Comrade De Blasio dances with wife in Times Square after locking everyone else out.

New Yorkers voted for him in a presumably honest election.

So they have no right to complain.

That he actually thought that he could be a viable candidate for President is an indication of his lack of self-awareness.
Good for De Blasio. He had the cunning to fool a city of 8 million imbeciles to elect him twice despite being the biggest failure of a mayor in NYC history. I hope he rubs it in their faces everyday until he leaves office. New Yorkers deserve every bad thing they get.

Surprised Cuomo isn't there dancing right beside him.




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You are being played, folks. Time to wake up.
Time to get off your high horse, snowflake. It's like y'all are becoming professional offendaristas!
You are one of De Blimpo’s useful idiots.
You are being played, folks. Time to wake up.
Time to get off your high horse, snowflake. It's like y'all are becoming professional offendaristas!
You are one of De Blimpo’s useful idiots.
I thought Trump was De Blimpo!

Rules for thee but not for me. These communist and socialist mayors and governors love Covid.
LMAO DeBlasio has my vote for DUMBEST Covid mayor. NYC did it to themselves I have no sympathy for them.

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