Concern Grows Over Soros-Linked Voting Machines...

So youre going to ignore Diebold and pretend this is the first time this happened huh? I would too if just a few years ago I was for it until now

Frankly, I couldn't care less what we have to do to stop you freaks from destroying our country further. If Soros' machines are programmed to turn Trump votes into Beast votes, I'd be fine with the russians reverse-hacking them to assure a Trump win. Are we clear?

I'd be fine with the russians reverse-hacking them to assure a Trump win. Are we clear?

HornyTom is becoming UNhinged........Keep sharp objects away from this Trumpster.....LOL

I always enjoy the look of bewilderment on little creeps' faces when one of these rigged elections blows up in your face. November 9th will be one of those days.
No evidence of any such thing, dupe. Enjoy the historic landslide, and the GOP split in favor of reform....
Do NOT Use Voting Machines Owned By George Soros –



You have a right to request – no DEMAND – a paper ballot. If they don't have one at the polling place, demand the person in charge get one.

Here are 2 examples of what they look like:



More information @ ALERT: Do NOT Use Voting Machines Owned By George Soros - HERE'S HOW YOU CAN TELL

Voting machine in Chicago switches Republican votes into Democratic votes @ Wow! Voting machine in Chicago switches Republican votes into Democratic votes


Take a good look at the machines.

That's right. Don't use them. Don't even touch them. Don't touch any voting machine that's blue. :biggrin:

In fact, you should stay home on the 8th, because that's the day Obama is coming for your guns.
Drudge, REALLY?

Oh, you are one of those?

Shall we instead wait for those bastions of truth, ABC, CNN, PBS, et al. to tell the story?

I do not have another 100 years.

You are one of those naive lovers-of-anything-left who think if the Big Six do not report on it, it has no value. But for the one thousandth time, it is not what you say that makes you corrupt, it is what you don't say.
Oh go piss up a fucking rope you fucking freak! A person owning his or her own mind and is capable of thinking for themselves, does not have to be goose stepping along with you in the parade of fools and other useful idiots. Enjoy your propaganda mills, you mindless fool!

You avoided the questions.

Instead you got hot and bothered. (so composed)

Yet you act like you know so much by telling us Drudge is a B.S. and you are some kind of in-the-know star.

-- yawn --
Drudge is the #1 rated news site on the entire internet. Leftists DESPISE light exposing their corruption hence his hatred toward Matt Drudge..
Drudge is the #1 rated news site on the entire internet.
Drudge is the #1 rated news site on the entire internet.
Drudge is the #1 rated news site on the entire internet.
Drudge is the #1 rated news site on the entire internet.

eBiz/MBA says you're dead wrong! Here is their list of the TOP 15 news sites on the internet as of this month, and Matt Drudge's POS site is not listed! Why am I not surprised! Both you and Zombie boy are among the lowest of the uninformed RWNj parrots.
Top 15 Most Popular News Websites | October 2016
Tom's entire schtick is premised upon the chairman of Smartmatic being a former UN official (cue scary conspiracy music) and who sits on the board of Soros's open society foundations.

There's no "schtick" involved.....Soros is a piece of shit communist and he's got control of the voting in 16 vital states. Remember this....we can easily pull the same shit on you.

Soros sold any stake he had in electronic voting machines back in 2006, OVER 10 YEARS AGO... and then it was sold again after that and split in to two separate companies....None of the electronic voting machines when Soros did own this company, were ever used in USA elections.


Claim: George Soros-controlled Smartmatic manufactures the voting machines used in 16 crucial states, and those states will be rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton.


FALSE: George Soros Controls Smartmatic Voting Machines in 16 States

“Soros doesn’t ‘own’ any of these international venture capital firms — and as far as my research shows, he has no involvement whatsoever with any of them,” Malkin writes.

Fact Check: Does George Soros Own an Overseas Company That Will Count U.S. Votes?
Keep a close eye on these 16 states. Remember, it's the same Soros System that was used to rig several Elections in Venezuela. We'll be observing a blatant subversion of Democracy in action. But will most care? Stay tuned.
You think Soros rigged elections for Chavez? Really.
Sixteen states will use balloting equipment provided by a company tied to the leftist billionaire

Concern is growing over revelations that voting machines in a significant number of states will be controlled by a company tied directly to billionaire leftist George Soros and his personal quest to create a nationless, borderless global state.

The U.K.-based Smartmatic company has provided voting machines for 16 states, including important battleground states like Florida and Arizona. Smartmatic Chairman Mark Malloch-Brown is a former U.N. official and sits on the board of Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

Leaked emails courtesy of WikiLeaks have shed further light on the deeply incestuous relationship between Soros and high-level Democratic Party players. The discovery that the man in control of voting machines in 16 states is tied directly to the man who has given millions of dollars to the Clinton campaign and various progressive and globalist causes...

Concern Grows Over Soros-Linked Voting Machines
Geezzzz! How many times will this moronic lie be parroted by mindless drones?

Not only is Soros not involved in the Smartmatic company, there are NO Smartmatic voting machines in use in any state!!!!!!
Sixteen states will use balloting equipment provided by a company tied to the leftist billionaire

Concern is growing over revelations that voting machines in a significant number of states will be controlled by a company tied directly to billionaire leftist George Soros and his personal quest to create a nationless, borderless global state.

