who provides cell phone service, and hire a different company, then you have a hit list?

If you go to a different store? If you fire the guy who mows your lawn, that's a 'hit list'?

You have a very different idea of what a hit list is, compared to most people.
If you fire one or two? No.

When you fire 9 out of 10? Absofuckinglutely...

When you had corruption and inept backstabbers galore, and they were found to be using their positions for wrongful reason's or just not doing their jobs in a satisfactory way, then of course they end up fired. Something unheard of in these new millennial's brainwashed thought processes, because they have been brainwashed to not recognize injustice or corruption now when they see it. Trump is the cleaner, and Washington wasn't ready for the cleaner. Trump upset the apple cart, and in Washington that is unexceptable because the corruption was so entrenched, and the lifestyles so lavish that how dare anyone challenge it all........How dare a President come in, and try to bring back normalcy to that which had become abnormal in the eyes of most citizen's ? How dare he fire someone for not doing their jobs, I mean that is unheard of in these days and times. Pffft.

Trump needed to clean up his own administration?? Didn't he say he hires no one but the best people?

Well, when you have lifetime government types of individuals who have been in government for years, then you suppose that you can trust keeping them in their respective position's or even moving them into higher position's in government (shuffle them around some), but it appears that the climate Barack Obama and Joe Biden created, had basically ended that way of doing business in the government. Trump should have fired every deep stater he could, and stacked the government with very deserving American's who would have been proud to serve in the government under the right leadership. If Trump wins, he should go through the government like a tornado going through a trailer park, and leave no stone unturned. The people deserve better than what they will end up with under Biden.

You poor thing, bless your heart.

Trump lost. Deal with it.
He hasn't lost yet, so don't go crazy when he takes office for another 4 years. I'd hate to see you fall in lock step with the criminals.

Nah, Trump did in fact lose. All of the bad votes added together in any state, is not nearly enough to change the outcome. He did in fact lose the election.

The way he lost, is still because of lies and evil in the media, and a failure of Americans to care about truth.

But they did in fact vote for that openly corrupt Biden. So... it is what it is.
Not giving up yet. It matters not how many votes if the election was fraudulent, because who knows how deep the fraud went
Sally Yates might become the next Attorney General. Remember Trump fired her. They’re also talking about Merrick garland becoming the next Attorney General. The guy the GOP screwed over

The entire Trump crime family is definitely going to have problems after January 20. I can’t wait.

Trump and IVanka could be a Toofer because he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars as his tax advisor and then wrote all that off as a tax write off. That’s multiple felonies on different levels.

View attachment 423957
View attachment 423956
I'd fire the IRS then.
Next on Trump's hit list is William Barr The Unloyal.
Hit list ? Rotflmbo.. If Trump was as bad as you and other's here try to paint him as, then you wouldn't be around to freely do your bad mouthing of him and his family like you all have done here. Be glad you are an American, and be thankful that Trump wasn't Hitler like you all wanted him so bad to be. Wouldn't have been as easy for you all if he was Hitler, so be thankful.
By "hit list," I mean people he fires.

So in your world, if you fire the business who does your oil changes on your cars, and go to a different shop to have it done.... you are engaged in having a hit list?

If you fire the company who provides cell phone service, and hire a different company, then you have a hit list?

If you go to a different store? If you fire the guy who mows your lawn, that's a 'hit list'?

You have a very different idea of what a hit list is, compared to most people.
If you fire one or two? No.

When you fire 9 out of 10? Absofuckinglutely...

When you had corruption and inept backstabbers galore, and they were found to be using their positions for wrongful reason's or just not doing their jobs in a satisfactory way, then of course they end up fired. Something unheard of in these new millennial's brainwashed thought processes, because they have been brainwashed to not recognize injustice or corruption now when they see it. Trump is the cleaner, and Washington wasn't ready for the cleaner. Trump upset the apple cart, and in Washington that is unexceptable because the corruption was so entrenched, and the lifestyles so lavish that how dare anyone challenge it all........How dare a President come in, and try to bring back normalcy to that which had become abnormal in the eyes of most citizen's ? How dare he fire someone for not doing their jobs, I mean that is unheard of in these days and times. Pffft.

Trump needed to clean up his own administration?? Didn't he say he hires no one but the best people?

Well, when you have lifetime government types of individuals who have been in government for years, then you suppose that you can trust keeping them in their respective position's or even moving them into higher position's in government (shuffle them around some), but it appears that the climate Barack Obama and Joe Biden created, had basically ended that way of doing business in the government. Trump should have fired every deep stater he could, and stacked the government with very deserving American's who would have been proud to serve in the government under the right leadership. If Trump wins, he should go through the government like a tornado going through a trailer park, and leave no stone unturned. The people deserve better than what they will end up with under Biden.

