Comrade Trump visits CIA headquarters and.....lies

It's pretty obvious there weren't that many at Trump's inauguration, pick the fly shit out of the pepper all you want about that, there was about a third as many then at the last inauguration. No two ways about that.

But the Trump speech at the CIA, holy fucking shit. He went there to extend an olive branch to the agency he's been calling incompetent, blaming for leaks, etc. Within minutes he was talking how smart he is because his uncle teaches at MIT, crowd sizes, attacking the liberal media, how young he feels. Watching the video you can how uncomfortable the senior CIA officials in the front rows were getting. That was just bizarre.

Yeah, those senior CIA officials sitting in front were probably handed their pink slips!

You think that's a good thing?

I wonder, were those things they were handed really pink, or were they red? Did they require the senior officials to sign an oath to support Trump and his ally Putin?
Just an observation.
Crowd size doesn't change the fact that Mr. Donald J. Trump is the President of the United States of America. All this psychobabble is about nothing of importance, will not change that fact and a waste of time. If it helps to stop the pain, then by all means keep doing it.
The media has lied about the size of the inauguration crowds. It's douche bag defenders in this forum have been caught propagating those lies with their misleading photos.

Another ^^^ RW Fool who needs a reality check.

As always, your evidence that I'm wrong is nothing more than your dislike for what I have to say.
That's President Trump, he won, you lost, we are celebrating.

Nope, Comrade with it

And we all lost.

WHY do the RWNJ Pootarians believe that its only libs/Dems who trump will screw?

OP - yep, cracked me up that he even lied about this. Its like he doesn't know we get the news, including videos of his crazy ass lies.
Trump is going to be an absolute disaster for the white working class and the white poor, the people the media is crediting with Trump’s win.

Lower-income whites are not going to suffer from Trump’s restrictions on Muslims traveling, or from his mass deportations, or from his cavalier attitude toward police brutality. In fact, they love him for it.

However, Trump has promised an economic agenda that will increase the ranks of the uninsured by ten to twenty million, that will eliminate crucial safety net programs for low and moderate-income Americans, that could start a trade war that drives up prices and devastates the economy, and that will put in place a tax code that exacerbates inequality and leaves many families with children worse off.

Trump has promised he will make American wealthy. But that doesn't mean all Americans. In fact, he is speaking of the 1%. He has promised to slash their taxes and cut out regulations designed to protect the poor and the working class Americans.

For seniors he is suggested lower premiums. For the poor and middle class? Nope for the top 1% who have seen big premium increases under Obama. He suggested a Medicare voucher program with no mention of current beneficiaries keeping the traditional program. He offered one of the most extreme Social Security privatization proposals.

One might ask, why the middle class workers and the poor working class whites would support Trump. IMHO, they support him because they blame their problems on, Washington, illegal immigrants, and lack of jobs, all which Trump promised to fix. However, of all Trump's promises, these are least likely to happen and the least likely to help these people. The most likely promises that he will keep will not help them
Very superficial observation and simplified to drive a false narrative appealing to the covetousness of simpletons.
This sounds more like demagoguery propaganda from a soap box at Speaker's Corner, Hyde Park in London than a rational analysis.
Apparently Flopper believes that higher taxes, more regulations and more floods of cheap foriegn labor into the country are the way to prosperity for the middle class.
That's President Trump, he won, you lost, we are celebrating.

Nope, Comrade with it
Call him whatever you like, but don't call him boring. He will be like no other president. He is a populist president with a protectionist pledge and a promise to return the power back to the people. What's not to like about that?

Trump is more like Kim Jong-un than Ronald Reagan. One can be a patriot without going to the extreme; one can forestall brinkmanship and seek win-win solutions. Brinkmanship is a zero sum game.
That is doubtful. You shouldn't casually discard brinkmanship. Every tool has a use.
That's President Trump, he won, you lost, we are celebrating.

Nope, Comrade with it

And we all lost.

WHY do the RWNJ Pootarians believe that its only libs/Dems who trump will screw?

OP - yep, cracked me up that he even lied about this. Its like he doesn't know we get the news, including videos of his crazy ass lies.
Trump is going to be an absolute disaster for the white working class and the white poor, the people the media is crediting with Trump’s win.