The U.K.-based Smartmatic company has provided voting machines for 16 states, including important battleground states like Florida and Arizona. Smartmatic Chairman Mark Malloch-Brown is a former U.N. official and sits on the board of Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

Leaked emails courtesy of WikiLeaks have shed further light on the deeply incestuous relationship between Soros and high-level Democratic Party players. The discovery that the man in control of voting machines in 16 states is tied directly to the man who has given millions of dollars to the Clinton campaign and various progressive and globalist causes...

Concern Grows Over Soros-Linked Voting Machines
CLAIM: George Soros-controlled Smartmatic manufactures the voting machines used in 16 crucial states, and those states will be rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton.


Must be helpful having gullible idiots as supporters

FALSE: George Soros Controls Smartmatic Voting Machines in 16 States

Just for record Soros doesn't own a cent of Smartatic Voting...

Soros sold any stake he had in electronic voting machines back in 2006, OVER 10 YEARS AGO... and then it was sold again after that and split in to two separate companies....None of the electronic voting machines when Soros did own this company, were ever used in USA elections.


Claim: George Soros-controlled Smartmatic manufactures the voting machines used in 16 crucial states, and those states will be rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton.


FALSE: George Soros Controls Smartmatic Voting Machines in 16 States

“Soros doesn’t ‘own’ any of these international venture capital firms — and as far as my research shows, he has no involvement whatsoever with any of them,” Malkin writes.

Fact Check: Does George Soros Own an Overseas Company That Will Count U.S. Votes?

A 2006 classified U.S. diplomatic cable obtained and released by WikiLeaks reveals the extent to which Smartmatic may have played a hand in rigging the 2004 Venezuelan recall election under a section titled "A Shadow of Fraud." The memo stated that "Smartmatic Corporation is a riddle both in ownership and operation, complicated by the fact that its machines have overseen several landslide (and contested) victories by President Hugo Chavez and his supporters."

"The Smartmatic machines used in Venezuela are widely suspected of, though never proven conclusively to be, susceptible to fraud," the memo continued. "The Venezuelan opposition is convinced that the Smartmatic machines robbed them of victory in the August 2004 referendum. Since then, there have been at least eight statistical analyses performed on the referendum results."

So our government knows SOROS machines are rigged to steal elections and has placed them in to 16 states
Further proof of the worthlessness of anything from RussiaLeaks/WikiLies.


Smartmatic is 100% privately owned. Smartmatic has no ties to political parties or groups in any country and abides by a stringent code of ethics that forbids the company to ever donate to any political campaigns of any kind.

• The company’s headquarters were based in Florida for many years, but have since moved to London to service its global client base.

George Soros does not have and has never had any ownership stake in Smartmatic.

• It is no secret that our Chairman Lord Mark Malloch-Brown is a member of a number of non-profit boards addressing global issues from poverty reduction to conflict resolution, including the Global Board of the Open Society Foundation. This is stated clearly in his official biography.Lord Malloch-Brown is a highly respected global figure whose credentials include former Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations and former Vice-Chairman of the World Economic Forum. He also served in the British Cabinet, as Minister of State in the Foreign Office.

Smartmatic will not be deploying its technology in any U.S. county for the upcoming 2016 U.S. Presidential elections.

Soros sold any stake he had in electronic voting machines back in 2006, OVER 10 YEARS AGO... and then it was sold again after that and split in to two separate companies....None of the electronic voting machines when Soros did own this company, were ever used in USA elections.


Claim: George Soros-controlled Smartmatic manufactures the voting machines used in 16 crucial states, and those states will be rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton.


FALSE: George Soros Controls Smartmatic Voting Machines in 16 States

“Soros doesn’t ‘own’ any of these international venture capital firms — and as far as my research shows, he has no involvement whatsoever with any of them,” Malkin writes.

Fact Check: Does George Soros Own an Overseas Company That Will Count U.S. Votes?

Just read it and go in to the links they provide as's quite thorough and research-able...

Also, I did provide a Glenn beck article on it and a Michelle Malkin quote on it...
Hillary, do you have any problem with a Greek Jew providing voting machines for the US election? Couldn't that be inviting voter fraud?

Just read it and go in to the links they provide as's quite thorough and research-able...

Also, I did provide a Glenn beck article on it and a Michelle Malkin quote on it...

Snopes is a DNC're being civil so I will be too. Snopes is notorious for trying to "bebunk" things democrat elites get caught at. Soros may be gone on paper from Smartmatic but don't fool yourself....he's still involved at a significant level. I don't think you want this kind of fraud to happen....maybe I'm wrong.
Further proof of the worthlessness of anything from RussiaLeaks/WikiLies.
George Soros does not have and has never had any ownership stake in Smartmatic.

• It is no secret that our Chairman Lord Mark Malloch-Brown is a member of a number of non-profit boards addressing global issues from poverty reduction to conflict resolution, including the Global Board of the Open Society Foundation. .

Smartmatic will not be deploying its technology in any U.S. county for the upcoming 2016 U.S. Presidential elections.

I will accept Smartmatic will not be deploying its machines in the US election, simply because I am not going to investigate further.

But to suggest Soros has no ownership in Smartmatic is not the same as saying he has no connections with that company. Quite frankly, I find the connection between Soros and the chairman of Smartmatic to be more than a bit concerning.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The chairman of Smartmatic is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, who sits in the British House of Lords and on the board of George Soros’s Open Society Foundations. He was formerly the vice-chairman of Soros’s Investment Funds and even the deputy secretary-general of the United Nations when he worked as chief of staff to Kofi Annan.

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