Concerned about Looters and Rioters in Houston?

Nonsense. I am an East Texan, and the Astros themselves say they cheated.
I don't care if you own the Asro's. If it doesn't say you can't you can! That's how "rules" work.
Your opinion is immaterial when the Astros themselves said they cheated. You tell an East Texan he does not count, and you are going to be in a world of emotional hurt. :)
Some people believe that anything that is not expressly permitted must be forbidden.
Other people believe that anything not expressly forbidden is clearly permitted.

I'm with the second group.
I like freedom.
You are in a very small minority. The Astros cheated.
I don't watch sports.

How did they cheat?
Police became militarized. And we let it happen. We were sold on SWAT and other in your face departments within police organizations. In fact, police change their official title to law enforcement officers over the years. And there are a lot of laws to enforce. We live by the decree of each local department on how severe in the course of our everyday living we break the law.
I want to see, in writing, the rule the Astros broke- appeasing is not really unpopular- NASCAR did it too- Football and Basketball too- in time all will be forgiven and the Astros will still have the W in the column-

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