Lower-income whites are not going to suffer from Trump’s restrictions on Muslims traveling, or from his mass deportations, or from his cavalier attitude toward police brutality. In fact, they love him for it.

However, Trump has promised an economic agenda that will increase the ranks of the uninsured by ten to twenty million, that will eliminate crucial safety net programs for low and moderate-income Americans, that could start a trade war that drives up prices and devastates the economy, and that will put in place a tax code that exacerbates inequality and leaves many families with children worse off.

Trump has promised he will make American wealthy. But that doesn't mean all Americans. In fact, he is speaking of the 1%. He has promised to slash their taxes and cut out regulations designed to protect the poor and the working class Americans.

For seniors he is suggested lower premiums. For the poor and middle class? Nope for the top 1% who have seen big premium increases under Obama. He suggested a Medicare voucher program with no mention of current beneficiaries keeping the traditional program. He offered one of the most extreme Social Security privatization proposals.

One might ask, why the middle class workers and the poor working class whites would support Trump. IMHO, they support him because they blame their problems on, Washington, illegal immigrants, and lack of jobs, all which Trump promised to fix. However, of all Trump's promises, these are least likely to happen and the least likely to help these people. The most likely promises that he will keep will not help them
Very superficial observation and simplified to drive a false narrative appealing to the covetousness of simpletons.
This sounds more like demagoguery propaganda from a soap box at Speaker's Corner, Hyde Park in London than a rational analysis.

The irony in this ^^^ post is the author offered a "simplified (effort) to drive a false narrative appealing to the covetousness of simpletons"! If there is any truth to his rant, the simpletons are those who believed Trump could do anything he promised, and they would benefit, and so voted for him.
That's President Trump, he won, you lost, we are celebrating.

Nope, Comrade with it

And we all lost.

WHY do the RWNJ Pootarians believe that its only libs/Dems who trump will screw?

OP - yep, cracked me up that he even lied about this. Its like he doesn't know we get the news, including videos of his crazy ass lies.
Trump is going to be an absolute disaster for the white working class and the white poor, the people the media is crediting with Trump’s win.

Lower-income whites are not going to suffer from Trump’s restrictions on Muslims traveling, or from his mass deportations, or from his cavalier attitude toward police brutality. In fact, they love him for it.

However, Trump has promised an economic agenda that will increase the ranks of the uninsured by ten to twenty million, that will eliminate crucial safety net programs for low and moderate-income Americans, that could start a trade war that drives up prices and devastates the economy, and that will put in place a tax code that exacerbates inequality and leaves many families with children worse off.

Trump has promised he will make American wealthy. But that doesn't mean all Americans. In fact, he is speaking of the 1%. He has promised to slash their taxes and cut out regulations designed to protect the poor and the working class Americans.

For seniors he is suggested lower premiums. For the poor and middle class? Nope for the top 1% who have seen big premium increases under Obama. He suggested a Medicare voucher program with no mention of current beneficiaries keeping the traditional program. He offered one of the most extreme Social Security privatization proposals.

One might ask, why the middle class workers and the poor working class whites would support Trump. IMHO, they support him because they blame their problems on, Washington, illegal immigrants, and lack of jobs, all which Trump promised to fix. However, of all Trump's promises, these are least likely to happen and the least likely to help these people. The most likely promises that he will keep will not help them
Very superficial observation and simplified to drive a false narrative appealing to the covetousness of simpletons.
This sounds more like demagoguery propaganda from a soap box at Speaker's Corner, Hyde Park in London than a rational analysis.

The irony in this ^^^ post is the author offered a "simplified (effort) to drive a false narrative appealing to the covetousness of simpletons"! If there is any truth to his rant, the simpletons are those who believed Trump could do anything he promised, and they would benefit, and so voted for him.
No, the "simpletons" are the working Americans who voted for Hillary even though she told them straight out that she intended to fuck them up the ass.
That's President Trump, he won, you lost, we are celebrating.

Nope, Comrade with it
Call him whatever you like, but don't call him boring. He will be like no other president. He is a populist president with a protectionist pledge and a promise to return the power back to the people. What's not to like about that?

