Condolezza Rice also has a memoir

Sep 12, 2008
About growing up in Birmingham AL.
IIRC, she left the place around age 12.

I've always liked her. I look forward to it.
About growing up in Birmingham AL.
IIRC, she left the place around age 12.

I've always liked her. I look forward to it.

I read her biography 5 or 6 years ago and was astonished by her achievements, that she or others don't even talk about. She is an achiever in the many ways that show how parental involvement and devotion to a child, can help make them what they want to be. They were college educated parents who realized the importance of finding what their one and only child can be, and then helping her towards her goals. Her love then, was academia, not politics, even with Bush, and she hoped to pursue them after politics. Things can and do change however, for many.
As I see it there are but three reasons for voicing a positive opinion of Condoleeza Rice. These are, (1) ethnic solidarity, (2) partisan bias, (3) ignorance.

There was a sufficient amount of information deriving from various intelligence sources along with the FBI to enable anticipation and prevention of the 9/11 attack. There is ample evidence to show that President Bush methodically ignored every item of that information. The consensus among informed opponents of the Bush Administration is the reason the President avoided being informed about the impending terrorist attack is he knew it would facilitate his intention to invade and occupy the nation of Iraq. And the means by which he was able to circumvent awareness of what the collective information clearly foretold was the positioning of a cooperatively knowledgeable buffering agent, his National Security Advisor, Condoleeza Rice.

While most reasonably informed Americans are acutely aware by now that the reason for invading and occupying Iraq was access to the richest remaining oil deposits in the world, what few Americans are aware of is that Condoleeza Rice came to the Bush Administration from a lofty position in the oil industry. Condoleeza Rice was a ranking executive of Chevron and there is a Chevron oil tanker which was named for her.

September 11th Attack on America* & the Energy Connection

BBC News | AMERICAS | Analysis: Oil and the Bush cabinet

So there was a profound and unmistakable commonness of purpose within the Bush/Rice relationship and it was based on more than met the ordinary eye.

While Condoleeza Rice possessed no relevant credentials to qualify her for the position of National Security Advisor or that of Secretary of State, her most substantial and productive activity in both positions was that of protecting her boss from being exposed as the devious, unconscionable war criminal he is. She did this by repeatedly and skillfully obfuscating or brazenly lying to conceal Bush's awareness of information which could have prevented the 9/11 attack and, later, lying with equal vigor to support Bush's fraudulent assertions that the Iraq invasion was necessary.


Bill Moyers Journal . Transcripts | PBS

What those who choose for whatever reason to admire Condoleeza Rice fail to understand or acknowledge is the fact that her actions contributed significantly to the 3,000 deaths in the 9/11 attack, the 4,400+ deaths of American and coalition troops in Iraq, the maiming of tens of thousands more, the deaths of more American and coalition troops in Afghanistan, the deaths of estimated 125,000 innocent Iraqi civilians, the waste of countless billions of dollars in American treasure and the ruin of our country's reputation in the world and the aggregate miseries associated with all of that.

Yet there are those who continue to praise this evil little bitch.
Her directorship at Chevron never was a secret. And they always name tankers after members of the board. When she resigned as director of Chevron, they renamed the tanker. It is now the Altair Voyager.

She is cool. She is very intelligent, and I think her memoir of her days in Birmingham will be an interesting read.
Rice's only qualification was that she is black.

The whole time she was in the White House I doubt she had an original thought.
She has a fascinating back story...the book is called "Extraordinary Ordinary People". It is worth reading just to glimpse the POV of a child who grew up unable to go the movies because she was black and then became NSA to the US President.

But MikeK is 100% correct. Rice had a choice when (as she now implies) forced to conspire with Bush and Cheney against Americans to plot a war. She could have was her moral Waterloo and she sided with the forces of darkness.

So I consider her interesting, but not admirable.
My favorite ConDeLosers Twice lie was in describing the "Clear, Hold and Build" strategy in 2005 saying that the Iraqis were NOW attaining the numbers to HOLD the territory our soldiers had cleared, and then in 2007 we are told that the surge is needed because we need more American soldiers to HOLD the CLEARED territory.

Condoleezza Rice, November 20, 2005: When we talk about clear, hold, and build, what we really mean is that we and the Iraqis have been successful now in clearing areas. Iraqi forces are now attaining the numbers and capabilities that will allow them to hold those places and not allow bad guys to come back. And then they can build economic and political institutions.

HanNITWITy on 1/23/07: Alright. You said there was no new strategy. Let me tell you what the new strategy is ‘cause clearly uh I guess you’re missing what the President’s saying here. The prior strategy, and the President admitted that there were some mistakes made, was that they go in and they'd clear out the insurgency and they didn't stay long enough or hold those areas long enough. Now the new strategy with the troop surge will be go in, remove the insurgents, hold the areas as pa... and also accelerate the training of Iraqi troops and police. That is a new strategy.
1/23/07 - General Wesley Clark on Hannity & Colmes | WesPAC
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I'm a chauvinist now?

My appahlogies. I was replying to MikeK
In the extent of your usual one-line ad hominem capability:

Keepers at NYC's Bronx Zoo have installed plexiglas barriers beyond the bars of some cages in the primate exhibit because the monkeys there are known to defecate into their hands and throw it when something upsets them. The monkeys do this when they are frustrated because all that a monkey in a cage can do when he doesn't like something is throw shit.

Ignorance and stupidity are metaphorical cages. Personal insults and empty ad hominem comments are analogous to handfuls of shit to be tossed out in place of intelligent, reasoned, logical arguments.

But at least you are among the Chosen monkeys.

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