Comrade Trump Jr. compares Syrian Refugees to Skittles

Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,

We need fewer Muslims, not more.
The current population of Muslims in the US is 1% of the entire population. The vast, vast majority of them are peaceful, non violent people. Valid, real human beings. We have more to fear in the US of the violence that comes from 'white' people than we do from such a miniscule percent of the population that Muslims are.
If you had a roomful of people who wanted guns, and you knew that one of them planned to commit murder with that gun,

would you give them all guns anyway?

If you had a roomful of congressmen who wanted power, and you knew that one of them planned to create a gargantuan welfare/warfare police state ,

would you give them all power anyway?

Two of Trumps "Skittles"

Which one do you think is a terrorist?



It's Trumps heartless analogy, not mine

These are the "skittles" that Trump wants to cast aside because he is afraid they might be terrorists
10 of these 'skittles' in the last 10 years have been 'poisonous'. Jr's analogy is spot on.

If YOU want to take them all in knowing the vetting process is broken, go for it.

Be honest, RW, if you were given a bowl of candy and told several pieces are poisonous, would you grab a handful and eat them any way? If you answer, 'Yes', YOU ARE A LIAR.

The Irish were drunks and hoodlums....we didn't ban all Irish because some were "bad skittles"
Italians were connected to the mafia....we didn't ban them because some were "bad skittles"
We took in Vietnamese refugees after the war....we didn't ban them because some may be "bad commie skittles"
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,
And just 150 years ago they said the same about Irish immigrants...

Trump is using the same fear mongering against Mexicans

Murderers, rapists and drug very afraid
Only a wall can protect you and your family
He can't even protect his name as a logo...
Be honest, RW, if you were given a bowl of candy and told several pieces are poisonous, would you grab a handful and eat them any way?
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,

We need fewer Muslims, not more.
The current population of Muslims in the US is 1% of the entire population. The vast, vast majority of them are peaceful, non violent people. Valid, real human beings. We have more to fear in the US of the violence that comes from 'white' people than we do from such a miniscule percent of the population that Muslims are.
Be honest, RW, if you were given a bowl of candy and told several pieces are poisonous, would you grab a handful and eat them any way?
Ok I'll be honest

Any population we look at will have a small portion that are "bad skittles"
Should we ban an entire population because some may be bad?

Back to your question

There is a chance that everything I eat may be poison. Does that mean I should stop eating?
The Irish were drunks and hoodlums....

'Generalization' - the tell-tale sign of a BIGOT.
You mean like the generalization that Syrians are terrorists?

One would have to be retarded to the max to believe that after the number that uncle tom Obama has done to Syria that many of them would not want to retaliate against the US and Americans.

We let Vietnamese refugees into the country and many had a grudge against the us. They made good citizens

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The Irish were drunks and hoodlums....

'Generalization' - the tell-tale sign of a BIGOT.
You mean like the generalization that Syrians are terrorists?

One would have to be retarded to the max to believe that after the number that uncle tom Obama has done to Syria that many of them would not want to retaliate against the US and Americans.

We let Vietnamese refugees into the country and many had a grudge against the us. They made good citizens


In the 1950's Viet Nam was divided into two , the Communist North and the non communist South.

The US fought to liberate SOUTH VIETNAM from the tyrannical North.

In Syria, on the other hand

the US invaded that Country in order to support and defend Israel The US has invaded Syria in order to allow Israel to retain the Golan Heights and in order to make Israel the only power in the middle east. The US has financially and militarily aided ISIS and Al Nusrah , which are populated by former Baathists , Sunni, Iraqis who were displaced when Bush II invaded that Country.

So Syrians know, or should know, that the Obama administration invaded and destroyed their country PRIMARILY to comply with Israel demands.

The Irish were drunks and hoodlums....

'Generalization' - the tell-tale sign of a BIGOT.
You mean like the generalization that Syrians are terrorists?

One would have to be retarded to the max to believe that after the number that uncle tom Obama has done to Syria that many of them would not want to retaliate against the US and Americans.

We let Vietnamese refugees into the country and many had a grudge against the us. They made good citizens
They escaped Communism. Many came here from Cambodia as well. They seemed to have had a strong work ethic before they came here, so they turned out to be good citizens. Not so with some of the rabble Obama is bringing here now.
The Irish were drunks and hoodlums....

'Generalization' - the tell-tale sign of a BIGOT.
You mean like the generalization that Syrians are terrorists?

One would have to be retarded to the max to believe that after the number that uncle tom Obama has done to Syria that many of them would not want to retaliate against the US and Americans.

We let Vietnamese refugees into the country and many had a grudge against the us. They made good citizens


In the 1950's Viet Nam was divided into two , the Communist North and the non communist South.

The US fought to liberate SOUTH VIETNAM from the tyrannical North.

