Concealed Carrier holds driver at gunpoint after he hits 7 year old

And yet when we point out New Jersey and New York and other states that use the very laws you want to deny the right to carry a want them imposed at a federal level, thinking that federal gun grabbers will be more reasonable than state gun grabbers?
You are seeing things that aren't there. Please show me, or link me to, anything I've ever said that implies the kind of laws you've outlined above.

The only gun law I would like imposed at the federal level is a law that will enable any citizen with a clean background who has received training and passed a competence test to be issued a CCW permit.

Without even considering the issue, and the influence of the NRA, GOA, and other pro-gun citizen organizations, you have assumed that government will make the competence test so difficult that only the rich and powerful will qualify. Again I remind you, if government had that kind of ability it would by now have stripped you and me of our guns.

Right now, with few exceptions, the individual states have imposed such repressive requirements that the average law-abiding citizen cannot obtain a carry permit -- in spite of the fact that needing to carry a gun has become more and more necessary. My proposed federal law will eliminate all this arbitrary state-level bullshit and result in many millions of competently armed, decent, law-abiding citizens.

And you may rest assured this Nation is soon going to need them to deal with the kind of menace which is coming across our borders in massive numbers.
States have liberalized gun laws, meaning making them more lax. NJ is in a bubble as are a few other states but most are not hostile to ccw, some are shall issue, some are may issue.

But once control goes to central government, power has been given (or taken) and then the clock starts ticking on when, not if, they start seriously restricting gun rights. We don't have to guess, we have examples from all over the world.
This is a shall issue/open carry state. We are not experiencing the problems you fear. You are in a no carry state and base your opinions on that.
Not quite.

My concern is not only the ability to carry, but to carry concealed and to be trained in efficient and proper use and handling of the weapon one carries.
This is a shall issue/open carry state. We are not experiencing the problems you fear. You are in a no carry state and base your opinions on that.
Not quite.

My concern is not only the ability to carry, but to carry concealed and to be trained in efficient and proper use and handling of the weapon one carries.
Like I said before, you are in a noncarry state, for all practical purposes, telling me in a shall issue/open carry state about your concerns that are not realized here. I can't understand it for you.

But once control goes to central government, power has been given (or taken) and then the clock starts ticking on when, not if, they start seriously restricting gun rights. We don't have to guess, we have examples from all over the world.
If your concern were a likely contingency you may rest assured that by now none of us would have our guns.

The bottom line is this issue is and always will be in the hands of the Congress. The problem with existing gun laws is public ignorance. But in view of what we see happening in Europe the American public's ignorance of and pessimism about guns is changing. It it time for the public to tell the Congress it's time for change in the gun laws. We need more armed citizens on our streets.

Not only armed but competently armed. want to give the government complete control over a Right by allowing them to set the standards on how you access that right...and New Jersey, and New York...which you brought up, would become the standard....and then only the favored people would be allowed to pass those tests.....
What about my proposal would limit the Keep and Bear element of the Second Amendment? You are seeing what you want to see. My proposal addresses one issue. Concealed Carry.

I want to see more solid citizens armed -- and every one of them competently[/i] armed.

But once control goes to central government, power has been given (or taken) and then the clock starts ticking on when, not if, they start seriously restricting gun rights. We don't have to guess, we have examples from all over the world.
If your concern were a likely contingency you may rest assured that by now none of us would have our guns.

The bottom line is this issue is and always will be in the hands of the Congress. The problem with existing gun laws is public ignorance. But in view of what we see happening in Europe the American public's ignorance of and pessimism about guns is changing. It it time for the public to tell the Congress it's time for change in the gun laws. We need more armed citizens on our streets.

Not only armed but competently armed.
Federal control is too dangerous. The feds don't give up power. Change your state. I don't know what you mean by America's ignorance. We probably have more knowledgeable people here than anywhere. want to give the government complete control over a Right by allowing them to set the standards on how you access that right...and New Jersey, and New York...which you brought up, would become the standard....and then only the favored people would be allowed to pass those tests.....
What about my proposal would limit the Keep and Bear element of the Second Amendment? You are seeing what you want to see. My proposal addresses one issue. Concealed Carry.

I want to see more solid citizens armed -- and every one of them competently[/i] armed.

They set the standard....they can set any standard....and make it impossible for you to meet point out New Jersey and New York and stil don't get that if you federalize a training standard...they can control who gets to carry a gun...

