Comrade Bernard Sanders' Vision For a New Socialist America

Comrade Bernard Sanders' Vision For a New Socialist America

What's new about it?

Socialism is merely a means to take wealth from those who earn and create it, and transfer it to those who don't.

It's sometimes put in place with good intentions - the desire to "help" those who earn or create little.

But being horribly open to abuse, it always get perverted into vote-buying and favoritism for randomly-chosen "favored groups", and people with the right connections.

People quickly find that the way to get this free largesse, is to engage in the right political activity instead of working hard to create the wealth.
Don't really get your point. Do you think women should be owned and blacks not be considered citizens? I don't see what side you're coming down on. One thing I will say is neither situation is part of the Constitution and SCOTUS only ruled on laws that implied same.
You're argument isn't getting any clearer. The Constitution has changed since 1787 and that's the document SCOTUS rules on. You haven't made it clearer whether or not you support the subservience of women or the second-class citizenship of blacks. :dunno:


1- prevented Afro-Americans from being US Citizens - read the dissenting opinion Dred Scott v Sanford

2- prevented American women from voting

3- Is this what you consider an opinion supporting womens' rights

The Supreme Court let stand a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Brooks v. City of Seattle (2012) in which police officers who clearly used excessive force when they repeatedly tasered a pregnant woman during a routine traffic stop were granted immunity from prosecution.
SCOTUS interpreted the document as prohibiting discrimination. It was laws that were interpreted as being discriminatory. You seem to have things backwards.
Don't really get your point. Do you think women should be owned and blacks not be considered citizens? I don't see what side you're coming down on. One thing I will say is neither situation is part of the Constitution and SCOTUS only ruled on laws that implied same.

There is an implication of racism in Art. I, sec 2, clause 3. As for women voting, it would seem clause 1 is informative.
Comrade Bernard Sanders' Vision For a New Socialist America

What's new about it?

Socialism is merely a means to take wealth from those who earn and create it, and transfer it to those who don't.

It's sometimes put in place with good intentions - the desire to "help" those who earn or create little.

But being horribly open to abuse, it always get perverted into vote-buying and favoritism for randomly-chosen "favored groups", and people with the right connections.

People quickly find that the way to get this free largesse, is to engage in the right political activity instead of working hard to create the wealth.

Q. Who labored for Carnegie? On whose back did he earn his great wealth?
Bernie's vision is definitely the direction in which we appear to be going.

What does the GOP plan to do about it, precisely?

The Right doesn't seem to have a plan to "earn" multi-billion dollar bonuses for the People even with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint at their potential disposal; is the right planning to fail.
Comrade Bernard Sanders' Vision For a New Socialist America

What's new about it?

Socialism is merely a means to take wealth from those who earn and create it, and transfer it to those who don't.

It's sometimes put in place with good intentions - the desire to "help" those who earn or create little.

But being horribly open to abuse, it always get perverted into vote-buying and favoritism for randomly-chosen "favored groups", and people with the right connections.

People quickly find that the way to get this free largesse, is to engage in the right political activity instead of working hard to create the wealth.

Q. Who labored for Carnegie? On whose back did he earn his great wealth?

Fine stay home and vegetate.

But don't demand that taxpayers or wealth producers insure you, feed you, educate you, clothe you , quench your thirst.


Comrade Bernard Sanders' Vision For a New Socialist America

What's new about it?

Socialism is merely a means to take wealth from those who earn and create it, and transfer it to those who don't.

It's sometimes put in place with good intentions - the desire to "help" those who earn or create little.

But being horribly open to abuse, it always get perverted into vote-buying and favoritism for randomly-chosen "favored groups", and people with the right connections.

People quickly find that the way to get this free largesse, is to engage in the right political activity instead of working hard to create the wealth.

Q. Who labored for Carnegie? On whose back did he earn his great wealth?

Fine stay home and vegetate.

But don't demand that taxpayers or wealth producers insure you, feed you, educate you, clothe you , quench your thirst.



Taxpayers already do - and I thank them. Of course I paid for much of my education at a State University, and paid for my retirement by monthly payments to the retirement association for 30 + years. Each month for the past 10-years I thank them; of course thanks from taxpayers during my career in LE were few, whines were much more prevalent.
Wait--you don't want socialism?

You don't want government spying on you?
You don't want to be taxed out of every orifice?
You don't want politicians that pass laws that restrict you rights?

Well comrade,
where have you been these last 15 years?