You poor thing, bless your heart.

Trump lost. Deal with it.
He hasn't lost yet, so don't go crazy when he takes office for another 4 years. I'd hate to see you fall in lock step with the criminals.

Yes, he lost. All of the swing states have certified their respective elections.

Certification means nothing if the election is over turned. Trust me when I say that their are literally hundreds of thousands of citizen's praying this bullcrap election is overturned. Biden and Harris are losers.. They have just benefitted temporarily from a criminally run election by the deep state.
Who cares what you pray for? Biden won. Trump lost. The sooner you accept reality the better off you'll be. Or let it eat away at you for the rest of your life. No skin off my back.
I'm not hundreds of thousands of voters, but I'm only one of the hundreds of thousands across this nation who are praying for Trump to prevail, and justice to win the day.

No skin off my back upon what you think either.

A million people can pray for that. It's over. Enough states have certified their respective elections to give Biden the win. No state is going to tell a majority of their voters ... we counted your votes and Biden won... we canvassed your votes and Biden won... we certified your votes and Biden won... but fuck you and your votes, we're giving our electoral votes to Trump.

It's over, you lost. Deal with it, loser.

It doesn't matter, because if it was a fraudulent election, then it is null and voided. A do over is either nessesary or Trump wins because if the amount of fraud and illegal votes counted is proven, and it looks like that it will be the case, then Trump won the election. You can hoop and hollar all you want about this reason or that, but get ready for the do over or maybe because of the fraud in which is being proven as we speak, Trump automatically wins.
There will be no do over and no one is handing Trump the election he lost. You will have to go through the rest of your life miserable in the belief that Impeached Trump was robbed.

I can live with that. You deserve it for believing such a huckster who sold you bill of goods.
Glad you think it's over, so stay tuned because it ain't even close to being over.
You poor thing, this is gonna haunt you for life.
No, you are wrong on that one, but if Biden has to concede, it will devastate you because you have way to much invested in your leftism ideology in order to be set back again.
"...if Biden has to concede..."

So you are ok with corruption ? Why am I not surprised ?
As I never said I'm ok with corruption, I'm not surprised you're a fucking imbecile who suffers from delusions.

But Biden wasn't even hidden behind stupidity of "I don't know what is classified information or not" type corruption.

Biden was open, blatant, in your face, I saved my son and his $50 Million for a few months cronies from a prosecutor, type corruption.

Biden's corruption was so clear, so obvious, so open... that either you should not support Biden over Trump, or you support corruption.

It isn't even up for debate. We now know for a fact, without even the slightest of questions, that Biden is openly corrupt.

So do you want Biden as president? If yes, then you support corruption. End of story.

You can deny that until the end of time, we've seen the videos, we read the emails, we know the story. Biden didn't deny it, and he was openly boasting about it.

You support open corruption if you want Biden to be president. End of the story, sir. That is the only position one can have, and support Biden.
That's been debunked. There was no active investigation into his son when he forced the issue of firing that corrupt prosecutor.

That claim you just made, is what was debunked.

However, Shokin, at the time, according to the interview, was investigating Mykola Zlochevsky, the former minister of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine — also the founder of Burisma. Hunter Biden was appointed to the board of the firm, which Shokin claimed was an appointment made by Zlochevsky “in order to protect himself.”​


“Mr. Shokin attempted to continue the investigations but on or around June or July of 2015, the U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt told him that the investigation has to be handled with white gloves, which according to Mr. Shokin, that implied do nothing,” the notes from the interview stated. The notes also claimed Shokin was told Biden had held up U.S. aid to Ukraine over the investigation.​
Shokin was fired in April 2016, and his case was “closed by the current Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko,” according to the notes. Despite his claims, Shokin, on both sides of the Atlantic, had been widely accused of corruption.​

So let's review.

The investigation into Burisma was dormant. Not closed. Only after he was fired, did the new Prosecutor General close the investigation.

Why was it dormant? Because Shokin had been threatened, because Biden's son was on the board of directors.

End of story dude. This was clear undeniable corruption. The facts prove it. You are wrong. You elected an openly corrupt president, in the name of getting rid of corruption. You, and all the mindless playthings of the left, have been played for complete and total fools, and you are.
Nice try, but no. That's what Shokin said last year when talking with Giuliani. But in reality...