In Syria, on the other hand

the US invaded that Country in order to support and defend Israel The US has invaded Syria in order to allow Israel to retain the Golan Heights and in order to make Israel the only power in the middle east. The US has financially and militarily aided ISIS and Al Nusrah , which are populated by former Baathists , Sunni, Iraqis who were displaced when Bush II invaded that Country.

So Syrians know, or should know, that the Obama administration invaded and destroyed their country PRIMARILY to comply with Israel demands.


The US has invaded Syria in order to allow Israel to retain the Golan Heights

Israel has easily held the Golan Heights for nearly 50 years.
They needed no help against little Assad.

in order to make Israel the only power in the middle east

They are the only military power in the middle east.
I am a man. I walk upright. I fear neither guns nor dogs nor swimming pools nor refugees. I recognize flawed arguments from a mile away.

Too bad Trump's Chumps cannot say the same.

Fear is the rational response to random death.
Those moments of fear are when you find out if all those platitudes about belief are something you really hold as important, or if you were just talking crap.

There's a lot of good people dying in Syria that wouldn't be dying if we take them in. This is the moment that the world will look and see what we're made of. Are we cowards that run away as fast as we can, or are we the brave and good people that head into trouble to help?

I've lived my whole life believing that we as a country are the people that run in and help, danger be damned. We saw that on 9/11 when firefighters ran into the Towers to help people out. We saw that as people stopped and helped others down the stairs when they could have just as easily ran past. We saw that when the passengers of United 93 took down their plane rather than give in to the terrorists. I've seen that in countless mass shootings as officers rush in to save lives.

This is no different, and it is a test just as important. It is a test the world failed back in the 40's when millions of Jews found themselves trapped in Nazi Germany because the whole world turned their back on them. It is a test. And if we fail this test, then we show the world our principles aren't worth crap.

So yeah, this Skittle analogy pisses me off. And yeah, I get pissed off when I see the cowards in this thread who have decided it is better to let people die than to help. So I will say this as clearly as I can:

If you are refusing to take in the lost and desperate because you are scared, you are not an American. You are not a Christian. You do not represent the values Americans hold. You do not represent the values of the "Shining City on the Hill." You do not represent the values of an America that is Great or Exceptional. You are cowards and weak. You represent a view of America that is no better, no more exceptional, and no more special than any other nation on Earth. You are not Making America Great Again! You are making us weak, cowardly, and at best average.
You mean like the generalization that Syrians are terrorists?
I have never said all Syrians are terrorists. I have pointed out, though, that the Obama Terrorist Experts have warned Obama that terrorists have infiltrated the ranks of Syrian Refugees AND that Barry's 'vetting' process has not caught them

YOU, on the other hand, implied all Irish are drunks.
The Irish were drunks and hoodlums....

'Generalization' - the tell-tale sign of a BIGOT.
You mean like the generalization that Syrians are terrorists?

One would have to be retarded to the max to believe that after the number that uncle tom Obama has done to Syria that many of them would not want to retaliate against the US and Americans.

We let Vietnamese refugees into the country and many had a grudge against the us. They made good citizens


In the 1950's Viet Nam was divided into two , the Communist North and the non communist South.

The US fought to liberate SOUTH VIETNAM from the tyrannical North.

In Syria, on the other hand

the US invaded that Country in order to support and defend Israel The US has invaded Syria in order to allow Israel to retain the Golan Heights and in order to make Israel the only power in the middle east. The US has financially and militarily aided ISIS and Al Nusrah , which are populated by former Baathists , Sunni, Iraqis who were displaced when Bush II invaded that Country.

So Syrians know, or should know, that the Obama administration invaded and destroyed their country PRIMARILY to comply with Israel demands.


We had no way of knowing whether the Vietnamese we were letting into the country might be commies, might have a grudge against the US for deserting their country, might have had loved ones who were killed by Americans

Yet, we allowed them in anyway

That's the way it works with Skittles. You accept them all and take the risk that some may be bad
There is a chance that everything I eat may be poison. Does that mean I should stop eating?
Nice dodge...let's try it again....

You are given a bowl of skittle and told not that some MAY be poisonous but that some ARE you still grab a handful and eat them.

AGAIN, if you are honest you would say 'NO'!
You mean like the generalization that Syrians are terrorists?
I have never said all Syrians are terrorists. I have pointed out, though, that the Obama Terrorist Experts have warned Obama that terrorists have infiltrated the ranks of Syrian Refugees AND that Barry's 'vetting' process has not caught them

YOU, on the other hand, implied all Irish are drunks.

No...I said "Drunks and Hoodlums"

That was a popular characterization of the day and was used to discriminate against the Irish. Yet, we allowed millions into the country even though some may be "bad skittles"

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