Comrade Bernard Sanders' Vision For a New Socialist America

The laugh here is that people believe Sanders is extreme.

He is not. His ideas are about a good life for normal Americans.

His ideals are about GI bill and what exists for most of the first world.

He scares the RW cause they lack the foresight to see that a strong middle class gives them what they want, a market to sell to.

The RW struggle to see outside the Koch induced haves and have nots....

It is sad that America has come to such a low point that Charles Koch who garnered less than 1% for his ideals can influence people at such a level.

I see.

From your standpoint , compelling non-socialist, non parasitic Americans to comply with his socialist agenda is not extreme?

Then what is extreme?

Excuse me...

Do you not believe there is a need of a Army, Fire station, police, justice system, roads,......

These are socialist institutions... You are made comply to those by a democratic vote in your society...

Do you want to negate your responsibility to society?

So less of your socialism is bad manure. You live and support a society, that is in it's very essence is socialism...

So start by asking the Army to be disbanded as well as the Police force, fire, and all government... Then we might consider your anti socialist stance...
Would think someone like Rockwell would know difference between SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST but I guess not. Bernie has my vote.
The laugh here is that people believe Sanders is extreme.

He is not. His ideas are about a good life for normal Americans.

His ideals are about GI bill and what exists for most of the first world.

He scares the RW cause they lack the foresight to see that a strong middle class gives them what they want, a market to sell to.

The RW struggle to see outside the Koch induced haves and have nots....

It is sad that America has come to such a low point that Charles Koch who garnered less than 1% for his ideals can influence people at such a level.

I see.

From your standpoint , compelling non-socialist, non parasitic Americans to comply with his socialist agenda is not extreme?

Then what is extreme?

Excuse me...

Do you not believe there is a need of a Army, Fire station, police, justice system, roads,......

These are socialist institutions... You are made comply to those by a democratic vote in your society...

Do you want to negate your responsibility to society?

So less of your socialism is bad manure. You live and support a society, that is in it's very essence is socialism...

So start by asking the Army to be disbanded as well as the Police force, fire, and all government... Then we might consider your anti socialist stance...

Mr Sanderista:


Very interrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrresting

So, if wanted to support the Armed forces, fire station, police, "justice" system then , according to you I would also want to support you and your parasitic hordes. After all you fuckers vote , early and often.

A Socialist is a Communist wannabe.

But Bernie has been trying a long, long time and seems sorta stuck 'cause he hasn't learned to lie about his affiliation.
Are Republicans that desperate to have Hillary Clinton as a President? o_O

Because if Bernie Sanders doesn't win the nomination, and Democrats win in 2016:

Comrade Bernie
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

May 29, 2015

“Being a Progressive means never having to say you’re sorry,” says Jeff Deist. That private-property hating Bernie Sanders is a former(?) follower of the genocidal mass-murdering Lenin and Trotsky is OK

, Sanders said more than 25 years ago, while first running for Congress as the Cold War waned: “I am a socialist and everyone knows that . . .

But it doesn't matter, stupid parasitic Americans looking for freebies, a free lunch and something for nothing will drive the country into a Somalian or Greek nightmare.

The rich own this country fool not the poor.

Socialism means a good government that runs our schools prisons elections banks healthcare energy post office police fire. All the vital things that shouldn't be privatized.

And if we're going to privatize these things they should be well regulated. You guys make capitalism a dirty word. You worship it more than God.
The laugh here is that people believe Sanders is extreme.

He is not. His ideas are about a good life for normal Americans.

His ideals are about GI bill and what exists for most of the first world.

He scares the RW cause they lack the foresight to see that a strong middle class gives them what they want, a market to sell to.

The RW struggle to see outside the Koch induced haves and have nots....

It is sad that America has come to such a low point that Charles Koch who garnered less than 1% for his ideals can influence people at such a level.

I see.

From your standpoint , compelling non-socialist, non parasitic Americans to comply with his socialist agenda is not extreme?

Then what is extreme?

Excuse me...

Do you not believe there is a need of a Army, Fire station, police, justice system, roads,......

These are socialist institutions... You are made comply to those by a democratic vote in your society...

Do you want to negate your responsibility to society?

So less of your socialism is bad manure. You live and support a society, that is in it's very essence is socialism...

So start by asking the Army to be disbanded as well as the Police force, fire, and all government... Then we might consider your anti socialist stance...

Mr Sanderista:


Very interrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrresting

So, if wanted to support the Armed forces, fire station, police, "justice" system then , according to you I would also want to support you and your parasitic hordes. After all you fuckers vote , early and often.



