Condoleezza Rice Hits Back At Donald Trump, Says George W. Bush 'Not Guilty' For 9/11 Attacks


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

LONDON -- Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has hit back at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for suggesting former President George W. Bush was to blame for 9/11.

In an Oct. 16 appearance on Bloomberg TV Trump pointed a finger at Bush for failing to prevent the terrorist attacks.

"When you talk about George Bush, I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time," Trump said. "He was president, OK? ... Blame him, or don't blame him, but he was president. The World Trade Center came down during his reign."

Rice said on Thursday: "I think Americans are not guilty for 9/11, I think President Bush is not guilty for 9/11."

She made the comments when The Huffington Post asked for her response to Trump's remarks during a Q&A following a speech she gave at the Chatham House foreign affairs think-tank in London.

"All Mr. Trump has to do is read the 9/11 report," she said. "It is incredibly exhaustive about what caused the problem. It is incredibly exhaustive about the challenges of intelligence when we had a very firm barrier between intelligence coming from the outside and intelligence that we could gather inside."

Rice, who was National Security Adviser at the time of the attacks, did, however, say she personally would "plead guilty" to not having imagined terrorists would use passenger aircraft as weapons.

"Yes, maybe there was a lack of imagination to imagine a group of terrorists were going to hijack airplanes and not drive them to the ground and demand a ransom, but use them as missiles against our cities," she said of her time in the White House before the attacks. "I plead guilty to a lack of imagining exactly that."

But she defended Bush: "The idea the president of the United States was warned that Al-Qaeda was going to attack the United States and did nothing about it. Really? Do you think any president of the United States, if he had even an inkling there was going to be an attack, they wouldn’t have moved heaven and earth to try to stop it?" she said.

More: Condoleezza Rice Hits Back At Donald Trump, Says George W. Bush 'Not Guilty' For 9/11 Attacks

No wonder Rice defends Bush - because she was also warned.
We now know there were many pre-9/11 warnings that Bush and Rice ignored.
Donald Trump, to my knowledge, never said Bush was AT FAULT for 9/11/01 but DID say it was undeniable that Bush was President DURING 9/11/01 ... Oh and the ridiculous statement that if he had been president it would never have happened.

"The World Trade Center came down during his reign."
Donald Trump, to my knowledge, never said Bush was AT FAULT for 9/11/01 but DID say it was undeniable that Bush was President DURING 9/11/01 ... Oh and the ridiculous statement that if he had been president it would never have happened.

"The World Trade Center came down during his reign."

Bottom line: Bush did NOT keep us safe!
Bottom line: Bush did NOT keep us safe!

As opposed to Obama:
Armed Mexican Drug Cartels - over 350 dead to include US BPA and soldier
Fort Hood Terrorist Attack
Boston Marathon Terrorist Attack
Navy Recruiter Terrorist attack

As Opposed to Hillary:
4 Americans left behind, abandoned to die

FACT: After 9/11/01, an attack he could not have prevented, there wasn't a successful terrorist attack on US soil again...until Obama took over.
Condoleezza Rice probably bears more responsibility for 9/11 than Bush, as National Security Adviser all those warnings came to her desk first.
Condoleezza Rice probably bears more responsibility for 9/11 than Bush, as National Security Adviser all those warnings came to her desk first.

Nope, Hillary Clinton declared / TESTIFIED last week, all those warnings, requests for additional security, pleas for help, and status reports of things going wrong are handled by mid-level State Department Reps and never make it up to the Sect of State level.

Yet Clinton still washing blood of benghazi deaths from her hands...

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LONDON -- Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has hit back at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for suggesting former President George W. Bush was to blame for 9/11.

In an Oct. 16 appearance on Bloomberg TV Trump pointed a finger at Bush for failing to prevent the terrorist attacks.

"When you talk about George Bush, I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time," Trump said. "He was president, OK? ... Blame him, or don't blame him, but he was president. The World Trade Center came down during his reign."

Rice said on Thursday: "I think Americans are not guilty for 9/11, I think President Bush is not guilty for 9/11."

She made the comments when The Huffington Post asked for her response to Trump's remarks during a Q&A following a speech she gave at the Chatham House foreign affairs think-tank in London.

"All Mr. Trump has to do is read the 9/11 report," she said. "It is incredibly exhaustive about what caused the problem. It is incredibly exhaustive about the challenges of intelligence when we had a very firm barrier between intelligence coming from the outside and intelligence that we could gather inside."

Rice, who was National Security Adviser at the time of the attacks, did, however, say she personally would "plead guilty" to not having imagined terrorists would use passenger aircraft as weapons.

"Yes, maybe there was a lack of imagination to imagine a group of terrorists were going to hijack airplanes and not drive them to the ground and demand a ransom, but use them as missiles against our cities," she said of her time in the White House before the attacks. "I plead guilty to a lack of imagining exactly that."

But she defended Bush: "The idea the president of the United States was warned that Al-Qaeda was going to attack the United States and did nothing about it. Really? Do you think any president of the United States, if he had even an inkling there was going to be an attack, they wouldn’t have moved heaven and earth to try to stop it?" she said.

More: Condoleezza Rice Hits Back At Donald Trump, Says George W. Bush 'Not Guilty' For 9/11 Attacks

No wonder Rice defends Bush - because she was also warned.
Ask any RWr....they would believe that Obama would let it happen.
She screwed up on nation building. Biden told Obama nation building in Afgan was gonna be a bitch, but Hillary and Gates carried the day. We are focking the pooch in Syria, and now Putin is targeting NON-ISIS rebels.

I think people learn. JFK screwed up with the Bay of Pigs, but I don't think he would have gotten qWagmired in Vietnam.

Obama is just hoping to get out of office with Afghan more or less quiet, Obamacare and the Great Recession over. And hope Iraq and Syria don't blow up for another 14 mos.
Ask any RWr....they would believe that Obama would let it happen.

WHY NOT? He was told by Russian Intel and Putin well in advance of the Boston Marathon bombing about the 2 brothers, yet he did little to prevent the attack...let it happen. AFTER the attack the LYING PO$ plastered the brothers' photos all over the news and asked citizens to help ID them....WHEN HE ALREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE!

Evidence has already shown the Obama administration / Hillary knew of the threat of attack in Benghazi, left Stevens as the last foreign rep in Benghazi after all other nations there pulled out, not only denied the additional security he asked for, but also took 16 security members off of his team, leaving him with a force Stevens already told them would result in his death if they were attacked again.

Obama's done it TWICE already....who's to say when / if he will do it again?!
Condoleezza Rice probably bears more responsibility for 9/11 than Bush, as National Security Adviser all those warnings came to her desk first.

Nope, Hillary Clinton declared / TESTIFIED last week, all those warnings, requests for additional security, pleas for help, and status reports of things going wrong are handled by mid-level State Department Reps and never make it up to the Sect of State level.


That's another thing, Condi Rice also released Abu Safian bin Qumu from Gitmo and he later was one of the thugs responsible for Benghazi. So in addition to failing to keep us safe she was also instrumental in the deaths of the four at Benghazi. Why hasn't she ever been called to testify?
Trump never said Bush was responsible for 9/11.

Trump is the master of innuendo.

Full Definition of INNUENDO
a : an oblique allusion : hint, insinuation; especially : a veiled or equivocal reflection on character or reputation

b : the use of such allusions <resorting to innuendo>

innuendo | a statement which indirectly suggests that someone has done something immoral, improper, etc.

I always thought innuendo was an Italian suppository.

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