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.
“There was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against Zlochevsky,” Kasko said in an interview last week. “It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015.”
The case against Zlochevsky and his Burisma Holdings was assigned to Shokin, then a deputy prosecutor. But Shokin and others weren’t pursuing it, according to the internal reports from the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office reviewed by Bloomberg.
Shokin took no action to pursue cases against Zlochevsky throughout 2015, said Kasko, who was Shokin’s deputy overseeing international cooperation and helping in asset-recovery investigations. Kasko said he had urged Shokin to pursue the investigations.

So right there in your own post.......... You make my point.

“It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015.”

*YOU* posted that. Correct? You posted that from your own link. YOU SAID IT.

When was Hunter Biden added to the board of directors at Burisma?

This is from the Senate Governments own investigation.

Page 3, paragraph 2, please read....
On April 16, 2014, Vice President Biden met with his son’s business partner, Devon Archer, at the White House. Five days later, Vice President Biden visited Ukraine, and he soon after was described in the press as the “public face of the administration’s handling of Ukraine.” The day after his visit, on April 22, Archer joined the board of Burisma. Six days later, on April 28, British officials seized $23 million from the London bank accounts of Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky. Fourteen days later, on May 12, Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma, and over the course of the next several years, Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were paid millions of dollars from a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch for their participation on the board.

So..... then as you pointed out... magically from 2014 to 2015, the investigation was shelved, and they did not purse it.

Directly after Hunter Biden joined the board of directors at Bursima, which was literally 14 days after British officials seized assets of the owner of the company for corruption.

Let's recap again...

  • Burisma is being investigated for corruption.
  • British officials seize assets of a corrupt oligarch.
  • Hunter Biden joins corrupt oligarch's company board of directors.
  • Investigation is shelved.
  • Hunter Biden is paid tens of millions.
  • Joe Biden demands prosecutor who will not dismiss the case, to be fired.
  • Prosecutor is fired, new prosecutor dismisses case.
  • Joe Biden brags about protecting son's lucrative deal with corrupt oligarch by getting the prosecutor fired.

Democrats voted in favor of clear, unambiguous, bold faced corruption, at the highest levels of the US government.

End of story. That's is all there is to it. You support corruption. Then end. Game over. Thanks for playing, but you are a supporter of corruption.

One little problem with your "recap" -- it was Shokin who shelved the investigation in 2014 and 2015. According to you, Joe Biden blackmailed Poroshenko to fire the prosecutor who wasn't actively investigating Burisma.


Yeah... it was Shokin who shelved the investigation in 2014...... right after Hunter Biden joined Burisma, and Shokin himself said he was told to deal with Burisma "with kid gloves", which is exactly why he shelved it after Hunter joined Burisma.

You read the time line. The report says exactly what happened when.

  • Burisma is being investigated for corruption.
  • British officials seize assets of a corrupt oligarch.
  • Hunter Biden joins corrupt oligarch's company board of directors.
  • Investigation is shelved.
  • Hunter Biden is paid tens of millions.
  • Joe Biden demands prosecutor who will not dismiss the case, to be fired.
  • Prosecutor is fired, new prosecutor dismisses case.
  • Joe Biden brags about protecting son's lucrative deal with corrupt oligarch by getting the prosecutor fired.
Investigation opened..

Hunter Biden joins the company...

Investigation shelved.... but not closed.

The time line is laid out perfectly. There is no question why the investigation was shelved. The government, fearing retaliation involving the Bidens, pressured Shokin to shelve the investigation, which he did.

I'm sorry, but the evidence that I provided, and you yourself provided.... makes this undeniable.

You support corruption, if you voted for Joe Biden. End of story. You lose.

Again, your idiocy is, to protect Burisma, that Biden blackmailed Poroshenko to fire the prosecutor who wasn't investigating Burisma.

I know that sounds stupid, but that's what your claiming.

But he was investigating Burisma BEFORE Biden joined.

And he didn't STOP investigating. He paused it. The prosecutor that replaced him, dismissed the investigation.

There's a difference between "shelving" the investigation, and "dismissing" investigation.

Again, there is no question that it was exclusively because of Hunter Biden, that the investigation into Burisma was shelved.

And if you doubt that.... Then explain why the investigation was instantly dismissed when he was replaced, under pressure from Joe Biden?

The irony is that they claim the prosecutor is corrupt for not investigating corruption, and the first the Joe Biden approved prosecutor, was to dismiss an investigation of corruption.

