Comrade asked Police Union to find out which cops did not vote for him

Jim seriously ask your doctor to up the voltage for your next therapy session. You have become worse than rdean. That's saying something. Trump made a joke fool.
Jim seriously ask your doctor to up the voltage for your next therapy session. You have become worse than rdean. That's saying something. Trump made a joke fool.

The Orange Clown does not joke about anything, unless it makes money for he or his family.
Trump was dead serious: purge the police of those who did not vote for him.

So Trump.
WATCH: Police union officials laugh uneasily when Trump asks them to find out which cops didn’t vote for him

Just like his hero Putin, the Comrade is ruling through intimidation...He has learned from the Master Thug.

So this is what you based your FAKE NEWS story on!

I guess you probably know the numbers were extremely lopsided, right?” Trump said, looking around the room. “I’m just trying to figure out the few people who voted the other way. Who are they? Who are they? Find out who they are, please, and let us know.”
WATCH: Police union officials laugh uneasily when Trump asks them to find out which cops didn’t vote for him

I guess you really believe that Trump MEANS LITERALLY EVERY WORD he says is that right?


OK how about Obama calling people like you DUMB for believing him?

Calling you "stupid" because you voted for him?

YUP both of these statements are backed by REAL WORDS used by Obama and his surrogates!

Instead, he is berating Americans (most of whom now do not believe he deserves a second term) for not being able to "think clearly" because they're "scared".

Having failed to change Washington or, as he promised that night in St Paul, Minnesota in June 2008, to provide "good jobs to the jobless" (unemployment was 7.7 per cent when he took office and is 9.6 per cent now), Obama is changing tack.

Boiled down, the new Obama message to Americans is: you're too stupid to overcome your fears. To be fair, it's not entirely new. During the 2008 campaign, Obama was caught on tape at a San Francisco fund-raiser saying it was not surprising that voters facing economic hardship "get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them".

At a fund-raiser in Massachusetts this month, Obama spoke of Democrats having "facts and science and argument" on their side. As opposed, presumably, to the lies, superstition and prejudice that Republicans rely on.

Barack Obama echoes anti-Americanism of Europe in calling voters stupid
Jim seriously ask your doctor to up the voltage for your next therapy session. You have become worse than rdean. That's saying something. Trump made a joke fool.

The Orange Clown does not joke about anything, unless it makes money for he or his family.

Jim it's a bullshit story and you bloody welll know it. And I don't come here to just be redirected to left wing news outlets. It's a message board for discussion.

I'm bipartisan on that. If your goal is to drive posters away I think you will be succeeding soon.

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