Trump is more like Kim Jong-un than Ronald Reagan. One can be a patriot without going to the extreme; one can forestall brinkmanship and seek win-win solutions. Brinkmanship is a zero sum game.
That is doubtful. You shouldn't casually discard brinkmanship. Every tool has a use.

Can you give an example? How well do you think Brinkmanship will play, given Spicer's rant today?
That's President Trump, he won, you lost, we are celebrating.

Nope, Comrade with it
Call him whatever you like, but don't call him boring. He will be like no other president. He is a populist president with a protectionist pledge and a promise to return the power back to the people. What's not to like about that?

Trump is more like Kim Jong-un than Ronald Reagan. One can be a patriot without going to the extreme; one can forestall brinkmanship and seek win-win solutions. Brinkmanship is a zero sum game.
That is doubtful. You shouldn't casually discard brinkmanship. Every tool has a use.

Can you give an example? How well do you think Brinkmanship will play, given Spicer's rant today?
Is "brinkmanship" where you tell some country that if they cross some red line that dire consequences will result?
That's President Trump, he won, you lost, we are celebrating.

Nope, Comrade with it
Call him whatever you like, but don't call him boring. He will be like no other president. He is a populist president with a protectionist pledge and a promise to return the power back to the people. What's not to like about that?

Trump is more like Kim Jong-un than Ronald Reagan. One can be a patriot without going to the extreme; one can forestall brinkmanship and seek win-win solutions. Brinkmanship is a zero sum game.
That is doubtful. You shouldn't casually discard brinkmanship. Every tool has a use.

Can you give an example? How well do you think Brinkmanship will play, given Spicer's rant today?
The October Missile Crisis.
Nope, Comrade with it

And we all lost.

WHY do the RWNJ Pootarians believe that its only libs/Dems who trump will screw?

OP - yep, cracked me up that he even lied about this. Its like he doesn't know we get the news, including videos of his crazy ass lies.
Trump is going to be an absolute disaster for the white working class and the white poor, the people the media is crediting with Trump’s win.

Lower-income whites are not going to suffer from Trump’s restrictions on Muslims traveling, or from his mass deportations, or from his cavalier attitude toward police brutality. In fact, they love him for it.

However, Trump has promised an economic agenda that will increase the ranks of the uninsured by ten to twenty million, that will eliminate crucial safety net programs for low and moderate-income Americans, that could start a trade war that drives up prices and devastates the economy, and that will put in place a tax code that exacerbates inequality and leaves many families with children worse off.

Trump has promised he will make American wealthy. But that doesn't mean all Americans. In fact, he is speaking of the 1%. He has promised to slash their taxes and cut out regulations designed to protect the poor and the working class Americans.

For seniors he is suggested lower premiums. For the poor and middle class? Nope for the top 1% who have seen big premium increases under Obama. He suggested a Medicare voucher program with no mention of current beneficiaries keeping the traditional program. He offered one of the most extreme Social Security privatization proposals.

One might ask, why the middle class workers and the poor working class whites would support Trump. IMHO, they support him because they blame their problems on, Washington, illegal immigrants, and lack of jobs, all which Trump promised to fix. However, of all Trump's promises, these are least likely to happen and the least likely to help these people. The most likely promises that he will keep will not help them
Very superficial observation and simplified to drive a false narrative appealing to the covetousness of simpletons.
This sounds more like demagoguery propaganda from a soap box at Speaker's Corner, Hyde Park in London than a rational analysis.

The irony in this ^^^ post is the author offered a "simplified (effort) to drive a false narrative appealing to the covetousness of simpletons"! If there is any truth to his rant, the simpletons are those who believed Trump could do anything he promised, and they would benefit, and so voted for him.
No, the "simpletons" are the working Americans who voted for Hillary even though she told them straight out that she intended to fuck them up the ass.
..and put coal miners out of business taking the means of their livelihood....
Nope, Comrade with it
Call him whatever you like, but don't call him boring. He will be like no other president. He is a populist president with a protectionist pledge and a promise to return the power back to the people. What's not to like about that?