Again, if you voted for Joe Biden, there is no question you voted in favor of open blatant corruption. You can deny that until the end of time, but there is no other possible conclusion based on the facts.
He was not investigating it. There was already an open investigation and when he was assigned to it, he did nothing with it. It sat dormant for almost 2 years under his watch. He also refused to work with Great Britain and their investigation which led to Great Britain dropping their case against Zlochevsky and release his frozen assets. And as Prosecutor General, it wasn't just Burisma. There wasn't one single oligarch or high level official prosecuted for corruption on his watch. Meanwhile, members of his team were caught taking bribes which might explain why there were no prosecutions.

It's also not true that Shokin's replacement dropped the case. Zlochevsky's case went to court after Shokin was removed and a Kiev court found him innocent and ordered the Prosecutor General's office to drop the charges. Still, Lutsenko, Shokin's replacement, nailed Zlochevsky for 7½ million dollars in unpaid taxes. Had Shokin done that, maybe he wouldn't have been fired.

So no, Biden was not protecting Burisma. You have no evidence he was as your absurd claim is that he got a prosecutor fired who wasn't actively investigating Burisma. You also ignore the reality that Biden wasn't the only one who wanted Shokin fired for corruption. The Obama administration, embassadors, the IMF, the European Union, Ukraine's Rada. It was just Biden who got it done. So no, I didn't vote for corruption. Your nonsensical claims are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

He was not investigating it. There was already an open investigation and when he was assigned to it, he did nothing with it. It sat dormant for almost 2 years under his watch.

Really? Then if that was the case, and that explains why he was removed... why was the first thing the new prosecutor general did, was to dismiss the investigation completely?

Don't give me all the rest of your nonsense. You explain why the entire investigation was dropped completely, after Shokin was replaced under the direction of Joe Biden?

It's so ironic to see people trying to claim the reason he was bad, was because he didn't investigate Burisma, when the new guy placed there under orders from Biden, dropped the case completely.
Trump's phone call with Zelensky is all the evidence needed.
I disagree and so did the US Senate
So? The American electorate agreed with me and overrode the Senate's choice to not remove Impeached Trump from office.

Not the same. Voting someone out, doesn't mean he's guilty. If we go by your standard, then I could say "The American electorate agreed with me, and overrode the views that Hillary Clinton wasn't corrupt".
He was not investigating it. There was already an open investigation and when he was assigned to it, he did nothing with it. It sat dormant for almost 2 years under his watch.

Really? Then if that was the case, and that explains why he was removed... why was the first thing the new prosecutor general did, was to dismiss the investigation completely?

Don't give me all the rest of your nonsense. You explain why the entire investigation was dropped completely, after Shokin was replaced under the direction of Joe Biden?

It's so ironic to see people trying to claim the reason he was bad, was because he didn't investigate Burisma, when the new guy placed there under orders from Biden, dropped the case completely.
Putz, I l already explained why the Shokin's replacement dropped the case against Zlochevsky. And no, it was not on the orders of Biden. You're lying. If you really knew about these events, you wouldn't have to lie like that.

In 2016, a Kiev district court said it had found no evidence of criminal wrongdoing by Burisma president and owner Zlochevsky and ordered the Prosecutor General’s Office to remove him from the authorities’ wanted list.

And again, Shokin's replacement, the "new guy," Prosecutor General you lied about, claiming he dropped the case against Zlochevsky completely "on the orders of Biden," charged Zlochevsky with tax evasion and fined him 7½ million dollars in back taxes...

In 2017, Burisma said all investigations against the company and Zlochevsky had been closed after the company paid an additional 180 million hryvnias ($7.44 million) in taxes.

Now everyone here sees it's not that Biden did anything wrong -- it's just that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Trump's phone call with Zelensky is all the evidence needed.
I disagree and so did the US Senate
So? The American electorate agreed with me and overrode the Senate's choice to not remove Impeached Trump from office.

Not the same. Voting someone out, doesn't mean he's guilty. If we go by your standard, then I could say "The American electorate agreed with me, and overrode the views that Hillary Clinton wasn't corrupt".
Not exactly, but many feel he was guilty but got away with it because the Republican-led Senate already decided to acquit him even before it went to trial. There were many reasons to vote out Trump. Being impeached was just one of them.
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...


You mean the guy who takes ownership of someone else's personal property, goes through their files, makes copies of their personal data and gives them to the Press lost customers?

Hard to fathom.

I would imagine his former customers are probably going to come after him with a search warrant to see what he may have gleemed off of their laptops.
Oh so kill the messenger, and trash the message eh ?? You're such a good sheeple.