Because we need a 'real' socialist
to govern our 'real' socialist Utopia!​


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]Oh no, not the "FEMA camps" meme again!!! Bernie isn't fascistic, militaristic and paramilitary forces go against his very nature.
You think this gives him a chance of being nominated? That was your original thesis. Seems ludicrous to me. You're creating a demon that doesn't exist. He'll be interesting for a while, but he doesn't have a chance if he's anything like you say.

Sanders is the left Ron Paul...

Yes he will be fun to listen to, and may have some interesting ideas and a few good points of view, but at the end of it he will never obtain the Democrat Nomination...

The OP'er should be more worried about what the GOP might nominate and less about Mr. Sanders...
Since Americans have twice voted for closet Communism and closets are soooooo last century, isn't it time we elected an open and honest one? I mean, the country is obviously ready for communal everything so why not just say it as well as doing it?
Comrade Bernard Sanders' Vision For a New Socialist America

What's new about it?

Socialism is merely a means to take wealth from those who earn and create it, and transfer it to those who don't.

It's sometimes put in place with good intentions - the desire to "help" those who earn or create little.

But being horribly open to abuse, it always get perverted into vote-buying and favoritism for randomly-chosen "favored groups", and people with the right connections.

People quickly find that the way to get this free largesse, is to engage in the right political activity instead of working hard to create the wealth.

Q. Who labored for Carnegie? On whose back did he earn his great wealth?

Fine stay home and vegetate.

But don't demand that taxpayers or wealth producers insure you, feed you, educate you, clothe you , quench your thirst.



Taxpayers already do - and I thank them. Of course I paid for much of my education at a State University, and paid for my retirement by monthly payments to the retirement association for 30 + years. Each month for the past 10-years I thank them; of course thanks from taxpayers during my career in LE were few, whines were much more prevalent.
Comrade Bernard Sanders' Vision For a New Socialist America

What's new about it?

Socialism is merely a means to take wealth from those who earn and create it, and transfer it to those who don't.

It's sometimes put in place with good intentions - the desire to "help" those who earn or create little.

But being horribly open to abuse, it always get perverted into vote-buying and favoritism for randomly-chosen "favored groups", and people with the right connections.

People quickly find that the way to get this free largesse, is to engage in the right political activity instead of working hard to create the wealth.

Q. Who labored for Carnegie? On whose back did he earn his great wealth?

Fine stay home and vegetate.

But don't demand that taxpayers or wealth producers insure you, feed you, educate you, clothe you , quench your thirst.



Taxpayers already do - and I thank them. Of course I paid for much of my education at a State University, and paid for my retirement by monthly payments to the retirement association for 30 + years. Each month for the past 10-years I thank them; of course thanks from taxpayers during my career in LE were few, whines were much more prevalent.

Most taxpayers are not voluntarily supporting you - they are compelled by the police state to support you - lest the powerful domestic paramilitary force will decimate them.

Socialism = Equality of privileges and immunities. Capitalism = Equality, if you can afford it.

SOCIALISM = equal misery to the commoners ; wealth for the party Commissars, ie Prime Minister Bernard Sanders and his Apparatchik

Capitalism, individual liberty and the right to pursue happiness if you are a producer who subscribes to the work ethic and is honest enough to reject the unearned.


I've sufficiently exported assets that I feel America really needs to go all the way with Nutty Old Uncle Bernie. Nothing trumps experience and experience will come very quickly.
Socialism = Equality of privileges and immunities. Capitalism = Equality, if you can afford it.

SOCIALISM = equal misery to the commoners ; wealth for the party Commissars, ie Prime Minister Bernard Sanders and his Apparatchik

Capitalism, individual liberty and the right to pursue happiness if you are a producer who subscribes to the work ethic and is honest enough to reject the unearned.


Socialism gave me a clue and a Cause for free; still saving to buy yours?
Socialism = Equality of privileges and immunities. Capitalism = Equality, if you can afford it.

SOCIALISM = equal misery to the commoners ; wealth for the party Commissars, ie Prime Minister Bernard Sanders and his Apparatchik

Capitalism, individual liberty and the right to pursue happiness if you are a producer who subscribes to the work ethic and is honest enough to reject the unearned.


Socialism gave me a clue and a Cause for free; still saving to buy yours?



Sorry but if a libtard wins the whitehouse in 2016, I would rather see bernie than hilda beast. Not to worry tho, libtards canditates are done for the next 8 years

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