Trump is more like Kim Jong-un than Ronald Reagan. One can be a patriot without going to the extreme; one can forestall brinkmanship and seek win-win solutions. Brinkmanship is a zero sum game.
That is doubtful. You shouldn't casually discard brinkmanship. Every tool has a use.

Can you give an example? How well do you think Brinkmanship will play, given Spicer's rant today?
Is "brinkmanship" where you tell some country that if they cross some red line that dire consequences will result?
That would be an example. Brinkmanship could loosely be defined as any hard line stance. It doesn't have to be an ultimatum.
That's President Trump, he won, you lost, we are celebrating.

Nope, Comrade with it

And we all lost.

WHY do the RWNJ Pootarians believe that its only libs/Dems who trump will screw?

OP - yep, cracked me up that he even lied about this. Its like he doesn't know we get the news, including videos of his crazy ass lies.
You fascists lost Dudley Luddite....elections have consequences.....
From Trump's CIA speech:
"There is nobody that feels stronger about the intelligence community and CIA than Donald Trump," he said. "There's nobody."

Always a sign of good mental stability, it is, when someone speaks of themselves in the third person.
Nope, Comrade with it
Call him whatever you like, but don't call him boring. He will be like no other president. He is a populist president with a protectionist pledge and a promise to return the power back to the people. What's not to like about that?

Trump is more like Kim Jong-un than Ronald Reagan. One can be a patriot without going to the extreme; one can forestall brinkmanship and seek win-win solutions. Brinkmanship is a zero sum game.
That is doubtful. You shouldn't casually discard brinkmanship. Every tool has a use.

Can you give an example? How well do you think Brinkmanship will play, given Spicer's rant today?
The October Missile Crisis.

You need to read:

Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis

I read the book years ago and remember the intense negotiations described between JFK and Khrushchev.

"Cold War tensions reached a high point in October 1962 when the United States discovered Soviet nuclear missiles stationed in Cuba. The world appeared to be on the brink of nuclear conflict, but, after a 13-day standoff, Khrushchev agreed to remove the weapons. In return, U.S. President John F. Kennedy, who one year earlier had authorized the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, publicly consented not to attack Cuba. Kennedy also privately agreed to take American nuclear weapons out of Turkey. In July 1963, the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union negotiated a partial nuclear test ban."

Brinkmanship is sans discussion and negotiations:

Brinkmanship: the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, typically in politics. Khrushchev engaged in Brinkmanship, but Kennedy did not, He put our forces on alert:

"In a dramatic televised address to the American public, President John F. Kennedy announces that the Soviet Union has placed nuclear weapons in Cuba and, in response, the United States will establish a blockade around the island to prevent any other offensive weapons from entering Castro’s state. Kennedy also warned the Soviets that any nuclear attack from Cuba would be construed as an act of war, and that the United States would retaliate in kind."

Kennedy announces blockade of Cuba during the Missile Crisis - Oct 22, 1962 -
From Trump's CIA speech:
"There is nobody that feels stronger about the intelligence community and CIA than Donald Trump," he said. "There's nobody."

Always a sign of good mental stability, it is, when someone speaks of themselves in the third person.
I wouldn't say always. See below, there are a few reasons for speaking in the third person. Please, next time educate yourself before state "facts"

"Early literature such as Julius Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico or Xenophon's Anabasis, both ostensibly non-fictional accounts of wars led by their authors, used illeism to impart an air of objective impartiality to the account, which included justifications of the author's actions....[...] Illeism in everyday speech can have a variety of intentions depending on context. One common usage is to impart humility..."
Illeism - Wikipedia
Now, do you really think the CIA people that listened to the Comrade thought that THE MEDIA was the reason the Comrade doubted their reports on Russian hacking? Do you really think the CIA people that listened to the Comrade blamed the media for comparing intelligence agents for the the CIA to Nazi Germany? REALLY?

If you are going to defend the Comrade every time he lies in the next four years, you are going to be very, very busy. Fortunately, the only time that he lies is when he opens his mouth. I expect he does not share falsehoods when he is asleep...GOOD LUCK!
And we all lost.

WHY do the RWNJ Pootarians believe that its only libs/Dems who trump will screw?

OP - yep, cracked me up that he even lied about this. Its like he doesn't know we get the news, including videos of his crazy ass lies.
Trump is going to be an absolute disaster for the white working class and the white poor, the people the media is crediting with Trump’s win.