It is not that simplistic. The Armed forces, fire station... are socialist institutions just like food stamp program. People pay money to up keep a society, some people use a service more than others (i.e. roads) but we in a democratic way have said that some people sometimes will use more but it is for the good of society that this service is provided to all.

That is democratic socialism.

Are you a democratic socialist or do you believe in the disbandment of the Armed forces, fire dept, Police force..?
You can still disagree with what is included in the social contract as someone could disagree with using the Armed forces to invade Iraq.
There was pluses and minuses to invading Iraq(lets not get into them) but some people wanted to pay for them and some didn't. But the elected representatives at the time wanted to invade Iraq, so they did and it cost 27 - 81 years of Food Stamp Program.
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Socialism = Equality of privileges and immunities. Capitalism = Equality, if you can afford it.

SOCIALISM = equal misery to the commoners ; wealth for the party Commissars, ie Prime Minister Bernard Sanders and his Apparatchik

Capitalism, individual liberty and the right to pursue happiness if you are a producer who subscribes to the work ethic and is honest enough to reject the unearned.



Have you ever been to France? Spain? Germany? Denmark? Italy? Austria? Any European nation?
He's not actually democratic or socialist, either
Bernie Sanders is a Communist and an Ignoramus
By Matthew Vadum -- Bio and Archives July 15, 2015

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has been getting away for years with describing himself as a socialist, when in reality he is an outright America-hating communist.

This belief in communism is reflected in the Sanders platform. Even a brief glance reveals his plan to be hopelessly utopian and insane. It will extinguish freedom and shutter businesses and cause widespread suffering especially among the poor people he claims to want to help. It is a program for exporting the best and the brightest to places that appreciate them.

But identifying Sanders as a communist can be a risky proposition in modern-day America. The Left so dominates American culture that the word communist itself has become jarring, not because communism is bad but instead because leftists believe communism is good.

Left-wingers are students of George Orwell. They understand that language can be used for good or ill; to advance truth or mask it. To undercut the power that that emotionally charged word communism and its variants once had in this country when used by patriots to attack the nation’s foreign and domestic enemies, the Left over time reversed its polarity. Over and over and over again in the culture, leftists drove home the false notion that communists were boogeymen invented by those who wished to control the population through fear. Another way of putting it is to say that the Left marginalized its own word in order to protect the profoundly antisocial idea it represents.

When many Americans hear the word communist today, their initial inclination is to believe that there may be something wrong with the speaker, as opposed to the person being described. As Ann Coulter wrote in her book, Treason, “In a stunning demonstration of the power of propaganda, accusing someone of having been a Communist makes you the nut.”

Sanders, like so many of his comrades on the Left, is committing a kind of fraud. It is time for this con man from Vermont, whose ignorance seems boundless at times, to be called out on it.

But first, some background on Bernie, as he prefers to be called, is in order.

ALL of it here:
Bernie Sanders is a Communist and an Ignoramus
CONTUMACIOUS is an anachronism and seeks a return to the Gilded Age. A time when women and black men and women and children knew their place.

Reactionaries like him fail to understand, or refuse to acknowledge, demographics are destiny. Half the black population lives in the South, and that is what drives voter suppression; voter fraud isn't the issue, every honest person knows that! The Republican Leadership knows that the demographics are a threat to their power; the right wing fringe doesn't have a clue.
He's not actually democratic or socialist, either
Bernie Sanders is a Communist and an Ignoramus
By Matthew Vadum -- Bio and Archives July 15, 2015

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has been getting away for years with describing himself as a socialist, when in reality he is an outright America-hating communist.

This belief in communism is reflected in the Sanders platform. Even a brief glance reveals his plan to be hopelessly utopian and insane. It will extinguish freedom and shutter businesses and cause widespread suffering especially among the poor people he claims to want to help. It is a program for exporting the best and the brightest to places that appreciate them.

But identifying Sanders as a communist can be a risky proposition in modern-day America. The Left so dominates American culture that the word communist itself has become jarring, not because communism is bad but instead because leftists believe communism is good.

Left-wingers are students of George Orwell. They understand that language can be used for good or ill; to advance truth or mask it. To undercut the power that that emotionally charged word communism and its variants once had in this country when used by patriots to attack the nation’s foreign and domestic enemies, the Left over time reversed its polarity. Over and over and over again in the culture, leftists drove home the false notion that communists were boogeymen invented by those who wished to control the population through fear. Another way of putting it is to say that the Left marginalized its own word in order to protect the profoundly antisocial idea it represents.

When many Americans hear the word communist today, their initial inclination is to believe that there may be something wrong with the speaker, as opposed to the person being described. As Ann Coulter wrote in her book, Treason, “In a stunning demonstration of the power of propaganda, accusing someone of having been a Communist makes you the nut.”