"Messenger"??? You mean the guy who, on finding torture and kiddy porn on the laptop, immediately called Rudy Guiliani, instead of the police or the FBI? How long had this guy been in business anyway?
He turned it over to the FBI a full year before giving it to Guliani because Wray sat on it, Stupid.

You really need to get educated on this topic. You look like a complete fool.

In other was a nothingburger.
Not exactly.

So, Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Real After All, Huh?
Well, they did it. They swept the story under the rug because they knew it was bad for the guy who wanted to replace Trump, and they didn’t care about anything but replacing Trump. They weren’t worried about integrity, reputation, professionalism, or anything else that might have kept them from lying.
No surprise, the Fake News Media and Social Media are Obvious Propagandists for the Democrat party
After all, who’s gonna stop ’em? You? Me? They don’t care about us. All journalists care about is giving each other awards and basking in the praise of their bosses in the Democratic Party.
Now they’re doing the same thing with Eric Swalwell. He’s embroiled in a huge scandal, and they’re just pretending it isn’t happening. After all, he has a (D) after his name and they’re team players.
Member the Intelligence Committee
The Democrats, via their enablers in NYC and Silicon Valley, they covered up the truth about the Biden family to sway the outcome of the election.
If you didn’t trust them before Election Day, all they’ve done is prove you right. And now they’ll hate you even more for it.
‘This Was Bad Faith All The Way Down:’ Drew Holden pulls the receipts on those who buried the Hunter Biden story.

CNN anchor touts $380 ‘facts first’ cashmere sweater after network spiked Hunter Biden story during campaign.
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...


You mean the guy who takes ownership of someone else's personal property, goes through their files, makes copies of their personal data and gives them to the Press lost customers?

Hard to fathom.

I would imagine his former customers are probably going to come after him with a search warrant to see what he may have gleemed off of their laptops.
Oh so kill the messenger, and trash the message eh ?? You're such a good sheeple.

"Messenger"??? You mean the guy who, on finding torture and kiddy porn on the laptop, immediately called Rudy Guiliani, instead of the police or the FBI? How long had this guy been in business anyway?
He turned it over to the FBI a full year before giving it to Guliani because Wray sat on it, Stupid.

You really need to get educated on this topic. You look like a complete fool.

In other was a nothingburger.
Not exactly.

So, Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Real After All, Huh?
Well, they did it. They swept the story under the rug because they knew it was bad for the guy who wanted to replace Trump, and they didn’t care about anything but replacing Trump. They weren’t worried about integrity, reputation, professionalism, or anything else that might have kept them from lying.
No surprise, the Fake News Media and Social Media are Obvious Propagandists for the Democrat party
After all, who’s gonna stop ’em? You? Me? They don’t care about us. All journalists care about is giving each other awards and basking in the praise of their bosses in the Democratic Party.
Now they’re doing the same thing with Eric Swalwell. He’s embroiled in a huge scandal, and they’re just pretending it isn’t happening. After all, he has a (D) after his name and they’re team players.
Member the Intelligence Committee
The Democrats, via their enablers in NYC and Silicon Valley, they covered up the truth about the Biden family to sway the outcome of the election.
If you didn’t trust them before Election Day, all they’ve done is prove you right. And now they’ll hate you even more for it.
‘This Was Bad Faith All The Way Down:’ Drew Holden pulls the receipts on those who buried the Hunter Biden story.

CNN anchor touts $380 ‘facts first’ cashmere sweater after network spiked Hunter Biden story during campaign.
Parts of it were true and parts of it blatently false like the pedo or involvement of Joe Biden.
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...


You mean the guy who takes ownership of someone else's personal property, goes through their files, makes copies of their personal data and gives them to the Press lost customers?

Hard to fathom.

I would imagine his former customers are probably going to come after him with a search warrant to see what he may have gleemed off of their laptops.
Oh so kill the messenger, and trash the message eh ?? You're such a good sheeple.

"Messenger"??? You mean the guy who, on finding torture and kiddy porn on the laptop, immediately called Rudy Guiliani, instead of the police or the FBI? How long had this guy been in business anyway?
He turned it over to the FBI a full year before giving it to Guliani because Wray sat on it, Stupid.

You really need to get educated on this topic. You look like a complete fool.

In other was a nothingburger.
Not exactly.

So, Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Real After All, Huh?
Well, they did it. They swept the story under the rug because they knew it was bad for the guy who wanted to replace Trump, and they didn’t care about anything but replacing Trump. They weren’t worried about integrity, reputation, professionalism, or anything else that might have kept them from lying.
No surprise, the Fake News Media and Social Media are Obvious Propagandists for the Democrat party
After all, who’s gonna stop ’em? You? Me? They don’t care about us. All journalists care about is giving each other awards and basking in the praise of their bosses in the Democratic Party.
Now they’re doing the same thing with Eric Swalwell. He’s embroiled in a huge scandal, and they’re just pretending it isn’t happening. After all, he has a (D) after his name and they’re team players.
Member the Intelligence Committee
The Democrats, via their enablers in NYC and Silicon Valley, they covered up the truth about the Biden family to sway the outcome of the election.
If you didn’t trust them before Election Day, all they’ve done is prove you right. And now they’ll hate you even more for it.
‘This Was Bad Faith All The Way Down:’ Drew Holden pulls the receipts on those who buried the Hunter Biden story.

CNN anchor touts $380 ‘facts first’ cashmere sweater after network spiked Hunter Biden story during campaign.
Parts of it were true and parts of it blatently false like the pedo or involvement of Joe Biden.
except we have video proof joe likes little kids in that special way,,
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...


You mean the guy who takes ownership of someone else's personal property, goes through their files, makes copies of their personal data and gives them to the Press lost customers?

Hard to fathom.

I would imagine his former customers are probably going to come after him with a search warrant to see what he may have gleemed off of their laptops.
Oh so kill the messenger, and trash the message eh ?? You're such a good sheeple.

"Messenger"??? You mean the guy who, on finding torture and kiddy porn on the laptop, immediately called Rudy Guiliani, instead of the police or the FBI? How long had this guy been in business anyway?
He turned it over to the FBI a full year before giving it to Guliani because Wray sat on it, Stupid.

You really need to get educated on this topic. You look like a complete fool.

In other was a nothingburger.
Not exactly.

So, Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Real After All, Huh?
Well, they did it. They swept the story under the rug because they knew it was bad for the guy who wanted to replace Trump, and they didn’t care about anything but replacing Trump. They weren’t worried about integrity, reputation, professionalism, or anything else that might have kept them from lying.
No surprise, the Fake News Media and Social Media are Obvious Propagandists for the Democrat party
After all, who’s gonna stop ’em? You? Me? They don’t care about us. All journalists care about is giving each other awards and basking in the praise of their bosses in the Democratic Party.
Now they’re doing the same thing with Eric Swalwell. He’s embroiled in a huge scandal, and they’re just pretending it isn’t happening. After all, he has a (D) after his name and they’re team players.
Member the Intelligence Committee
The Democrats, via their enablers in NYC and Silicon Valley, they covered up the truth about the Biden family to sway the outcome of the election.
If you didn’t trust them before Election Day, all they’ve done is prove you right. And now they’ll hate you even more for it.
‘This Was Bad Faith All The Way Down:’ Drew Holden pulls the receipts on those who buried the Hunter Biden story.

CNN anchor touts $380 ‘facts first’ cashmere sweater after network spiked Hunter Biden story during campaign.
Parts of it were true and parts of it blatently false like the pedo or involvement of Joe Biden.
Were you there? Cuz the man who was in business with them said Pedo Joe was actively involved in the scams and made money off all of it.
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...


You mean the guy who takes ownership of someone else's personal property, goes through their files, makes copies of their personal data and gives them to the Press lost customers?

Hard to fathom.

I would imagine his former customers are probably going to come after him with a search warrant to see what he may have gleemed off of their laptops.
Oh so kill the messenger, and trash the message eh ?? You're such a good sheeple.

"Messenger"??? You mean the guy who, on finding torture and kiddy porn on the laptop, immediately called Rudy Guiliani, instead of the police or the FBI? How long had this guy been in business anyway?
He turned it over to the FBI a full year before giving it to Guliani because Wray sat on it, Stupid.

You really need to get educated on this topic. You look like a complete fool.

In other was a nothingburger.
Not exactly.

So, Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Real After All, Huh?
Well, they did it. They swept the story under the rug because they knew it was bad for the guy who wanted to replace Trump, and they didn’t care about anything but replacing Trump. They weren’t worried about integrity, reputation, professionalism, or anything else that might have kept them from lying.
No surprise, the Fake News Media and Social Media are Obvious Propagandists for the Democrat party
After all, who’s gonna stop ’em? You? Me? They don’t care about us. All journalists care about is giving each other awards and basking in the praise of their bosses in the Democratic Party.
Now they’re doing the same thing with Eric Swalwell. He’s embroiled in a huge scandal, and they’re just pretending it isn’t happening. After all, he has a (D) after his name and they’re team players.
Member the Intelligence Committee
The Democrats, via their enablers in NYC and Silicon Valley, they covered up the truth about the Biden family to sway the outcome of the election.
If you didn’t trust them before Election Day, all they’ve done is prove you right. And now they’ll hate you even more for it.
‘This Was Bad Faith All The Way Down:’ Drew Holden pulls the receipts on those who buried the Hunter Biden story.

