Comrade Trump Jr. compares Syrian Refugees to Skittles

Jim, why not tell the TRUTH in the title of your thread? He actually compared these violent terrorists coming in to POISONOUS skittles....that's a big piece you intentionally left out.

Oh shut up.....Even the Skittles manufacturer has denounced this slime ball brat. Time for you to grow up, too.

Skittles are candy. Refugees are people. We don’t feel it’s an appropriate analogy. We will respectively refrain from further commentary, as anything we say could be misinterpreted as marketing,” Chicago-based Wrigley Americas said in a statement provided by Denise Young, vice president of corporate affairs.
Skittles maker Wrigley offers up best reply to Donald Trump Jr.’s refugee tweet
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,

We need fewer Muslims, not more.

I agree especially since we taxpayers will be paying for these scum for years to come.

Fifty three percent of Americans and thirty one States don't want them here so what does douchebag do?? Why bring more in so we taxpayers can support them. What a flaming idiot he is.
I've got a great idea. When Trump wins, let's give all the Leftist/Progs free tickets to Syria and Iraq!
Maybe we could deport all the illegal Mexicans to Syria and Iraq while sending all the Syrian and Somali 'refugees' to Mexico?![/QUOTE]

We can use "green" renewable energy to provide travel, but I would insist that all travel be restricted to the eastern hemisphere.

One of the best modes of travel we could provide is actually somewhat out dated but with modern technology we could propel people quite a distance and at low cost. Just getting the regressive left to resettle in France would double our GDP as well.

I agree especially since we taxpayers will be paying for these scum for years to come.

Fifty three percent of Americans and thirty one States don't want them here so what does douchebag do?? Why bring more in so we taxpayers can support them. What a flaming idiot he is.

He's a flaming faggot, not an idiot.

He knows damn well what he's doing.

On second thought I suppose he really is an idiot too.

On Martin Luther King Day, Senator Hillary Clinton, flanked by the Reverend Al Sharpton, told parishioners at the Canaan Baptist Church of Christ in Harlem that the House of Representatives "has been run like a plantation, and you know what I'm talking about."

Hillary loves her some race baiting, huh?

Republicans are slave owners? HUH?

Can anyone remind the class who it was that opposed ending slavery? THE SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS.
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,



Better to let them all die than to risk a few bad ones getting through

Similar logic to why we wouldn't accept the Jews in 1939
No, these refugees could be housed and cared for easier and far cheaper in locations closer to their own country. This solution would also prevent potential harm to our national security and citizens as well. Only YOU are saying 'let 'em die, better safe than sorry' in your last statement.

You keep saying that but offer no practical examples

If we could set up a safe resettlement camp, we would
Donald Trump Jr said it was raining cats and dogs...PETA condemns the abuse of animals by throwing them from clouds
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,



Better to let them all die than to risk a few bad ones getting through

Similar logic to why we wouldn't accept the Jews in 1939

It is really a sad state of affairs.

The US has single handedly destroyed Syria in order to benefit Israel.

Understandably , Syrians are upset that their families have been killed and their country has been destroyed by the US.

Syrians will seek retaliation.

Can immigration proceed under those circumstances? Can Americans be placed again in Harms way by the powers-that-be?

Here's the real poison in the pot: And they are breeding other callous, spoiled, clueless ones just like themselves.

On Martin Luther King Day, Senator Hillary Clinton, flanked by the Reverend Al Sharpton, told parishioners at the Canaan Baptist Church of Christ in Harlem that the House of Representatives "has been run like a plantation, and you know what I'm talking about."

Hillary loves her some race baiting, huh?

Republicans are slave owners? HUH?

Can anyone remind the class who it was that opposed ending slavery? THE SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS.

Slavery existed in the South for 200 years before the Democratic Party came into existence in the 1830s. They were not responsible for it.

Which party TODAY is fighting for the ideals that supported slavery? The Republican Party is defending the right to fly the Confederate Flag, States Rights, right to secession
Jim, why not tell the TRUTH in the title of your thread? He actually compared these violent terrorists coming in to POISONOUS skittles....that's a big piece you intentionally left out.

Oh shut up.....Even the Skittles manufacturer has denounced this slime ball brat. Time for you to grow up, too.

Skittles are candy. Refugees are people. We don’t feel it’s an appropriate analogy. We will respectively refrain from further commentary, as anything we say could be misinterpreted as marketing,” Chicago-based Wrigley Americas said in a statement provided by Denise Young, vice president of corporate affairs.
Skittles maker Wrigley offers up best reply to Donald Trump Jr.’s refugee tweet

That statement will cause Skittles parent corporation tumble in the stock market knowing there are poison Skittles. Candy eaters will forgo Skittles and buy M & M's. Does Trump Jr. own stock in M & M's parent corporation?
Comparing immigrants to snakes, rapists, a Trojan Horse and poisoned candy is actually a smear to an entire nation of immigrants. To me, that's obvious. We are people. Human beings.
What would the founding fathers think?
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,

It was excellent. Bummer that it made you cry.


Thank you for posting this. Leftist/Progs only understand simple graphics. Anything else is too difficult for them.

Right wing dirt bags think that Obama is a dictator. They should spend just one day under the hand of Bashar al Assad. That would shut their big mouths up and introduce them to reality. Take your guns and put 'em where the sun don't shine, since Obama never wanted them in the first place.
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,

Typical lefty.....more concerned about offending candy than dealing with the actual know, the one that stabbed 8 people in a mall in Minnesota and set off bombs in New Jersey and New York this weekend....

Neither of which were refugees.

Neither of which were refugees.

Excellent point. We need to get rid of all the Muslims who are already here.

I read that Obama fixed Syria, we should send them all there.
I would rather see your kind leave. Don't you love Russia? Go there.
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,

It was excellent. Bummer that it made you cry.


Thank you for posting this. Leftist/Progs only understand simple graphics. Anything else is too difficult for them.

Right wing dirt bags think that Obama is a dictator. They should spend just one day under the hand of Bashar al Assad. That would shut their big mouths up and introduce them to reality. Take your guns and put 'em where the sun don't shine, since Obama never wanted them in the first place.
Or their god, Putin.
Which is better, Skittles or straight out jelly beans (minus any poison in either)?

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