Concern Grows Over Soros-Linked Voting Machines...

Its a shame that you guys love shit with your whole heart until it comes back to bite you dumb shits in the future. Remember how people were complaining about Diebold voting machines and the right fucking loved it ONLY BECAUSE liberals didnt like it?

Well now here you are...shoe on the other fucking foot and you dont like it. Oh but since you were all for it before it sounds funny when you pretend to be concerned about voting irregularities

You won't like it much should these jackals finally take control....useful idiots like you are discarded for the slightest infraction of the obedience they demand.
Its a shame that you guys love shit with your whole heart until it comes back to bite you dumb shits in the future. Remember how people were complaining about Diebold voting machines and the right fucking loved it ONLY BECAUSE liberals didnt like it?

Well now here you are...shoe on the other fucking foot and you dont like it. Oh but since you were all for it before it sounds funny when you pretend to be concerned about voting irregularities

You won't like it much should these jackals finally take control....useful idiots like you are discarded for the slightest infraction of the obedience they demand.

Cut the drama queenery dude. Theres plenty to talk about without pretending this is the fucking Hunger Games. It makes you look stupid
Cut the drama queenery dude. Theres plenty to talk about without pretending this is the fucking Hunger Games. It makes you look stupid

My can't handle the conversation get your fairy ass out of it, boy.

Thats not a conversation, thats you pretending to be Chicken little with your scared ass. Go hide in a bunker for 4 years if you scared
Its a shame that you guys love shit with your whole heart until it comes back to bite you dumb shits in the future. Remember how people were complaining about Diebold voting machines and the right fucking loved it ONLY BECAUSE liberals didnt like it?

Well now here you are...shoe on the other fucking foot and you dont like it. Oh but since you were all for it before it sounds funny when you pretend to be concerned about voting irregularities
Don't give tom credit for even showing the potential for voting irregularity.

Smartmatic - Wikipedia

Tom's entire schtick is premised upon the chairman of Smartmatic being a former UN official (cue scary conspiracy music) and who sits on the board of Soros's open society foundations.
Drudge, REALLY?

Oh, you are one of those?

Shall we instead wait for those bastions of truth, ABC, CNN, PBS, et al. to tell the story?

I do not have another 100 years.

You are one of those naive lovers-of-anything-left who think if the Big Six do not report on it, it has no value. But for the one thousandth time, it is not what you say that makes you corrupt, it is what you don't say.
Oh go piss up a fucking rope you fucking freak! A person owning his or her own mind and is capable of thinking for themselves, does not have to be goose stepping along with you in the parade of fools and other useful idiots. Enjoy your propaganda mills, you mindless fool!

You avoided the questions.

Instead you got hot and bothered. (so composed)

Yet you act like you know so much by telling us Drudge is a B.S. and you are some kind of in-the-know star.

-- yawn --
Drudge is the #1 rated news site on the entire internet. Leftists DESPISE light exposing their corruption hence his hatred toward Matt Drudge..
Tom's entire schtick is premised upon the chairman of Smartmatic being a former UN official (cue scary conspiracy music) and who sits on the board of Soros's open society foundations.

There's no "schtick" involved.....Soros is a piece of shit communist and he's got control of the voting in 16 vital states. Remember this....we can easily pull the same shit on you.
Tom's entire schtick is premised upon the chairman of Smartmatic being a former UN official (cue scary conspiracy music) and who sits on the board of Soros's open society foundations.

There's no "schtick" involved.....Soros is a piece of shit communist and he's got control of the voting in 16 vital states. Remember this....we can easily pull the same shit on you.

So youre going to ignore Diebold and pretend this is the first time this happened huh? I would too if just a few years ago I was for it until now
Leftist hyenas smirking over Trump claims of a rigged election should take note of just how corrupt the Rat party is. The Clinton machine has managed to disengage the DOJ and FBI from Hillary's criminal activities, used the MSM to promote her lies and ignore her disregard for American sovereignty, and now this....the voting machines in crucial states are presumably rigged to deliver her an election "mandate":


Concern is growing over revelations that voting machines in a significant number of states could be linked to a company tied directly to billionaire leftist George Soros and his personal quest to create a nationless, borderless global state.