Lower-income whites are not going to suffer from Trump’s restrictions on Muslims traveling, or from his mass deportations, or from his cavalier attitude toward police brutality. In fact, they love him for it.

However, Trump has promised an economic agenda that will increase the ranks of the uninsured by ten to twenty million, that will eliminate crucial safety net programs for low and moderate-income Americans, that could start a trade war that drives up prices and devastates the economy, and that will put in place a tax code that exacerbates inequality and leaves many families with children worse off.

Trump has promised he will make American wealthy. But that doesn't mean all Americans. In fact, he is speaking of the 1%. He has promised to slash their taxes and cut out regulations designed to protect the poor and the working class Americans.

For seniors he is suggested lower premiums. For the poor and middle class? Nope for the top 1% who have seen big premium increases under Obama. He suggested a Medicare voucher program with no mention of current beneficiaries keeping the traditional program. He offered one of the most extreme Social Security privatization proposals.

One might ask, why the middle class workers and the poor working class whites would support Trump. IMHO, they support him because they blame their problems on, Washington, illegal immigrants, and lack of jobs, all which Trump promised to fix. However, of all Trump's promises, these are least likely to happen and the least likely to help these people. The most likely promises that he will keep will not help them
Very superficial observation and simplified to drive a false narrative appealing to the covetousness of simpletons.
This sounds more like demagoguery propaganda from a soap box at Speaker's Corner, Hyde Park in London than a rational analysis.

The irony in this ^^^ post is the author offered a "simplified (effort) to drive a false narrative appealing to the covetousness of simpletons"! If there is any truth to his rant, the simpletons are those who believed Trump could do anything he promised, and they would benefit, and so voted for him.
No, the "simpletons" are the working Americans who voted for Hillary even though she told them straight out that she intended to fuck them up the ass.

You're also a lunatic. That's no ad hominem, since you have no ability to form a rational argument.

Yes, the RW loons who voted for the Comrade never expected him to share his tax returns. They certainly expected him to give big tax deductions to the wealthy.

So, when he runs for a second term in 2019, and he has not release his income tax returns from 2016, are you RWers still going to by the "audit lie?" Really, are you that stupid?
Call him whatever you like, but don't call him boring. He will be like no other president. He is a populist president with a protectionist pledge and a promise to return the power back to the people. What's not to like about that?

Trump is more like Kim Jong-un than Ronald Reagan. One can be a patriot without going to the extreme; one can forestall brinkmanship and seek win-win solutions. Brinkmanship is a zero sum game.
That is doubtful. You shouldn't casually discard brinkmanship. Every tool has a use.

Can you give an example? How well do you think Brinkmanship will play, given Spicer's rant today?
The October Missile Crisis.

You need to read:

Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis

I read the book years ago and remember the intense negotiations described between JFK and Khrushchev.

"Cold War tensions reached a high point in October 1962 when the United States discovered Soviet nuclear missiles stationed in Cuba. The world appeared to be on the brink of nuclear conflict, but, after a 13-day standoff, Khrushchev agreed to remove the weapons. In return, U.S. President John F. Kennedy, who one year earlier had authorized the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, publicly consented not to attack Cuba. Kennedy also privately agreed to take American nuclear weapons out of Turkey. In July 1963, the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union negotiated a partial nuclear test ban."

Brinkmanship is sans discussion and negotiations:

Brinkmanship: the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, typically in politics. Khrushchev engaged in Brinkmanship, but Kennedy did not, He put our forces on alert:

"In a dramatic televised address to the American public, President John F. Kennedy announces that the Soviet Union has placed nuclear weapons in Cuba and, in response, the United States will establish a blockade around the island to prevent any other offensive weapons from entering Castro’s state. Kennedy also warned the Soviets that any nuclear attack from Cuba would be construed as an act of war, and that the United States would retaliate in kind."

Kennedy announces blockade of Cuba during the Missile Crisis - Oct 22, 1962 -
Of course Kennedy engaged in brinkmanship. He forced Soviet ships to submit to search or turn around. Plans for a strike were prepared. Brinkmanship was the order of the day.

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