Sanders, like so many of his comrades on the Left, is committing a kind of fraud. It is time for this con man from Vermont, whose ignorance seems boundless at times, to be called out on it.

But first, some background on Bernie, as he prefers to be called, is in order.

ALL of it here:
Bernie Sanders is a Communist and an Ignoramus

Why does the Religious Right aspire to a divine Commune of Heaven but only bash and trash Persons trying to practice with a Heaven on Earth.
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Communists and Progressives....

Little difference comrades...

As it stands alone ^^^ this comment meets the standard for an idiot-gram. If you cannot elucidate you become irrelevant. Only the ignorant - and not willfully so - believe Communists and Progressives are little different.
The Communist Party USA is of and for the U.S. working class. Our U.S. working class is multiracial and multinational. It unites men and women, young and old, gay and straight, native-born and immigrant, urban and rural. We are employed and unemployed, organized and unorganized, and of all occupations – the vast majority of our society. We are a party of the African-American, Mexican-American, Caribbean, Central and South American, Native American, Middle Eastern, Central, South and East Asian and Pacific Islanders, and all racially and nationally oppressed peoples, as well as women, youth, and all other working people.

The roots of the Communist Party extend deep into our nation’s soil, even far beyond our founding in Chicago in 1919. We build on the legacy of those who fought against slavery, for the right to organize unions, for civil rights and for women’s vote and reproductive rights. We apply the scientific outlook developed by Marx, Engels, Lenin and others in the context of U.S. history, culture and traditions.

The need for the Communist Party is as great as ever. Capitalism has cast billions of people around the world into poverty. It afflicts humanity with endless wars. It institutionalizes racism and women’s oppression, denies youth the hope of a future, and fuels discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgender people, religious minorities, immigrants and people with disabilities. Capitalism pits worker against worker in a global race to the bottom. Corporate interests wage a never-ending campaign to roll back people’s hard-won democratic rights. Capitalism’s insatiable drive for profits has poisoned the Earth’s land, sea, and air. Capitalism treats people and nature as disposable commodities in order to transfer the wealth of the planet to a handful of multi-billionaires.

Our basic principles are rooted in today's struggles, informed by our history and experience, and guided by our scientific outlook and vision of socialism. Our bedrock principles include the leading role of the working class in the struggle for social change; that working class unity is essential, and the fight against racism and for immigrant rights are essential to build that unity.

In solidarity with working people around the world, we stand in opposition to U.S. imperialism – the system by which U.S. corporations use their economic power, along with the political and military power of our government, to exploit workers, pillage the environment and corrupt governments around the world just as they do here at home.

Our vision is one of “Bill-of-Rights socialism” in the USA, where working people – those who produce all the riches of society – will have political power and will collectively decide priorities for investment and distribution of our nation's wealth – for education, health care, housing, nutrition, recreation, arts, culture and science in a clean, non-polluting economy.
Our organizational practices are based on democracy, equality, unity of action and transparency. We do not set ourselves apart from the rest of the working class movement and organizations; we have no private agenda, no special interests. We welcome all who share our goals to join us or work together in alliance.

With pride in our past, and with confidence in our working class and its future, we hereby establish the Constitution of the Communist Party of the United States.
CPUSA Constitution cpusa

Identical really
Comrade Bernie
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

May 29, 2015

“Being a Progressive means never having to say you’re sorry,” says Jeff Deist. That private-property hating Bernie Sanders is a former(?) follower of the genocidal mass-murdering Lenin and Trotsky is OK

, Sanders said more than 25 years ago, while first running for Congress as the Cold War waned: “I am a socialist and everyone knows that . . .

But it doesn't matter, stupid parasitic Americans looking for freebies, a free lunch and something for nothing will drive the country into a Somalian or Greek nightmare.


WHY IS BERNARD SANDERS LISTED IN DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRESIDENTIAL candidates polls? Shouldn't he be listed in the Socialist Party Presidential candidates polls?
If conservatives want to change the direction of the country away from a social democracy, they're going to have to come up with a more persuasive argument than simply screaming "Socialism! Marxism! Communism! Freedom! Liberty! Tyranny!"

While that kind of stuff does fit pretty easily on a bumper sticker, it's not a cogent argument.

If conservatives want to change the direction of the country away from a social democracy, they're going to have to come up with a more persuasive argument than simply screaming "Socialism! Marxism! Communism! Freedom! Liberty! Tyranny!"

While that kind of stuff does fit pretty easily on a bumper sticker, it's not a cogent argument.




Is the right 1000% fascist by wanting socialized, wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; instead of Commerce (well regulated).

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