And aint that hard or complicated..........357 million people....15 million carrying guns concealed....and you can't show that we have a problem.....
Not only armed but competently armed.
Federal control is too dangerous. The feds don't give up power. Change your state. I don't know what you mean by America's ignorance. We probably have more knowledgeable people here than anywhere.[/QUOTE]
I mean ignorance about guns. Far too many Americans know absolutely nothing about guns and are therefore afraid of them. This is the consequence of generations of gradually emerging authoritarian government with emphasis on police power and incremental reduction in citizens' ability to defend themselves.

But circumstances which are presently evolving in Europe will soon be manifesting here. It is time for our government's attitude and position on armed citizens to change. And the way for that to happen is via pressure on the Congress.

The bottom line is the issue I'm raising, as well as all gun-related issues, is in the hands of the People. And this is an opportune time to push for radical changes in our gun laws.
Please correct your post, those are your words in the quote. Like I said, we are probably the most knowledgeable about guns, congress needs to stay out of it, I don't trust politicians.

We have to agree to disagree.

And aint that hard or complicated..........357 million people....15 million carrying guns concealed....and you can't show that we have a problem.....
Of those 15 million only a tiny percentage have been tried in terms of their ability to function competently. This is analogous to issuing swimming pool passes to anyone and everyone who asks for one, including those who have never been in the water. Just because they have the pool pass doesn't mean they can swim -- and a lot of them can't.
And yet when we point out New Jersey and New York and other states that use the very laws you want to deny the right to carry a want them imposed at a federal level, thinking that federal gun grabbers will be more reasonable than state gun grabbers?
You are seeing things that aren't there. Please show me, or link me to, anything I've ever said that implies the kind of laws you've outlined above.

The only gun law I would like imposed at the federal level is a law that will enable any citizen with a clean background who has received training and passed a competence test to be issued a CCW permit.

Without even considering the issue, and the influence of the NRA, GOA, and other pro-gun citizen organizations, you have assumed that government will make the competence test so difficult that only the rich and powerful will qualify. Again I remind you, if government had that kind of ability it would by now have stripped you and me of our guns.

Right now, with few exceptions, the individual states have imposed such repressive requirements that the average law-abiding citizen cannot obtain a carry permit -- in spite of the fact that needing to carry a gun has become more and more necessary. My proposed federal law will eliminate all this arbitrary state-level bullshit and result in many millions of competently armed, decent, law-abiding citizens.

And you may rest assured this Nation is soon going to need them to deal with the kind of menace which is coming across our borders in massive numbers.
Should some level of training and certification be mandated before one can practice a religion as well?

And aint that hard or complicated..........357 million people....15 million carrying guns concealed....and you can't show that we have a problem.....
Of those 15 million only a tiny percentage have been tried in terms of their ability to function competently. This is analogous to issuing swimming pool passes to anyone and everyone who asks for one, including those who have never been in the water. Just because they have the pool pass doesn't mean they can swim -- and a lot of them can't.

And yet...time and again, people with little...or use guns effectively...because they are not complicated to use.....and the minute you give morons the power to say yes or no to carrying a gun based on a test...that test will become the way they limit access to the poor are just wrong on this....
The only gun law I would like imposed at the federal level is a law that will enable any citizen with a clean background who has received training and passed a competence test to be issued a CCW permit.

Yes, but what happens when Democrats get leadership of our federal government, and changes the test so just about nobody could pass it?

Because if you federalize gun requirements, then you must also federalize the laws. A gun permit is only as good as the laws that protect the shooter, and those laws are made in the state--not federal level.

For instance, if somebody busts out my car window in effort to car jack me and I gun him down, I have no worries because of the laws we have in my state. I would be in panic if that happened to me in New York or California where the laws are more for the criminal.

This is why you have to leave everything up to the state. Because the state creates all of the laws concerning guns and the rights to using guns.
There cannot be proper gun control if it is left to individual states when firearms can bleed from one place to the next. What is needed is federal gun control.

That's what we have with recreational narcotics. How's that working out for us?

And just what kind of gun control do you speak of?
There cannot be proper gun control if it is left to individual states when firearms can bleed from one place to the next. What is needed is federal gun control.

That's what we have with recreational narcotics. How's that working out for us?

And just what kind of gun control do you speak of?
Cannabis is less deadly than cigarettes or alcohol.
Members of the national guards have the right and the police but not any psycho citizen.
Cannabis is less deadly than cigarettes or alcohol.
Members of the national guards have the right and the police but not any psycho citizen.

And all opiate drugs are more deadly than alcohol or tobacco. What's your point?

Where in the Constitution does it say police and national guards?

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