Confederate Flag Just Pulled Down To Cheers And Jeers From A Bunch Of Assholes

I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

What was? The flag lowering?

Seems to me Dylann Roof's initial act that spurred all this -- the selfie with the same flag -- was definitely designed to piss people off. Let alone what he did in Charleston.

That is, if we haven't forgotten all about Charleston while getting lost in the pointless symbology of a piece of cloth...
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

That flag has been around since the civil war and now all of a sudden its an issue??

Political correctness bullshit period.
That flag has been there since 1961 and was put up to as a protest to integration. It has been an issue for years. It was moved to the memorial 15 years ago because flying above the state capitol was offensive. Having it on capitol grounds was offensive. Though, to a racist prick like you, it was not.
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.
The racist democrats of 50 years ago. Now they are republicans. But, you know that.
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

That flag has been around since the civil war and now all of a sudden its an issue??

Political correctness bullshit period.
Let's start a fire and burn some books while were at it.

Bring in the Fox News crew and crucify them.
That would be what folks like you would do. I guess that democratic process where people get to decide things like this really irks you.
Oh please. The confederate flag didn't fly over the capitol from the end of the civil war to the 60s. The south never conceded defeat. The human spirit will never concede defeat to tyranny. The politically correct can try to hide the flag but they can't hide the principles of freedom behind the flag.
Freedom for white folks, you mean.
My problem with it, is the fact it was not raised over the capitol there until the civil rights movement in the 60's. It needed to come down for that reasom. It was not there in honor of the history. It was there as a statement of rebellion against the civil rights fight of that day and time.
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

That flag has been around since the civil war and now all of a sudden its an issue??

Political correctness bullshit period.
Do you think that the Democrat party of 1861 held the same political beliefs of the Democrat party of 2015? Do you think that, in an ideological sense, the 1861 Democrats are totally in line with their counter parts today?

How about Republicans? Could it be truly said that the party of Lincoln accurately reflects the outlook, attitude and policies of the contemporary Republican party? Theodore Roosevelt 100 years ago was a Republican. Would his policies be embraced by current Republicans?

Ah yes, there's always some troll who sees every machination of social change/angst/healing/reconciliation as an opportunity to score his own political football points on a message board.

Stay classy, Obiwan. Jerkoff.
Oh please. The confederate flag didn't fly over the capitol from the end of the civil war to the 60s. The south never conceded defeat. The human spirit will never concede defeat to tyranny. The politically correct can try to hide the flag but they can't hide the principles of freedom behind the flag.
Freedom for white folks, you mean.
Recognize that freedom to black folks is only the freedom to kill white folks.
The racist democrats of 50 years ago. Now they are republicans. But, you know that.
Liberals really get into that, don't they??? First they say men can be women, then they have white people turning black, now they think Democrats are Republicans!!!
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

That flag has been around since the civil war and now all of a sudden its an issue??

Political correctness bullshit period.
That flag has been there since 1961 and was put up to as a protest to integration. It has been an issue for years. It was moved to the memorial 15 years ago because flying above the state capitol was offensive. Having it on capitol grounds was offensive. Though, to a racist prick like you, it was not.

LMAO Another idiot who see's racists under every bush.

Personally I could care less about the flag but I do think everyone has the right to fly it without people of your ilk thinking they are racist just because they decide to fly a part of the South's history.

Only idiots of your ilk would take offense but then your an idiot who see's racists under every bush.

Once again. LMAO.
Most people are afraid of what they don't know or understand. Most of those same people aren't willing to learn the truth about the flag.


Who better to provide the real "the truth about the flag" than the man who designed it?

Just to educate the idiot population about the Conferate Flag and Confederacy. Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The flag's designer, William T. Thompson had this to say:



Here s the Racist Meaning Of the Confederate Flag In the Words of the Man Who Designed It - Mic
Oh please. The confederate flag didn't fly over the capitol from the end of the civil war to the 60s. The south never conceded defeat. The human spirit will never concede defeat to tyranny. The politically correct can try to hide the flag but they can't hide the principles of freedom behind the flag.
Freedom for white folks, you mean.
Recognize that freedom to black folks is only the freedom to kill white folks.
Well now that it's down, a new day dawns.

The illegitimate birth rate among blacks will drop to zero.
Young black kids will stop dropping out of high school.
Blacks will stop committing crimes and their incarceration rate will drop to zero.
Blacks will stop killing blacks in Chicago and other inner city war zones.
Generational dependence on welfare will cease by midnight tonight.
Blacks will boldly move into the workplace with a supercharged work ethic Monday morning and pull themselves into the upper middle class.

The flag is down. It's a new day.
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.

The state legislature raised it. Hell I'm not even in your state and I know that.

And there it is again -- trolls looking for Message Board Football points.
Most people are afraid of what they don't know or understand. Most of those same people aren't willing to learn the truth about the flag.


Who better to provide the real "the truth about the flag" than the man who designed it?

Just to educate the idiot population about the Conferate Flag and Confederacy. Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The flag's designer, William T. Thompson had this to say:



Here s the Racist Meaning Of the Confederate Flag In the Words of the Man Who Designed It - Mic

So WHY did it take ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS before some got indignant about this?....It couldn't be STRICTLY POLITICAL could it?

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