CNN anchor touts $380 ‘facts first’ cashmere sweater after network spiked Hunter Biden story during campaign.
Parts of it were true and parts of it blatently false like the pedo or involvement of Joe Biden.
Were you there? Cuz the man who was in business with them said Pedo Joe was actively involved in the scams and made money off all of it.
And of course he is telling the truth right, I mean you personally talked with him and verified it all right, cause everyone knows you lnow more than the FBI.
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...


You mean the guy who takes ownership of someone else's personal property, goes through their files, makes copies of their personal data and gives them to the Press lost customers?

Hard to fathom.

I would imagine his former customers are probably going to come after him with a search warrant to see what he may have gleemed off of their laptops.
Oh so kill the messenger, and trash the message eh ?? You're such a good sheeple.

"Messenger"??? You mean the guy who, on finding torture and kiddy porn on the laptop, immediately called Rudy Guiliani, instead of the police or the FBI? How long had this guy been in business anyway?
He turned it over to the FBI a full year before giving it to Guliani because Wray sat on it, Stupid.

You really need to get educated on this topic. You look like a complete fool.

In other was a nothingburger.
Not exactly.

So, Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Real After All, Huh?
Well, they did it. They swept the story under the rug because they knew it was bad for the guy who wanted to replace Trump, and they didn’t care about anything but replacing Trump. They weren’t worried about integrity, reputation, professionalism, or anything else that might have kept them from lying.
No surprise, the Fake News Media and Social Media are Obvious Propagandists for the Democrat party
After all, who’s gonna stop ’em? You? Me? They don’t care about us. All journalists care about is giving each other awards and basking in the praise of their bosses in the Democratic Party.
Now they’re doing the same thing with Eric Swalwell. He’s embroiled in a huge scandal, and they’re just pretending it isn’t happening. After all, he has a (D) after his name and they’re team players.
Member the Intelligence Committee
The Democrats, via their enablers in NYC and Silicon Valley, they covered up the truth about the Biden family to sway the outcome of the election.
If you didn’t trust them before Election Day, all they’ve done is prove you right. And now they’ll hate you even more for it.
‘This Was Bad Faith All The Way Down:’ Drew Holden pulls the receipts on those who buried the Hunter Biden story.

CNN anchor touts $380 ‘facts first’ cashmere sweater after network spiked Hunter Biden story during campaign.
Parts of it were true and parts of it blatently false like the pedo or involvement of Joe Biden.
Were you there? Cuz the man who was in business with them said Pedo Joe was actively involved in the scams and made money off all of it.
And of course he is telling the truth right, I mean you personally talked with him and verified it all right, cause everyone knows you lnow more than the FBI.
He testified under oath, has documentation and phone records.

You have TDS.

I'll take his word over yours 24/7/365
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...


You mean the guy who takes ownership of someone else's personal property, goes through their files, makes copies of their personal data and gives them to the Press lost customers?

Hard to fathom.

I would imagine his former customers are probably going to come after him with a search warrant to see what he may have gleemed off of their laptops.
Oh so kill the messenger, and trash the message eh ?? You're such a good sheeple.

"Messenger"??? You mean the guy who, on finding torture and kiddy porn on the laptop, immediately called Rudy Guiliani, instead of the police or the FBI? How long had this guy been in business anyway?
He turned it over to the FBI a full year before giving it to Guliani because Wray sat on it, Stupid.

You really need to get educated on this topic. You look like a complete fool.

In other was a nothingburger.
Not exactly.

So, Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Real After All, Huh?
Well, they did it. They swept the story under the rug because they knew it was bad for the guy who wanted to replace Trump, and they didn’t care about anything but replacing Trump. They weren’t worried about integrity, reputation, professionalism, or anything else that might have kept them from lying.
No surprise, the Fake News Media and Social Media are Obvious Propagandists for the Democrat party
After all, who’s gonna stop ’em? You? Me? They don’t care about us. All journalists care about is giving each other awards and basking in the praise of their bosses in the Democratic Party.
Now they’re doing the same thing with Eric Swalwell. He’s embroiled in a huge scandal, and they’re just pretending it isn’t happening. After all, he has a (D) after his name and they’re team players.
Member the Intelligence Committee
The Democrats, via their enablers in NYC and Silicon Valley, they covered up the truth about the Biden family to sway the outcome of the election.
If you didn’t trust them before Election Day, all they’ve done is prove you right. And now they’ll hate you even more for it.
‘This Was Bad Faith All The Way Down:’ Drew Holden pulls the receipts on those who buried the Hunter Biden story.

