Comrade Trump Jr. compares Syrian Refugees to Skittles

Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,

Typical lefty.....more concerned about offending candy than dealing with the actual know, the one that stabbed 8 people in a mall in Minnesota and set off bombs in New Jersey and New York this weekend....

Neither of which were refugees.

They were MOOSLUMS you twit!

Who should we load into cattlecars next? Mormons? Fundamentalist Amish?

Throw all of the Mennonites in the clink. They are running around loose throwing bombs.
Send those damned dirty Jews Muslims back to Hitler Assad.
Send those damned dirty Jews Muslims back to Hitler Assad.


What does Assad has to do with the fact that OBAMA has forced Syrians to be international refugees?


I nominate this ^^^^ post above as the stupidest one of the month.

Syria: The story of the conflict
Syria: The story of the conflict - BBC News
More than 250,000 Syrians have lost their lives in four-and-a-half years of armed conflict, which began with anti-government protests before escalating into a full-scale civil war. More than 11 million others have been forced from their homes as forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and those opposed to his rule battle each other - as well as jihadist militants from so-called Islamic State. This is the story of the civil war so far, in eight short chapters.

1. Uprising turns violent
Pro-democracy protests erupted in March 2011 in the southern city of Deraa after the arrest and torture of some teenagers who painted revolutionary slogans on a school wall. After security forces opened fire on demonstrators, killing several, more took to the streets.

The unrest triggered nationwide protests demanding President Assad's resignation. The government's use of force to crush the dissent merely hardened the protesters' resolve. By July 2011, hundreds of thousands were taking to the streets across the country.

Opposition supporters eventually began to take up arms, first to defend themselves and later to expel security forces from their local areas.


2. Descent into civil war

Violence escalated and the country descended into civil war as rebel brigades were formed to battle government forces for control of cities, towns and the countryside. Fighting reached the capital Damascus and second city of Aleppo in 2012.

By June 2013, the UN said 90,000 people had been killed in the conflict. By August 2015, that figure had climbed to 250,000, according to activists and the UN.

The conflict is now more than just a battle between those for or against Mr Assad. It has acquired sectarian overtones, pitching the country's Sunni majority against the president's Shia Alawite sect, and drawn in regional and world powers. The rise of the jihadist group Islamic State (IS) has added a further dimension.

Syria: The story of the conflict - BBC News


Israel , the Neocrazies and the American Likudnicks have been demanding that the US destroy Syria and Iraq since 1996

Israel wants to retain control of the Golan Heights

Israel does not want Syria to retaliate when Israel attacks Iran

ISIS and AL NUSRAH are populated by former Iraqui Sunni Baathists displaced when Saddam was removed from power. Saudi Arabia wants to use them to remove Assad , a shiite, from power.

The Obama Administration is using ISIS and Al Nusrah as useful idiots. Since they oppose Assad and are fighting to weaken Syria and remove Assad the Obama administrations treats them as allies.


Who needs facts when we can just read your biased, propagandized bullshit?
Obama - "Now they're going after skittles.. I'm going to have to sign a new EO late tonight banning all Conservatives from green skittles, no not lime of course.. "
Tim Kaine - "Oh Bammy, when you talk skittles I get the tingles all over the hair on my my baaaa lllllzzz"

Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,

Wow. THat is almost the exact argument I was making a couple of weeks ago (i used m$ms). I wonder...

Regardless he is completely correct.

And the skittle people need to be less of whiny bitches.

Hey, how many countries do the Syrian refugees have to pass by or though on their way to the US? Is it more that 10? Is it more than twenty? Is it more than 30?
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,

Typical lefty.....more concerned about offending candy than dealing with the actual know, the one that stabbed 8 people in a mall in Minnesota and set off bombs in New Jersey and New York this weekend....

Neither of which were refugees.

Neither of which were refugees.

Excellent point. We need to get rid of all the Muslims who are already here.

I read that Obama fixed Syria, we should send them all there.

And to think that many RW posters around here repeatedly insist that they never condemn innocent Muslims.

There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim!!!

In reference to your sig graphic of the lion....


You DO realize that the lion icon was used by European monarchs as identities for their kingdoms, right? So you must be a communist or something if you're seeking a despot to rule the U.S.