The U.K.-based Smartmatic company posted a flow-chart on its website that it had provided voting machines for 16 states, including important battleground states like Florida and Arizona. Smartmatic Chairman Mark Malloch-Brown is a former U.N. official and sits on the board of Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Since the story first broke the flow-chart has disappeared from Smartmatic’s website, raising further questions about the real status of the Soros-tied voting equipment and whether it is truly being deployed in U.S. elections.

Smartmatic had claimed it provided machines to Arizona, California, Colorado, Washington, D.C., Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin -- it has since pulled that information off its website.

Concern Grows Over Soros-Linked Voting Machines

I'm losing count.....

Is the Soros' "conspiracy" 32nd or 31st in the number of excuses as to why right wingers will be called losers on Nov. 9th................????

Please clarify so that I can keep count. LOL
So youre going to ignore Diebold and pretend this is the first time this happened huh? I would too if just a few years ago I was for it until now

Frankly, I couldn't care less what we have to do to stop you freaks from destroying our country further. If Soros' machines are programmed to turn Trump votes into Beast votes, I'd be fine with the russians reverse-hacking them to assure a Trump win. Are we clear?
Tom's entire schtick is premised upon the chairman of Smartmatic being a former UN official (cue scary conspiracy music) and who sits on the board of Soros's open society foundations.

There's no "schtick" involved.....Soros is a piece of shit communist and he's got control of the voting in 16 vital states. Remember this....we can easily pull the same shit on you.

So youre going to ignore Diebold and pretend this is the first time this happened huh? I would too if just a few years ago I was for it until now
Tom's entire schtick is premised upon the chairman of Smartmatic being a former UN official (cue scary conspiracy music) and who sits on the board of Soros's open society foundations.

There's no "schtick" involved.....Soros is a piece of shit communist and he's got control of the voting in 16 vital states. Remember this....we can easily pull the same shit on you.

So youre going to ignore Diebold and pretend this is the first time this happened huh? I would too if just a few years ago I was for it until now
There's no real comparison between Smartmattic and Diebold. Possibly a contrast, but not really a comparison.
On noes! Not George Soros!

The typical American, brainwashed by the terminology of political “right” and “left,” often is puzzled by apparent inconsistencies in Soros’s behavior. On the one hand, the Jewish investor generally opposes Zionism and Israel’s genocide of Palestinians, yet he is guilty of the worst forms of crony capitalism and exploitative libertarianism, while funding a variety of social uprisings. But, in reality, his views and practices are remarkably consistent.

Apparently, Soros learned his trading practices through the black market in Hungary’s “bad old days.” This amoral ruthlessness in pursuit of profit allowed him to amass a fortune of approximately $22 billion, while nearly destroying the currencies of Great Britain and Malaysia. He was convicted of insider trading by a French court, and Thailand branded him an “economic war criminal,” according to the online FrontPage Magazine.

George Soros: Billionaire Terrorist
So youre going to ignore Diebold and pretend this is the first time this happened huh? I would too if just a few years ago I was for it until now

Frankly, I couldn't care less what we have to do to stop you freaks from destroying our country further. If Soros' machines are programmed to turn Trump votes into Beast votes, I'd be fine with the russians reverse-hacking them to assure a Trump win. Are we clear?

Yes, you hate everything America is. Gotcha
Do NOT Use Voting Machines Owned By George Soros –



You have a right to request – no DEMAND – a paper ballot. If they don't have one at the polling place, demand the person in charge get one.

Here are 2 examples of what they look like:



More information @ ALERT: Do NOT Use Voting Machines Owned By George Soros - HERE'S HOW YOU CAN TELL

Voting machine in Chicago switches Republican votes into Democratic votes @ Wow! Voting machine in Chicago switches Republican votes into Democratic votes


Take a good look at the machines.
I'd be fine with the russians reverse-hacking them to assure a Trump win. Are we clear?

HornyTom is becoming UNhinged........Keep sharp objects away from this Trumpster.....LOL

I always enjoy the look of bewilderment on little creeps' faces when one of these rigged elections blows up in your face. November 9th will be one of those days.

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