CNN anchor touts $380 ‘facts first’ cashmere sweater after network spiked Hunter Biden story during campaign.
Parts of it were true and parts of it blatently false like the pedo or involvement of Joe Biden.
Hunter has nothing to sell but Joe Biden. All these foreign governments aren't flowing $Millions and $Billions through Hunter because he is a talented money manager. His product is Joe Biden.

This story was deliberately spiked by the Fake News Media and the Big Tech companies, in order to suppress the story, in order to win the election.

You know it, I know it, The American People Know it.

Joe Biden was hip deep in the Illegal Spying on the Trump Campaign, Transition and Administration, and a Special Counsel has been appointed to keep digging to the bottom of it, and very soon another Special Counsel will be appointed to dig to the very bottom of the Biden Crime Family selling political access to Joe Biden to our most likely adversaries in the next military conflict.

Further, there is now some indication that Kamala has some involvement. The best thing that could happen to you, right now, is for SCOTUS to remove Safe Harbor on the 4 states in the Texas Lawsuit, which will result in a Contingent Election, which Pelosi will refuse to have the House hold in order to deny the presidency to Trump, which will leave the Senate to select Pence as Vice President, and then because Pelosi will not allow the House to select the President, Pence will assume the powers of "Acting President", until Pelosi changes her mind, loses power, or the 2024 election is held.

But, I doubt that SCOTUS will bail you out like this, so gird your loins! Biden will accomplish next to nothing, the GOP will take the House in 2022 and the Presidency in 2024.
Update on Mac Isaac, the computer repairman that claimed he had Hunter Biden's laptop. According to USA Today:

Ten days after the election, a sign on the repair shop’s door said it had closed. A neighbor said the owner, Mac Isaac had left town.

Read full article below
Computer repairman in Hunter Biden laptop saga closes up shop.

That corrupt MFer got to running like...


You mean the guy who takes ownership of someone else's personal property, goes through their files, makes copies of their personal data and gives them to the Press lost customers?

Hard to fathom.

I would imagine his former customers are probably going to come after him with a search warrant to see what he may have gleemed off of their laptops.
Oh so kill the messenger, and trash the message eh ?? You're such a good sheeple.

"Messenger"??? You mean the guy who, on finding torture and kiddy porn on the laptop, immediately called Rudy Guiliani, instead of the police or the FBI? How long had this guy been in business anyway?
He turned it over to the FBI a full year before giving it to Guliani because Wray sat on it, Stupid.

You really need to get educated on this topic. You look like a complete fool.

In other was a nothingburger.
Not exactly.

So, Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Real After All, Huh?
Well, they did it. They swept the story under the rug because they knew it was bad for the guy who wanted to replace Trump, and they didn’t care about anything but replacing Trump. They weren’t worried about integrity, reputation, professionalism, or anything else that might have kept them from lying.
No surprise, the Fake News Media and Social Media are Obvious Propagandists for the Democrat party
After all, who’s gonna stop ’em? You? Me? They don’t care about us. All journalists care about is giving each other awards and basking in the praise of their bosses in the Democratic Party.
Now they’re doing the same thing with Eric Swalwell. He’s embroiled in a huge scandal, and they’re just pretending it isn’t happening. After all, he has a (D) after his name and they’re team players.
Member the Intelligence Committee
The Democrats, via their enablers in NYC and Silicon Valley, they covered up the truth about the Biden family to sway the outcome of the election.
If you didn’t trust them before Election Day, all they’ve done is prove you right. And now they’ll hate you even more for it.
‘This Was Bad Faith All The Way Down:’ Drew Holden pulls the receipts on those who buried the Hunter Biden story.

CNN anchor touts $380 ‘facts first’ cashmere sweater after network spiked Hunter Biden story during campaign.
Parts of it were true and parts of it blatently false like the pedo or involvement of Joe Biden.
Were you there? Cuz the man who was in business with them said Pedo Joe was actively involved in the scams and made money off all of it.
And of course he is telling the truth right, I mean you personally talked with him and verified it all right, cause everyone knows you lnow more than the FBI.
my gosh your spins get more pathetic everytime you give them,,,

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