These lions have erect tails. Why is Donald's lion's tail so limp?
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Typical lefty.....more concerned about offending candy than dealing with the actual know, the one that stabbed 8 people in a mall in Minnesota and set off bombs in New Jersey and New York this weekend....

Neither of which were refugees.

Neither of which were refugees.

Excellent point. We need to get rid of all the Muslims who are already here.

I read that Obama fixed Syria, we should send them all there.

And to think that many RW posters around here repeatedly insist that they never condemn innocent Muslims.

There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim!!!

In reference to your sig graphic of the lion....You DO realize that the lion icon was used by European monarchs as identities for their kingdoms, right? So you must be a communist or something if you're seeking a despot to rule the U.S. Why don't you just move to Russia?
Bwhahahahaha Hahahahaha You liberoidals look like a bunch of Horses azzes ROFL You're so fucking insane, that you don't even realize any longer just how far out on the coocoo branch you fruitbatz are..
Who should we load into cattlecars next? Mormons? Fundamentalist Amish?

Only people I've seen loaded into Cattle Cars are people that leftist states exterminated, and no one is talking about doing anything to those goat fuckers beyond keeping them out of our country.

How do people as stupid as you survive this long? You would have died under a sink years ago if the Drano didn't have a child resistant lid on it.

This is almost as amusing as the fight over taco day at the college cafeteria with mexicans yelling "We are not sombreros".
Typical lefty.....more concerned about offending candy than dealing with the actual know, the one that stabbed 8 people in a mall in Minnesota and set off bombs in New Jersey and New York this weekend....

Neither of which were refugees.

Neither of which were refugees.

Excellent point. We need to get rid of all the Muslims who are already here.

I read that Obama fixed Syria, we should send them all there.

And to think that many RW posters around here repeatedly insist that they never condemn innocent Muslims.

There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim!!!

In reference to your sig graphic of the lion....


You DO realize that the lion icon was used by European monarchs as identities for their kingdoms, right? So you must be a communist or something if you're seeking a despot to rule the U.S.

These lions have erect tails. Why is Donald's lion's tail so limp?

Hillarious. You can't see the humor in the analogy and go to all that effort to degrade it?
Skittles Issues Terse Response to Trump Jr. Refugee Tweet

Just another spoiled rich kid. I am sure dad is very proud of Comrade Junior for such a sick analogy,,,

Typical lefty.....more concerned about offending candy than dealing with the actual know, the one that stabbed 8 people in a mall in Minnesota and set off bombs in New Jersey and New York this weekend....

Neither of which were refugees.

Neither of which were refugees.

Excellent point. We need to get rid of all the Muslims who are already here.

I read that Obama fixed Syria, we should send them all there.

And to think that many RW posters around here repeatedly insist that they never condemn innocent Muslims.

The innocent ones can fix Syria.
The hillarity of the responses from the Leftist/Progs is the best amusement of the day.
Neither of which were refugees.

The next time you tell the truth will be the first time.

Rahami is indeed a refugee, born in Afghanistan to parents that fled with their family. He was raised in America, in a refugee family.

Who is Ahmad Khan Rahami? -

Then Comrade Trump and Junior Comrade better get busy staking out ALL the homes of anyone they think may want to plant a bomb. I get they could really put away a lot of Skittles while they lay in wait.
If you are given a small bowl of skittles and are told that 5 - 6 of them are poisonous, are you really going to take the chance of picking out a few and HOPE you didn't pick the poisonous ones?

Hell NO!

Yet that is what Barry and Hillary are telling the American people they plan to do by brining in these questionably vetted 'refugees' from war-torn, Islamic Terrorist-infested, America-hating regions.

10 times in the last 2 years alone Islamic extremists / Terrorists have slipped in to the US.
Hey, trust them.
All immigrants that came within the last 20 years need to be deported, including the third wife of Comrade Trump.
Hillarious. You can't see the humor in the analogy and go to all that effort to degrade it?
I definitely see the humor in the ACTUAL analogy that was made; however, the thread title used is a lie, a mis-representation of what was truly said.

Once again libs have to create a FALSE narrative to attack because they can't attack what was ACTUALLY said.

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